247409 � 24�4U9 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLiRK , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 ON E DATF /.., 1tESOL��Ei�, 'ilxat tne City of Saint Paul, ;Ylinnesota reco�nizes that Title VI of the Civil �ti�hts Act of 1964 and the regulations and policies of. the i�epart- ment of Housina and llroan llevelonment effectuatina the Title and Exec�ative Order 110bs prohi�it discrimination on the Qround of race, color, creed, or national ori�in in the �olicies and practices of any public facility, and on the ground of race, color, or na�ional ori�in in ti:e policies of any sducational institution, or hospital rssponsible for proposed credit to the locality's share of the cost of an ur�an renewal pr�ject receivin� financial assistance from the United States. Iiereby tne City of 5aint Paul assures the United States and the Secretary of Housin,� and �Jrban lievelopment that the Lexington Branch Library will be available to ancl serve all persons witnout re�ard to race, color, creed, or national oriQin. ,� ,, f��i't't f .`i�„�-,;,,, t � � �t cor� t• nSel ! ' t F�� 1U 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ��� � � �97� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �In Favor Peteraon � Sprafka U Mayor Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISHED FEB 141970 O 55 East Fifth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 01. Edward N. Helfeld, executive director. Phone 223 52 18 � _ ;,� , �� ��� � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA January 19, 1970 The Honorable Mayor and City Council c/• City Clerk City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Noncash Grant-In-Aid Lexington Branch Library Improvement Gentlemen: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Executive Order 11063 prohibit discrimination on the ground of race, color, creed or national origin in the policies and practices or the use of any public facility which is proposed for Noncash Grant-In-Aid Credit to the locality's share of the cost of an urban renewal project receiving financial assistance from the United States. In connection with the First Year Neighborhood Development Program undertakinga within the City, the Authority is proposing CiCy expenditures for the improvement of the Lexington Branch Library for a Noncash Grant-In-Aid treatment. In order that the Goverrunent consider this an eligible credit, the Council must adopt a Resolution evidencin� its willingness to comply with the non-discrimination provisions verbally recited. The Authority respectfully requests a favorable consideration of such a xesolution by your honorable body. Yours very truly, N Edward N. Helfel Executive Director Lawrence J. Hayes, Harry P. Strong, Jr., Orville E. Anderson, Henry R. Thomas, Kenneth J. Lynch, James J. Dalglish, Victor J. Tedesco cner�meR 55 Ea�t Fifth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 O1. Etlward N. Helfeld, executive director. Phone 223 52 18 � r, � i HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA January 19, 1970 Mr. A1 Olson Becording Clerk Office of the City Clerk City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear A1: Transmitted herewith is a letter to the Council requesting Council adoption of a non- discrimination resolution respecting use of the Lexington Branch Library. I have transmitted the formal resolution to Jerry Segal, which requests that he prepare it in proper forna for presentation to the Council, and would suggestion that you hold up transmission of the letter to the Council until Che re�olution is prepared. Yours very truly, �;�. ��,� , r�'" l James T. Hart �thief Counsel Enclosure Lawrence J. Hayes, Harry P. Strong, Jr., Orville E. Anderson, Henry R. Thomas, Kenneth J. Lynch, James J. Dalglish, Victor J. Tedesco Chaiiman