249405 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL[RK "—� • ��`� . cmr oF sr. Pau� FCOE NCIL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED bY 4 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to the following listed property as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals at the meeting of December 10 , 1969, a copy of which, marked EXH3BIT "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Case No. Address 76 1243 White Bear Ave. (Aiice M. Reeves) fORM APPROV R CrRPOR1Tl N COUNSEL �E B 14 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas xa�a F�B 10 1910 c��o� Dalglish pproved 19�_ Meredith � Tn Favor Petergon Spraflca Mayor Tedeaco v Against PUBLISHED FEB 14 i�� Mr. President, Byrne " �� ' ' � 2/ io/��� Meetinb No . 22 MINUTES OF THE MEETING �4�4��.�" ST, PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, December 10, 1969 Bureau of Health Library, 555 Cedar St . - 1 :30 p.�n. htembers present : Lawrence D. Cohen, Chairman Gale Rehnberg Norma Sommerdorf Arthur Tieso James Voigt Members absent : Estyr Peake Others present : Dr. Paul Cox Henry Streich Frank Staffenson Sam Blue Glenn Erickson Thomas Anderson James Lyman John Lyman Lawrence Applebaum Donald Wiegand Lucy llailey Alice Reeves Mrs . Glenn Bullman Case No. 58 368-370-372 Goodhue (Charles Andreen) , continued Appeal of the notices , issued by the Bureau of Health, concernin�; 368-370-372 Goodhue was continued by Mr. Andreen, ln a letter dated November 29, 1969 to Thomas A,lderson Mr. Andreen summarized what information he had gathered concerning estimates of cost to install hand lavatories at 368-370 Goodhue. Mr. Cohen moved that section 54 . 11 paragraph 2 of the St . Paul Legislative Code requiring that bathrooms be equippecl with a hand lavatory be waived for 36$-370 Goodhue for as lonb as Mr. Cliarles Andreen owns 368-370 Goodhue and until such time as the praperty be sold or the ownership transferred at which time said waiver be nullified and all Housing Code standards be conformecl with at 368-370 Goodhue. Such waiver is to be granted on the condition that all }lousin� Code cleficiencies , itemized in letters dated October 8 , 1969 , September 16 , 1969 and September 15 , 1�69 coiicerning 368-370-372 Goo�lhue EXHIBIT "A" l 2/] 0/b� F Meetin� No . 'l2 respectively, be corrected on or before June 1 , 1970. Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Tiesn, Voigt . Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) . Case No. 65 530 E. Larpenteur (Ronald P. Stcin) , contiriucd At the request of Mr. Stein, the matter of the appeal for 530 �ast Larpenteur was laid over until the next regular meeting of t}ie Board of Appeals as he was not able to contact a plumber, �s re- quested, to get an estimate of the cost to hook up to the city water and sewer system. Mrs . Sommerdorf arrived. Case No. 69 103-105 Wilkin (James F John Lyman) co�itinuccl James and John Lyman continued the appeal of a Notice of Conclemiiatioii from the Bureau of Fiealth dated September 30, 1969, regar�ling 103- 1 ()5 Wilkin. They stated that they were quoted an estimate of $9, 85U to install bathrooms in units two and four which are now s}iaring bathrooms with two other units . Mr. Colien moved that a variance of t}ie requirement tlt;�t each dwelling unit have its own bathroom be granted for a period of six months for 103-105 Wilkin and that James and Jo}in Lyman l�c allowed to rent out the units during that period of time after which they reappear before the Board ��ith the followin� informat:ior� : 1 . Two additional estimates of cost to provide bathrooms for all dwelling units . 2 . A floor plan of 103-105 Wilkin. 3 . A proposal as to how they might conform with Housing Code bathroom requirements. Ayes : Cohen, Relinberg, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt . Nayes : nonc. Abstentions : none. Motion carriecl five (S) to zero (0) . Case No. 83 512 St . Peter St . (Lawrence Applel.�aum) Mr. Applebaum and Mr. Wiegand, on his behalf, appealecl lotters ciated May 7 , 1969 and November 3 , 1969 of the 13ureau of Public Buildings and a letter dated November 29 , 19G9 of the 13urcau ot- liealth all relating to Building and Housing Code deficiencies at the Capitol Apartments , 512 St . Peter Street. - 2 - � � z/ to/��� Alcetin� Nu , l2 Mr. Tieso moved that an extension of time, until l�ebruary ll. , 1969 , be granted during which time the following matters be completea : ?. . Mr. Applebaum acquire estimat�s of cost to complete the following improvements at 512 St . Peter Street : a) Install a standpipe b) �nclose the stairways with fire cloors c) Replace the elevators d) Correct Housing Code deficiencies 2. Mr. �lnderson obtain a report of the results of the Housing Authority' s inspection of the Capitol Apartments . 11yes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf , Tieso, Voigt . Nayes : none AUstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . At this point Mrs . Sommerdorf left . Case No. 75 1520 Hythe St . (Lucy �I. Dailcy) Mrs . Dailey appealed an item in a notice of the Bureau o£ I-lealth dated November 12 , 1969 relating to an illegal basement apartment at 1520 �iythe Street . Mr. Cohen moved that a waiver be granted a.n variance of chaptcrs 34 . 01 , 54 . 07 , and 54 . 13 to allow continued occupancy of the base- ment apartment at 1520 Hythe Street. Such variance is to Ue granted until such time as the property be sold or the owners}�ip transferred at which time said waivar be nullified and all llousing arid Building Code standards be conformed with. Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Tieso, Voigt . Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) . Case No. 76 1243 White Bear Ave. (Alice M. Iteeves) Alice M. Reeves appealed a notice of the Bureau of Flealth dated May 8 , 1969 appealing an item requiring the installation of a hand lavatory in the bathroom at 1243 White I3ear. Mr. Cohen moved that section 54 . 11 paragraph 2 of the St . Paul. Legislative Code requiring that a bathro�m be equipped with a hanci lavatory be waived for 1243 White Bear Avc . as long as Alvey A. Olson is a tenant at said acldress . At such tirr�e as - 3 - . .. �z/ iu/�<.� � Mectin�; Nc>. :?l . Alvey A. 01son vacates or moves from said address and is no "lonbcr considered a tenant there , such waiver shall be nullified ancl all Housing Code standards shall be conformcci with. Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Tieso, Voigt . Nayes : none . /lbstcntions : none . Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) . The minutes of the November 26 , 1969 meeting were approveci as mailed. There being no further business , the meeting was adjourned at 4 :30 p.m. � Thomas W. Anderson - 4 - , �' ^r a[ I �,,V CJ DUPLICAT6 TO PRINT6R CITM OF �ST. PAUL COUNCIL A'�� FILE '` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT COMMISSIONE �2ESOLVED, That the Council her�by ratifies and approves the action of the Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to the following listed property as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals at th� meeting of December 10, 1969, a �opy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attac�hed hereto and made a part h�:reof by re£�ren�a. Case Address No. — .___._�_ 7� 1243 White B�ar Ave. (Alice M. Reeves) , � .�;, + ��` �� ao� , s � .. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas NaY� ' Carlson 19__ Dalgliah ' ApprovecL Meredith _1n Favor Peteraon Mayor ..._, Sprafka �„�Against Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne O