247403 * j
. � �4`��03
Resolution App�oving Assessment By—
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon �1e 1vo. 17257
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs aad ea�etiaea for ce�structing g�blic ae�rer
ia 1�p1tE�? S?BEBT frera Sndsen Boad to Fotirth Street, also i� RAI�IEIa! AVE11�8 fr� Fureat
Street to Cypress �trset; also ia C�SS �?AEE? fr� Nakefield Avamn� te =hird Street;
also in �LID 3?�BBt Er� Forest Street to Meadota Stre�t; also ig I�HD�TA ST�EET fr�
125 Eset S�utl� of Buclid Street to Fenrth 3treet; also ia XBDiTH S?�ES? fr� Kesdota Street
to Sape Street; alao ia �OPE 3TRLET fr� Fearth Street to Fifth Streeat; also ia FIF?H
STxEET fren Hope Straet to al�out 26� feet east af Aope Street; also inclnde storn senrer
iu Cypreas Straet fros Tlnird Street to Fr�ont Aveau�; al�o in aa EAlBlII:lfr in Lot 13,
�lock 96, Stinaon�s 3abdi�ision of Block 96 of Lyaan Daytoa�s Additi�s; also ia tke alley
in Block �8, �ichard KcCarrick�s Subdivisioa of Elock 88 of Ly�an Daytons Additios tm
St. Paul frcn Foreat Street to a�vut 150 feet east of For�st �treet; �ao is t�e alley
iR Block 73, Lyaaa Bayt��s Additi�� ta tke City of Saint laxl, all to be kno�ra as the
FO�BS?-E�?CLI� �tEI.IBF SY3?Bli.
under Preliminary Order 237`75 ,apgroved March 2�, 196�
Intermediary Order— 237i65 ,approved A�ril 2, 1968
' Fina1 Order 238374 ,approved May 2, 19i8 .
The asaessment o� beaefits, crosta and expeases for and in connection with
the above improvement having been submitt� to the Council, and the Council having considered same
and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it
RESULVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
RESOLVE�D FURTHER, Tha.t a public hearing be had ari said asseasment on thP �l��em�
day of �$r��� 1970 , at th� hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chaml�er of
the Court House and Gtity Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Comxnissioner of Finance
give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, sta.ting in said notice the time and glace of
heaxing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular
owner to whom the notice is directed.
Yeas Nays
Catlsoll Adopted by the Gouneil
Dalglish F�l� 2 0 197p
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