249693 � � �49��3 ; CITY OF ST. PAUL � COUNCiL FILE NO. Resolution App�roving A�sessment By— and Figing Time of Hearing Thereon � In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expeas�s for cc►astrnction or recenstractioe� of sideWalks and �ork incideatal thereto: Coatract 6l-1�47�, District No. 1, Lev� �To: 3, .--- _ -- -- - _ _ . -—— _--_ _--- ___ . . - • ----- -----�--, ,.,, , ,� ^Y > ASSESSABIE: � F.O.�243868 - K�nt St., West side fro� FronC Ave. to W. La�soa Ave, `;� F,O, �'243867 - Rent St.� vest side fram W. Cook Ave, to W. Jessasina Ave, � F.O. ;�243873 - Kent SC,, west side from Lavsan Ave. to Cook Ave. ' F.O. �244124 • Galtier St., east side fro� Cook Ave. ts Jessamine Avea F,O. #244587 - Sylvan St., both stdes fro� Jessa�ine Ave, to Geraniu� Ave. F.O. �244586 - Sylvan St., �ast side '�rom Maenolia Aee, to Jessa�ine Ave. F,O, �243784 - Ar�adel St., eaat aide fro� Van Bnren Ave, south to the alley approximately 12�i feet. F,O. #2�578 � Firringtmn St„ eaat side fraa� ii. Rese A�e, to the setstl� approximately 79.5 feet. F.O. �244578 � Chata�orth St,, �eth sislea #rot Ct�a��es Ave, to Ed�ua�l Ave. . FoO, #24�rS90 • Avon St.� eaat side fram Lafond Ave, to Blair Ave. � F.O. #244580 • �hats��rt� St„ l�eth sidea fra� Sherb��ne Ave, ke Charles Ave. Fo0• #24�252 • Albert St., east side from C�arles Ave. to Edmand Ave. N,O. #244249 • Aldine 3C,, vest side froa Blair Ave., to the so�ath approx, 140 ft. . �IMAa'a�7�7�i�AODLL'i: � . .. F:O, 43a68 • IEeat St., west side froit Frc�at Ave, to W. Lavson A�re. F.O. �244S8T • Sylvan St., both sides fxom Jessaa�ine Ave, to Geraniun Av�. F.O. �?�45a6 w Syl�vax St., east side fYam Magnolia Ave. to Jeasaaine Are� F.O, #244579 - C�►atsi►orCh St., both sides frc� Charles Ave, to Edmund Ave. F,O, �244590 » Avon St., east side fre�a� Lafancl Ave, to Blair Ave. F.O. #244580 • ChatsvorCh St,, both �idea from Sherburne A�e, to Charles Ave. F,O. �2442�2 � A1berC St,, ea�t side fro�s t�arles Aoe. to Ed�u�d Ava. F.O. �244249 - Aldine St,, West aide from Blair Ave. to the soath approx, I�d ito - -- - �������g, ,,��c nacare o= Lne improv�ment, and the amount assessed against the 1ot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILMEN �V L 1 4 � Ye� BUTLER Nays Adopted by the Gouncii CARLSON LEViNE �� 1 � '��lO MERECIT�-: SPRAFKA Approve� TEDESCO MCCARTY Tn Favor � ayor Against �UB[1SHED Fo� �.2 2� lo.s� S� JUL 181970