249688 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST• 1�/`1�� '(,�UNC�� 249��8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PILE NO. LIC�ivSE COI��'IIiT'�: COUNCIL RESOWT N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY j July 14, �.970 COMMISSIONE ATF W�REAS: Sr�,muel E. Stallings dba United Cab Co. has made Application L-2759 for licenses to operate six (6) motor vehicles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, dsscirbed as follows: �"raxicab No. �ake Serial Insuranee 127 Plymoutn PT�ICOD192889 Empire Fire & Niaxine Insurance Co. �'olic� �C 54 34 86, expiring 128 Plymouth PT41COD192890 12:Q1 A.M. ST 4-16-71. 129 Plymouth PT41C0�192891 " �� n n n n 130 Plymouth PT41COD192892 " " " " " " 131 Plymoutn PT41CO�1g2893 " " M t� �f " 132 Ply-m��uth yT41CO�192894 " " " " " " wT�E�'�S:Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Sa,int - Paul s.nd ssid policy has been approved as to form �,nd execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it R�,'SOLVED: That licenses to opera.te said motor vehicles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Faul, be and the same are hereb;� granted to Samuel �;. Stallings, dba United Cab Co. �'�AILII�G �DDR�'SS:677 Selby 1"lvenue. Nh'41 Informally apl�roved by Council O 4'9-7� JUL 14 �7. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler ���` �` � ��� Carlson Approved 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith � or Sprafka Tedesco ABainst Mr. President, McCarty �UBLISHED JU� 181970 ��