249680 OriQinsl to City Clerk . ORDINAN E 249��0 � C COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � An ordinance implementing a Cooperativ�e Area l��r Planning 3ystem Por the City of 3aiYrt Paul, and providi�g for the appointment of a Director and other person�el. This is an eaergencx ordina.n�e� rerbdered. aecesssry for the preservation oP the p�blic peace, health arxt safety. TH$ Ct�II� OP' THE CI7.'Y OF 3�AINT PAUL Dt)E3 �AIN: Seetion 1. That th�re is t�reby created in the office of th� l�yor a Goop�rativ�e Area I�npawer Planni.ng 3y�sten. Sectien 2. Tt3at the po�ition of Pro�eat Directcr (Caffip�) of said Cooperative Area Manpower Plar�aing 5yste� is hereb3r crea�ted. The Mayor, �rith the spprova7. of the Couacil, sha11 appoiut �wch Directc�r who is hereb�r express�y excepted from the Classified Civil 3ervic�. The Director sl�].1 ha,ve an assiata.nt and a clerical assista�rt �rY�o sha11 'b� in the Classified 8ervice �nb�ect to the rules of Civil Serriee. 3ection 3. That the dut3es of asid Dir�ctor shsll be to administer seid prograu in co�►form�a�ce �►i.th the grant frc�an 'the U. S. D�partment of T�e,bor dmted Jun� 28, 1970. 3ection �. That the sal�xy of the Pro�ect DireEtor {Ga�mps) shall be �654.00 bi-weekl,y. Section 5. Thi� ordinan�ce ie hereby d,eclared to be an e,m�rg�rlcy ordine��ee rendered neceasary for the preservation oP the public peace, health and safety. 3ection 6. This ordinaaee aha�.l tsk�e effect snd be in force i'rem snd after its psssage, spproval ani publication. q�G 2 6 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler � Carlson �e. Tn Favor Meredith � � Againat Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty UG b 1970 �— �, Approved: At at• � � Ci Cler M �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � PUBLlSHED ��� 2 9 1970 nvn�sa a r�.a� � ��� RDINANCE 249��0 ���,t���. M PRESHVTED BY ORDINANCE NO f /1n ordf ns�ae i�t�ra�f.� a Coaperati�e Ana llat�o�rr P'Lnming �s�ta�a t� t�e Cit� a�f' Saia� �lwl, aa� peastdia� for the a�rpoi�rtmtnt � s D3r�ctor a�nd other perso�el. . ?his iys an eMrBanc�► crdiaa�ce ren�Lered necesaary !or Lbe pz�er�rstion cd tb� puDl.ia Pa�ces beaith and sate�. i� COE�ZL � St�6 CT'tT �F SA3lr Fi�6 Z1t�i8 �s . 8ection 1. 2hat tt�ere is l�ere� created in the o2'tice ci �re l�is� a Cooperstive �sa �r P].a�aiag Systea. Secti+� 2.' ?hat the pouitioa ot Pro�ect Director tC�� of w�id Cooperati�+e ��w► M�a�o�er Pl,amd.ng Sgst� is �ere� created. . Th� �, t, Myar� wi�1r tl�e appravsl of thc Cc�mcil, shall appoia�t sach Dir�ct�r�r �rho is hereb�r asprsss]rY excepted lr�are the CLssitisd Ci�il Serrice. St�s Director sba]]. 2�ave an sssiatant snd a cleric�l wiataat � a�31. be ia t.6e Clasaffied 3ervice subfect t.o tha rules o! Civil 8ssw�ice. Section 3. �'hat the dyttiaa of ssid Mrector sball be � �tiatstfr said pro� ia conto�rnstice �rith th� grant f�om the U. 8. De�artr�n� .c�S La�Or dated J� 28, 19"�0. Ssction �.' Tbat tl� salar� of t�s Pro�ect Diractor (Cm�a} sha?1 1� �65�+.�0 bilre�elt],7. Sactica 5. Tbis ordinsr�ce is bereb' declared to be aa eaergeac�r ordinsnce ren�ered mcasaa.xy for the p�rssei-ration of the p�blic peace, 6ealth arid sat�1�. Section 6. Th�.s o�rdinaace sha11 taloe eit'aet sad be in i�arr�ce i�ra■i and atter ita passag�e, approva]. and pnblication. q�, 2 b 19�0 Y�s Councilmen Nays Passed by the Coun�;l Butler / � f� Tn Favor Meredith � A�.inst Tedesco - Mr. Preeident (McCarty) App��: q� 2 6 1970 Attest: ' City Clerk Mayor �� ''� Form s�roved Ce>r�or�tion Cowieel By _ i) I st � � 2nd '2 Laid over to r 3rd and app —Adopted � �-S� Yeas Nays Yeas �/}G Nays Butier Butler Carlson Carlson G�-� Levine J�ev�ifle_ � �;, Meredith �`����0 Meredifih �,f-v-'-'_; Sprafka Sprafka � Tedesco Tedesco U Mr. President McCarfy Mr. President McCerty O