249678 249678
Couaoil File No..............�._..,
Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefolYowfngpubliaimprovement by t6e City of saint Psul,vis.:
Condemn i ng..and,taki ng an'easeme�t i n the 1 and necessar for the s 1 o s cuts and f i 11 s i�c 1 udi ng
..... ......-•..........................._........................X......._... P�..a................... ,
................ ..............................
r t ght of remova 1 of i atera T support f rom sub�ect 1 and or rema i nder thereof, occas i oned by
............... ---........... ............................_....................------...................................
excavations thereof or_constrwction of lo
�---�--................. __................. ...........5.....�s, i n the rou�h�radi�n�a.nd oi 1 i�g of WI LSON AVENUE
f rom 80' W. of Frank S t reet to 300' W of G r i f f i t µ� • � �����������������������"���
.......�..........._.......».�.................................'...... h St reet. (G-1962)
D�►ted tbie... lOth..._dsq of............Julx....::..............:..�......�g 70.........................____.........
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WHEREA$, A written propossl for the making of the following improvement, vis,;
Condemning and taking an easdnent in the land necessary for the siopes, cuts and fills, inciudir�g
r i ght of remova 1 .of.1 atera i_support_f rom�sub�ect 1 and or re�i nde r t
.. . ._ . _ hereofr. occas i oned bx
excavations ther e o f or cons truc tion�o f �__ es in gh � +����
......... ......... ................ slop the rou grading and oi 1 ing of WI LSON AVENUE
from 80!_-w'--°f.Frank_Street_.to_.��D�..W�..�f.G�iffith Street .. ...... 2.�.........--'..........�.................................
.. .:....�G-1�6 .......... ......_..........
6�►ving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul....._.........................
t6erefore, be it ---_........................................._......
R.E$OLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publia Workn be and ie hereby ordered and direoted:
1. To inveetigate the aeceeeity for, or deairability of, the making of said Improvement.
2. To investigete the nature, e�ctent and estimated ooet of eaid imprnvemeat� snd tihe totsl ooat thereot.
3. To fnrnieb a plan� proSle or eketch of said improvemen� ,
4. To stste whether or ao�said improvement ie aaked for on P,he petition of three ar more owners.
6. To repost upon all of 4,he foregoing mattere to the Commiseioner of Fiaanoe.
Adopted by the Counoil.......................................�U L.1.0..1970..MN
J U L 101970
Councilman Bntler
Ca r 1 son Approved.........................._.....---..............
Tedes co ......
Mr. President McCerty �or. �
�o�oo �.e9
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'Pt}BLISHED �U� 1 � �9]�