249676 249676 Counoil Pyle No................�....,_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMYNARY ORDER. T'6eundereigaedhereby propoeeethemakingofthefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of�Bint Psul,vis.: ............. ,-�,..�►s�rwc#-�p+�l�c sa�:i L,��r,..s�ws�.<,.�n FOXR.l,D6E .RQAO fxom Lhe. Gq F-��.-��. . � ..... , �. 500 �fe�� +r�st of Vaitey Side 9rive to the cul-de-sac 400 feet east of�:: � VaT'liiy_.Sit�L°°�i"r�v�;.._"i�'.1�lt8fi�R""L'ANE �fran ttre rul-de-sac��+Ot?�-�eetLL we�s�-�±sf . . .-:..... �...., Val l�r.,,,.���;,jiY�;Ke,;t�t�,s�1-d�-sac 500 f�et east of Vai icy Side Qrive; i n PARKLAND COURT f rom the cu 1-de-sac 400'+feet west of Va 1 Tey S i de D'�'iii�' � "'� � --�-•- to Valley Side Drive; In- VALLEY SIDE DRIVE from North Par.k prive to Ruth D� St�;eet; aAd in a sewer eassment as shown on the recorded plet "Clapp- ���� Thomssen BattTe C'reek West", recorded April 29, 1974; all to be known as the BATTLE CREEK WEST SEWER SYSTEM. Also construct sewer service connections. (S-1414) �-- -� � PRELIMINARY ORDER. t WHEREAB, A writ�en proposdi for the making of the following imprnvement, vis,: _ .....:.,,...,,.Cc�s-t���-p�b.i,�c�-sani��a • i - r�r�t+�wef.,i n�.F�OX��fl&E A�6�.f� ths- cu}�+�� 5�0 fe�et west ef ..•_... ___ Val}ey Side �rivqe Lo #he cul-sk-sac 40p feet- east�of �t��'#� ... "_��'-•�i�p�e:"1"n 'M44�t�'LER'��41r�"`fi`'tfa�"'t19��:ci�l-ele�'�at'.�fQ._f.,, .... '.,��'��J�...af...!!�k...¢ '�..�s t f'=o�`�il`�'a�r.�'t�e..� . ... - "�"a �ha cui-de-sac .�40: f 1 y-,�,.t.�ie..,�.c.i� ,..I.a.PA ���� frem the cui-de-sac 400 feet west af Vai le Side Orive �� �...�. ..� ». IIrive; fn VAILEY SIDE DRIVE from North Park Drive to Ruth StreetVaandyinide a sewer easert�ent as shown on the recorded plat "Clapp-Thomssen Battle Creek .r 6i �`Mle�t", r�cord�d /Kpril 29, 1970; ali to be known as the BA77L� CREEK WEST t1 � S►EME�t SYSTEM. � Alaa constr,uct sewer ssr�i� conrie►ctipns� (5-1414j _. _.. .....;vo.6dov ir..V ..vva,aw..J . -, -- ------- - -- . . �_✓ _r __ __.. �. � . . . 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and eetimated ooet of eaid improvement� and the totsl ooat thereot. 3. To fw�nieh a plan, profile or eketah of eaid improvemen� , 4. To stste whether or noB eaid improvement ie aaked for on Y�,he petition�ee ar more owners. b. To report upoa all of the foregoing matters to the �mmieeioner of Finanoe. Adopted by the CouaoiL.._..................................�VL.�.0,.1970....... Ysse JULio1970 � � Councilman Butler ; Car 1 son Approved......._........................................................._......_ • Levine � Meredith � Sprafks Tedes co ........ .._,,..,._.. ......... Mr. President McCarty � syor. .� �000 �.ss � � �t�sHE° +1llL 18 970