249668 ORIOINAL,TO CITY CL6RK 249��8 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. + OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��� ' O NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � COMMI ONE `Robert �S r � oArF APPROVAL OF PLANS In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material and construct concrete curb and gutter on HYACINTH AVENUE from Park St. to Sylvan St. Also construct water service connections under Preliminary Order 248085 approved March 26, 1970, and Final Order 249348 approved June 17, 1970. Also in the matter of constructing sanitary sewer in HYACINTH AVENUE from Park St. to Sylvan St. and construct sewer service connections under Preliminary Order 248112 approved March 31 , 1970 and Final Order 249351 approved June 17, 1970. Also in the matter of grading and surfacing and construct concrete curb and gutter in HOYT AVENUE from I .S. 35E to Westminster. Also construct storm water drainage facilities unde� Preliminary Order 248083 approved March 26, 1970 and Final Order 249294 approved June 16, 1g70. RESOLVED, that the plans and specifications as submitted for the above improvement be and the sarr�e are hereby approved and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to obtain bids for the improvements as per plans and specifications, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the improvements. �OR i4PpR0�E ��►'pora ti , ��, 9 19�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya � ,���� Butler ��� Carlson A rove� 19— Levine n Favor Meredith � Sprafka ayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �ue�isHE� JUL 111�7� �� \ ' 24��`�8 ourucwri ro�eunsR � CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�OM�M�IS.�SION� ��'t f. S�raf ka ��� �►►ROV� nF„�s la tM rtt�r of �rsdin� aei s�rfacin� witb bttu�iraus �tarial and constr�ct concnta curb sn� g�tt�r o� MYACIIITH AYENUE fr�ew I�a�k it. to Sylvan it. Aiso ca�stru�t wat�r s�rvtc� conn�atlons �� 'nlla�inary Ordsr Z4808S appro� Nareh 26. 1970, aad Finai Or�� Zw9348 aPProw� Juna 17. �97�• Aiso in th� �tts� of co�struatin� aanitary s�w► in M1111�INTH AYENUE f�ow Park St. to fylva� it. and co�st�uet Nwsr s��vle� oon��tio�s und�r �ni lwtnsry Ord�r Z48112 �pprov� Moreh 31. 1970 an� Final Ordsr Y4�351 approvad Juns 17. 1970• Also tn �ths wtter of �ra�tnq an� surf�ctn� a� construat o�crst� cw�b awi yuttsr in NOYT AYEIq1E fro� I.S. 35E to M�astMinst�r. Also oa�struct �torw r+at�r drai�e f�ci l itt�s un�r ►nl iminaryl O�dsr � 2q8063 approwd March Z6. 1970 ar�d f ic�al O�sr 349294 apProwd Jun� 16. 1970. . ItESOLYED� th�t th� plans �� spscifirattons as subwitt�� for th� �bova iaiprowwsnt ba and tiwi saa�e an Mnby appr�� and b� i t FfMTNE1t RESOLYED, that ths �u�chasin9 A�snt b� srnl 1s lanpy dinctsd ��; to odtai� bids for th� i�prowwsats as p�r pla�s ana sprciflcatlons. � FURTMEa REStIt.VED, th�t th� Purchas t n� Aqsnt bs and {s lanby d i r�ct�� to a+/wrtiss for bl�s for the i�p�ov�nts. �._.. � �- . �-,�, =. �,;� - = � � �s COUNCILM�N Adopted by �e�o�tn�il ��-� 9 �l�19! Yeas Nays -� ° �� Butler *-° ; �a � A��,a .�UL � 1910 Carlson 19_ Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� Againat Tedeseo Mr. President, McCarty �6