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. : 24��:� .. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRRK .. CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C P1CIL �SO 10 ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT COMMISSIONE ATF RESOL�ED, Tl�at �c�per Valu S�or�s, Inc. b� and hereby is granted a pe�mi� to install a 328-car austomer-employee parking lot to be used in con�tanetian vrith a n�w �upermarket on Suburban Avenue and Ruth Street, on property lo�a�ed �rest of Ruth Strcet betwe�n Suburban Avenue and th� east-bo�d exit to Ruth Str�et Pror� I-9�, more partieularly described as followss Lo�s �-8, Blo�k 19, 3�enie Hills No. 5 Addition; all in accordsnce �ith r�ni�ed plans dated �eeeived J�r�e 3, 1974; s�ub�ect to the condition that said �,pplieant-p�rmi�tee, and ita sucees�ors and a��igns, �hall make due aompliance witl� all applia�ble provision� of muni�ipal ordinanees, state ��atutes and rulea and r�gul�.tiona of publia �.uthorities � having cognizance. � � � � 0 � v c 0 O � � a � � ¢ � � �.. � JUL 91970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nay� Butler �'' �U!" 91970 Carlson Ap 19� Levine n Favor Meredith � Sprafka or A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBl:ISHED JUL 11 ���� �� . t % , - BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAU�, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 � �.> July 1, 1970 ����� � � Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Super Valu Stores, Inc. for a permit to install a 328-car customer- employee parking lot to be used in conjunction with a new supermarket on Suburban Avenue and Ruth Street, on property located west of Ruth Street between Suburban Avenue and the east-bound exit to Ruth Street from I-94, and noted in detail by the legal description on fi1e. This matter was considered by the Board of Zoning at its May 21, 1970, meeting. The staff report noted that this site abutting the freeway and consisting of 255,180 square feet is vacant and lower than the adjoining lands to the north and east. The staff noted that the property is zoned for this use and that submitted plans meet required design standards. The Traffic Engineer, however, recommended that the westerly Suburban Avenue driveway be divided by an island and properly signed. In addition, the staff also recommended that land- scaping be provided around the perimeter of and in the interior area of the parking lot. After some discussion with the representative of the applicant, the Board laid the matter over to allow for revised plans to be submitted incorporating the above recommendations. Such plans were received and presented to the Board at its June 4, 1970, meeting. Consequently, the Board, by a 4-0 vote, recommends that this application for a permit be approved. Very truly yours, i�%�� �. PETER J. ETTA Secretar , Board of Zoning PJM:gaf CLS Z. F. ��6975 �' � � O e � ��� , � V �� -, �.�: �; .� � � ,, �.\ l��;' V City a� Sair�t Paul, hiinnesota �`� � n,� APPLICATION FOR SPECTAL COUNCIL USE PERI�SIT ��. ` '\ ' (Please print or type) �� � TO THE H�NORABLE MAY4R AND CITY COUNCIL � the City Clerk City of Saini: Pau1, hiinnesota Application is hereby made to ����X����X���� install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION ' I3o. of islands and pumps : No, of tanks and capacity: X� PARI{ING IAT for (customers} (ernployees) �¢,����,�������j���g� (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 328 cars To be used in connectian with: A New Supermarket ( Byerly' s Foods} Q n�xsLExa�,az�ous: (indicate type such as Dxive-�in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Gleaning Fick-ug Station, Ice Vendor, e�c.) Capacity of parking area: �Location : West of Ruth Str_eet between Suburban Avenue and East Bound exit to Ruth Street from I-94. , Legal Ilescription : Lots 3 through 8 Blockl9,Scenic H�11�idition �r` Appiicant's Name : Super Valu Stores, �nc. _..": .: Home or Off3.ce Address: 101 Jefferson Avenue, Hopkins, Ninnesota 55343 Phane Number : 938-3561 k`ORl�� THE A� LICANT, �2`�` 4/8/7 0 (Signature) (date) Address : Same as above Phone No.: Same as above, Extension 417 When completed: file three copies o� this application fiorai and three prints of the preliminary 1as�-out plans of the praposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386� City Hall and Court Houser Saint Paul, r:innesota Z-3 6/lI/56 *�XAh4PLE: I. S.E. corner of Pdain St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Secor�d St. ` ', � ' , . : ��p v% . � �� • " , City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � � �0 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � � • (Please print or type) �'(\ TO THE I�DI�RABLE MAYOR AND CITY OOiJNCIL 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to in�st�al�l and operate a nxew��� �cross one out) � FILLING STATION ' No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: X� PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) �g��������� (indicate type) Capacity of parkin� lot 328 cars To be used in connection with; A New Supermarket ( Byerly' s Foods) � MISCELI�ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location : West of Ruth :Street between 3�uburban Avenue and ' Eas,t Bound exit to Ruth Street from I-94. , Legal Description : Lots 3 through 8 Block 19,Scenic ��1]1�idition Appiicant's Name : Super Valu Stores, Inc. Home or Office Address: 101 Jefferson Avenue, Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 Phone Number : 938-3561 FOR,� TI� AP ICANIT, 4/a/�o � � �► � � � � � (Signature (date ��� � � ���Q Address : Same as above ��� ��+� � Phone No.: Same as above, Extension 417 �jp� ���A� l�en completed: file three copies of this application forna and three prints of the preliminarq lay-out plans of the proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, Room 386, Citq Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 � *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. Soutb side of Maia St. between First aud Second St, ZONIN� FILE . f��,.- • � t ' � May 21, 1970 �BOARD OF ZONING R$PORT AND ACTION June 4, 1970 Plat Map �� 42 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No. passed August 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 1970. 6975 1. APPLICANT'S NAME : Super Valu Stores, Inc. Also 361 at ached) 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal D Permit � Other Instell a 328-car customer-employee parking lot X- 890 3o PURPOSE , to be used in conjunction with a new supermarket on Suburban Avenue and Ruth Street 4. LOCATION , West of Ruth Street between Suburban Avenue end the east-bound exit to Ruth Street from I-94 S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 3-8, Block 19, Scenic Hills ��5 Addition b. PRF.SENT 7.ONING . Commercial 7. PUItSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: ,23 Peragraph: 4� 2 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: Date: 5/15/70 By: ATB A. HISTORY: Thie property, with a larger area, was rezoned from "A" Residence to Co�nercial June 6, 1957. B. AREA ZONING: Co�nnercial., C. DESIGN STANDARDS:° Reviae� plana received June 3, 1970, meet required design standards, the Traffic Engineer's recammendatione, snd the staff's recommendations on landscaping. The Board required these new plana prior to their recommendation. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 612.54 fe�t along I-94 and 619.47 feet along Suburban Avanu�� wikh an erea of 255,180 equare feet. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Hao reviewed the plan and approved it with the auggestion that the westerly driveway on Suburban Avenue be divided by an island and directional signs be located on the island. F. SITE CONDITIONS: Th� site is vacant and rough greded, and is lower than the grade of the I-94 exit;land and approxima�ely at the grade of Suburban Avenue. G. AREA CONDITIONS: The area west ;snd south is vacant. The large low swampy area to the west has been filled and graded. Suburban Avenue has been graded and the easterly section has been paved. 9, BOARD ACTION: To Recomnend X�ppproval Q Denial Council Letter � Dated: Moved by : McPartlin � Yeas Nays 7/1/70 Gadler Date of Hearing Seconded by; Manaur Gauger x Maietta 7/2/70 Secretary's remerke: x Mansur x Amea - Ch. Council Action X McPartlin (Alt.) Adkins (Alt.) Date Rutzick (Alt.) ~�w._...�/'� . , ' ' . � ; Nt.��SaN - ----- _ :_� C�,�:fj. _ _, -�_-- _. �� ' , -- _ _ _ , � _ . _ _ _, . , � . _ _ - _ ; � __ ___ _�_� i __ _ -_=_---- _ _ _.___ __-_ � __ __ _ -----_ __ -� _ _ - _r __ _.__ ._ � .. .. .� � � � �... '�` . -_, _ - . . i � '" I I �� 1 �J � IZ • R � � � 1 . � , , i ,? � •y �. (� ,/ ( h �z �2 . , � •r -� i' ----- p�v £' � . , , � ;. � ,� su �u 1� . / ---- _._ . RB A N �,,,, ,T:' , ,. _ � _ _ .�_ � � , . A , � / Su4�Ra ,� ` I . ::� ; �. � � _ �, � . � , .i � . , ;�, , � , � , � _, �, ; ,:-�1,� ��s , v �a�.ia �.� • w. � '�' ' 'i , �. Rt1 R►�s —} �,V� � _ __ _ _ . � � . „ � , � � : C -�- , � �� C s , u �- N,� c �=� f . ; ' , � , i I ; A 1 � �_ ._. . . _I � r � ..� .� ,� r. � � V �. .� � � � � � i . ° C �Z�tivENCE � . � I ' .r <� v --- : � APPL�CANT Super Valu Stores, Inc. LEGEND� PURPO�E parking l08 torbeuusedeineconjunction�Q'v� UJG with a new supermarket on Suburban p ONE-FAMlLY PRESENT ZONiNG Avenue and ttuth Street �_ Commercial T�/0—FA;ViI�Y �Y THREE- �"AMILY PETITION SIGNERS , - FOUR-FAF�i1LY � MULTI- FAMILY FILE No. 6975 n�aRTH • ��Ca�MERCIAL � n INDUSTRIAL v VACANT St. Paui Planning Board, Date� 5/14/�o Q� Property under considerotion , � , MINUTES OF TfiE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BQARD OT ZONING on Thursday, June 4-, 3.97Q, at 2:00 P,M� PRESENT: Messrs. Ames, McPartlin., �:aietta, and Mansur of the �oard, and Ntessrs. Brown and �orensnn, Mrs. Frantzen, ax�d l�iiss Sperr of the staff. SUPER VAS�U STORES� IN�,: An ap�l.i.cation far a perm:i� to install a 328-csr customer-employee parking loe ico b� used a.n co�.junction with a new suger- mar�et on Suburban Avenue and Ruth Street, on property loc�ted west of Ruth Street between Suburban Avenue and the east-bound exit to Ruth Stree� from I-94. This matter was lai3 over £rom the rlay ?_1, I970, Board of Zoning meeting to enable the applicant �o upd,�te �he ���ns and incl.aade 3.ancisca�ping. Mre Sorenson noted that r.ew plans have been submitted th�t mee�. the Traffic Engineer's approx►sl, In regsrd to the �.an.dscsping plan, he r.ceted the staff was open �o suggestions from the app$icant a� to where �he �hrubs sh�uld be planted, e�c, Tk�e rev3s€d plans meet the intent cf tlza str�ff recommendation. Mr. McPartli�. moved ��r app�oval o£ the applicati�n, �Thich was seconded by Mro Man�ur, and �csrri�c� a�n.�nimouslj►. Submit�ed by: Colanel L�, Surcnsc�n Rob�rr L� A�aes, Chairman _ta.w , • ' * Cit� C�1erk , CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 June 19, 1970 File X890, Page You are hereby notified that a pubiic hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10;00 a.m. on July 2, 1970, on the application of Super- Valu Stores, Inc. for a permit to inetall a 328-car customer- employees parking lot to be used in conjunction with a new supermarket on the property described as follows; Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 19, Scenic Hills #S Additfon. The property is located west of Ruth Street between Suburban Avenue and the east-bound exit to Ruth Street from I-94. For further information, contact the Planning Board, Roam 1010 Coamnerce Building, or telephone 223-4151. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Commissioner of Finance i � O . y � �� � 31�is Q�` `�'ilc: J4rUD&r<7.Iw Lli''rC1R31Yta 1MkCoi�4'a �1�6'e �tft5,�.� .•'.N' Li�1A'i:SLa�.i an Tbu�sday, Msy 21� �.970, aL 2:00 Ppl�lo PRESEl�'.�s Messsso �l.mes, N�P����li�a� I�Yai�t�a, �auger ��.d ��,cdl_e� o� tlae Board aad Ms, Sore�asa�� M�s� ��a�tzea, a�d Miss S�erx� of �he s�;�ff, SUP'B�� VALU S9°ORES� INCo� Aa� appli.�a�i�n for a pexmir to i�asCall a 328-��asc cus�omer-�pioyee p���C� lo� �o �ae �.«ed � �ora�caa�t��� with a �.��a �upe�- magk�t o� Se�b�arb� �:ve�L� �nd Rta�� ;6:re�to �h� si�e is wes� o� Ru�n 5tre�t betw�ea� S�r3�a:�bar� ��rea�e �a�d �k�� �m,�,-•i�o�ad �x�_r Co R.�a�h S�xee� �'xo�e°: ��.-940 Mr, Soren�ors su�a�iz�d �he s�aff r��c�x� say�ng �hae the plan mee�s aA1 �he mini�am desi�� �tartd�x�°ds fs�� ���€s �°,y��� r.��: �a�iliL�p, � anis���� �ha�aEY� :�r� �� desiga of one �ntr.a�� ���3 �:xz� wsas s��;g�s��si by �fze �:�a�fi� Er�gine{�s:° and soa�e sugg�s�ion� ��r ia��eria�r La�cd��e���.�� ti�exs saig�;�ste�1 �y the stcail:, �fae Traf�ic ��ginee� has �pp�r�ved �ohe DZ:�� r,f.��. ��i� su€,�e;fia�z� ��a�� �;n� *,�s���;ly dr�veway �a� Swh�a�ta�a� �v;,:�x� t� s��.yria��:a b,�� ;arn is�.�t�cl an<3 ��;�e�Ciozxa�. ssig�� ise loca�eci a� t.l�� i.�.l���u rtr, Gau�ex sugges��c� �h�s� a n��a �a,--:�,��r�.si�s� �� estc�'�a.i€1?��de �hafi e°a:a� ��Kain� }Ioaacd be aol� �o vz.�w ��c� ��qa��s��c� c�������� p�a:.o�° t;es t�R� �i.a� t��a; �,�t;�e� �a�s� t�o Coun�il� ���is waaxl� eli.rnin;:�,� �hc� �Q�d a� a eo�:a�3.�;acs�a f�om tlae �o�ing �oa�d; �he er►�ire ma�t��i� sh��ruid bt� �{:�p:p;�t�ci vefare the 2n�z.a.g ��aax�� vo�ea on ite A�Se Soaen�o�z �:��:�i�ae� ~?.a�� ���se�arz p::�i.�.�y �a1.�.� :�a� ����:;���:� :;'..a�s being submi.�t�:al p�i.cs� �ca �}a� �c�;:��;�,1 pcx'r�l,i�; h���i.a��� lau�; :-.� �he �crsa����p, Bo���l car�s Co see �.h�se eh��.�;��, �'nis �� ���:�.�,�:�q �,rop��e Mro Am�s saici �h�� �ie �;j�ea1� 3.�.t„� f.sa ^p,�� ��� :;°�;�i��,� p3.sct b��ox°� �kAir� �r�a�t�:� �oes to �c�s��?i� Maco Gau�ex mu�e�� f�� pmg� c�ve� a� �iii,� za�€:�t;e� ��txl �€u�e ��h ssv �I���°, �h.� �laa cacald b� �ps��r��;o F�,�� ��;a;�.S:�,in� s�.�oa�c��d t�}a� �ot.in��. Mro SorPffi�o:a po�.��� Qu�; �::}�`� ?����;>���-�i�� ic� r�o� � prc��r�.s��ara af �€3� zonixx� �ods bu� ���� ��o�c� r��� ��r� ,�fx-��v�..r�.�;,q�� .��x� �a�i�� ��:a�:la�:�a�,.x�� i}�. ��� ��� c�ire�at�o �� ��^�:��� �r�b �,���: �r-�+��:� c$� �.c��, pss�sci s����i�n�.���1�" S�����c� ��; �e?�.�.��, ��:, 1=��.►�°��+�c��x :���:�a �,., �A�s� u,��.�aLa�.��. .-��. • BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 July 1, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Super Valu Stores, Inc. for a permit to install a 328-car customer- employee parking lot to be used in conjunction with a new supermarket on Suburban Avenue and Ruth Street, on property located west of Ruth Street between Suburban Avenue and the east-bound exit to Ruth Street from I-94, and noted in detail by the legal description on file. This matter was considered by the Board of Zoning at ita May 21, 1970, meeting. The staff report noted that this site abutting the freeway end conaiating of 255,180 aquare feet ia vacant and lower than the ad�oining lands to the north and eaat. The etaff noted that the property is zoned for this use and that submitted plana meet required design standards. The Traffic Engineer, however, recommended that the westerly Suburban Avenue driveway be divided by an island and properly signed. In addition, the staff also recommended that land- scaping be provided around the perimeter of and in the interior area of the parking lot. After some discuasion with the representative of the applicant, the Board laid the matter over to allow for revised plena to be submitted incorporating the above recommendations. Such plana were received and preaented to the Board at its Juna 4, 1970� meeting, Conaequently, the Soard, by a 4-0 vote, reeo�aende that this application for a permit be a��proved. Very truly youra, ,�� � T -- �.���'�� _� PETER J. ETTA Secretar , Boerd of Zoning PJM:gaf CLS Z. F. #6975 �pG � May 21, 1970 BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION June 4, 1970 Plat Map �� 42 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No. passed August 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 1970. 6975 3619 (not 1. APPLICANT'S NAME : Super Valu Stores, Inc. Also at ached) 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment a Appeal D Permit Q Other Install a 328-car customer-employee parking lot X- 890 3. PURPOSE , to be uaed in conjunction with a new supermerket on Suburban Avenue and Ruth Street 4. LOCATION , Weat of Ruth Street between Suburban Avenue and the east-bound exit to Ruth Street from I-94 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 3-8, Block 19, Scenic Hills #5 Addition 6. PRESENT ZONING . Commercial 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: ,23 Paragraph: 4� 2 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: Date: 5/15/70 By; ATB A. HISTORY: This property, with a larger area, was rezoned from "A" Reaidence to Comanercial June 6, 1957. B. AREA 20NING: Commerci�l. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: Revised plane received June 3, 1970, meet required design standards, the Trafffc Engineer�s recommendationa, and the staff's recotmnendations on landscaping. The Board required these new plans prior to their reco�endation. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 612.54 feet along I-94 and 619.47 feet along Suburban Avenue, with an area of 255,180 equare feet. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Hae reviewed the plan ead approved it with the suggestion that the westerly drivewey on Suburben Avenue be divided by an island and directional signa be located on the ieland. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The eite is vacant and rough greded, and ia lower than the grade of the I-94 exit land and approximately at the grade of Suburban Avenue. G. AREA CONDITIONS: The area west and south is vacant. The large low swampy area to the west has been filled and graded. Suburban Avenue has been graded and the easterly section has been paved. 9a BOARD ACTION: To Reco�end X� Approvel � Denial Council Letter Dated: Moved by ; McPaztlin Yeas Nays 7/1/70 Gedler Date of Heerin � Seconded by: M�neur Gauger � x Maietta 7/2/70 Secretary's remerka: x Mansur x Ames - Ch,. Council Action X McPartlin (Alt.) Adkina (Alt.) Date Rutzick (Alt.) -�''�-.�...�..-�"'`� ti - , Nu�sorv - � �� o � _ . �� .-- - � __ ._ _. . , . __ - , . _ . � _ -_ _. , __ - _ . � - -�_--____. _ _ _._ _ --_ -_.__ _ _ - __ ___ _ ..___. _ _-- -� -- -= _:.= �___ ---__ - . ___ � . - _ , , _ _ �- - _ . � , _ , _ -_ - _ _ _ , , - -- _ � � ,� I , "�� �2 � � R � i i2 O , / .` • — , � � O � � ! �z .� I �. � O � � h � �2 'z , ' �� � •«. ` -�. �_....s►� ___._.__ _ p��l �' � L 1 . ! ._ / — SUi3UPZBAN ,1:� , :, ------ ----- ' �— — � ' �. � T� Q o. ; G 1 Su�vR � ' I � �� �"i ` 1.,� �� ��� � . � I I �Y , ' . . �,�' ! ,a ;�j : .. _ • �Y ,�� ,'i� ': , v � � �� � � 1 ; Qu RNS —� ,�►V� - - ' -� ; ___ _-_- --- __ - --- � � - „ , � � _ C �' ! � � iZCSII� MC- �� I � � � � ' ; � � .. � � � � �_ _- � �-i � � ..� .� ... ._ �.. � , . � �. � ; o ,. ,, � � � � � � �Z�:1►�JENCE ______1 _____L_ }� � _ , 1 � v APPL�CANT Super Valu Stores, Inc. LEGEND P���O�� Install 328-car customer-employee LAND USE parking lot to be used in conjunction with a new supermarket on Suburban p ONE-F�{��ILY Avenue and Ruth Street PRESENT ZONING � TVUO-FA�v�II�Y Commercial �' THREE- F'1aPliILY PETITION SIGNERS � . - FOUR-FAO�ILY � MULTI- FAMILY FILE No. 6975 nloRrH • •nCOMMERCiAL n n INDUSTRIAL � VACANT St. Paul Planning Board, Date� 5/14/70 � Ptoperty under consid�rotion 2�I�iU�ES E� `�°Ii� PI113�,�� ��?.R�NG B�'03� '.���E BQAit� L�4? �td�dTrdG o� '�hta�csday� I�ia� 218 1970, at 2:�� P�l�i� YRESENT: Messzs, Ames, McParF�lin� �i�iet�a, �auger aa�i Gadle� of the Bosrd as�d 1K�, So�ensan, M�s, F�^���zsr�, ac;d Mi�s Sp�r� of tl�e s�a££o SUPER VAI,U STU�S,, I�G�; An appi.a.�a�iaa� for a pea.-mit to inseall a 328-�ar eustomer-employee paxking Iot �a b� used �.a� con�un��ion �aith a �a�w supex�- mar�Cet on Sui�t�xba�a, �venue and Re��h S�;re��:, 'I'3�e site is wese o.� Ru�h Stxeet be��eea �tabt�rba.aa liv�a�.� ��d �tx� e�st�-�,s�u.ttd �xi� �o Rrith 5tree� f�:om I�94� Mz, Sosesasaaa ��ts�iz�d 4h� s�,�f� �e�o�� sayia��; �1��� �.he plan mee�s aTl e;he minimum desigr� starada�cis fo� t.,�3�. �;;y�� of �a�iiity� � mino:r �haa�e in 2°.he desiga o� one en��as+�e a�ad exx� �a�s su���s��d by �l�e �x��fic E�giraeer and some su�gesti�acas �:cs?- inte�ic�� �.��c�s�t^�p��.a.3g �,Jp,� s��,;;er�;�.e�i w�y t�.1e s�>�f�e, '��e �rakfi� Ex�i�es 1��� a�sprov�d �h� �al�:a�. gai�Fi �lie su��e:�io� �haZ t:�ic� t,�s��rly driveway on 5ri��,�baa Aven� h� d��ric��zd Sy an is�a�.�3 asad d�rec�ioa�al g:i�ns be loeaCed oai t�h,e is�.a�d, l�iro Gauger sug�es��d �hs� � n�w p�+�vr�,_�,i.,��, b� es�aht.i��.es?o ��a� Ll�e ��Ar.iag; Loard be able �:ra �z@�� �I1e: �cs�s��s��:c] ���ar��.g�r p�iox i.Q �la� �iamc �hr>. r��t;�er goes Lo Coeaa�cile °�'his u��ul�i e�a.�i.�.��C� ;�hc n��d of a �c�:di�:i.c�as f�am t;ie �:oaing bo�a*�d; �he s�t,ire r�a��;��' st�r�a�� �� �r�u�I�t�c� befo�:� �h� Zo�sir� Boa�e� vot�} c�n i�te Nir, Scirea��sx� exn:�a���c� �1��t r1�e;e�.� pe�Zicy �al.l., :�o� �ev�.s�i! p$ar�s �ei�ag sul�mitted �a�in$ Co �h� �����,�, p����.ic hea�iugr buC :�.f �h� Zo�.��.g Boar3 �ares to see �:hese ch�aa��,�, ���s ��� ��,��.��l�r ?:�o���o �Sro Ames ssid �hat� hF ���oca?.3 �ik.e �c� s�� �;�ie c�wised �l;�n t3��'�a°� �;k�i� raa�t�x gce�a to �c�.a��il o �ixa Gauger mov�s! for �.�y �>�r�� �:.� �ig��; �r.�t��- i�af;�.I ,Jcc�►� �tiF;� �� k.�a� �h� �1.�� could b� ea?�d�t�aa� �., a�"�:��►�°i.A:�� s����r,�ec� �1�� �s_iox�� r'2�ro �oren�ozt poi�xt�d ca�a� �:;.�a��:. IFir�:s���r,i�� ir� �cc�� mm pravisia� o� �?�e zo�f..r��; �oc�e bu� �h�� �o�� ��_e� ���°�: e°c3�^,��.�,k�::�:,�s ��'e� acslag �an�c�apirx� ;n �h� r�,,. quia�maca�so �� ���,��, was:a �;i���. Ec,��:c? o�a aa�r.i y�asse� s���ar�i���s'�, S�ab�i��ed ��� �c.�.r�ca��. I�.� ���ra;°�:�.�r�Ea �:���;���� a:�� Aa�s� G�h,�:t.�naa;°a _;�.� MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING BEFOliE THE BQARD OF ZOId7NG on Thursday, �une 4, 1970, at 2:00 P,M, PRESENT: Messxs. Amea, McPartlin., Naietta, and Mansur of Lhe Board, and Messrs. Brntan and Sorenson, Mrs. F'rsntzen, and tfiss Sperr of the staff, SUPER VALU STORES� Ti�'C,: An application far a pern►it to install a 328-csr cust�mer-employee parkin.g lot to be used in con�unction with a new super- market on Suburban Avene�e and Ruth Stree�, on property locgted west of Ruth Street be�:ween Suburban Avenue and the eas��bound exit to Ruth Street from I-94. T�ais mat�er F�as laid over from the r�ay 2i, 1.910, Board of Zoning meeting to enable the apnlicant to u.pdate the �lans and include landscaping. Mr, Sorenson noted tchat new plans have been submitted that meet the Traffic Eng�.neer's approvalo In regard ta tFae landscaping plan, he noted the staff was open to suggestions from the app�.3.cant as to where ehe shrubs should be planted, etc, The revised plans mee�. the in�ent of the sta=f recomanendation. Mr. McPartlin moved �or ap�roval of th� applic�tion, which wes seconded by Mr. riansur, and carr�.�d unanimous Iy. Submitted by: Colonel L� Sorenson Robert Lo Ames, Ch�irman -4- . _ � f;�, ` l�;; �rr � ��` t� . �� �,` ` � U'� � (,�y `�.V � -N .�y, ", � ;C�- , �,;`� � � . '� � �F;; � � �\ C � i�: ;; . ,� �� z , `' : � _ ,. :. , � �y` : ., � � , l' ,.� . �ff '.i, Z t i `� l i�� ... '�� . � � y:: Q 1' ��r v � 41. �� ' ' L'� V � � �4. ,- , --- _.,t � '��' ;3' � x r;._ 04� ''r' c. 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