249664 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ����,� � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. LIC�'N5E COMMI'I'TEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN L RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM C MM 55 ONE qTF JL��9�970 iZ�QLV�D: That licenses appZi.ed for bt� the following nersons at the addresses stated, be and the sa*�e are hereby granted. Janssen & Sons, Inc. F06 Selby Grocery �1-2 Apn.4746NewO1dL " " Froz.Fco�s �� �► n n " " �igarette " " " " Jeanne Multer 719 N• Harnline ZTeh.Peddler '" 47h7"' " " w n Fdstf.VP n J�,7�tr a r Jaceb S�hriidt BreyJi.ng Co. 882 W. 7th 2 ad�?.veh.(Bev,)" 4782'" '" ' ta'arren J. Rebhol_z 1131 Davern Veh.Peddler " �!805' " ° ° " FdStf.VP " 4806" " " Lann,y� Boyer 998 �. T�agnolia Veh.Peddler " 4898" " " n ° Fdstf.VP n �g99n n n Geoffrey Taylor 6C5 Lexington Mtr.Veh.Dr. "� 4941° " "' Ral*�h Davies 699 Thomas Mtr.Veh.Dr. • 4943" '" � t 9 i9�o COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�i��" 19—. Yeaa Nays Butler __ J U� 9 1��0 Carlson � ve� 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A 8'ainst Mr. President, McCarty ��usNEO JU[. 1� �970 �