249644 ORIGINAL•-- CITY OF SAINT PAUL ipENCIL NO.249� � CITY CL6RK COUNCIL RESOLUT(ON N° 3760 ROR . AUTHORI TION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ��� e PRESENTED BY HON. DATE 19__ • 1�SOI]VED� �t the Council hereby �c�eurs in the a�rd of the Ccmtract Cc�au�l.ttee therefor arid hereby awarc�s contract to aupply all labor, �,terials aad �quip�t necese�ary 0r 3.nc3dente�]. to the 0�- 1�iTAL LId� � FOR C� ',�RAG.*P 9 aad. 10 for the Depsxi;�nt aF Pub13e Utilitiee tr� C4I�S BL�CTRtCAL G�'�I(� CCt+�"A�Y for t�e cc�tract price, lump aum bid, caf $126,�27'.00 (Plus �Sg3.�eering & Inspectic� $13,900.40; City Foree Work $2,000.6E�} �a e�ecorelance x3.th the plens etad speci�icatio�s and Form�.l. Bid �4160 of said Gollins Electrie�l Ccrostructica �eaapa�r� such bid be3.ng the la�at a�d said Col7 ins Slectrical Ccinstxuction Co�rpa�yr beiag a reapoasible b3dder and the Qorporatic� Couasel be �td hereby is d3.rected to dra�'t the prape� form of caaitra�ct tl�ret'or, and the prnper fSity offYci� her�eby ara sut�orised to execute sai.d contrr��et ou behalf of the City c�f �3aint Paul. , CONTRACT PRICE ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' .. ' ' S �'��� • DEPT.CONT.NO. ��L'"�} ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION - - - - - - - - - - - • - E �'�.•M WV WATER DEPARTMENT COSTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ E iG13Z�000�OOMATE: �!�����fi�l7��J'�//T/�'!�� �i ��'k�e $ 2�OE)O�OO COLLECTION CHARGES - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - - - $ FORMAL BID NO. 1.�EA 'f.Lf7V 1�+2,32'f.o0 . . TOTAL ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $ NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLfi BY COMPTROLLER B�ORE PRE6BNTINfi TO COUNCIL FOR ADOrTWN. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THtS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLCWS: 1. .ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - S �1WV�� � 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITV'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -- 0920-481 ; � 3. MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT NO. S 4. APPROPRIATED FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BOND ISSUE-CODE S 5. �P1��'�yl`J'h�- - c�s ---y�6�-a�,� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a �,�.00 8. MINN. HIGHWAV DEPARTMENT A6REEMENT NO. �•Fed@z'at7. A3d�,� S �0 s A04.40 " TOTAL ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' _ _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � Z�FG��atJ1�J COPIES TO: t HER�Y CiRT�FY THAT TNERt If AN UNENCUMBERlD BA4 . � �� CITY CLERK ANGE AVAILASL.E IN TH! ABOV6 STAT6D APPROPRIATIONf TO LpCAL IMPROVWlNT NO COMPTROLLER RBIMBURSE THt POtMANENT IMrROV�IQII' VINfi FINiD PUBLIC WORK$ IN TH6 ABOVE . PURCHASING ���'Y✓�-- DATB FINAL ORDEI!ADO�s COMPTRO � - � BY cay iaoriMg" JUL 8 1970 • YEAS a.4r�� NAYS� ADOPI'm BY TM6 COUNCR - ��L N FAVOR T aesco c, ,►�„ ��1 L � ���� bevi.ne -��u�.,� Meredith Mr. Presiden+� ,�- MC(,Ya,2`,�► 6I3o/7O/Fl WSLiti�,�.1. �n 1 O MAYOR � o puBUSNEn _�lUL 11 �