249635 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK 249�� �
WHEREAS, The Grand Aveane Business Association has indicated that
it would assume the l�tabiltty of al1 costs incurred bv the City and all
costs of replac�ng house numbers on improved real property made necessary
by the following undertak�ng; now, therefo�e, be it
RESOLVEO, That Oakland Avenue from the intersection of Grand and
Oakland Avenues to the intersection of Oakland Avenue and Ramsey Street
shalt hereafter be knawn and designated by the name of Grand Avenue; and
be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That all costs incurred by the City in this under-
taking and the costs of replacing house numbers on improved real property
made necessary by this undertaking shall be borne by the above mentioned
�rand Avenue Business Association.
qp��pv .
��e 4
�'e1j����� �
h � .
;�,L � 1910
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays � 19'10
Butler ���`
Caxlson roved 19`
Levine Favor
Ma r
A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty
pUBLISHED JUL 111970 �
, . ��
9 3 O N O R T H W E S T E R N B A N K B U I L D I N G
WELLS J. WRIGHT 333-0417
Commissioner Dean Meredith
City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re : Hearing by the St. Paul City Council
on a resolution to change the name of
Oakland & Grand Avenues
Dear Commissioner Meredith :
Since the first serious discussions of the Pleasant
Avenue (35E) Freeway began and it was determined that
there would be an exit located at the approximate
present intersection of Ramsey 8c Pleasant, the Grand
Avenue Businessmen' s Association or at least a vocal
portion of that group has expressed great concern that
there business would seriously diminish if not disappear
altogether unless that freeway has ample signing
indicatin� that the exit above described is to the Grand
Avenue business district. They have concluded that unless
the portion of now Oakland Avenue, running between Grand
and Ramsey-Pleasant, is changed to Grand Avenue the
Highwa�r Department will not sign the exit using the word
"Grand ' . Pursuant to this concern a group of Grand
Avenue business merchants circulated a petition, and a
hearing was set for last fall before the Public Works
Department. When the Grand Avenue and Oakland Avenue
residents became aware of the hearing, before the Public
Works Department, petitions in op�osition were circulated
which contained numerous signatures of Oakland Avenue
residents and Grand Avenue residents in diametric
opposition to the name chan e. The hearing held last
fall lasted for over two (2� hours and became quite
heated. At that time Commissioner Robert F. Peterson
attended, for a portion of the meeting, and listened
to the arguments made pro and con. A substantial number
of people appeared in opposition to the name change and
t `
Commissioner Dean Meredith
May 20, 1970
Page 2
in direct confrontation with representatives of the
Grand Avenue Businessmen' s Association. The Grand
Avenue Businessmen argued that for them it was
economic survival. However, there was no document-
ation presented to indicate that :
l. The Highway Department would place the name
of Grand Avenue at the intersection even if
Oakland was changed to Grand.
2. That the interchange at Pleasant and Ramsey
was fixed in its design.
3. That there was approval from the city council
for the design.
�. That there had been corridor hearings which
are required by the state and federal govern-
The Grand Avenue business people �ust felt that as
a matter of principal, or in their opinion fact, no
one would be able to find them and do business with
them unless an exit sign was established on the free-
way indicating the exit to be Grand Avenue. The
residents of Grand Avenue felt that the businessmen
were being somewhat arbitrary in their conclusions
and felt that unless there was something more substantial
than the emotional approach taken by the businessmen
that they should not be required to give up the names
of the streets which had historic significance and
personal value to the individuals and to undergo the
inconvenience of changing all their personal papers
and documents in order to satisfy the whim of the
businessmen. It was suggested at that time that the
Highway Department should be contacted in order to
� determine what their plans might be so that some
intelligent �udgement could be made. It was argued
that certainly it would be foolish to go forward and
make a change of name causing great inconvenience and
personal frustration to the residents and later discover
that the change of name really did nothing to effect the
signing on the freeway or that the signing had no sub-
stantial effect on their business .
Commissioner Dean Meredith
May 20, 1970
Page 3
It is with this background that the present hearing
notice arrived indicating that a hearing is to 'ae held
before the City Council at 10 :00 A.M. on May 27, 1970
to consider the resolution, a co�y of which is attached.
Also attached is a copy of a letter sent by Mr. Richard
J. Hawkins to the district engineer of District 9,
Minnesota Highway Department asking the Highway Department
whether their plans and designs for the Pleasant Avenue
Freeway, and particularly the Ramsey-Pleasant Interchange,
have been firmed up or that their signing design has been
firmed up to the point where a judgement could be made
relative to whether the department would place the name
of Oakland, Ramsey, or one of the others suggested as an
identifying exit sign. This letter from Richard J. Hawkins
is dated May 12, 1970. The reply from the Highway Depart-
ment dated May 1�+, 1970 indicates the department is unable,
at this time, to make a determination relative to the
signing. Further, the City of St. Paul, as a result of
their transportation plan for the St. Paul core area, is
in the process of revising the Kellogg Boulevard exit area
and that until that plan is firmed up by the City of
St. Paul the Highway Department is unable to go forward
with their sign planning. I personally spoke with
Mr. Van Wormer at the Minnesota State Highway Department
who indicated that at this time the Ramsey-Pleasant
Interchange was not yet approved or fixed, that they would
still require a corridor hearing for the Pleasant Avenue
Freeway which would not be held until next fall at the
earliest, that the signing could not be determined until
after that point. All of the States' plans are dependent
'upon the City of St . Paul relative to the Kellogg inter-
change. At this point, no determination could be made
or even specula ted upon by the highway department as to
what name would be placed at the Ramsey-Pleasant Inter-
change and at this point the name could be any number of
three or four names since, to add to the confusion, Oakland
is intended to come up across Summit Avenue and turn onto
Dale acting as a feeder connector between 35E and 9�. The
Highway Department also indicated that construction on the
Pleasant Avenue Freeway was at least two years away.
Commissioner Dean Meredith
May 20, 1970
Page �
Under these circumstances the residents of Grand
Avenue and Oakland Avenue feel that the resolution
proposed for hearing on May 27 is premature and that
under the circumstances, as presented above, the City
Council wi11 really not be in a position to make a
judgement as to the merits of the name change. Since
the hearing would generate a substantial heated debate,
and at the close the City Council would have to
recognize that they do not have sufficient information
to make an intelligent decision, we a�k that this matter
be taken off of the calendar for May 27 and reinstated
at such later time as more facts and information are
available relative to the St. Paul corridor area
transportation plan and the Highway Department plan.
Certainly if the main concern in this area is one of
potentially disrupted business as a result of the
construction of the freeway and if the freeway is not
to be constructed for over two years there is ample
time for the City Council and the Grand Avenue merchants
to have a hearing and discuss the matter intelligently
with a11 the facts and alternatives placed before them.
The Minnesota State Highway Department is well aware
of the problem and the controversy as presented here
and would certainly not act in any way to pred�udice
any decision made by the City Council regarding this
Your help and consideration is greatly appreciated.
truly yours,
. . .
o�11oiN��To an e�s�K
►RESEHTEO IY Robert F. Peterson ,�� � ��(�� �
YIHEREAS, Interstate Highway No. 35E is being constructed along �
the general present alignment of Pleasant Avenue in the City of St. Paul
and when constructed shall have an exit on Oakland Avenue in the general
vicinity of the intersection of what is now Oakland Avenue and Pleasa�t
Avenue; and
WHEREAS� Oakland Avenue is generally agreed to be a physical extension
of Grand Avenue; the Grand Avenue Business Association� along with the
. property owners on O�kland Avcnue� are desirous of ren�ming Oakland Avenue
• from the inccrscction of Grond and Oakland �►venucs to the intcrseetion of
Oakl.ind AvcnuQ ond Ranscy Street �nd �Iso rcna^�ing ,0okland Avenue from iho
intarscction of Su�mi [ �nd Oakl�nd Avc�ucs to thc intcrsuc�ion of O�kland
and Grand Avenucs �nd also ranaming Gr�nd Avenua f�or,� the into�soCtion of
O�kland and Grand Avenucs to the intcrsection of Grand Avenue and Ldwton
Strecst; �nd
1•lHEREAS� This undertaking will includc� but not ba limitcd to, sueh
actions as administration� replacing of street n�me slgns� chango of house
numbers� and publication of legal documents; and
WHERFAS� The Grand Avenue Business Association hos indicoted that it
would assume the liability of all costs incurred by the City and all costs
� of replacing house numbers on improved real property r�odc necoss�ry by this
undertaking; now� therefore, be it
RES4LVED� That Oakland Avenue from the intcrsection of Gr�nd and
Oakland Avenues to the intcrse�ction of Oakl�nd Avcnue and R�msoy Strcet
shall hereafter be known and designated by thc narna of Grattd Avenuo� and •
that Oakland Avenue from the intersection of Summit and Oakland Avcnuos �
to the intersection of Oakland and Grand Avenues and also thot G�and Avenuo
from the intersection of Oakland and Grand Avenues to thc intcrsection of
Grand Avenue and Lawton Street shall be hcreafter known and dasignated by �
the name of Summit Court; and be it
\ FURTHER RESOLVED� Tl�at all costs ineurrcd by the City in this undcr-
taking and the costs of replacing house numbers on improved �eal property
made necessary by this undertaking shall be borne by the above mentioned
Grand Avenue Business Association.
COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19_
Yeas Nays .
Carlson •
Dalglish Approved 19__
Meredith _ln Favor
Sprafka Mayor .
Tedeaco A 8ainst .
Mr. President, Byrne �
.T_ YaF.,r_:.+m,. _. . -- ..
•. � � � �y ` /�;�..�w�:�y�`. ' ..
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' �� . •`•,• � �;�
' STATC O F ;�,;;,�v C�OTA
� �
� �
j ST. PqUL� MINN. 55104 �
, .
� 1�1a� 14� 1�70 � �
\ . ,,
.:r. 3ic�iard J. ;iaw.,ins �
. U£fice �n,�ineer
lle•�artr,�en� of 2�'ublic Worlcs � i
City o: St. Paul .
23� city iiall and Court iiouse, � �
St. Yaul� �•2in:�esota 55102 �
In reply refer to; • �
5.Y. 6200 (I35E) 319
R;�.�3ey Interchange Signfng
. ,
• Dear i:r. Ilawkins s ;
� � � ; .
� In :•esoonse to your ;;ay 12, 1/7U latter ret;ardinn the � `
o: .�i,;�ir.g for Grand livenue at the above referenced interchanl�e,y �
f we will be unable ta make the detez-�ination until our s;j7n ;
desi�,n is more connlete. '" ;
� �a you know, the "'rran�portation Plnn :or the St. Paul Core +
Area" may result in geometric chan�,�e3 in the I-35E Kellog� • �
Boulevard 3rea. 'Phe ai�n desi�r does depend�on the outcome of #`
. this plan. ' ; :
� i
� U,on tinalization of this tranaportation plan by the oity we wfll � �
jcontinue desi�*n of the signit�. � � ��
. i
• ,
' �incerely, �
,•, ��
����1��1T lz����✓ . '
� Clen '�an b,former � `
Dfstrict �raffia En�ineer , �
� � � � !
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• �''�
qIC11Af�0 A. LCHNARR C � T Y O � $ /\ j �j � P A � {„ ANTHONY J. GREA �
�,���..Na�N•.� 1' OcIYT�COMMINIOM�A
C�pitol of Minncsota
�' � ' DL-?AR i;.;L•1 i O: ;J�L1C �:10��CS . .
� � 234 City Holl L Court Hou:o b5{02
� •
` • BOB�RT I'. r.^•,T�RSON �
j Commi��ionor �
3 . .
, ~�..��.� � �
� ;� .�. r�y 12� 1970 . ,
t � � � • �
Mr. William C. Merritt �
District 9 Engineer �
Minnesota Highway Departme�t'
• � 1246 University Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota
Re: Follow-up inquiry in the matter
' of signing of the proposed
southbound lane, Trunk Nighway �
� � 35E, at the existing Pleasant-
Ramsey-Oakland location. �
Dear Mr. Merritt:
� On May 11 � 1970. I contacted Mr. Glcn VanWormer in the matter of signing ►
at the subject location. The signing consideration has been presented
to District 9 previously� and in bricf� was instituted by the Grand �
Avenue Business Association represcntcd by en Attorney� Harry Oilworth,
. and a Dentist on Grand Avenue� a Dr. Chopp. Their concern did and
� seemingly still is concentrated on the possfbility that 6rand Avenue may
not be readily identified from the Frecway, and they are attem�ting to
have Oakland Ave�ue renamed so that the exit sign at the off-ramp
location will then identify Grand Avenue. . •
, 7his has been of much co�cern to the owners and residents on Oakland Avenue, "
, for they, as a group� do not seem desirous of chan9ing the name of
i Oakland. Mr. VanWormer was going to open the matter again and see if any
; lat�r determinations had been made as to design criteria which may allow, �
at lcast on the off-ramp itself, � sign that would direct Grand Avenue via '
� Oakland Avenue in the event that the City Street named Oakland was not �
j changcd to Grand.
� . .
; >7he petitioners for the name change have requested that the Commissio�e�
of Public Wo�ks.make a commitment o� or before May ISth in this matter. ►
� . �
, .
, . . .
. ,
i . .
, • i
. �
� . . ' ' •,
. ..v,.�.,.,,.�. _._......_....�....._.
. • � .
. �
This Icttcr rcprescnts a follow-up �o thc convcrsaiion w�ch n�. Van«or�-cr
rcqucsting thc Oistrict to advisc chc �Gity of any absolut� co�sidcr���o�= ,
th�t rtwy havc bcen detcrmincd by thc District since this subjcGt was so ' ' �
, dJligcntiy putsu,cd last fali.
Th�nk you for your cooperetion in this matter. .
'• � � Yours very truly� �
f . .
� Richard J. Hawkins
� � Office Enginee,r '
RJH/bp ! �
. ,
cc: Narry Di lworth , s . � ;
Dr. Williem R. ChopP � f
Richa�d A. Schna rr ►
. . � • `
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• Eileen F. Hassel
' S21 Grand Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
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,��?��IS D .'�.IT J!�:�5"i�1 � ... _ , ;� � o� �. �
501. Gr:�.nd Ave2ue �y��;� � � ��;;�
St. P�.ul, i,7inneso�a 75102
i:'a� 21, l;'70.
T:Ta�or 1'hom�s P�. Byrne
City Hall �� �ourt ��ouse
;�int Pn.u.l, �Ti-r?n�so�^. 55102
Dea,r IrIr. I:Ia�tor:
';"le ?re ���rritin�; in reference to -Li1e public hearin� to be
held b�r the Coun.cil o� ��'Ze Ci�y oi St. P�.ul i�_Z �Ll1e �ouncil
C�ambers �.t 10 a.rn, on i;i�y 27th, 1�70� �.ccordin�; to the
notice i eceivec� 1.Tay 19th -�rom Co�.�issioner nobert F.
Peterson but d�ted 1:I�.y 15�ch, �.nc�. concernin� his resolution
pert�,ining to the RL'l1'�I�;iI';G OF G-�A'TD �� OA.YLAPTD ,�.�I�:=N�S.
This Y'8S01.Ltt10�1 colltains so �nan;; ;eneral assur�l�tions �.nd
,xThat, in our opinion, a,re misst�,tements oi f�.ct that `°�e
v��,nt i.lost vi.�o�^ousl�r to ;.orotest its ,�eing considered at
all by the Co��lcil at this hearin, ;.
mhe PIOiT��'� �??L-f��S L o-r T.Iay 16th, on ��'�ie front p�.;e of the
secono_ sec�ion contains a 3-para�r�ph i-cem under the
caption 0!�I��1�T� ?iIZZ ?=IL!�I�ITdG S�T �xrhicn says tilat the
meet�n� of Oal�>land �.nd Gr�.r.d A.venue is confused ?nd �l�,s
caused �ur�lerous accidents. This, again, is such an in-
accur�te stal;erlent it can only add to our doubts �.s to tn.e
real motives znd sincerity o:i the proponents , as there is
no r_iention oi accic�ents in the Resolution.
I� any �learing o� this matter is to be held i� should be
dela.yed until a��le time is �,fforded to �;et �.t the facts
and to consider t��hy, if at �.11, s�.lcn s�reet name changes
L • ��
could Z�ossibl�T be jus �liled. Cert�.inly there is litt e
sense or pu.rpose to considering the matter until after
all the iree,�ray ni�h�°J�.y plans h�ve been settled a.nd rn�de
available to all intere:�ted p^rties.
There�"a ;ood r�lany ot'_ners , residents, �ta1:p�.yers, and even
some o:� the Gr�.i1d 4venue business �eople �;rho ieel as ��re do.
yVe respec��ully a.sl� �h�.t this resolution be re j ected:'
Vez'�T t?�uly youY's�
�y CLC�.ic.S ��-� � .
-,�� , ' s D ` J?�'kson
Lliz�.be�h �lmes J�.ckson �,nd ITorr1 .
Hon. Thomas Byrne • ' ` � � ! ' : J
'}'���'' 19�0
' Mayor a � '.:
c:ity of St. raul �'�i�'.�'�`::'; �,�";- .
Dear jlayor Byrne,
I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed name change of
that ��orti�n of Grand Avenue east of the Oakland Avenue intersection
and the renat�ing af Oakland to Grand. t� public hearing on the matter
is scheduled before the City Council on Wednesday, l�iay 27.
Grand r�venue businessmen have requested the name change on the premise
that the change will ensure that a "Grand Ave. " exit sign will be
posted at the off-ramp of Freeway 35E when the freeway is completed.
This expectation on the part of the businessmen is mere speculation, a
point made at an informal hearing on this issue held at City Hall last
State Highway Department officials say that plans for the off-ramp
(which will be somewhere in the Oakland-Ramsey-Pleasant intersection
area) are very incomplete. ihey have said informally that even though
Oakland aver�e�was re-named Grand, there still would be no assurance
that a "Grand Exit" sign would be place at the off-ramp. it is quite
likely that the off-ramp would be marked "Ramsey Exit. " lt that is
to be the case, then al the problems involved with the street name
change would have been for nothing. ��nd it would be the residents �
of the two areas (Oakland ��ill and Upper Grand) would have had to go
through the work of ciianging house numbers anci xx�� getting
audresses changed on creuit cards, bank check blanks, drivers licenses
and perhaps even property des�ption records. �hen there is the ac3ded
task of informing those pezsons'r5ith whom we correspond, including a
number ot �rand t'lvenue businesses, I might add.
�ntil the tiighway Department settles its plans for I-35E, there seems
little sense or reason to make these street name changes at this time.
I and almost all of my neighbors on Grand tivenue east of Oakland
strongly urge that this hearing be postponed until Highway Departraent
plans are complete so that the issue can be discussed on fact, not
It seems unreasonable to have the City Council become involved in a
lengthy hearing at a time when it is not likely �and probably, impossible)
that a rneaningful , intelligent dec�ion could be maae by the �ouncil.
����'�� � ����'�```� �incerely Yours , Dewey 1�. �erscheid, 506 Grand.
o��,�,n.�.�,� � 249��5
WHEREAS. The Gra�d Aveooe Business Association has 1t�icated that
it would assume the liabil#ty of a11 costs incurred by the City and all
costs of replacing house nunbers on improved �eal property made necc�ssary
by the- following undertakingi now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED. That Oakl�nd Avenue fr�o� the intersection of Grand and
Oakland Avenues to the intersection of Oakland Avenue and Rauns�y Street
ahall hereafter be known and designated by th� name of Grand Avenuei and
be it
FUR�HER RESOLVED, That a11 costs incurred by the City in this under-
taking and the costs of replacin� house nunbers on improved real property
made necessary by thls undertaking sha11 be borne by the above mentioned
Grand Avenue Business Association.
Adopted by the Coun��L � �70 19—
Yeae Nays
Bu�� J.UL � 1970
Carlson APP�o� --19�
�� Tn Favor
Meredith Mayor
Sprafka �
Mr. President, McCarty
Harry E. Marshall �tyy e� Albert B. Olsoo
City Clerk and ��w � Council Recorder
Commissioner of Registration a - , � `
�� s�a�he'b F��w_
O O `�OJ
�86 City Hall V
St.Paul,Minnesota 5510� �J_
.J�7.y sf 19�fo
Mr. Jerosne Segal
Ass�t. Corpora,tion Couasel
Dear Sir:
The City Cauncil today adopted the resalution changing the name of
a certain portion oP Oaklaexi Ave. to Grand Ave.
This of'f'ice interprets Co�nissioner Ca�lsoa's motion to be, "Change
tc Graad Avenue that portion of O�,kland Aveaue westward f'roan Ramsey
Street to the poimt of interseetion."
It ahould be ftirther nc�ted the resolv.tion rias adapt�d by a 7 - 0
ma�ority bnt it was not r�ad in its entirety nor with the inclt�sion
of the an�endm�nt.
�ery truly ya�trs,
t� k
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PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson
WHEREAS, Interstate Highway No. 35E is being constructed along
the generai present aligcuaent of Pieasant Avenue in the City of St. Paui
and when constracted shall have an exit' on Oakiand Avenue in the general
� vicinity of the intersection of what is now Oakland Avenue and Pleasant
Avenue; and
iJtlEREAS, Oakland Avenue is generally agreed to be a physical extension
of Grand Avenue; tt�e Grand Avenwe Business Association, along arith the
property owners on Oakland Avenue, are desirous of renarning Oakland Avenue
�- from the intersection of Grand and Oakland Avenues to the intersection of
Oakland Avenue and Ramsey Street and also renaming flakland Avenue from the
intersection of Summit and Oakland Avenues to the intersection of Oakiand
and Grand Avenues and also renaming Grand Avenue from the intersection of
Oakland and Grand Avenues to the intersection of Grand Avenue and Lawton
Street; and
WNEREAS, This undertaking will include, but not be lia�ited to, sucb
actions as ac�inistration, replacing of street naa�e signs, change of Mouse
numbers, and publication of lega) documents; and
WHEREAS, The 6rand Avenue Business Assuciation has indicated that it
would assume the liability of all costs incurred by the City and all costs
of replacing house n�bers on i�proved real property made necessary by this
undertaking; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That Oakland Aver�ue fr� the intersection of Grand and
Oakland Avenues to the intersection of Oakland Avenue and Raa�sey Street
shall hereafter be known and designated by the na�e of 6rand Avenue, �
that Oakland Avenue fran the intersection of Surmiit and Oakland Avenues
to the intersection of Oakland and Grand Avenues and aiso that G�and Avenue
fraa the intersection of Oakland and 6rand Avenues to the intersection of
6�and Avenue and Lawton Street shall be hereafter known and designated by
the n�e of Sua4mi t Court; and be i t
FURTHER RESOLVED, That all costs incurred by the City in this under-
taking and the costs of replacing t�ouse numbers on improved real property
made necessary by this undertaking shall be borne by the above �entio�red
Grand Avenue Business Association.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish Approved 19—_
Meredith n Favor
Sprafka f ) Mayor
�/ A gainst
Mr. Preaident, Byrne �
-x � ��� ,
;:�" �
� netM.ICw�s ro txc co�meou.at �ri
� ` ���� . �
. . � CiTY OF ST. PAUL F�uNCa NO � � s�-`
'�R�* ��� ��� Ni. � �� A��11/ i��'�tt� �1� .
t'h1� i# �+Mr�r�! sii�lt trl� ��M�/�11t lMwilrlR tA Mlr� Ct� �t ter ►'�r1,
� M� �zr�'t�r�l sM�l t Mwr aA �wtlt ar Mlei�i �r f� t�► �rrrtl
tr��r� dr �i�ratl4a a!` +�t 1s �r O�Yt��rari /Mr�w aNt ��s�t
�. Wr1cl� A� ia� ��raitr to M a �aiarl �s�►
ef iMw�i AMw��ti tMs #r��M � �i�ts��i�slat lar, ai+r� �rt dr tArr
p�a�r'R+�► w�r�t aw �trklawlt �. ae� �Ms1� �!1' n�si O�ic1�w/ J�r�rr
fro� � l�t�s�la� +ef �r�rwf +�rri Mk1a�t /4wrwrt t4 �M►�tir�st� �N'
4iitlMi A�r�w aMl R+�r�r #1�t �1 •�► r�r�M/ lMtia�! iMr� lrar !1�
�rt�►�ti��► af t�� a�1 �ci+� lM�� t�o► dir lRp�rr�rstl�a �' NrMtia�Mt
�i ir►aw�i A�r�rrs a�1 at�o r�1� �1 A� � t� t��st�r e�
OMttar�! Mr�►i �+r� A�www1► ta tbn !�t#on of � /iwrwr a�l I�a�i�
it�w►tt aMf
MI��EAi, �i� na�t^`taktu� wi�t ta�s�wlt, Iwt a�st b� t�itard �r, �w�M
ast[a� a1� a�l�lstr�atton, :rM►U�tiry ot s�w= �w st�s. �r � Mw�
�iM►ss �i p�M�I�r�tiaw� o! ly�i ioa��s� �
��II�t„ 11� �r'�I Ar�t i�rs I�ss +�41�►oetl�t� M�s 1r1�i isahlf �st i t
�aa1�1 apw�► �M i taM►#i�i�r ot a11 �oosts Ir�r�ri b� tus E!�► a�wt a 1�1 �ts
+o►�� ��aal� ��� aviir�rs� �u t��r+awd �r�►� �M�o�wt!► �i �r�ss�► � �Is
�ir`t�dcir�; Aoiw, i1rN'�►1`wtit� bs it
Il�.�, 1iNt A�it1� �ur tr� l�ht tn�at�aw a' �11i #tni
Mtcl�i A�a� to tbs IAWwrs�ttawr e� ifrtEl�i � �i Rwar�r !�s
sh�l t l�t�r Mt f��a�w �d d�s i��i Mr�► tAe � ot �ami Aiwrwr�n, aMl
tlwrt O�iclaiN �is ft� t�rr iw�t� of �r1t wr/ tlakt�i A�
q� t1r�� iA�rs�ratl+� a� f�t�itia�d rul Or�l � ��at �a1t�► t�t i�r��a�! l�N��rw
�� tMr I�t1o� o� �ki�t aAtl tMrai A�aw� �a► e� iwt�e't�+�1+� re!' '.
MRaad IMr�rw� �1 Lr� 3�rt �i 1 MNt hrunr+rttrr iu�r�e awi i���a�i Ir�►
drs ars +a! iW�it �w�rL� Md M !t
, !'1�1'�R �EiOWE�* 1�� a!� a��s i+r�tn� M�► � �lt� i� tl�ls +�wd�-
tak1M aMl � �asts of �taci� M�+r �s on 1r�Aa�wt twr� Mrap�tY
�4 �rrar� ir� th#s �iKt�ttl� �!{ iwr� � Iry tlwr riirw ratto�rd
�r�i ll�,rs�st�rilss 11�s�aa�ati�t.
Cp��N Adopted by the Counci� 18_
Yeas Naya
Carlson '
Dalglish APProv� 19�
�e�� T� Favor
Peterson �yor
Ted�oo ���t
� ;� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NQ,. � �-' • "'js
1�� �If�l"i�� ���r �. �s� �� `i�ll/ +Q+011�"t!'IICt� a�011�
!� �'a� �! i���1L O� ���M�11= �I�MMI! �11 {'M/i �ERy O� ��. �1�
�ai r� �oast�tMi slr�i i iww sn �ncit a�r t#�kla� !� 10 tMs ��1
�isfwtty �t tl� tw�r�tl+M �' �st ts �aw O�cla�l Ji�w � Rt�a+�t
/Y��; Mri
�I�EAi. 4rk1�i JMwiws Is ��ii ty MrwMi to is a �staat �rcta�rrlM
.f a�i IN�a.ar.: ai. M��i A�rw. �n.r�ss llsseelat aaw, .�oM rr�ti� tlw.
�'�"t�► a�w�nt o� OMciawr IY�w. �e+r �ir^o�w ot �i O�Iti+wr�l IN�wiws
tro� dis 1wt+�►�a�rstl� o� �M ad 9Mktari /� to dr���r�rs�ctia� �
�Mcl�/ �r a�l �� xtra�� arrr �1s�► rw�si� �icla�l l�w fro� �Mr
1narMrat iun of su�s1 t �ai �cl+w�i /N�ra�a na d�t I�t�rs�et 1aa of iMicia�
�ui �ra�i A�ws a�i aiso �wr�is� �ra�i �r�w tr�a� tM 1wt�rs�st hiw M
4akla��i �i O�ta�rt J�ws te tM Ist�l�t tai e� ira� 1MwrrMrr� aa�r// 1�
fte+�st� awr
MIEREIIl, '�i�is w�Mru�clig M1i1 i�siwis. �wt Mt ir► li�it,�/ to� swoM
+rCL�iA! ii i��A�ii�at�011� ��lIC�11� O'� �LI"Mt A� ={�r � � ��
��. � �r�i�.t�► �► �.l.i ��_ �
Yt�t�'A�, '�tM► a.� /arww. i�.iaMS� /lsuai.t 1� i�. i�i1�.cN �M.t t:
w�w1� aa�ws �ir� fiMrttl� e!` •11 �rsts ��rrr� I��r t�s Ct�jr +� atl a�ats
ot ira�►1�aiw� lisw� ,w�i�rs o� t�i tw�1 'r�eNrt�► � �e�ssaeyr 1r�r tf�is
�w�takla; �orr, tM�ntorti. M i t
I�ti�llt�. 1�t t�Mcla� JMw�w t�ar tiMr I�ta�s�stta� N Rr�l �
tN�icia�i A�s to tl�s i��tl�on ot OMci�i IMr�w �! Ra� tt�!
sIM I 1 Mrwf i�r' bi iaio�w 1r� Mr i�M t+�i �1 RA� �rr ol` �Ira� I�we, MM
tbat tt�lcia� A�www #e� tAt i��r�rstion �f fywtt �wi 1'witlarr� IN►�w�
t� tir� i��tlea o!` �k1a�d a�i �rwit li�� a� �I�a► drrrt �raiwl �S
fro�r d�r iw�ti�ow of 0�ic�aur a�! i�ra�! Mr�wrs t�o d�a lA�tls� 01
iraMl �wr�w a��i i� it�� s�ri i 1� 1�w�tl�r kMrMw a�1 isi'�pi/ IM►
ths n� v! �!t Gwr�t rw! i� 1 t
�iMt�l�it �f4t.itp, 'tMrt a11 �oosts i� � tA� Cttjl 1� tl�is rwrlK�
u�kl� a� tM ersts M' t�ta�tM M�r� �a a� i�rwi n�t N'�ety''
•Ms tUts a��+�rtaiclM sM►!i M �ra�s iy► tJ�s ivw �ratiMN
ira�! �wrr ��rss llssoctatl�.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglieh Approved 19—_
Meredith _ln Favor
Sprafka Mayor
Tedeaco A gainst
Mr.President, Byrne
_ � � 9 6 3��
� ' ' ClTY OP J
'S�� >i
a - 2
o '�
de �"`°'°"° h0
Capital of Minnesota
234 City Hall & Courf� House 55102
Juiy 20� 1970
HQnorable Janiel f'!. {:las
Corporation Counsel
Honorabl� �larrv E. Plarshal i
City Clcr;<
At tached i s a ca��� o� tne 1 e t te r r.�ce i vc:d i n th i s o F�'i ce f rom
the Grand l�venu� �usin:��smerr'� Associati�n in t.�hich th,y �ccept
the terms and condit+cns of the R�salution p�-ssed hy the Ci y
Council on July $, 1Q70, amended on .4u1y 9� i970 pertaining t�a
the change of n<me of Uakiand Avenue. t^. Gr�ntl Av�nue.
' c�rely�
°� � . ^ VJ�
Rok�ert �'. Spr a
�ommissfoner of �ublie Works .
cc; R. J. Nawkins
_ , . -
Grand Avenue Businessmen's Association .
. 611 Grand Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
July 16, 1970
Commissioner Robert Sprafka
Commissioner of Public Works
City and County Court House
St. Pau1, Minnesota 55101 �
Re: Change of name of
� Oakland Avenue to `
; Grand Avenue
Resol. No, z49835
� Dear Mr. Commissioner:
This letter is to be regarded as the agreement of our
association to the change of the name of Oakland Avenue to
Grand Avenue as contemplated in that resolution passed by
the City Council on July 8, 1970, amended on July 9, 1970.
You should also be advised that the association agrees
to pay the costs incurred by the undertaking of this
project, that is, change of house numbers, street .signs,
and any general expenses otherwise incurred.
Thank you •for yonr kindness and consideration in
this matter.
. Very trul yours, ,
����zr� �
° William Chopp �
n�`� a �� �q 7�
Itobert Feterson
Commissioner of Yublic �dorks
City of St. Paul, Minn.
Dear �=ommissioner reterson,
I and other residents of the area known as "upper" Grand Avenue have
been notified that you introduced to t.he city co ' eso tion
calling for changing the naMe ot Oakland Hill o Grand l�ve. , nd that
hoiies on the upper portion of Grand Ave. will be and that
part of the street renamed Summit Court.
Your action, in introducing this resolution, seems to be a violation
of the promise you made to concerned residents at an informal hearing
in the city hall last fall. tit that time you said that no action
would be taken on the proposed street name changes until higllway depart-
ment plans for the I-35E alig�unent and offramp at the foot of Itamsey
hill were complete and made public. Tt appears tllat it will be a
considerable time before these plans are complete.
�Jhy, then, is the Oakland-Grand name change being considered by the
city council at this time? Yroponents of the name change claim the
change is needed because of "numerous accidents, " yet a check of the
statistics in �kze trafzic office of your departiaent shows only three
accidents �uer a 14-rinnth �eriod (beginning Jan. 1, 1969) at the
Oakland-Grancl intersection. This i� a very low rate for an intersection
of that type, according to a traffic engineer in your department. tind
it' s rather ridiculous to believe that a street is made safer simply
by changing its name. '1'hus, the claim of "numerous accidents" seems
to be little more than a simple ruse designed to raise emotion rather
than f act.
l, of course, want the Grand Avenue r.lerchants to prosper, and if at the
time the $5E freeway is completed it can be shown there is a need to
rename vakland Hill, z would be sym�athetic. But any change now is �
far too premature. �nd besic3es, it violates an inio�ca��'- .���r.E=�:�;lent you
made wi1:h Grand �venue residents. ��erhaps you wili ��.La�rn the reason
for this violation at the public hearing scheduled for 10 a.m. , May 27.
I am opposed to the street narne change at this time.
Dewey Berscheid
506 Grand Hve. �
1��� .�
. .:....:�, ..� .._ ......_..�..�....._<
. • , •
. �
This Icttcr rcprescnts a follow-up to thc conve�sation wiih rir. Va�«'or�-c�
rcaucsting thc District co advisc thc �City of any absolutc considc��tions . `
that rt+ay havc bcen detc�mined by thc Oistrict since this subjcct was sp '
, dlligcntly pursucd last fall. `
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. .
!• � Yours very truly, i
f • . .
� Richard J. Hawkins
� � Office Enginee,r '
RJH/bp ! ' ,
. ,
tc: Harry Oi lworth , ' . � j
Or. Williem R. ChoPP � f
Richard A. Schna rr �
. , � . �
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The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue , request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Bu s i ne s s : / TC�F�US L ��'v9'E'L � ��G�
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Petition �
, The undersigned, members of the Grand Avenue
Businessmen ' s Association, request the City Council of the
Cit,y of St . Paul to rename Oakland Avenue, Grand Avenue, and
to take that action with regard to that portion of present
. C,rand Avenue Easterly of said Oakland Avenue, as may be
� accept ble to the residents of that area.
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The undersigned,' members of the (3rand Avenue �
Businessmen's Association, request the City Council of the
City of St . Paul to rename Oakland Avenue, Qrand Avenue, and
to take that action with regard to that portion of. present
Gr�and Avenue Easterly of said Oakland Avenue, as may be
acceptable to the residents of that.�area.
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Petition �
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The undersigned, . . request
the City� Council of the City of St. Paul to rename Oakland Avenue�
Grand Avenue� and to take that action with regard to that portion
of present Grand Avenue Easterly of said Oakland Avenue, as may
be cceptable to the residents of that ar�a.
Name �
Business Address
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The undersigned , members of the Grand Avenue
BusiMessmen 's Association , request the City Council of the
Cit,y of St . Paul to rename Oakland Avenue, Grand Avenue, and
to take that action with regard to that portion of present
Grand Avenue Easterly of said Oakland Avenue, as may be
accepta le to the residents of that area.
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Petition -
The undersigned, members of the Grand Avenue .
Businessmen's Association, request the City Council of the
City of St . Paul to rename Oakland Avenue, Grand Avenue, and
. to take that aation with regard to that portion of presen't
Grand Avenue Easterly of .said Oakland Avenue, as may be
acceptable to he residents of that area.
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The undersigned, customer of the Business named
b � e, request the City Council of
� the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we ,join with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business :
residing at °L ..�" �
� ���a«��
/rk,�/� residing at �
[� � , r
� q��
- esiding at i
,�,_ �,e.P�_ 133� J� c�-�.
''�/C�t.����� �- residing at r7z S
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, �j'hoc � ��;� �.a.t� ! � �� /��l.o�-v..dC ��
'r(�,� c�`� �}41�� J(7���- �..�Sl�YeSS�-./
, ` residing at /33r?
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��'�residing at 1v��•��(�'/1RN� ��
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r residing at d� 7 � �
f°�� ° �
' � ' residing at \a S'� �2A��'i�
b " residing at % �S ,
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
� �
The undersigned, members of the Grand Avenue
Businessmen's Association, request the City Council of the
City of St . Paul to rename Oakland Avenue, Grand Avenue, and
to take that action with regard to that portion of present
Grand Avenue Easterly of said Oakland Avenue, as may be
acceptable to the residents of that area.
. ;
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Petition .
The undersigned, members of the (3rand Avenue �
. �
Businessmen's Associatian, request the City Council of the ;
City of St . Paul to rename Oakland Avenue, Grand Avenue, and I
to take that action with regard to that portion of present
Grand Avenue Easterly of said 0akland Avenue, as may be '
acceptable to the residents of that area. i
�.��--j,, ./` o f 1�t�A�VLZ A�f LcQIlQ��i,
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The undersigned, members of the 'Grand Avenue
Husinessmen's Association, request the City Council of the
City of St . Paul to rename Oakland Avenue, Grand Avenue, and
to take that action with regard to thattportion oP present �
Grand Avenue Easterly of said Oakland Avenue, as may be
ace ptab e to the residents e'f that area.
o f ����� (,c�•��� l.� ��G� �.�G'�.0
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Petition ',. .
The undersigned, Business Men of Grand Ave. , request
the City� Council of the City of St. Paul to rename Oakland Avenue,
Grand Avenue, and to take that action with regard to that portion
of present Grand Avenue Easterly of said Oakland Avenue, as may '
be acceptab to the idents of that area.
N ame �- 1(v9�- �,"°�►�
Busine s Address
Name � �n,
Busi � ress �/./��
Na1tte , / /1 �
Busines � � Adress / � G1 ,� ��c-x/ �
Name ; / (O 1�
Business e' Address -
Name � .
Business�.- . .� Address
Name �
Busines C Address ��'7� -� �-'
Name � 1 < p -7 /7 � �
Business � GG� L"l� '� dress �to ! � ����' ���
Name �
Business Address
Business Address�
Name �
Business Address
Name __
Bus iness Address.--•y_:.-
Business Address
• � Business Address
Name •
Business Address
. Name
Business Address
Business Address
Business Address
Name • �
Business • � Address
Business Address
Business Address
N ame
� Business Ad¢iress
. Name
Business Address
Name �
Business Address
Name i
Bus�.ness Address
.Iv ame '
Business Address
Petition ', .
The undersigned, Business Men of Grand Ave. . request
the City Council of the City of St. Paul to rename Oakland Avenue,
Grand Avenue, and to take that action with regard to that portion
of present Grand Avenue Easterly of said Oakland Avenue, as may '
be acceptable to the residents of that area.
��,�� �'�-�. , � � -� °�'� �'�
Name r T �'
Business�E� a e� dress -- 3 c1 �r ���=U�,� ///,C? �j/
J�,oti,, Name �M 6 � / �J 5 � ,��'�,.�.o�.,
h,��� �i Business Address !� l
Name .
Busines Adress
Name �., / ` . l
Business cf � Address 3Y .S �L�tl.�� �t'o,r,vE�o� G.c�A�'��/
Name �t,p .
Business Address 7 7� a,�.--
Name '�'� �
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Name � O
Business Address�
Business Address
Business Address--�:.-
Business Address �
• � Business Address �
. Name
Business Address
Business Address
Business Address
' Name
Business Address
� Business • Address
Name .
Business � Address
Business Address
� Business Adazress
Business Address
Name -
Business Address •
Business Address
Name '
Business Address
, •
Petition ',, •
The undersigned, Business Men of Grand Ave. � request
the City� Council of the City of St. Paul to rename Oakland Avenue�
Grand Avenue� and to take that action with regard to that portion
of present Grand Avenue Easterly of said Oakland Avenue� as may '
be acceptable to the residents of that area.
�� �,����.-��� .
Name �'� / � >
Business Address G'�
Name �] j -��r `
Busines9r'`'� � Address;5�� «�
Name ` � _= •
Business � � l� �'� �� Adress 3 -7.z----�-� —
Business Addross
Business Address
Business Address
Name "
Business Address
Business Address
Business Address�
Business Address
Bus ine s s Address--.---�.-
Business Address
• � Business Address �
Name . °
Business Address
Business Address
Business Address
N ame
Business Address
Business � � Address .
Business Address
Business Address
Business Adazress
Business Address
Nazne �
Business _Address
Business Address '
Name •
Business Address
Petition .
The undersigned� Business Men of Grand Ave. , request .
the City� Council of the City of St. Paul to rename Oakland Avenue,
Grand Avenue, and to take that action with regard to that portion
of present Grand Avenue Easterly of said Oakland Avenue� as may
, be acceptable to the residents of that area.
Name /���
Business ess_ ���v� '-K� f�`r/�G,
Busines � ry2o�i���-( Address � S T �'-��%[d-•�J G�-� ,
I�ame , I�.� � /1
Busines Adress (h-�c
Name � . J /� .n �
Business Address /S .�� .r�Y I'�� c ,
\ame `
Business Address� S^
Business Address,�� �
Name �
Business � Address � 7 0� . .
Name f� � '
Busines Address C- -+ - '
Name _
Busines Address °
Business Address
Business Address---�_.-
Business Address
Name .
� Business Address �
Business Address
Business Address
Business Address
Name •
Business Address
Business � � Address .
Name , . . �
Business Address
Business Address
Business Ada3ress
I�ame '
Business Address
Name , •
Business Address
Business Address
Name ' '
Business Address
. ' �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Bus ness : - "
` ` � /��
' esiding at �D Gv
/ residing at �f� "�� � L�.
�.� residing at ,Z 5/�3 /�e�c.�2C-�. ���
r :
residing ato�0�� �i(_-/li�Q� ��2`�.��
OC/_ �- � residing at ����� �'��' ����
,.� ; r
.A:/' % `' "i `' : .
� :-�:,�� �r . ��`�.� residing at fl,G -_' �� c_U � .,✓
/ � � � � �
` ��/ ,. �, residing at �l , � �-' /•�c���t
� �.
,�(� ,���� residing at � -S 7�� �!' � �-��-�.� _
.._..�, ' / ��
;,, / /
' fr1" � residing at
residing at�� fZD ,
` residing at ���9 �/L���wT� s� -
� ����c/ residing at �- d 7 -�y �.
�����, �N�,�..�,y, residing at �
residing at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business :
� residing at /�� �. - ��
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
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� . ' � �1
� `
�� Petition
� �
�j, 1�4�� The undersigned, customer of the Business named
� ��;elow, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
� '> • the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition 6f the property ,�
�i ; � -x ,
� owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
� .
�"�+ V' '�_
�(}"` Avenue, which action� is believed to be in the best interests
� . �
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
. �
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business :
��' .
- esiding at ��_,_
�``1 ,
,�/ � �- residing at � � C7 � °�G
residing at
residing at
. r ' � ,�w
residing at � c�+� �-��`" „ �W-,
� � � `,,,
� ���.� � �;�' residing at �
residing at Z�3
_ � � � ���� ✓'"r,��,r►°�I�'� s�
' � � residing at � �
- ';�� residing at • :Q
; -�,�' s . ,
��.,,.. :�?,y�,.� res iding at �J C' � ��__�_.rs��+..���.�✓
� ;� � Cj' /�' �
' residing at /�CU
resi�ling at��v p��c.¢�t �'1��.�'"c�'`'`�
- �•�
residing at �L�a �
� � �� �
� residing at � � /� i� �� �
� �^ . . ,,. , . . ;;:�����
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!�"� . . _ ,�,�, �... ��..,
M�^ `�
. �
� . � �
. �
. .
' , y . .
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand .
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand �
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : '
�.��c�.�� � �a-e`P,�`.�° residing at a�o� ,��� C��.
��L� -�`-�� residing at� G � ���-�� �.
. ' �� ���� �,�.:�J
, �,�,, ce,� residing at �
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
' residing at �''
. y�residing at
residing at
. _�
residing at `�
. • residing at " � -
residing at
_ � ,.
. . � ' ,
�•, _ . , -
' r .
�' _ ':«�.:_ _
Y •
� ��
' Petition
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
� the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue �hat that street be renamed Grand �
, ,��
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
p,lish this end. ,'
Business : .
�/ t
esiling a
� re s i d i ng at��'�,���'�c�,�'�- �c.�'`�2--- -
, 2C�Z ��q,,/�i�!f��
C� � residing at b �`�J'"
. ,� .
r residing at /Z� � ��LO�`� �` v� '
.a, ,
� residing at �� 7/ �
t_.-_�"trf�� . 1�,�,r� � residin-g at �\']_1,� ��Q��.�� lx.,c�'�
residing at �� � �• `�1'��l /��iq
� �Sresiding at 16C1( -- �u .
' ��`� �i, E ' " ` residing at ��G �, /"�c�✓ r -����
lYU "
`�„�� residing at o7C�� ��hl d �
. residing at ���Z �Q
i`�'�� �_
siding at
residing at
" �
, .,:,, _ - resid#ng at
� �
. x' .
�`� � � � � ���
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the �best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
. . plish this end. �
. �
Business : � r+,.�„� at Fair��iPW
St. Paul, Min . 551`45 �9
� �~�
residing at/� a-
c residing at /7 I�� -�«.�
��� � residing at�g '
Gr,,.-.�-� re s idi n� at C� Z. C5 S�� �1 �0���
�`- ' �" '�
; �,. '� residing at I��t�,.;(��C��r.��. s,�.-��`-�-
� � P � �u��c---
� residing at �� �V�'
�'� ' ,
residing at 1 C�
I 3 � ( -� c���
�. . � .� �
residing at ����
' ,,i„J residing at�,�/p a�/ �
� . � -
���_residing at
' residing at. l7pJ
����J-,�J � , "�%r�� residing at �l ��/
>; ' '"�� n
� ; ,
�i �� : ., � ` �T
residing at::�- U�..1��
� , ,��- � ,n� residing at / ��/ ��-�-��"���
.,��-� ,
. �p
R •
� �
- `i
� �
� The undersigned, customer of the Business named •
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of tY�e property
owners of Oakla�d Avenue that that street be rena�ed Grand �
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests •��
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to°�-•aecom- �_
plish this end. �
� Business : Grand at Fairview
St. Paul, M' n. 55105
•� . residing at ��i.
residing at I � 7
. _
,� � > '
���� v �/ residing at // /1:i�,/��.�
�. �
—� R c
�? � � c� 4,,. � residin� at ( . ( Y\ n Y��a 9��f �
;� residing at ��/`�( ��;����� �
; �G���� ,���� residing at ���� ��a�v�� ,��U�` _
• r
f'i��r��� �,�r���.� residing at ���/(� �c�u�i�� l�if�l?(��e�
���e-� � ��� re s id i n� at /��'� �.C�� � �,.�, �� ,
. . ' K residing at ��/ �
esidin at 'V . �W"�
r g � b � t
residing at��O ��- ,�--
, � residing at l� �� ������
�� � �t�
� ( �� ,p �� residing at ���) �t����� ��
residing at
� <��
� _-�
r• �
� .
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
>t. Pauf, Mi�nn. 551(�F
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
' residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at �
� Petition
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakl�nd Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
. 1
Business :
/ t i P1 • �
� �� residing at �� J � � ,r�,�1�1 �,�������
,/ � ,
� ,�.�-�✓ l . ,���� residing at g�/�+ . � "� �_�.
, /��-.
residing at
residing at
� residing at
residing at
residing at
• residing at
' residing at
' residing at
� residing at •
residing at
residing at �
residing at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Bu s i ne s s : ����. � , �c ,�,c�,�...L�
� ,� /�^-r �� � M`�'��
� .
!. ,.'/e2� '-._._.__ � �. �,�.c' r e s i d i n g a t a�S� /1�u %�-a�. ����
�; ��,� ���,,,� residing at %
�Jl�� =�L /J�`<<- � residing at �,�.� y �z��c�
�!,-,, d `
/ / � (��4--�, residing at � `°� �9 � �n�f �
�� ,� � � ���� n residing at � 1 5 ` ��
�' ,� � Cl ,�� residing at / � (� `J ��
residing at
residing at
' residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
�� �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
� .
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council �'
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business :
residing at -7/v� �.'.r' .�.v�z�, 1�` � �
� residing at /��-�-� Gz��
�� ! residing at �6 USj Ai(,�Vf ���r__U�__-�
�� ol- residing at /��e-�,
�.1�(, � / N �--��C��--,��
residing at
�� residing at �� �+Cr�f���l ��
' � �
Y� -
� Q� residing at ' 6 �� ����� �"'��
,�, � residing at ,� � f � � ��'�--t�
' �X� � ��, residing at ��� ��V'YIC�-�� �'� •
,�� residing at 'J� . �-��
(/ - _ � �
� residing at � - '
L� residing at �c3 _.�
�� �1�-° residing at 1 C��''�'�''' ��-�
.P.�� `� 7� s� � �.�- � ,
residing at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business :
� residing at
�� � �� residing at Lo � S ,� ? v ���
. �
��/.� residing at � ��
/ Q �%���
residing at / r �
res,iding a�%�� ��
. �
�,,.J residing at ���a , �L��-�--�_�
residing at ol � �
residing at �
� �
' � residing at `�S 7 �� �a ;�m��n n � "
' -C-� .
���• � �trz�(J"� residing at U��
!)��IJI ,
� � e
���� �� �A�� �����/�^-residing at ' ( �
5�� � � ��,����� residing at �3 '� ��'IC� _
��. residing at !� �` �_�
residing at���C� 1'�-S7�'�/4'��
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Pau��, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : �
/ -
� residing at ��/ l� c.r-��.v�-G� ,
°� esiding at
�/�� i
. ' � � residing at ?��5 C�,��a, !�-��.
� � � ��
���. residing at �9d�,�„rz����G�� •--
• ��
residing atJ��c�',�
residing at
residing at
residing at
' residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at � �
residing at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : �
� � esiding at � 1 __C�'�-
�; residing at/� ^ � �
residing at 7 �o - " �
residin at 7�- � �-�
. �
' residing at o� O �� �P .
� ,(� residing a � / � '
�Z� ' � �2u..vu;�rv��" residing at �� �L
' g �8/ ��--�.
� �, �Q,�,P-��,��U residin at
' residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at �
residing at
. ;+';w'
► w,
, k . - � . _
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand . '
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : 1080 G�a�td ;�ve.
, ,- ,y ,/ ST. PAUL 5, MIPiNESOTA
� j�/.+� . �,,., � � ,
�' 4/! / ''�f � S tr • _ �
�-'�- ,,. r e s i d i ng a t �,� � c.- '� �:�''�����`_ •
� � residing at � � Z,.Z„ �� f}�1�._
,� >
, ��' � �:;"%
i�` �--� � ` residing at ���� � .,���
. S,=,,9,e,,�,, -�b�i�� residin� at ��S 'b �^.
1��b✓j ' t-Q-�,•���/ residing at �''�/,��rTr���`'T/
� . r
� residing at \ �
� residing at�// o�� ��
residing at
' residing at
residing at
residin� at
residing at
residing at
residing at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : ���� ��' �iQuQ�.�
� n -
, ��+ '/�� -� residing at �,y Z �i�✓w��� ��-
residing at 9�/� Q/�� �
�l��-� residin at � � � y���=���--
� g
�c,t,� residin� at /3��
�. . .
residing at ��
��, ' residing at 7o � /����"�-� `�'��
l ., ° _ �
,� , � , ,, � ,L (- ;' residing at ���_�� . �,�_-�,�7.!1/l
� residing at (��� ���/�.'"!�-��1�
r �
' residing at
res�ding at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residin� at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
, the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of 0akland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effor� to accom-
plish this end.
,�t �iRANR. A��. 1-►�JUR�, 1�
Business :
_ 7
esiding at � � a
�G�,,�' ; �C�7j residing at /-S' / �����--�---�
) � ��
residing at 3�a(� �� ��Gcc� � /4
_ ,2 �
,�� �
- �� � � � �_ �
� 'h��, residing at 3�k� �. ''J c L
� residing at /�' ��'
� „ /
,, • , �{. _�'� �, �,n residing at � �� ,��_��i�""2-,-fi
, �
�/1 residing at� ��% ��i��r���c��
/�� .� re s id i ng at // y�T ��t--��"� �`"� �
. r �,C_
residing at �,y,� ��,c�cry �-�"-� �
����� residin at T�� �
l //\ \ - � �
r ^ � / (
residing at � 0�5 Qt���'�� �
- �?�r�
,� residing at C�
. % " � � �
, �Z��� residing a� � �� .
�6i�,. ; �
residing at � �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Busines���,'�,�A'�i�is��ation in their effort to accom-
a � , ', s`� �A
plish this er�.�z � . � � � � � ��� �� -
�' � . �7
�- -r
�����,�, ,:���,�,:��
Business :
`� , . ,
�s-ic,c�l� , �� residing at �� �Z�-� ���4"�-t�-
!1 � ��1�.�` residing at �A
residing at � � �����
, ,,. � � f rl C,�
residing at (Q� G�
i �� residing at % Z7
�� C ^ ..
�,� �fil .- �---F' residing at �3/ ����� ��
,� � _
residing at � ����
-� � � ,�1� residin at G� �
' ' ° residing at c� c�
esiding at �.��'' �'�? .
. ,
residing at �� � �,`L� �° �(�-�
ry � /�
��. ,�� � residing at �� (�l�
residing at��i�j � �
� � residing at �d-j �C��L
,�� )f)
The undersigned, customer �of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : � `'��'���A�` LIQ��t6R�?i,'I1�.
, _.
� residing at �� 5"-� �`� �-�-°
r-° ,.
residing at`- �� �
) ' f
� � � residing at G'
�%n:�'.��yt, residing at ��� � « �
/ '
� residing at / ��% �/.-�,o
��I•Cr�t �
. p � residing at
residing at �S � (�� c � ,�`�
� �k��:�"r�� residing at 0�� ���-�-� ��
' �j residing at ��������
� �
� � � � �
residing at / � �
residing at � � '
� �u t � � , i ��S���W ( �f
� residing a "`�
r �
\� . residing at �� a ��`��'
� ~ c `
<. residing at l
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St. Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business • ,����`�D A�� �-��'JOR_�„li�
residing at C/V % .,U�.r3s�,�i�/f��-
�,,,� _\ residing at s � S � �tiv,,�c�� ��l 3
� �J /
residing at �L/v v , �__�!�__
�-�� � ���s� /.� �-s.�' �
residing at �
�, . -'`��' residing at / � `� � ""'� .
. i 1 � /Q � . � �
r �_ residing at '�'� .G- ��.�";���?��
� ^ r �
,, �,.��
residing at � �
G�n..sa. lT- � residing at �� � ��� .
' � � residing at � ����Il� ����G/x-
�,�n�_ �,��,Q�Q�,� residing at a. n 1 ► ��9,-�4_.. �!'�%'
� � residing at Z � � �-a ��"`��
residin� at� ��-� ��`-' vi
_, �
��� �-�. residing at ��� �, �
�a,,,,,�� ��.���,,` re s iding at � - . �j�.
9 f / _ `
� / '
� �.
The undersigned, customer of the Business named �
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end .
Business :
esiding at � C1 j� W�� �4!h � ���-/'?�/� /
i � � �
residing at
residing at
residing at ��g
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end. ,
Business : �
�� ' � � .
residing at �1�� °- ��-�-9z��� `��-��
residing at�%Q��,�� .
� �� residin at �� o t o �•
E �
1 residin� at �� �3
� residing at � (Q
` � �/�
�, �-- residing at � o�
,, �",,�. 2�q,� residing at ���'����� �z���C
., ,
� residin at I ��� r
��fr/.�C r�%��-ey�G�/ � g ��9' ��; �
� ^ � _ ����
' ,� _ -� residing at �/�"-����-�
... > �p
a - residing at ��Z j�or�C..-�
residing at___�
residing at � � o .
/ .
residing at ��G��'C� ��� ��'/1�- .
residing at
Petition .
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
�� �� Q�. S�
Business : ��
residin at � � � � � ��
� o residing at� D �� �-
!' � � residing at�� �� � �a' _���'"fT_.
� residing at �� ��"r'�-""'� �V`e,
residing at
`� residing at
residing at�'��.r�,.�
` �- "� residing at �
' � residing at ��i '¢ I c�) . �/�� _
. � _ .�',-�
,�, ...
;� ,_. f _
� ` -a--�� �_ v <�� _
- r� '` `- , -- __ . re s i d i n at �'> �" �-�r,
residing at T7 ,�. / �
�'��✓ ��' �L�t�a�� residing at�_�//_�,L� � tx�'�
� � / residing at/� ,�t����.� ��-r� �
- � ��� � !� ��d c� �
( residin at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business :
residing at
L�i'K-{ -�� /�f` ,�p��= residing at � �:� ����c�C �,c.�—
� � �M�
� � � � . �,p C. residing at � TJ
D,���;J�.�-� ��-�.�� residin� at �3 7 �,,.�-��--.� a�
residing at l� ���j�Q T/"..G�
residing at �"� 1 LI
residing at 3 1 �
�"�'�c �, residing at �� � ���_
' — residing at 5�c��a�-�
, residing at �j a(.�, �,Vt�.0 �
1 � 6 •
��%�� residing at �� � L
� residin at �� �
� y� .�c�%��
• i
� residing at •
residing at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
�Business : • •
� �-��� �� y��'�� residing at
�� �
residing at �
. residing at
���" *
��� ' residing at
�'. �.,���
,� •�„ � residing at
;� - residing at
residing at
. residing at
' ���� �� � �8-�QJ residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : �l,V a��
,� o�. A �`S��-��-�� � -� � residing at �� �� a'Y`e
, �
� residing at f v �y ��ri-v-�Li�� �
� � residing at ��� �
residing at `� ��J�
Q� residin at 'O �? � ' ��� ���'�
� i g
�,�, " i ,-- residing at , � � ' ' ��"'
;���.-��� ^,,� �.�? residing at _.Z�� .,j�'�'-°��"„�-i
� �
� : � J �
`� � , residing at �'—
' � � residing at �� � � ��c-��
residing at Q � � ���',�L%
, �r' �' residing at � � v �Q�"�
� �
" residing at� d` '7 ��-�
���� �
� �,���� residing at ¢j '� 2 �
. .,
, �
, �(� �'� residing at �--� ��"v0'��f � �'�li�`�'�/1�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
. vv � -�"
Business . "� � V'-�
` J �Lc''".'c �- � c��' residin at 7 �- 7 � L'�"---=>
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
' residing at
residing at
residing at �
residing at
residing at •
residing at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
ness : /v��- �� �� � � �
� ��`" `� � din at
resi g
��..-p residing at ���
residing at � > p
.� i � '
��'��/1����`�-�-�1�� residing at ..3 �� Sf .�a�L�4.
. ^
� � ��._,�, residing at � '� 1 ` d��.. `�= �
. ^ ��� 3 �� G��.�
h,��J ��Q.�J residing at � '�--4�•
�� ����, � residing at 6 �l> ;���x-�-� � �
� % � L%%Y%iZ�
_ - ' residing at �'q�� /�
�; ; -
- �
�� ��3� ���
' ;,.' residing at � _
, �
residing at 4 � �Q�'`�'�`-'°�`'``'�
i� , .� ,
residing at 7 � ��
y / � � ' ��
_/'��-�/.-/P��tr .� C
`� i`� _ residing at Lp_� �
/� ���-x--�� � • �-�"'�•�� residing at � `��"� i �
';Vl � ��-�,��� �G ��- � �� �-�_p>>
, "`'"' residing at
,-C�---� L� �f ��' �c�
� � �
�� � /�'f�' ..t..�C_ �"'-- °/ 11 ���+�u�`c:,� �i,,.,..�::�.
.,.+� +�'s�-� l�
.. ,
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Gr�,nd�A�e�.d`e; request the City Council of
a, .__< _ ,,
the City of S't . Paul, to granti the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
~ �=�o �� L ��
Business :
residing at �c�%
��(�e t e��101f�C Q. �Q.Cft.� residing at O '�� �t im,�2n�� _
' residing at ��.� ��Z � ��
, �,',.�� ,�'�.�-�--�
'� residing at
."� � �
residing at - �
� � residing at �a
' residing at �,�� Qw��� s�D �)cn
� residing at '��� ��''�w
' residing at ' t `� 1 ��� � � �1 '
C�J'�� , residing at��
' residing at l� �4�
residing at� '`%�!�� ,
�fa����� residing at y�' �a����
� residing at � �- �✓���-<<'���---
r 1
�..� ..
� Petition
The undersigned, cu�stomer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, t6�grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : ,
... r. y . ���
r � residing at_��
�� residing at i Z�.�i ����v�c�(n
��� ��Z residing a���
'is.�.oe� ('.tiQl��.,_ . _ residing at fy�� fct�c� -�--�-+a�
residing at �
residing at �-�/
,� ,: �� . � �,.�. residing at��� ���'�Z� ��C'`Q•
�,/' esiding at �
, ���' ;'-.;,-r.v� �l� residing at /���
residing at ,�
-� residing at � �
� � R35� ��
residing at
!`-�- �.� Y'1 �U�,�.-residing at��c���( ��. .
residing at �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
_ Business : ��C2s
, , ,
��I� � residing at /�T��. ,L.�,r� �
. residing at •
. �/ �
G�i��residing at �O /� < /�ll�r�
� residing at ���
residing at
residing at
residing at `�
residing at __
' residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
residing at
The undersigned, customer of the Business n-amed
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this .end.
.���;�a � �m �,�� •�,�� .��-��
Business . ���'`,s��.� ��d �������� ���� ` ���,
din at � 7 ` ��
resi g �
residing at1�s 7 � �ti � '�✓F•
�� � � re s i d i ng at���1'�-t-�--, �� °
� � �
, residin� at � ��
� , ����� residing at /3�� i��'B'�`-�t"�cc/�
`i` !�
, `� / �..��'✓/�O"�/"
` �- �� " � residing at_s���� � 1�
� . �� residing at 8 � ���
- ��?� � residin at 6 �0 7.3
�;� , �� � � � .
-- r .
' residing at �
residing a�
residin� at •
residing at
residing at
residing at
�. " �
���� '
� Petition
The undersigned, customer of the Business named _
below, located on Grand Avenue, request t�jie City Co�tncil of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that tha� street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom- l
plish this end. �
Business : ��� Fairvi�w
�;� S�t. Paul Minn. 55105 F �
� � — � residing at ����� i' -r, ,'' -�/' ��.�� -
, ` .=c.� � iC�I`�'1 , residing at � ��� ���-�t�Q CY� J"� V
/ residing at � �
residing at � � .�(i
�� �� residing at_1��� - '
-t�-, ,
1, , � _ ,
� , , � ,e�-'���Z- �f�` / �� �. ' :'' '
��,�.,.� �__ residing at / �`�
� � �,
�� (' � `�• � � r C �� - � ; ,
J � �r� � � \ � � ;
�,�-� � 1 ° "'
' � .; � residing at � V� �_���, -
� 'j�
`-- co,�-•*�- �-- ��`� re s i di ng at �'� '0 � �� �-'�`- _ :
� y �D � 7
� 1��e_- residing at , � -,�z' �
_ 7--+�-T
G J �' I
�, residing at ZvaD L�rl Ud /�✓
����Z�,� residing at ����� ������
residing at �C� �S� �U.�t-�l��
l6 � Y
�C���2.P residing at � � �t�'��
���"- residing at L � � � _
.g$ �
� € o!
, -1. j �1 Z
� <
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue , request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Bu s i ne s s : ��o � f Z �-�`�- r--
� residing at� �o
���K,�,��-,., residing at /�O 2.
� , `
��i� residing at /G�l/�
`� l /,�"� �� � � _
� , �:� residing at c�
residing at f �
��Y' �'a �U,'
residing at � "l
residing at�0 B-�O a� � o � "
residing at _
/ / f
' "� �'���"- residing at �� /Z `
� � �`�_residing at : � �
residing at����� ✓ �`� •� ���
`� �
. �� �
�p , residing at
� j� , residing at b 3
" r „ , residing at�7'3
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St,�,:_ P�ul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.ne� A/,��
� ���
C�8 So. D�le (Corner Grand Ave.j
Business :
�2 - 4, „
° ��� ���
esiding at�%��' r�� �_,,c.��
� ' ���,
� � �
��esiding at �=�� . v `��1JQ.
r �
residing at � �'
, _ �
���� �, ���r,�,l,�,,,,,,, residing at / `� J' 1�F � �_
� �
�, �j � , residing at ��,�� !z �cr,`�
� �L g I���'�''�a'`�t+
siding at �
�,.�.�.4.�:..r-- ing at 1 l' — �.�-�-�� '�
residing at�L�� ���
' � residing at��� � G�'�'�-
�("� ' , ��-
7`' � residing at J '� �
�/� siding at Ca �
. � .
esiding at � � � ��T`1 =y-�
S �9
�,�;�� ' residing at � r, � _,..��„�, �
� residing at � �-7 �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end. �
�e;C�� 6"���:
Business : Q�8 So. D31e (Corner Grand 2����.
`'�. ' , ,,
residing at �- � � "
residing at � � �- _
��--.- re s i d i ng at / �' � �"�-''�
, residing at�� -� s/�.��D��lz`_/��-
' t V
v.,,,../'� �
., �.t�, `�� � ��.-�����' residing at � 7 `� T., �
��1 r 1�.� �z-- residing at (^ 4��0 �'" �Z"�L' ��----
. �' /�
,��-, - �c�. residing at �� �a •�-J'� �-�����!!2�
�... � �� � c�
c���-= residing at�f
<< C ,, -
' residing at
residing at
� �i��,�'i ����� ��.����re s id ing at �i'�� t'�_�1 l�t��
� '�_ ,�
residing at � � _��_� � c�t «z /�._
` residing a�� �n V� r
-� ��� ��/
� ,.�i .__. ,).,.. residing at 5 `��> �fi'`��`ll:f
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
� Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end. �
�e!�� " �
Business : 38 �So. Dale (Corner Grand AVQa,
_ , , _
� ` „ residing at � � .,� � �t�
,���r�,�-r�C ,�LC:.� <� residing at / � � ' -� �..g�
, residing at l y �r� _��.--�'�,C
���,,y �;_ . , � re s idi ng at ��, �, _��. �Q�l��.►..�/
�� �J
����G- residing at ��� ���
,� y ,
� Cti�G���� ���u;����C re s id i ng at �� ���-�'` ��,�
� �
! �. residing at��-G�'�--����- �
�J�r �r/1,� �
� residing at (�� � ' ✓LC�!��
� � � ���¢�-��!
� ,J � residing at � 7
� l
���� �.. �.cQ�,� � esiding at �_�� ��t ��,���
` � J
b �� residing at � / � �'���`'� `�Q�
+ � ,�� 1r � � `, residing at � ��, �, � .
,1 r ,
-� ,,�,��� `��, � '_-___re s idi ng at , �-�`�.r' .
� ' �
� ,Y z'- '� � �� residing at . ��
� .
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Pau1 , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end e'�'i�� ���:.'-
� �
Business •� So. da�e (Corner Grand Ave.)
°`�. 22- � i�
' � �' din at �� �-�.
esi g
�� residing at�� �
� i� residing at �� � 7�i'��O'1,.�
I%��,� ��-r�. -�.Z�,� _ residing at � �. .!� � ^ �
��, !✓�� ! � �� ✓
, G y � . G�����
��,�,� (�G�� ,,; ��;�i�� residing at J
� , . _
,•� , ��,f
• �� v�`� t residing at _
� � ____ .
� ��,.� residing at ��
• � ,�e� residing at �J'� �✓��'��� � ��.
� residing at .��� �T i�r `��b
• ���G -
residing at l07 0�. (,.�'�-O��"�
, �
� ��` 1�� residing at �� "� o - _ �
� l C�
�"YJ ����'�" residing at
residing at � �.U �-�a� l� .
i i�� �! '-r� r--l-� z-e=�-�•� re s i d i ng a t //�9 d"�i���-�'.c%�'�,
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue , request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end wer�oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business :
residing at,�6� �
, . ,
residing at
� c� �
re,siding at .���' .ZO a�Y
� �
� �.
�� resi�ing at ��� '
;� residing at �3���d'��s�pT Cu-�
� �,.��'� `� �{ �' 1����Cl/1. .•
-(��� - �' �( � residing at � �� -�l/
� �
residing a �
residing at l�� 3 �` C,�,wti c�
_ �
� � � � � c.�S Q .T ,�residing at � ��� ��(���
� � �
�� p� ,c�.-.� r ding at f�9� .���
,,07�L� ,,•�.
� , "� � ,
t � /
� 'ng at
� S '�
Y y y^..�J� .
` � r`
f� ,��` �; ,� "ff��"'"" residing at � •
r * ��."f�' �r..r►
� residing at l�la��'�+ t�.�.s
residing at ��
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, 1'ocated on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end. .
Business : !L
, ,
� ,
�,�/� ��,�.� /�� -. residing at G� -�,r�-��� —
�. K"".,, t:' ,, � , ,"^ �,-`
� `' , a, ,; '��r residing at � � - ; �
���. t �.�, .�- .� ,� � � � �
C� '
���=T � ��residing at � � �
� _ �.��
� r�` 1 � s '
_ residin� at� ,� ��'�t�
� , residing at� �
residing at
� (� re s i d i n� at d�.�� �-�ur�lm�.' �'''�•••►°"°
`` � r
: � residing at �� f.
�. /
' residing at d v
' �`� ✓'�,.�".�-> residing at `� �� -/`�„ �_,�
. �
' residing at
' �'�� �.,�.�:�
� �- residing at � � �
�� �JI � r.V../
� .,.....� residing at � � _
residing at_ .��_���
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business :j;� �J A„� s�"fz /�-•� �
', � , C '����� C�—�`�.
`�' �� residing at, � b �
� � �� residing at� `�� ����
� � �
QyL. residing at -
� �
residing at � � �� � C`�'� J°' /�
' � , �-_
�,Gu��- residing at �� / �
��,���y�..py�' residing at
� .� -'7 ��
���✓� ��z o.�r�.� �l residing at /���
���_ � �?��� � residing at ��F� � ��7Q��� .
' residing at � w ���
(�,� /�, � � �__ residing at 3 � Y ��«r�-t-�
-� G� �
� residing at �- ''� �
�. !�. ' s4�� ��!----
� ^
residing at � �� ���D
iding at � 8 w�XXxN �
residin at ���
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business :f�.-.r}�G�,,.a � S'�'�-!�^k-
���1+'e�'�� residing at Yl6 C-��/ .
�Q_o�� �c �'V1 Q.�-av� residing at 3a b ���� �
��� residing at � �a 1
`� � a`�T��. residing at �1-`F ? S ��
��� residing at ����
. .
� residing at�� . .
~��,�� residing at//v� O �i�:.�'zr�vi� ,�'Z►lC�-;
� � � �, �Q residing at ��o � �4��z1� �`'lJ`e.
' / residing at��/J____��� ��,
� n
t';�,� residing at /4 60
' A residing at �/��e����`Z��
� � esidin at • � '� �
`.- � r � � 7l .��� ,R=r—
' ;�"� ,;�
ls,f'r� �, �' ,�^ ��y r //i� /�
residing at �`" G ?/l�G�
residing at ��� "- �� � �
• Petition
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : �rr��,,kd AY� S'�a'�- �ari�
� residing at /���� �-
residing at� / �O C�
� o��� � . C��.�t a.....�.o
esiding at -/
c residin� at �L✓� /��,�r_���� L
�,,yyy� � residing at �l � ��/� � �c � �- /3' v�
residing at ���� d �
residin� at
G!� u� residing at � C/L �
� 5 t
' residing at ,p��'$
� �� `,1�,� residing at �(��'� �� —
residing at ��J�s l� G�"'
residing at /
� �
.�i.U'I�� ' �- (;��^-�. r e s i d i ng a t 17�� _ ��"�-'e.�� _
� esiding at �D R��/7",�,P�`l,� l�
9��G� 2 �9� � /�U�•
��� l
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owne�s of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : �7ra�'f'�-)_w••.! /��� �la�` �'~�
� residing at �`� •
�� ���� e� residing at ��.� %?� � �
� residing at /�s`r V`�'�
residing at °217 �-�r,[.o ��/
� residing at ► d �. y
residing at � 3 L�
� ��_��`��;���_re s i d i ng at / 5� ,�� O��.E�i�.P�� r
residing at
' � residing at �y� j �'• "'�'��'���
�.J ����..�' residin at � �� S5%/s�
�� �� � � / �
�/�,�� residing at l,�.S`'�i� �
residing at �� �
residing at /y�a2-- -
�, residing at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Bu s i n e s s : .0 n.�,�i 7�-.�_l ` -.-,.�-.�.�.-��
� ��U ^ �--�-- _
residing at � ���
� residing at1 �. ,�T
� � � residin at :��� 6� �
� 6
. , � ,• ., , -,
���'� ��'%�l f'���2.� residin� at����� ������� '��'`�:.
` r''
� l/ � �
Z_ '`�,�; c � re s i d i n g a t �b � �v`'�,�3�'��'e"�.�2-w�,�
� .,
� ��L-J`"�^ residing at ��.5�- L�%����r f-
_.. .,%
( � residing at �'
i. � ,
�/l�� residing at ���
' ��---- residing at��� �
. . �� �
� residin at � i��%'���"u' � �
� �
� residing at�`� � Z-
.-' � / ; �
' residing at ��d�� `"—
� �� v residing at 1�9�,��r�_�L.f/`�i�
., �.
-, % � residing at O � �
., .
a •. �i1: . - � »
� � .
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
. owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand . �
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this �}�,���n�T�F� �n ��� (�HO�
���� �� � f'� J
Business : 1r��0 Gra�;d �`�t,'e.
.,� � �
- esiding at �
esiding at �-�..,.,
,� � /
residing at ��/ �2?��-���.�
� �
�;� R,1,��� residing at c �G� � '�
�� (J� J�„ ��,��_residing at �b���O' �
� . residing at -Z3 G2��'
residing at �� � �i}
din at � � - �
resi g
1 /`l�� .�.�,�1 ��
' ,(/).. 1 ,,Q� , � _ residing at
� , .. �
�/ � iding at � `-f"�, - � ��.
residing at�y ,� ,��o�-.—� _/-�•�
.4� v
-�A ,�,�,�Q residing at '�c�6� ��� � D
� residing at��(v ��-a -� G`'��"`� .
� t � �' 5�.� ,
resiling a -Pl..C.�-
. . . • ..
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand -
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish th3s �g�q1�RL �l��'1��! !� (�l1� �1,_!�'`ir`
��1 ��S � i: t s s� s.J f' :1's 3_ v i � �
1:�g0 G�u�7�_i ;°:'�,�c.
Business : c-r, �ei ii �� Mi4�I�V�SOTF�
�� residing at ���'�"
C �
� C � residing at GhGu-�-�
���a/. �_ �����-yr� residing at ��2� �t-��
�'Z� ���.�'`�-�'�""�'�/' � �-... \
� residing at ��0� ���``�� �
• H � /'
residing at ���� � �-%���
: ,. �,
� '
/� residing at ?� •�� �'
esidin� at ��,j��' ��L�� L-[%� ,
� d n at � �• ����
��s.��� � � %' resi i g J
' � R residing at - v
� �
residing at �
,! � � � 7 �.� �Gz�-�
/�- �'. ° residing at � e
' d ,I n ,..
residing at 0� 7 ���`� 1��'=
� " 4 residing at� ��� _
� C �. residing at � S� a
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue , request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand - �
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
����r��o���� ����� ����}
Business : 1030 v;��';�� %;'•'�
. �
residing at /�'� � �
-_ - � �
. - /�G�z- residing at1 � U � "`''�
residing at ���^�/G!'�'ll�Cl/ �'�
residing at �p�
, �
) / 1 ,
U, residing at �d � / �
!- `� � ' /�
� ,p� �� � residing at �� �� �.«� /� �, �
,, __..... _.
� L �,,� residing at�/7 �
/ 9
_ � �/�"�� res iding at ��`✓`��T' �� � ���'�`
' ,�d� residing at ���/.r,�,l.�e.P
residing at � � �� � � � �
- �� � /� //r // �I
C� residing at l� �7 /��.—�-� /��-��Y�� �
� � ��� ��
� residing at /� � c ( '
r �
� residing at O. % �
re s i di n at T"��C.�-�----
o g � �'�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
. owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand - �
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : lOQO G;�;,�1 /`�,v�•
. ST �, ;��INiVLSOTA
������ ��9���������
residing at .
� � � residing at �� �� �"''`'� '
i1� � �
� residing at // �� L!2���`L���
� ti
residin� at
� residing at ��� � /<J �z �
_ `
residing at �`?� � - O %l��.�C
yi� ` � ? �
� �� � � residing at�D�- _
��� �; �n ,�//
� �� L"�l residing at �7 � �/ '(L�2�%�d�
, � / //
' � �'� residing at /�°7`� � � �
� �
residing at � � - ���``�
, C�
ci� residing at �� b�
, ' /o �� —CL���y��
. residing at
� /� /
� residing at���lf /")1 �f �� i
residing at / ��
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
. owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand •
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
g�1��A1_�l��U ����� SHOP
Business : 1;��('i �:',,��' �^,��',
�� residing at � .
� residing at G�r� � �
� ~ residing at � � ���a �� _
� ,� `'��.e residin� at_ " � ��'` .r :�
�� residing at ��7 ��•
, /�
. � . � :f..,�.__4�a..-�.,-- residing at / ! �D ���1..�.N.
_ - J",�
� ,,, �, ,
m.. l
: , F
-� :� ,,�,r.�% residing at /c��'. } � .�.
,�� ..� � -;�,_�.�-,�'��,.�
---�-�, .�
J � t
` residing at �`� C� �
�, � � � ��-t,.� .�1C�'a,�;�c -c ti� �l✓
� 1�'�-e'�-�. ,ce� ��'��- '�-��-�c�_� residin� at j0��y-�
�i�i ��� -�� re s i d i ng at � � � -4-�--�
;) w Lr��� ,, ', �G .% '=f � C,�.� C�.�`�c
�/l�lr'� ���:.. �:' ( G�[�-2----, residing at � ' �
,,� residing at �(o o .27�o�.-i-^-�. ��- .
/ � (/,�esiding at l4 9S' ���-�� �C� ..
I r
residing at � U � � �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
� owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand -
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests .
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this ������n,�v BAKE SHOP
Business : l��30 Cr��;nd F,ve.
� . ,
r '
:� .� l.r c.� c-c - . '� residing at �/�� �..,��, c:� :-�c l�
i��,U '
residing at
� / �- �,(
`�� � residing at � (� � ��CJ� ��Z� '
� residing at�GG � ����
! ' �. ��° re s i di ng at �� G�� c�� ;�...�,�..�-�•�.,, `��.r
�:/�� :�
� ,
�� ��,.�. ,�,, re s i d i ng at �f/ 2 <% � � e���-.--��~
C { '� 1 �� ��ct�i�L /N�'`e .
O' V'���a�`�� residing at �
����'� "� b.,��}�� � ,�`�''� 1 ° fy%'',1��',+�y/`�' ,��Cs Y .
� �` , � i,r.�, �-��. residing at���,J �1 �G��
� l G'°1- �L-e.,f'� residing at 7f0/�!i �a���l��l � d.rr►.
' �r�,; � ,i c��L� residing at `�� ,����-�-G�/�.%
�'�,j�� � � � residing at
_.� ' ,�
i �
residing at . y ,.� . �" �
•tl � v,�� �p.�u ,�,,,�, residing at � � � � � � � �
� .
� � ��.0 Jlv residing at �'�`� , ����
. .
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
, owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand . �
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : Uu�������� BA�� SHOP
�� �,=un �ve.
residing at
�' '� � g T �`��-��'_ea� �� �
� , residin at rf �
f 4
�V�� �,,"� -�V�,,�,��(� residing at �(� 'Y • ;L•�' �b
.��_� , ��..�
� r �� � residing at /
��� residing at
f �l� �� � ��
��� � residing at �SO �a-L��.�� �--
�� �'' residing at l l i� ��7�zv-�
f � ,�.� � '1
//i. `�y ,�(.l� C�' �,.<GLI��L�;�-�i-Z residing at f L 'c
' residing at �v�� `����
��'� - �..G,�.c.,, ��--� res iding at �� � � ���-�
�� �EYP �%���7�
`i�'✓� residing at�
i �
. v
' ' -/ � �. •k,.� residing at � � �
�'� z, ��F
' � ; '�
, 1i��— residing at � a �- �
�/Y�� �°� ��� � residing at r� �i��.
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
� the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand . �
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort, to accom-
plish this end.
Business : 1080 �►��n� �',ve.
� ti`��� �� ��-�� `
� - . �siding at ��� �C:� . 0 e�"'dO\ �t1� v�v�- �
residing at "''�
1 �, �.,` r ;�. :���~� residing at 0 ,► , _; �.'�^ '_ r� °��' .
h �]
esiding at ( � �
� r
' ��,� �,� , r
,� , residing at � o►.
��a _�, � f �� �� � ,,.��
�,�, ..�± . ' �> .+�,°1 ,t residin at �� v �� ���w��°��R a�'
..�''�+�' ✓� g °� ""r.
.��'� 1f'� � '
�-- �' 6 �; ���� 1
��% ��, ;� � �zL�, residing at 2� � / ,�Q� �%
, .�
S .
'�,7., (�, , ���' � residing at ��,'��-tL w�.-,.�
' ��•l�c.�i,� �7�����,�-!-��;�.,.�./ residing at (� ��..
G� .
L��� residing at �`�O
� residing at� � d L���%��'` �1�.
_ residing at�
' residing at —1
residing at �Q (�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
- the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand . �
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : 1CP0 Grand f�v�.
r p , i ESOTA
;���� r /
�� �._�i- C �, �� �
residing at �' � -�Z^
, f '
� . /
" r ��.��,,, J ��.,��1 .-.{ ,. , �-_ ;, residing at /7 S� fi'�L t�� < �_, �r1-E" .
, residing at � '�"—
�- � ��
' �,�'..c--�
' �C,v �%,' '����vlj 31 ,�,%��'�/r� residing at /7' �'`%I' �" �
; ,
/ .
residing at 7.�-t�
�� residing at� _
residing at
,� � � ��
, ���,�c� � • �a esiding at � � Z�-
� J�� ���c�. � �i[� iding at ��`+ � /`i`�--_�
���.�/- __. � esiding at � ��
�/ , residing at ���� `i9Glif�LZ
' G� �U�:� � �=� �
residing at
.. � .__
, , �
r �� � � �
� � 5
�'�.-�-. �z, � � ��� :,7,,� ,�;�-x,�''' residing at ��.�;� ��.* ,
... "
_,� :,
�� esiding at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of �
- the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand �
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests ,
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
ncZ� r,•,.�;�.� t`s�•.��
Business : 1�_:� �. � �
. � �, v �► cS�JTi�.
� ��� residing at ) S
� �/ -
�-�,�_ residing at /�/,� �6l�.��`-�"' �4��__
— s ,
,_..:���£,.�,�.��� .; residing at ��..�' ��-��.�,,.. C�� . � ,�
,� � ,� ;
: : ! ,
l� '�` residing at � �J ���--%
� residing at O� ��
- residing at
residing at 1�Q� ,
- ,��� residin at � � �`�{
� �
� � � � � �
,.� re s i d i ng at � D /� �f +�� ��'"�- ���
1q � ��
�y�g a,j�h�Z�'(,U ' KGrS�'�l l�res�8�ing at �7 �?n C-D�� a��' �
, �
\ � � , ��
, � �� �. �, ,, x., � ,��, F ; �.� residing at � �G` ��, �t �.��' o..:t� �'`..� �*� . J
S \ \ �
1ti,,.v� � '�,��, ,y �� � ��. �.a s s --
_ `��
� ����q� residing at /Ll�7�c�/h� �f��+_
� � .� ., residin at ��� � �`'��
�. ,�y—�'i g � / � ✓t'�
' residing at v � �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
- the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
. owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand �
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this eB��GAL01� BAKE SHOP
Business : 10�30 Grarid �?ve.
residing at �f/�,.� �r'%� � /,.:.��-•� - `-^ah�v ,
� , �� residing at� � 9 D o��-,.��� �„
-;�i�ll,p.��_(/� residing at�S` �1,,..���-�':� ��f'�
` v
���/iil'�J - � residing at / � 0 ` �
, F /
.: /f�^� � / , p � ��
, r�� .'s 4 / f+��I SIa'��~ r .
! J/'. .
,:� ; a�:" +---�._ residing at , :�, f..�- � � .� .. �__ .
C/G� ' �
residing at ``��e " ��
� � � ��
residing at /� C�
`3�esiding at fJ� l� " � .-�' � �
. �. F � - � �
residing at
residing at
� �
�� °' � � residin at � -
� � �
��[S �, ���Q �� residing at ��� �_
�' residing at___�_Q_2, �-, e.�-��
`" �,�'�"', �s r��r,�, � C ��'
� � � �� ,�
�� c.?5,.�� .
� °' :�� / ��., ���LC_f�', �� ����' residing at •�7, �i��f��" a�fl '
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
� the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
. owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand . '
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : �ngo Grund ��°,�'e.
� sidin at �I�� . �
re g . -
� �� ��`j �`�.,�'����a� re s iding at � � J�-G�-
, residing at � �/ � ��
f--e'� �
� . , ._ , �
f' residing at � �v
� ,�, �residing at (�
" �y/ �G�
residing at
�iv, ��_�n,�c�, �,C..�. �'J r e s i di ng at 74 �I C7 A--.���-�J .5��� ,
� residing at�0���-.�••�r-�r�✓'L-�!.i�£i .
. \
. 4-.
_ residin �at `I � � -t�.+-c'�� �'`�\°
'�1n %rY"1�7�" � .�-- 6
,r �.
! % � �
�.�,, �` .2 5'� ��.y-��r�E����
'-v�._ �=�'`•v residing at
� , � �
� residing at � �L r
..�� j , �
� ,�� , � . ,�" ��� �� �:..�residing at � / � ����c. �. �� ,,G,
t_ ,
' ���,c.��-�`t� re s id i ng at � � �
� F
�"1� residing at�� ��" �" �'���
� ,
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
1 /� �
Business : �ii�r_�� � �,l:�_��
residing at /p �/ �. it�� �
%�i7h.�l � ,/C�• ��-r i'/•�.y��iding at 97� � . �t�,
' residing at �S`'4 S 22x.--��n.Q��
residing at o�1��—�-��
/, �
` residing at �� C3 �����• �%� �
�3° � �� r e s i di ng at f� 9'S A ��,����`
�///- '`' ' '' residing at /�'I/ �� _____��`
/� ic� ri�C,G%
residing at�
' L-�-c�..-�� residing at � a � ��.L.,�T-�._z��,
����� � �' residing at �� �� ���"' �
� ���.
� residing at g�d
residing at���c �
,� G�,��� residing at /3��.5 � ►
' residing at ��� G ��'���'ti -�'
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : � �
`�-��� L�-� residing at ��a g J � i�J�Z
` re s id i ng at�����- �-a�—�--p�
residing at �� � 7—� �
� residing at 8�`�k' � a �
� residing at ��� ��� ��-
O J''Q-�2�� 'Yh �-t,..�- r e s i di ng at �S Z �j-��v� a�+�e.
� •
, ^ residing at �
,i' � !�( • �--� residing at � / �1 7 �G��-t-�� e-���`.��
� ,� ;�-- '" f f,,GtiG�'jL' V J L L/"6 ��
' �'� ,-J�.-- ��//��;��17�� residing at � � � � ✓v
� residing at 3
�,� � Q,�'f p,� residing at �� � � ���'3-
� y residing at ��✓�� ^
residing at � � ��
�� ��'��- residing at ��7 ��'L`�
. '
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : l�.r�i3 %�'�7/��
���%-�� — residing at�5'!� �
�l G���. C� residing at 6 d��cc.�/ �� �
' ' residing at��� //(r D:�-= XLC�--
- residing at fJ�'�- � y � '��`
� f
residing at p��/���1//1 ��/�i��0��
!'����._ ' f G� r e s i d i ng at� `��I��i�y.�r L�.f�F ���•
�,�:,��� ��a[.� residing at a�3 �7'�
' residing at� ,���,,��,�
� �. �� ��!-����-�_�.��-�'� residing at a-../ 7 / ��-�-� L�L--�-e- .
residing at�� L�" � � . ���'���'✓Z��
n '! (�� c
� /� -
residing at� � �r �G�LZ�d�.�9�����
i �
� � residing at � ` �
�� residing at �- � �� �
"/�y� '���� �/ l O rvt �! --
s `
' t� � � :
', �`�� '. _ - residing at Z� ��c.� ���� � 6�� '�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : Gl .� �� /� %°
esiding at � o � C �
� + residing at ��� �
� ��� � residing at /� �y'��� ��������
~ residing at T������ �
� residing at�°d9 %(,:�Lt1cQP/�' �'-�-L� ,
residing at �Q 7T�3�/
-PS�v iL�� residing at ���� .� o2c���--�
� residing at
' �� L- �u,�,/-� _ residing at � � ��GG�.c- s S
���` � �� � � v
residing at
�l � residing at �
a� residing at ���v �� z��
, �
residing at Q��
� residing at 4� � �
, f
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
��l � �.���-�-
Business : ,��� �
� residing at � � �r � ^ �.�.��%��•.�w
�/�� ,c1�.��T�1 residing at /O�o �
�� � residing at �S'�7/
residing at �(�� �
�"'"Lt��. � residing at �� .
, residing at l0
�J ,
pe s i di ng at,.�I��Sr �Q. �_,e�-d-�.-�--
��� �,��,,,r,�,,� residing at � q�� L . l_,rr�a a_
' residing at `f�� G����:�.-�
_�_ ���,�. residing at �v�� ��� ���
��,,,..� residing at � �S� ��� i��=���
(1,�,� ,J ��� residing at �� �O� � �
��f�� residing at 71 � � ZT�' �� N�
�l �/1�
�. residing at �a�� � � a�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul; to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Busines : Cl j.1'.9 �j� �
� � �
� .
residing at��SL._�v �1'
residing at /J��"/ �x'�-�l,w�''�'�C f� ,
� � residing at � � � C��� I'�f ' '
�,v, residing at ��� �� � �
�,���►��.. �" residing at �� �
c , � l/(..�.•.�-�
. residing at I 9��? �2�-C�nv�
. q
residing at o1 � �" •
� residing at �// C.o . � �
4/ ,� 2�
' �� � residing at 3'�3 ��
�� �
�� � residing at
�O�c.P �. �� residing at �'� Z'� ` * ��
. �
� ,
l py� residing at 'a� � !° �
� residing at �a � � ��-�-�� ��
esiding at � � �Z��4./
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Couneil of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : - � ° �S
residing at / �� 7 � �iL�D �
. p residing at 2,lQ/ �,�(�a��1��_
residing at .�/f L�'� '- � t���
7�„�� �, ��� .pQ � residing at .e,�.`.
� � Y � .��C,
-�,�'' ,� �� residing at 't" ;;�f'` ';'�,...
�residing at ���n
- �
residing at
' residing at � f J ��� � ��
' � , residing at�d2/ ,C�p�P-srS.�o� ;�1�/'�/r
esidin at v ��U� 1���
� uM� g !�D ,
residing at � ��
� � • �-j � �
� � residin at ` � �
residing at ��3� � //����.��
t� residing at �D `_�-�
;�� � • ,
� �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : r nd at Fairview
t, P��+'. ��inn. 5510�I
esiding at � ?' .
� • residing at� 2 � �
�, residing at
��� � `
residing at �� � I�( �
�^ c
U � residing at � �� Z .� �,��i�
�C� residin at 5�j � �� • �
� ��l.o. -�. �/�L�„�.� r e s i d i ng a t /,Y9k �L�,C.�<.�-�-- � •
- (, , residing at /�02
� �
' � � ;�" residfing at / � �S� t �Q
� C�
residing at / � ,
���; � _ � .
� /�� �,( ���--�-<�L residing at // �
����� ,
� +' residing at /�65 � �� �
��` residing at � � � �
. , /���� residing at ��= ����-��
;. � �
,. -
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this •end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : Gr�r.�
- .�r,,;P�, .
�l^ - � ,� -.
��(-21 ,�-� p ���--�r-�-r�-��-��- r e s i d i ng a t � 7 � � �-�-�-� l,+ti�
___----- ✓
residing at � �, � � --���i�
residing at l�E'�l �.-�� �_
` � residing at �� � ��"�«�°�'✓�
r t residing at %��1 ��`'v3�✓�
. , ,
residing at ��� � �a�a-�/�—
, � residing at Z � � � ��� � ��
��� residing at � �� � �
' residing at � �v�
� ��� � , 1
.� , ,
- ` ,c�. `� residing at �
` residing at__����
/ / residing at
( t,,� �� 'D ' '� �t � �fI �- r� �.
�� 1� ' `��; �� � residing at � � ��` -� .
� ,
� / � �/J ,�:-� � .% --�Ci
� , , �2 residing at �� � ����C'��
_ , l� �✓ .
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, r�quest the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
, �r , � � � , �
Business :, Y /°�� � - ,
� �
� � 7��, -, / residing at,��`>� � ' `;" );'%. �����.,, _�:.� -��� �
I ' .� � �-� ,-� -�—
. J � = residing at / 5'�y ;�� ����'�".�;.���r•�� -
J / ; � �
.�/'f/✓ / p� --
�� i�.r�� ,� �/ .
�� �� .� ,� - � � residing at � � � �' - `���
���i� � �
� , �
i� �� � � _ ,
�'` residing at � �-�
�,,, �� � �n �,�, � residing at 1��:�� ����- .�•����,.��n...���r"�G .
'�� c.�r�„°.,'." ?�,���'� ,
�����.c �� j�� '�`��'�.. .c.r.,-�---� � re s i d i ng a t �''�,,�°�". � '�
,._.�.`' � � �
���,o, � t�j�.ti.c.,.�,,,��' residing at ����` -� �.-a< r��' �
. � ,
� ; , � ),. s;- �
� �`�� y/ �+ �,.., � residing at � �0� �is'e� ��� � �!°�
� ' � ,, .; ,
� �� �,�� �r.r, P �� residing at�� , ' ;�� 2 � - �- � _
--k--� `, � ��.� ��
f' ,.� ,A � _ �
��, a
�� -��o, '�;.�� �,�.,.c ,,�,.�i residing at � ��.� .� r,� - ��,�°E�� _�
r�'� f �
��, ;?. � ���' r 7. : /
`� � ;
�'/,i/� �' � a�" r�,t.��,� ; �'.�.,.`.c..r':�.�� residing at �,' � s� ��-;i
� . ��� .I „.... .. r..
� .:.-� r'�..-
� �; . �; residing at 'a."`'''`
� � �.. residing at ��t � �f'h� �
N/1 �� L�` 'Y�.'Y �... �
� � �'`' '� residing at 2 i' �r "�r ► �'
The undersi�ned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be rena.med Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : Grand ut �airview
�e �� � residing at, Q � (��
���� �� residing at /9°�1 I,��n o� cQ � .a �.
1 �/� /�
����(.( � l� '1 C 1��,��-�b' residing at �� � -P 1���1 ��1_ .
� ,
� -1 •:,� n , � -� _- , , _
�. : ' =
, �� � (e _ � ,� . residing at `_ (
• I.MN�
4'1i` � residing at
I 3q � G D��+w� .
�� .� . �.f2�, residing at�=' �!' �cs��,@=,�
. �
� residing at �� a'"`7 S�-�l�-��
- C N �. � din at � �, � ���IC�Z
� � �,, resi g
' � residing at Li5 a
' , , ¢�� residing at l !� 7 S )� � � .
residing at �o �
� � residing at / �/� t .
��Q �
residing at
residing at ���.,5� — ���
V �
. •
The unc�ersigned, customer of the Business named
� below, located o� Grand Avenue, request the City Council of .
the City of St . �Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakla d Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which a tion is believed to be in the best interests
of our communitl ; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Business en's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end
Business : �A ��R t�1�UGS
St. P u I M i n. 55105 �
��� residing at /��� ����n- �`� '
��� residing at�a-�7 � �� _
� �.,v�
�Q��� ���2ECZ residing at as So���2v�'�� �v� �
_� residing at� �J 31 �/-L %�'v� `
. � f
residing at� � ,�? � �
� /o!� se �i4il� ✓.C�
residing at
residing at ���" �
� ���
��,!�LG�� residing at
' ��/ � �/�J / � ���residin at /� �� -�u��c�c.�
/`��" ���� ��-���z� _ c
.�` `i / � ����
�� � residing at / �l� �i�� � _
residing at 2��'� Y�u�"°''"r'�, �'� `
� residin at /(O ���� �
c�.Pl r- s /f
residing at ���% Va � �
�— � �
, � residing at
Petition s ,
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
St. Paul, Minn. 55105 � �J
residing at ,t�D/
// ��
= _ U� � residing at1-7 '� 3 � ��
l - residing at �
residing at / �
. �
�, � residing at I � l�� �' -
-� � �j�' °/�. ,=
residing at�T�`
� - � l� �
p�.�,� ��'-� residing at ����= � �
i "���..����� residing at •`� 5 '��3 �.'"'"J',.'.'.�„'—"_`1
' �� residing at � � �/ L�
.✓ S.v-
,�' ' -,�,��`2���✓�u' residing at ��% , .��-�^
%��� �- . )
. , � � �-����
� ' ��j,'�y�y�2��'( residing at � 'a � ���
, �� � ��
- , � residing at � `� ���•• �
� ]
, � ,
���. residing at .5 �:
residing at ����G����,�e,Z...—_
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : rr�„��+ r,.:.u.:_._
St. Paul� Minn. 55105
��-�� 5- --re s i di ng at � �� a--�-�-v
C �
/� , residing at
residing at J , 2 �-Q�,o IH-v� - _
1 v``�,.� � G�
residing a�� � L�
--� �
� residing at �//,j ��
�, r � ; �V �
'� �� �l �` �
�\�;�� . � L. �„�,�- residing at � Z� � O , ��
,2 ° ,,� � residing at /� 7 � ���.�i�?__�s��
--�-� residing at �� Z' ��� � �
� ? � ,
' '�'CX-�-�-�` �,/ re s i d i ng at 7 7 QI �✓'✓�'✓Lt�
� � �� ' .
( � �.%' � I.
,/L/ /}�/-� residing at � �.� � r����cti�
'�. �.� � residing at � ��L ���'�', :� ���_
_ �p� ��2'�-t� residing at ��C��G`���°'
din at / ��v ���
�/l i� resi g �?�'liu�
� �2�.�:d.u/C� ��"/�� residing at /��/ �n''rw�ir�-c�P .
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue , request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand �
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this eLACHER DRUGS
Grand at Fairvi�2w
Business : �} P��,I� Minn. 55105
�i��� �'�%YG����'�a� s
residing at Z
-� � �.�-�,-,-e� residing at ��� � ���� ���
- residing at �7 °J( L/va�f►1��c/ ��'-�-6
��� �Q ��_ � residing at '1 j ' �c_ �- -
� / � residing at 1'�o v"`- G�--
residin at / ��_( G�'� l.�
� g
d �
residing at �9,�� ����-. ��-�`2- - -
��-�,, � residing at ��- � �� ��
, � � � q / , --
residing at �
� residing at � �ci �i•
' residing at O�a� �'�`� ��.�
esiding at ����
� • C '
r� � /�_ residing at ����� ��'r�
��� residing at }�_�� �wu�vv���
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business :
residing at ���7 � �-�°�'`-- �..- .
� �-- residing at �� �
residing at ��a
�G' residing at �r/,
�%-�1. ' .c . G�� � residing at �//7�.�'�t� ; �i��... .
' __-
residing at �b � ��2i��r ���
�,�/�,(9.QJ /����flp� residing at /��p `?D/1�rr.�/t�Yc�J
residing at ��°�c�
' ��`�'�,�p�;,�U �,��� 1�2� residing at �
� residing at �� �/ '
residing at
� residing at /-3�w
� residing at�// 7 7�
�,Q residing at cl��o �. w' ��
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue , request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
I Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
GRA�fD R�X�»LL f�:'�SJC;
Business : ��8 �'���� ���'
cu , mn�
!�{��72��'���—�,� residing at ����� ,��.����4 � ��it``
�tru� � , (,� . ``�•� , r e s i d i n g a t ���<� `-�-�'i,�.`v►�r1&L�,�n��
� t
< , � _ " ,
_ __�� ` . �--��=� _ residing at ! ° �.�__ -cl r
< // - �� '?'F� �� � t_ /� -�� �
� . —' "�!�(:t9-%✓ z;'c.�z__1 �i�-�?:�.. re s idi ng at! ����I` V u�:[J�-�-u-�� �
; � i
.� � '� � .� �} � residing at "� � . � � � ,' �� c �.
� v `; �.�-.� .
� �s����rE �,% � .�� T� ',Yf K.y�� ,,�:;�y2��'/�
��h, f�� �� '" "� residing at ���'/ ` '��`�� �
-, � ;� : � , -
��•� � _ �-�,E.�� ,�� ,.,�.« residing at _�i '� � �� % �� .���
�� .a ��-�s,, z� ,-�.
�l ;� residing at 11� � �.-�.�-,•c_t_' _ �:��=
' �f residing at /,$'Z� ��•-P•e ��c,�
� � ,
�" � � ;,,� . residing at �� G� � P2 r�,av; �--���
. '' �f !
-����a �� ��` : residing at / � �� �'�.:�_�� -
� T�
,;,.� �-< re s i d i ng at ► i �7 �7` �� "��-�
� �
;' � � � /,,;�' Y
�; �r residing at ( �.-.�� v� t
�- '� ,.-�.��'� ,�,�__ residing at ,� `> 'y, f�,�, - � ;;:�;�i�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this e��Np ��" rYQUG
1338 Grond Ave.
Business : •
_ residing at �3 0 �O ����� ,
`� � ' residing at � � / ����
� �� ���
� - residing at
� � �-�C.IR�
residing at�� /�C.Q�4
. residing at ��� �,
� residing at //.�
. �
residing at J�
—�. '`��
�?iL� � , �-, residing at��� �,
' E residing at � � v'
� (�� � a„�-�.✓ residing at � �-.- �'.,..�
residing at ��� �r�.�-,,�Q. �,V-U �C�Ivw---
����d� residing at °�/66 � �-e-- ,
: w / � l 'l Jv'-C .
�� l�; ;,
�_ residing at
/ Q residing at /�9(� �'r't-� •_
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue , request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
;�'t �aRAN.A Av�. L►(�Ut1K�,!�
Business :
�%'��'�-�� �� residing at /�70 ���w�-� �-�-�
residing at I a� _ �'"'�--'
= -��. ,� - �
'� �� � � ,�1!-- residing at,�:i��'L'�G� /_�/���� ��
� ~ ` , LI 'n
_ � residing at �"7 � � � la- Y�( K/
, ��o c� � � --- , residing at � �' �,� '�,� S ��i �
� �_ residing at � � � vl VY1 �'1 � �
r residing at � )��//i' W[ J�.V � � `��'�
;;J , � ��/�--
_ ; residing at ��0 �/�2�"(�i���
_ ���
/� q �
' �� �, r% *� residing at � ��/ � C��
residing at c9 3 S - �� � .
residing at/�'` �� w L"—� �
residing a
t � �C� �
f � residing at� �� �� • � �
, �� residing at -r- '
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
��i��iRANp Avfl. LI�U(5f��,'1�,
Business :
1 �
� � ��
, �-� �
�''`� residing at .3
� � J residing at��'/ � h,�.f'�. ���
aQ�_ residing at c�4� 7 1�> G�- `_=--
'� ��.�� �Q�-✓�` residing at �� 7 Ct'"�"'`'�'".`"`
! residing at �^�J / � `
�z �� / �--�-c� r e s i d i ng at / � /� ��7�"`�
_ ��'�'�-u�- residin� at /�� .��1�-��'�/
� ��/� i
� � ��-- residing at �� .�
�- �_
' ,,,� (
� '� � '' residing at )
�7 G' �
,� residing at -
ti ���-
� residing at j � � �' ���L�%�-�°�-�
� n-��
�' . � ��-�-,�-,
� residing at �� �� ��,�'tir��=
�`?.�,�""-- re s iding at � 7 �"`�
�a � �
residing at��,�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
,�,, �Nf3 Av�. ►-��Ul1KS, 1�
Business •
� . � �
/�.,�-.���� residing at �
��L� �� �
e residing at Jfj/� �i� �.���
'�� ' �
residing at ��� ����
-� �� � ��
residing at
residing at FJ `� ���
_ � . �
residing at � !�'�'`�
� � ' � �� /,'�� ,
�� , '' � ,� � residing at � �i'75 �-i� ��C! L,c
�� ,
. : �
- residing at �� � �D • � �'`��� L���G+�
�� i «�
. > r. �'C�� ����%�� �
-- ;� ,�c residing at � �
� �/�1 residin at
, �� �
, residing at LY �
- , �, `��,,c, .Q,a� residing at 33 � �-� . Q��-r� -
G ��___
r.. � ,� �
��� - residing at � 3 � G
� ` residing at `�3 � � 'l -��''�`�-
�,. `�J. `z-�-�.
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Bu s i ne s s : .�at C�RACIQ AV.�. LIQ�'JQR_� Itaf� /
. / �
�/ '; n3 ' ,/�i`�
f� < <�. �i-� , � ���� � _ y �' ' ` C
�X� � `� residing at / - o-�--
,� � C�zz-r�-.,,�, �.,� residing at �'8/ �,2-��-�-0.:� ��-e�
�-�-�.-�- �—
e� residing at ,>�! � � .� c �--
. � U-�-�.�L��%�/
residing at ��c� —
� residing at� �j � ��, _^ .r.►�... �
residing at =3—C��
�� :-, i,������-Z-c_ Q-t.�.�
� �� ,...� residing at
� � � J G , � �
residing at j�� ��''G �%4'��
� ` �7 B�
' ���, residing at ��/ -�
, �� residing at_�
� at � b �� �Uf��`)'tv,
V�, residing
/' residing at � � � ,�'�>���'!.�
� residing at
' ,
residing at �� � �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Bu s i ne s s : '.�� �'iRAIVQ AV�. L! 'JC�F�
�. .
residing a��� ��``y� `�-
residing at ��c�'
v �' ` �
C,(� residing at /g'7 l�c.
residing at �� 3 v �� `" �'`�
� "
�. n
�._�%�- .y°_.�-, z.e��_2__. residing at �-� �ID %�� C�`� �e •
/ � residing at IPS�
' / �7 � �l ���
f/'�Z� residing at
residin at / f� �G���-�
� � �
' . residing at �� � �
� C
residing at ���� � �
o '
, � residing at '� �6 -
. � ' � �� (�a %
i���� residing at � �D �� ��'�'�
/ L�
( , e
`� � �. I residing at - �o � �
�„�.� residing at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : w.a!' f,yF2AfVC� AVL� ( �rt.�►nar � _-
R---� �_,,,e�
t �
. M .. ,�vl ���-� residing at �' .�� U/�- �c ' ,..
c �/ L 'r,- (
� r _ /}
� �.-. � residing at /�� � ��)ZO.� C-C. �,
residing at �`� � � �-�
G�., ��./ � f
��� residing at ,� �-�-< <
�- �'�� - '"'"
, , ' � . ``� residing at � �� �--
�y G�`">
residing at c�
h � .� �
� residing at t, '���
residing at -S � �' ,�����.Z _
,-' , �
' residing at _ � ;
residing at ��o d'�-���-�-
residing at � � °� �
residing at ' C�
i r
� L� residing at �
� �_.
� residing at � G �Lc,oC� �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : 3;�: GRaf�C� AvE. Ll�'JC�RS. Irr`�.
1l. ������-�.�,/y,, c� 7 � '
f residing at � C.�-v�a
residing at '7/ g ��ir�-� ��c�
��, �� residing at � o � v� �/�"�'��
, '� residing at ���lo .�C��� G2�'
- :, �-� . , -� �'�,�--�
i'o1i residing at
� � �
;- w- residing
at/ � �.
esiding at � �
residing at� 9�� �� - /`��
' �� �� residing at � �
�__�.;}��,, � `� ,�� /
- � ,�, residing at �1 -`� �f ��-�-���
residing at�L� %
,� ,./l
�-� �� residing at �� �� � �`"�
� ,
� �� - residing at �-�U h.� �c.�l� QJ
;`. _ j ')
,;� ., ,, residing at " � / �� �' ✓�-^-�n-� f�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : '� ���p Av�. L�c�I�QFt�.l�.
residing at l� �
residing at �
�-�./`� re s i d i ng at � I 5 c.� vt-�--��
���� �� =� residing at �C ��"_�,!C, r�1% �
„ , ���
, , �
�� �!�,�,"7 l�f����. residing at �/ -:�� ��`U�-.�c-e�
f�1 V�'r • 1�C--- residing at ;`�. d fJo2������'l ���' �
`. / 4
residing at -�5 l��_��� �;
_� ,
; ; ; _ '
������ �� �� L
�Z.� �x==�����--���---� residing at
' '�,/V �' ��-0�-� residing at �( � f �)� ��"` �-
'� !% ; ' -�/-� residing at G� �'�� �4' � ���--�--
� ��
���� � , - �
`� residing at � 3 / y ���?��� � .
residing at �,�
1� � residing at � / �t� � h° -
`--�� .1 � - ��'T ST ���/,
��:,����2����K e residing at _
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : �� �e���',2.°_�' � �''_�n�
� 7��. �
residing at� 4/
residing at ��6 �f ����a....�
residin at ��Y/ V
B ��
, residin at ��7(� `��e�' _ .
g-r� � __.��
��� //„�•� /�i�-Di residing at ��d .-�2 .
l►10�,�� � ��'�„�n�,�,.r � residing at�g � .
residing at � �/ ��c-f'1.����
�',�v�• �• residing at /�- / � . .
. /� 7 J � G��
� residing at
,,,� residing at ` �b� �
��� �, � residing at � �� � °
residing at �j .S^�� �•
� �j�7�i�/O��O/�.Gt.���residing at ��� C��4�.G�C�i G��"7
� *
_ residing at1��T.�/___�1��;���,✓
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : � Q-�1'�.�e►�3 � � �2 � R�
c _
residing at��aG �ir
���� residing at ���Z�c-� ��a � o �
,, r
�_ �_
�—e� �c..� residing at S 73 '�
��� residing at ��/ �--Q
� / �� -- re s i d i ng at (� ��-��� !� f,(s��-
residing at ( ��
residing at�G�
residing at � ,
r � , nr, ��/�
' residing at / 1� ��
. ,
residing at �/���'� �c.✓
. residing at ���f3 (,.i�+u�� ���'
,. residing at �-�
��� residing at S
residing at� ���--��9 �f�.�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
� plish this end.
;��N� AV�. LiQU4R�.tt1C.
Business :
�� esiding at — '`�
;� � / residing at � � � —/� �
^/ residing at �b �
/(,�,,,�G residing at a�'�� �J'`�'��
�., �
v,,,e� �" residing at ���� l � ` �
, , \
��y�,►,(�.,� , � 1f�; � residing at �C�Zf� �6��'P�� --
� ;`
,� residing at ����
�) � residing at ���,�� �r �i�
r _.
/ � // � �� �
' �.�t-� re s id i ng at L `� � G"�'�-'-s���
� residing at ��� /���
residing at -�7� �����;,��r/_g� _
� ' residing at -����'�� /
� re s id i ng at �� •i G�������` �,��
resid3ng at��i�y �,�7���,� Q'� .
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
.�t �i(�HN.Q AVF�. I.IC�',J_OR,�,.I�
Business :
��, �v°-� esiding at1�� v . C'�i� � _
` %' � �` residing at13 - �
�,��,�,� residing at ��d
�; � r � -----_.
,�i �,�� �,=` . e ~ �_.f- residin� at ;-�'� ,��` rj i��/ � ..�� �.:�
� , � c
� ��, �l residing at � � � � 1�
� l � g o
` residing at
residing at �v� ��' �1 G- R �
.:- .
�PiYjl.¢�- --, '�����'C� res iding a���� �� ��`"" ��
' /OS�- �� (� 4�
' �- residing at �-�C.
.!'...� �/ �
• �...-^"`���� - -i� ?` � .- �,. � residing at�> �-...� �� /�� v 7�_ i
/ �. `
` f-' �a •" G•�i -,� ✓ residing at v'r
� � � � ��� �
, � �� �ee.sidin at �S
� g � �"`"_`.l
� / � `
residing at (
residin� at�_
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand ,
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : �ec« CRAND AVE. L�QUQRS, t�
l� 4-�.-- C ��.�v� re s i d i ng at ( I 5 4 ��'�-�(G.,,, o�( ��
`� . C.,e� . 15�J�,c�
residing at I�T �a � ���z c� ���
residing at �a� ��
� D � Q �\
residing at��� v�v�
� .��°�-�-
k residing at � f C',����
✓ ^
�,� C�/` residing at �{ �1v r 5-�����1
c = ��� L%�� �
. � residing at
/ .
� , residing at �J � �l��2�������
' ��� � �� _ residing at �1
� residing at �'/� ��
� l �residing at � y" S� e!
._ � � // '. /
., � residing at��_� �,-t�-r��(!��L
� l �-- � �
� �� 1� ' I- � �. �i�'►�� �� residin� at � � �v' lJic(G'� cc .
, residing at���,� �c,> �,_�_�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue , request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
�st �RArdc� Av.�. Ll4'JOa�, (r,�
Business :
residing at h
� �r(��,�,�,� residing at �� Z �
v �
- � , � ��_, , residing at � �?� '� �t1�, ti�� r��.��.�:c.�
f _
�c,�c.,� � residing at 1 � �-� < �'�
' � residing at �� 4Lz'-/��
� J � , /
i �'� . ,
�� ��'�'�-� residing at � ��' �'�`��
��< ' _7' ����'� ' � �'v'l'�'--�
C�������L.� residing at � �� �
..l .
� ��, �-�°��.� residing at-�� �U �"1 �'? " � ��`:
� � ,
' �"�C!��� residing at �G' , Q"�
,/ -
; / . ,
G G ,
L�/��� ���� �Gc-�-� residing at �l� ✓ y �
� ' � /
� residing at � L ^
J ,�; _
� residing at
� ` `�'CZ- �� residing at ��'v '`�'��'�'?�
� - residing at �1�3�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Busin ss : Av� Li�'�� �;�
. / �� � residing at-��G
. residing at
��� ,� y residing at��'G� C�-o�2 �c-�, _
�� � � `L
,j, ,�...., residing at ���r� '`f=��//�/L��/L� lur�y� .
� ��j. residing at��/� 7� ���r�i�-�/'�
residing at l C� �
� ' � � �� ��L
� '7��, �� ,` �� residing at� J d'���ti�
C� residing at /J��b V V
' ��� ����
' � /,������� residing at �
� '� residing at� � 3 �"' �
�� ,'�U�,;� residing at �
a- , �� -' ���� r,�l�-1f���
�_ � residing at �j � L o
r� �c </�, �, r= residing at �
,� �
residing at ���D
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : ���� �� �i����
C residing at I 0 J ` �-
residing at G� l * ��'
residing atyY���/f �`�cX -�
, �ti,�, residin� at � -�j �, S� ��1.�� �v� �
� . �� /�
' residing at � 5�
� , � ��
,�,-� residing at
/ -
` re s iding at ��-�' �"`—��..
residing at ��� �� �� G���
' � G� _
�, residing at���[�,�-r
Q� � �
residing at (J�,.z ����
� - _ �, residing at T/.�' ��;� ����
,,,� residing at/�C(� ���LcS� l��(,�
residing at /.s�,3 �` �
� r
'� v
�M-'� ;;��-% residing at �S ��v
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
3��AN�t 1�VE. LiQU0RS. 1t�,
Business :
� -,�-,- ' /' IG � ��`��
� � �� �-`- residing at /�,` ���-�f � / 4 �' �� `
, �
; ' '�� residing at � �l. �3� c�- �t1Z�r��� �,
,� � � ` residing at ✓���
.� � residing at ��{� O-��
� /�
� ,;'�.� � ���� residing at �� (� �'
v'` �S�S ,(.1 v
residing at ��� ��L�-c-t� -
� �� ��t-�.; residing at �S C� ��C�c���,C .�
residing at �s� � ���-"--
' ,.. ��� residing at �� S�
re s i di ng at � p ` � �.�-�-�-�M���'-� �-c.�-��.
residing at�¢9 � E-sT1�77� r�L
._._-�.�- residing at �� � ��2.�tL.A-l�f I� �-�
� c���.," residing at � % � 1���
� ` �9v-� ,
` �n,, residing at /���3 ��4�4{
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business • � �Np Av�. LiQUQRS,�.
�� � . ,
' G%(/ residing at 9 3 - I/�-��2
� ., � � �
4 residing at ��5� ��-
� residing at /�lG .�E6���'�� �" ,
�„ � ����
�.L�,_ , �//��.�-�-' re s idi ng at � �-��--�'---���,�--� '
� ,p
�` �G.3s�J
����� � residing at / G�iC �L�
_.--, ,
_ " - �r ; ,
/��, , % residing at ' �� ��� ��
;�� o�� G'�-(iL{ � residing at ��� � C- -
; ,, � : residing at
' � � , � t residing at � Z �
� �� � ' , �� '� ,�
% '���esidin� at-�-L-�-
�._ _ - r
residing at ��� �u�
_ � �> �i ��G� ��,�`�
� / • ��!����� residing at �.� O ��� •
� rJ Q � � c�
residing at Y
i residing at �^
, �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
�54' �f2AND Av�. ��QuoRS, t�.
Business :
' �• residing at����"`����,����'
; residing at ��� �����M,�,�._._
re s i d i n at �� -�-1 1�AJ
g ����
_ ' � � ' L
' residing at1�/� �/ � �
� � .P'�...,�-�� re s i d i ng at�L� �� �
��C- . ���� ��, �-�:E'-7.r(���--��
residing at C
I ��
; �/�,� �'2.� c�� �,. �
� /��� ,�'�� residing at �.c.�f��`�
� �
� 1��� � ��t� residing at� �� ����!�
' " ��
� residing at
��Z�;�������� residing at � � ��SUI VL'L
n 1 �
'/ � ,
/ residing at ��
, ��Q L� residing at /� � e2 ��C�-�
S� �
, � residing at � -�-.�-��-�-� ����•
, , � residing at I'� �� D' �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property ;
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
p l i s h th i s end. �,��,,,��'�, ��r���
' 38 So. Dale (Corner Grai;d Ave.)
Business : ST. PAUL, fvllNrv_ 55102
residing at��`� ���3,� _1,�.
�i%„�%, �A�_���-.e� residing at� �f--r��-��`�t� ,
, . �, � f ,�. �-�.�E, �.�
'� ` . ��` residing at '� � ` �"�-� � ��`Q
, ,
:, �
� , � residing at/�A���,� /Y-,� �
� residing at �'i�} �i.�n�-�h'
�• residing at � � y
� � � � � �
'lC J ��� �� residin� at I �-�-
_, ! �
_.�.., J;___. l , . �__�
_ � _.
�� � . � esiding at �jG�_ i .;�.; (f�_._, _. ;
� � �
, � ,
' ` �,�,�.. e.�� at 1 .� �� � ��._�C�.-� .`�_.�
� i residing at (o � � .�.,-�sAC�c'
�,` � residing at � i�v`-�
, � � cf � � , � �
� residing at � � 1 � '� C G _
i � !�`
/ �
��� ' ...._-�"l�-' residing at b � �
� < � � • � �
� � � � residing at�t �.1 h CC_ ► ir,
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition, of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom�
plish this end.
Business : ��n)q,� �Ow� s �
". � ��Ill.�,.,�`.'�-,�, �
`,��' � � r�sidins at
� residing at � �, � �fX���
residing at��,�,G �dG i9C, lrj��
C�-- residing at��� �l�tN���.( l� V�lv�.
�-� residing at �D 3 � � ��
residing at��j .—
;' : e residing at���d ���
residing at ��=�(O"�h4L�•RIV1s�+'
' residing at �
residing at�� '�� /�sL.
---� � residing at ' �`" ,
' �� „ � -� _----_
'�� Ht:�:,�` - .' residing at `'�' S S �/��/17%//
� �
,� -----.�_.
� , ..�
�.� ,,-,� � �%'��--c_ '� residing at �j� ; �� � , .� 1 -
� :
/ �
`��._,.!'l residing at� '� ,�?'��,�}-
� � . ,
' , �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
. the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
. , owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand '
r,,� � Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
; �of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
� Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom- `
plish this end.
Business : �����'
� �
{.1/���r�.. (,'� �1�.,�`z- r e s i d i ng at / �-7 � � ��•�-�� �� .
residing at l��'O �.liluCt�O� l� •
' residing at r �
residin� at
residing at � a-a;,�
residing at � J �
residing at /��� �u c�' ►��� �
'� ` � . � , � residing at �
��� ��Q o
' ,�� residing at�` �g ���L�'�
� residing at � � �_
.. +
; residing at �
__ ,.._.,� , - 0 � 1
�.� residing at u'tl��
,p-�� residing at �� �
s�� � -��- residing at���
The undersigned, customer of the Business named v
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of �
� - the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
- owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand �
� Avenue, which action i�$ believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand �
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : ��
�� � / .
�-�-�- �'- ding at (
residing at �� �� ��'�� �
�t�� Q� � residing at /(��l`,� �a.K� �ti-�� �
,a residing at
�/� ,� t ��� �
0� � residin a
� �
� �
residing at �� .�
��� ��,��„ residin� at I g 7 / ���
�� ��,t��-�. residing at � �� 7 �i�'�-•��-e �' �
r- j -
' residing at �� � �O
i ��� residin at � I /���
, �
. �" ��� � /? � J'`.�..��,X�� � ��'.
��..-. ''• ��.. "�..�=�-�.�,�+�^_�. residing at ff� ,�'/ -,-„'° � , ,
� � residing at / / �� ��
�. � residing at f�ll� � - - s�- �-y-�
� ��
residing at �� � ��i(�t.6
' ,
. - . --.� _
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of •
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
. owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business • ` G '�
� 4
\ � . , ���J�L� ��
esiding at
� residing at �� � � i�� `�
`^,�Q.a(� residing at �� ��
) �`
� � a�esiding at S� �7 � ��
� residin� at � �
` �
� ( � /� ' ,
(� residing at
_ �
, �� `-- ; f
� residing at _
�-c-c,� residing at
/�� � . , .
' residing at ��
i'7` : �� residing at �� � � �-�--
��> , � 1
,� � residing at � C
7 �
_ residing at �/ � ��
� �
residing at�/�/) �
� residing at
. �
. ,..M
� The undersigned, customer of the Business named .
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property �
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand �
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
i �
Business : ��%� 5=Z /
residing at � 1.�—� ,� �� :�1.'-1 t_
' residing at /�+�� O
� �
^ �
. �/ residing at
� � � residin at � �� r (�(l{.�'�V��
�/ ,�c, t, .1-� � �
r re s i d i ng at���% ���1��'�`.�
j..�� residin at � S ��/l��Q. ` ._
, , . r ��� � �
� residing at--�� =,"'.�--�--
,i/'� ,,, ��� , �,,,�° r �`�*.�� '
,f ;
� �2.e ,��:�,����- residing at� � . ' l,a ���,���
' esiding at �
� � �� , ��� ��; ;a w. �
� �,��.r,'� � �� '/r residing at ,`�.� (� L x
. i � .-. - _.. � ' ��.
' r' ,,. �: � . �� �� r esiding at f � �-l�! . C.- (..
� �� / , � � �� ' �i � �,
� Jr � .f, '�t-�'� residing at ,� '� �' � L� �s; c - ��.• ���.._�
,, .
. i �.
t residing at � ��
G- residing at , ��� ���
' r
. �
, ,
"� Petition
� The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue , request the City Council of � �
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property �
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
' Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort �o accom-
plish 'this end.
Business : ��G �,.�.�..�2I.
� �
� � residing at ��
' , residing at c. � /
G .
;� residing at ����� �t��+���
', � � �
� �'� t f ��1 C,'t
, ,� � �L � .� �� �� �" -�
.� ti� {,(�' _ „ � �- residing at �
, ��, a .�,�
residing at��,� C� ;_��,
""7 �T^-
� '. ',_:,•� , �� ` f l
' ,� •� •' residing at � `'=;�/,S7��f,-i�� �" `
! .
' ��; �"''� re s i d i ng at �,�.�� � ��"�-�
� :' ^� r
!` �.�. Sr . ���'' ,�`, residing at ' 1�?� ��`:�f ��r�`-�- _
. �'�,;�...� J • ,c �� � �;�,.��„�..,� �`
��� �--r.,� resid.ing at �" 1�+
-� f
residing at � � S � [�"''�,
����' -f.,�,� '� , . i3"L��..r�..� r e s i d i ng a t .�f�. /�,�'.,C.�,�+..,ra.--+�c.�.�` ��--._.
�,, . y�Y � . � ,^
.. --,.
t/ `r �; �-�-�-� esiding at�� `�r - �.�,�s.c-,c�- s�-�,�- ,
� �� � � . , ,
�.�`-��,' �+ � �.,,���� residing at � f�"� �_-� .,� -���� .
I��,,�.�r 1�r' .��r ���''�,�r residing at �t���' ��� !h��V��
� �� ✓� � �
� K ��
_ +
'� � ' ..,
, �
� � �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
� the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
� , owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
i �
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests ! �
� <
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand t
y Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : �c.� /�w�/
j � residing at �J`Y�- ��O-� `.�l/ _ _
-- �,
`� � residing at��� r�. �� ���z��t'-��
�o residing at� � �n��1�"`�- ���
; ` �.1 � 1 '
�� residin� at�
��"` 'C ���--�--?��re s iding at � � � � ' �`'�
� � ' residing at ��•
, residing at a
residing at
' � ` ,� residing a�/�� �� �,+���-'���
1� residing at�(�c! ��.;,�,� �,.,� ��:�o_ .
� residing at �
• � J residing at �/ �:� 1�'� �j'� Sc�
' ` �/4J�0 residing at �g7O �"• ��2°�1
residin at ' �2 �� �L'�C S �
� g l
1 .
. + 1
� _ � v
��� .Ifi
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue , request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
y owners of Oakland Avenue' that that street be renamed Grand
� Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
, of our community; and to this end we �oin �*tth the Grand, ;��
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
� Business : � �, r������
� .3.�` /� �_ ..---
residing at
� � � �°
~ � )n.eatK.�lR�i res iding at 1 Yo ; �K��c--✓`c'i .—
� -.� �P r
�f - resi�ding at
, --
` resid�n� at�� � � ���� ��
" residing at J �-¢�� ° '
.�- residing at �� �'`�
� residing at�� � �� �
. �� residing at �z / 3 �
�. ' '�. residing at Z� � �
e �
- residing at 13� � nnr� � Et 5�'
� . �
residing at ?.o�Z- � u� �
� �
residing at l 1 �
residing a
' � 2 C.1-�.� residing at �� � I,�'o�r���4, �t�.-E'�
�. ✓`
� � � � � `�� c� , � ' _.
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
, the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
�' owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Gran�i
J ` Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
� Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : /�C.� s,�/
�_ � �'o �G ,��
residing at�� �
.�� � �l�,c � ,��� re s i d i ng at /� .�� 1��.-w �-�-u-�
c. � res ing at^//� ti/�,�P1,L11.��r T��
�. residin at � ��'� '
� � �� �
� �� residing at , � ��
' � �- � ��"!'
. �
�, residing at I�S� �. �/�cJ
� .- " .�
�.�� �---�i�-�.ti y ;��ti�z. residing at � � � � J '� � ��VSO�
&��li.� �(�� residing at /Z S�?
:% ,� �',�.�,,.
' residing at
��� residing at
�y� i �
��� � ��� residing at � I �
�� 1 � � � � .-� � ,� �
. � �' � residing at ��� ��` ��Z'� � � �
` / J i
residing at ;%�''�s'"�� ,����-�,-..� _ �
iY , � �. - J
residing at . . �
��.; � .
Petition �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
� . s .
- the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand . '
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : ����
�1 :f ��
residing at � � ���� �
---�_ �,� � residing at
� . ^�-
� � ��v� � residing at 1 / S ��-
, residing at �� ��/ ��'
. , i
, , , /
;�_..�,,�,-��``�i,�.<;M �..�,��� �� �t,� residing at��° ,...�a:%, -- � �'L(.�
residing a� p�� . A1�t'1c�e Qe; �1►
` residing at ��6����,�
;� .
� p )
*,� '� �� re s id i ng at��Q� �..�� A�'C,�--�-=s—
���r � f
' ..�a `�� ,��� residing at �'�' ��a'�` � /'. CR �t tJ� �
f� i
�,�,,,,�L � ���.�;�a._:..� residing at�,r/ t Sp��o�.
,� /�:�°" residing at Z.s'� -S• �ir✓��Qw
residing at
�'�, �__ ,�s��C,�,�. residing at �,5��-- �..�.��
�� �� '� residing at /�� ���^--��� -
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : r-an� at F�ruiRw
St. Paui, Minn. 55105
esiding at � S
C�' � �. residing at \� �L3 ��n� _
2i�,,��� `.� ,6��,r.c- � , residing at /�3 S� -�1�,�„�
� �' ,
...� , �.
�� s� .� , c\ residing at ��� � ��P-�-�'�"°J�
� � residing at ���- �• � �
� residing at S � 1 �L��it-E'�� �
t� ':_•
residing at / ��Z � �
�i2G°��- v residing at o- _
_ � _
' residing at �
__ !�r/ residing at ��
�� - ��� �
� residing at���
� residing at �cl�C� �Uho� C� �
residing at � �
/J ,
��I � Vi��?.� �,.��c� __ residing at � �`7 �/
�� �
i_ � l/ ,
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business • Grar,c,t a�t Fairv�'ew
��► iM�nn. 55I4�
residing at ���� �� U"i^' •
��� ��,��, residing at �O$ v�1• 1-�0.�-1- 1 ��� '
�� �� ��oQ� residing at 5��� � _ _�
residing at / ��y�_ -��
� ��� ,� ��
/ L� residing at z �3 � �
� .
+ residing at �. l 3 � G1��r-�,
, residing a�� ��`�
residing at�� .
' ���, residing at
� ` � ` �
• � �5� ✓-; y�r�fi'
�i C��,,�,( r" �tn� residing at�
��V��'noll P�11 residing at ���� �- ��m`� -
�--�� (�,�� residing at /� 6 0 .S� u �- �- �� �
,��� �
. • residing atr��.S
residing at fS�� ��.���" G��
�� �''
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand �
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : I.ACHER DR�GS
�- ��, Pa I, M+nn. 55105 ,
�-c%" �
� residing at , �� �/ ���.�-1 �i'� `
residing at � �7 � �o ����� _
� ��� � �
residing at
, ,
�� ,
� , '. ` / / n
.�- , residing at �/i!. :,a�"_ �
residing at �gg/ ������c�f
�_ ,�'l�t,t� residing at D _ �u��-"
� 7 /�� �`�`e- ���J
��� �� residing at � �
residing at /
' residing at �r
,.s�-r n if.r
' residing at��( ,� ' ,�[ ���, �
��-1,/�/l/r - residing at f �ab �c�'��� '" �
J ,
`� ��.. ,,
�/ ��^ � ' residing at �� �g � .�,
, �
,/-' � � � � .
residing at �� 7 ��� �� �,�,
residing at f3���L����,c�.
�,i �.
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Counci,l of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end. '
Business : Grand at Fairview � �
St. a � � � �
..� �
j� 9 � 2 �. �!�SS//�
! ' �l•, � 1�^d- residing at l J
��r�� residing at _`� �' v�� J��
residing at /�Q�/ ��O s A i
residing at�00� ^�/j��_ �1/U ,
,� � , � ����
Z � �� " residin at /� � L��(•�L
"`7.�� O� g
/''��� ' ' �
,l.__ cr � :"
`� ` � residing at���� �-�--
�,L.��yL�� residing at ��(�b
residing at Zo33 �c����,`
, �
' ��� �,(�, R residing at1�_
. � � �
��� residing at a -
a,,,,,,.,�.� '�'� � residing at �� �1 �z� �''�"`'-
f ;. �c��� residing at �� 7 � � �✓`��*-' �
� �
�� residing at q
' ` . � � esiding at � �'Y�
�- � �1��3 ��a�-�,�� �_.
,� , �� ��
���b�,.i4.• - . .
�GRqND f�EY.AII DRUG 13�� i:s�.;_ ,
1338 Grand Ave. S� Pau l, I�l ia� ��p�
�� ��ulo �inn� 551G��
The undersigned, customer of the Business named _,..
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of aur community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom- �.
plish this end.
Bcrsiness :
residing at �e�f� v • ��� r
w ��� residing at / �5' <�/ � -.
/ � �
residing at� ��
� ! ` residing at �r� � �.. "`�'�
residing at � �'tl `�
� • �7i residing at �✓� Z� �
residing at "— ,
� , �� � ��
�� �. �j�(�J �',(,(�(�� residing at �0 �f�' ��
r ,
' residing at � �1 �
,�,-� `( ���� residing at /'��� ���� °3
� �
� �, � ...�� residing at �� -� s' - ._�-_�---
/� � ��
' � L�
�%,�, ���, residing at � /���? _
1 ' ,/�
� ��� , ,� ��vc�, residing at /�y� ���%G�-z�2��
. . n at % l�/�c�c�' ,��.
s residi g /� /
�`RAhlD RE�CL p
��$ Grvn� R�G
�'�' `��T��_ �;ilp,,,�r�A�.�„�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business :
esiding at
,. '
�( �,-vm-� residing at —c�u-���.-�.��.�
� �residing at �6�
c, � � s
� ��
� ,�? residing at /o� CD G2�-�-y�..�"Lt-. ./
� y
residing at /�/
'''� residing at � Q � �/a /� �'� ��-
, -
� residing at �..� -�=�-�� ��
, l' residing at /f/� „�-����'-�-��L�
' residing at / '� �a ���
;�,,����. �L�� �residing at ��31 �'��_
'��+G:v✓ residing at ��� �
�? �` . residing at �30 �- �
��_ ��� residing at f��.,�` ��° `'"� .
, �
� /� �
y�r°� (.� -� residin� at /�""i:.�' , ���-�P�-i u-�..
� ����� R��4tL CyRIJG
��� Grand �A,r��o —
.t��,'� �,r1;ni�(f. %R�7PP�.r;�l� �'/�`(��p.�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business :
f �
residing at '�
residing at � �a r�
j-t �. residing at���' > � ��-"-*
' � � residing at l��� � �
� residing at�� �a�, �-,o �
��-a- - ; , residing at /�/� ��� o��
residin� at �� �2N�i� �C C '
., �. residing at _
`'/ residing at
�, . �i7�3��. residing at /�� ��C�'�- n- �
. '
residing at I2S( `
_ residing at �
�'� ` residing at . �
� ,
��1,v, residing at �7� �.�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of .
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : �-�
� ,
�� � residing at � ( �/ �/.[h_«—yc.��
� residing at � �
' ��.��.�t�l�'L re s idin at / ��lJ � ��Z��
� T
� �b `' � residing at �
,� � ,���,
��� � , `�` -�� residing at ��-1 �' � G�� � ��`L
r _
. ,f�, - �% t�"� residing at�� G: il���.`
� i '(..� �7�. LG
w � / �
� , ��7'L/�'�
residing at `�
. . /'� �
� , �I�.M.-�..�.� residing at ��i-- ����I'i�� �
' residing at � � '��-� ��-'�-_,
���� �.s-r�2.-,,,...� residing at ��7 Y � �„�
.� `
� residing at � a C L�/V`-�
�.� .c �.m -��� residing at 9'� �,�
� `
residing at �,� � ��J _
residing at �f d b � �� �
, �
. ; _.
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
. .
Business : ' f
� ' } � ���,
� � r�7,-c.�'�_�
� � ' residing at��// / l
1 /,�// �// residing at =� 7 ���'(/� l � ��i�_
. / 1�i�r"�,� / /1 ��(7� � - Ti^ i / .
%�/-��o. %/,/,�k�,��� '� ....l�e.�,� residing at G/o��,.��
,�_. � -� '� �! ��./A�a� residin� at1�� �-�1. .�-e.�T��.��..
. � G .
� residing at
+�:;�,;;- '� " ��.,/,-:��--•J residing at ��/<��.tti���� ���-�-��
/ �
��� � �,��,,,�� ��!, residing at / � y �
�r�,�� '��,�`7/. l.���--�, residing at �� 9� � ��cl�i.
� ,
' ' ' ' c�'l�.- residing at � � ' `
, , ;i .
��� � '�,:c �.D�c,i.t c�i CQ o-�v-r.a- residing at l.2 /�� �2�et: �v-�
. � ,
�'yl ,-. r' residing at� y�J (,�Q (,�[,� �l.cn
;�;.�, . �� .(� �'-� residing at /�� �C �
t.. • �- ,
!��x� residing at .� ��
��� d n at `�J` �O• yE�rN�TO n�
resi i g
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : C�- "
/ ' residing at 9i�,�'��, �-'�=-� �
"'Q��� - (�� residing at �Q95� % '� .
/� ` �"f� �
C. ,�� ;✓���-� r e s i d i n g a t � o�� l� ' �-�%�/��-�� _
:j ` `� �
/'. /`1 ._.- ` `Y
/ � ) �
✓ `�.-� zC/ -� �.-� •, residing at ��r�� �` '��« ��;.�';-�,�..�� �"_..
`%�� , � 'j residing at C�� � /��� '
rf� c� �e �a �—�•=,r�� �i'
� residing at � ,�����
� L -� � residing at �-��-Q MoN�R�s-� �. .�'. ��u�1
^ � �C��� �� � i�
j�,- � Gi,l.���, � � Jr�-�- residing at � � � ��. �� Q �- � to�.�
. �� _� g ��� ���._
residin at iy ti�,f.�-r�.,���2 .
�j7.c�.�.�.��%`�� � .�Z'-�, residing at `� ? � �' �J� -��� � `-�-c .
_ , � � �
f�� - � residing at /�G � _�w�L�.:_:�J �.�A.- .
�_�,� !� residing at �.3�� �G'�-�-�_�-���.
`•-�-�.suL � c��� r e s i d i ng a t l'� a 3 C`�,-�-�^,.-��( �,�,'.J� .
�� ~ residing at ,lo2�f''� �•�- .
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, req�est the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners o� Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
- plish this end.
`� /� /�_.,
Business : �%�'�"'1
'U residin at D � �" • �L�
. g -
i'6 <<;��_ residing at ��7�� �""`�
' ��..s� .-
� �T���i��� residing at /'a3 r�,, • � �
� " �' �---�� .�_ ,, . �..-�, __
,� residing at G' ��'
� '-9_ ` ��,� ' '-�
residing at �� -
, G'
' � �j r
t`4-�,�.�. t��- r e s i d i ng a t c�-v v .� � 'l-$�,�C�'.L 1
� ��, , '� ,,-
� \ ' ,
� ��j j� residing at / ���-
,, �
� ,
_ _ ��
�� � � , � /J
�� residing at �% .
' �� � residing at Cv � � ,
' N �
r ,,,--'1 � f
� ��'�j�- -.-�� � residing at S '
(�� `4�i;' --... � /� —
� residing at/��'�C
�� �
._.`;'• ' C� .� `l_> tL/l.11.�c� � -Y,J N/�'
� °, �. �j .-,�c� residing at�
.. �s.�, � �' � �- �
�-, �: -'1
. ,���-
� ti ,.� ,�� residing at �
.. r /
" � residing at�6�3 �2��i) c-� �` �7 -�,�
� 1
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : - /J
'''�-- "°" residing at � °i�i`.3 �
li:� residing at l (� �� ���'I
� � ,��, @ � �,,�,y1� re s i d i ng at�_� ,��G�h,C�c�v
,.,�,� �� residing at JS�I �e �-�"� '�Z ,
�►. / 9
�� residin at �(G� ��l ��� ;
g /
, ,� �/�� � ��
,.-s-�� _ residing at ����--�-�-z/
re s i d i ng a J✓�C�C�-�-
residing at�3� �Q2,��,�
� �2 � residing at / Q ��� (/ ��•,
4 �2r� �� residing at ����
�a.�v,�� residing at �-6� / �:t-�C..c� �_ '
( �� r--�__ �
`�____� ^ /
' residing at 9� � �U� .-)'�,�1�;�5�
j � residing at ��� �� G� ,_, .
residing atf�/�
. i
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business • ��t ��+h�% Au�. �iQUORS, ttip,
�� ~"` ` � �/� ��---re s i di ng at ` �
'� \ ��1 ��--��.`r--�� L-�. i f�'
� � , ' J ,�1�1 C�,! �'C.� ,� t <c , ti_ ;
� '�.� re s i d i ng a t ; � � �� � ,�v�,,,�:1.ti,i�, �,�
,. '� �.
f ` � ' �
' �/ � �� �'� residing at � L � �`"l �;Lti�'>'��"-��c-�_
9 �
� � residing at���-�,���
-, - -,
�� � f ? � r •c-'-�=�' residing at �C .�� ' C-�-�--rc�.��-�
��` � � / � r
( ; ;, . , ' � '� � �-� resid �.�-
,, ing at / L . ���2,
���� j ,�
� �J
� residing at � / �� �//l.�i�lrf� �j��
��(/� /% � i
``� residing at �,3 � Q��
r �
• � i
1 (
° � 13�e�:d i ka.g�g�
` ..__
' v z� _ 1 � '��;
residing at � � � .�
� � ��� �� �
. � ..-� residing at /'� ,
� �''�'�-�� residing at \ c� ,. �� ��� =�
/? � 'J
� ��'�`_� �'�-�' ��1� residing at � f �" � -��ti�
� �
residing at � ��<2=�:<-C
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
. �
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
��RAND AV�. L�QUOR�� t�.
Business :
''�- i,," � , ' residing at �� 7 ���Zy�, _�� �
�����: �-! residing at � �C� ���
. ' a° `� � °� ���i �- �
�� �-" �� residing at (CJ / d�1-� r��-�
,�� �� d� ��<� -� residing at �� �^-�
. Ip � � /�' �,�,--'�'`l/�
y � ���" residing at
� ���� C � �� . �uJ `�� residing at � D "''13 C�.n e�C` • s
residing at��/� �� Y�-I�-�X� f�
�o residing at � ����i��
' � o residing at_� � ��Y�l � �
residing at � '�
�/' �
residing at ��7
� esiding at � � ���'�f,.',��
_ �
� ,� •�_ �
residing at�.5 � �.�
� ,v . .
� � -'' ;f .� ",/; �-' .��, �'
� -� ��, residing at C ���� �� _ �-�i-�z`:�Gl'`''
. � .
) ;/
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : ��GR,;h� AV� �.�ni inQ�;�
esiding at ���� ����
��" residing at .1r� ,, 2�tii�
� residing at � � �� �' �-�'1���
. ��`� E i� ��,
c �..�
i ,J residing at �-_i �� � 1-��!�O-�
�., �
� C����� c residing at � � 1 !�t S� �c.-.� � l�-^-�_
� ,.� �
r'. ��� ��� � residing at C� �r� LC�. u �� ( �`I ��
�� ����o----residing at �O � �.�� �°�
_�� J �
residing at��� ���-����� ��.�e��.
. � � j /� '
� residing at ��f�j �Z� �-P
� J residing at� � (/ �_6��� _
_, residing at/�� ��
residing at� � � �'�t� ^
� � n
�- � ` O�-�'�— residing at� S� ���� � ` o�
C ��..Q��e
��,L � residing at �� bS
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : S���'' '��` �iQU.QRS,'1�i0.
d n at �� �C� �_�����'�x�2� �c-c� •
��' -/��`-., � r e s i i g
--��.,,���t��� �� r e s i d i ng a t ���� 9-.e��� �`�
( -����.� � � residing at ��� �O� U�`-�-"�
� residing at�q3 �,a��,�,_ �--
� �
residing at���i� �/-►-u����
�, �( , . _ ' �
`�' � re s iding at � �� �� ���--�-- ��`�
��7 . , ' - ! ,
./ �� �_,��� residing at�� � '`�����(��t����-{�
' ` �, residing at� ` �-r�Y
' �� residing at � � '�- '� �S � �^ "�'V C{
r residing at �
��1�,2� - �� � �����q-�-z._ residing at �� �� �c;��1�c-�n
� residing at� � �/ ' �
residing at �L �
residing at
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : '�# ��'�� AV�. �.�(�'JORS, ItiG
. � /7 �G'
��'�Zu-�° � ����`�•�z ' residing at /Sl�l ,f�'�C���v� ������n
;� " �� ,� �'(i.,� /r�'//ji f F,
�� � ,' '� '�,;.� <� � residing at �� ``
3 c
(,�.�.Q�L' �i �t,��� residing at �'�Y- �_' ��( ���-� ) (^ � l�,C ,(��
,- � , t^ � � �
� �� �
�� � residing at _
� � `
� , ,r�i residing at
residing at ��D
� , �
residing at '�lJ
� �
. � � � � c
�� � �' residing at ga � �
� / „ /�
`,�.�� -- p �`���ti/ re s i ding at /(�� ,� ���Z��-`�� �--�u c. .
` I �' � residin� at����i � ���c�i'r c �i _
1 / �
���• � � residing at�l� �� G c
;' _.
residing at��_���;�,-Q �� _
� �
,� � �, ,/�,2�'� residing at �3 3 � �'�'�°
i6��' � <�"`' residing at �fC� C�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
.�t ��u►�Q av�: c.i��,�o��, �
Business : •
` _ ` ,
� residing at �%' ��, �/�IJ.I�i���� �c;%c _
ri �� � �. � .
� !r° -� � - � residing at ``
� �� ��
, (,�,� �-- residing at 1���'
.._._-; ,
residin� at�Z�/_
` residing at
�Z d-�
Z%, � ,vk �<,�' residing at /�3 z /Jor� 14 ,,,�.�
, � � ,
�, --�
. residing at �� � .� � 6�� ��
residing at 8�►� c�l.. r
� ��,�� .� �,�-- residing at ��� �i� ll�f4"L. �4Vi �
,��L�-u�' � ��=�_�_ �' � � c �
�— residing at � �� `��`� �-
'�_� .
' %(� residing at �Q� O �����-o����,�.0 .
f� ,% -? �% �
; �
` -� � � " r residing' at o7/ � �
` � q`� ���
��' residin at ��� `" � .
/,%� g /
� residing at���/ , .������1�
• . , .
Petition '�
The undersigned, customer of the Business named '"
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : �l� �l`)� /1� � ��� �
� � � ��� residing at o � �� ��?�-aa.
.� /
� � �� /` residing at J �
�, 4�1���.� residing at ���? L��tcc��r�
� n ' � �-
lC� � residing at � � �' � �
L C��� residin at �S
���� '��� c9t� g / � ,(.c01.
���� r e s i d i ng at/ �4 / ���x.l�(.���
%y� � residing .a�;."_,l ��� �
residing at
' ,- residing at /C��/� J
G// residing a
t � G'�"s-
� . � +� residing at ac ^ D� � � •
� residing at / �Z' 3 � °`'-�°"--� ��
� �� Q residing at J�..�� C� L,��'-.
t residing at / d 1�
, . • .
, • - .
. . , . � ,
� Petition
The undersigned, customer of the Business named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : VV� � C � ��� � �� 1--- � � � ` � v � ��
"� �� � residing at��3/ � �
� residing at �Y� �- C�V�—�'-��-��
� .� siding at � � � � ` �
. ' � residing at /� �o t
J '
C�� � � re s i d i ng at � 3 � S ��`..--.-„�-.---.,,�
residing at /� 7b � QQ�Q��
� t �
� r��,
iding at � D
� residing at ��g
�:. , �
' r � � residing at � � ,
�, + residing at /�"� � �� � �
r residing at � �� �
� . �
, �� `�
residing at / 'U 1<��Z�
I �f residing at���CT,7// CL ` � �
/ �
J �
� ��� ��� residing at -x! � �• '��-� f�
. . " , . e. r � , � • ' . .
.- � � •
' Petition �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named �
below, located on Grand Avenue , request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this end.
Business : � � �� �� � � � � v �
� � �► � �
. ,. � // /�
�� �
�� '�,"� residing a� ��� T�����" �
�-, �
' residing at � �
� residing at
� residing at � � �
� � •- ' �
� residing at �� 7
1 �residing at l�� � `
. d
residing at 0 �` ,� •
residing at ��1.� �/ ,e:�C ��.
� � .
' ��1��� residing at �'� � � � ��0-- �
• a��, residing at ��� � �
; \ •
residing at ` �� G�'�`�
residing at �/ z cl [ ol
r�u-�--�tJ residing at
residing at / Z � �%2�`°��
. . � , ' . " K � • .
.: -- _ ► ' '
Petition �
The undersigned, customer of the Business named �
below, located on Grand Avenue , request the City Council of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best interests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this e d. ! '
Busine s : �'L
J���i �-� � '� ..L�L�9�!�
� , residing at --� ��
� ��.c.G� residing at �
�sL , o�..--� re s i d i ng at�3 a b� °C-�-�--'t
, .. residing at �.3,35� �rcc->-�
residing at � /� �Y�-
� ,°'� �' residing at ( 3 � b ��
� ���— residing at � �� � ���, .
( residing at /�/��2f,� �%
� ' ` re s i d i ng at //�'s3 � �f.��,�y/����aG�%�!
� p .
,�� ' , •�tC residing at �
_ �
`i�192t�. - ` residing at �
�� •
_ ' residing at�� �� � ��t�l,�t-1
residing at �-Y a£�� • �
residin at �/ S� �� %���
, �
I .
• , � � , . . .
. � . • • '
The undersigned, customer of the Business amed
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Co cil of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the operty
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be rename Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best terests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the and
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this e d. ,
� G��L Il�
si ss : � � �
residing at �CJ �
.��� residing at � v
� ,
'' Tesiding at ��
residing at��
����,� , � _ residing at �� � �`-�
/ residing at `� � c,
� �Q ' �.����k.�ci re s i d i ng at�lo a- �
���"�� residing at �
' S residing at �� CJ . .ILG�
, � � � residing at 1 � �/
�9, . ��. g , �%� cT�� residing at � � �� � U rn m �
1 � residing at -
residing at / /
` v�— residing at S f. �
The undersigned, customer of the Business amed
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Co cil of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the operty
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be rename Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best terests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the and
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to accom-
plish this e d.
Business : �
-L residing at
�'/��� �_�4��2G�1 re s i d i ng at �✓� � .L�L2z-c�2;��`-��
residing at
` Q residing at
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,�,„�,n,�,,,�„ residing at 0
� : � ., ? µ . , I • •
The undersigned, customer of the Business n ed
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Coun il of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the p bperty
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed !Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best i terests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the G and
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to ccom-
plish this end.
� �
Business : � 1 �� �'d�1� K�� �
��ti � ` k -�- residing at/ � 'L -c
residing at �a � �
residing at
_ ,
residing at �G' .
n `J � � residin� at U� '�"'-1 '
^ �����
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i`�/j residing at 1 �
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residing at ��� �� �'� � ��� `
' residing at �� �,
residing at � �� °
, �� �� 1 residing at�,`�4 � � � �
�,�� .(� �� residing at � y �� ��.
� � residing at�[ �i�r_�X / �
residing at
� �
� �
. . � ' R , � �. ' . ' . � . . .
The undersigned, customer of the Business n ed
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Coun il of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the pr perty
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed rand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best i terests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the G and
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to 2�ccom-
plish this end. i
' C �� c� 'S �
Business : � � C. \-� � � � '
¢�� �
w residing at�� 1 �� - �
residing at��S
c %
'` � �
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�-,, ,� ' ��,.,.-,� residing at �J � �'.-� . ,`-. �� �,
� � ���
residing at
` / f �s�
residing at _
,\ 3�'��`t9 � residin� at4(� � :..� . � �� �
�;���Z��%( , �-�-� residing at�r1.3 � s. ✓� _
/ '•••••'•"�
. ' F \` // i
`- residing at �� � .
,, a/ � {� � residing at , �
_ �
� . 6�������`� residing at � �6 ���
� ��
� �• � , residing at �Z�! X��'
residing at �
� � residing at ( D
• • � • • . . , . , . �
.. I
The undersigned, customer of the Business n d
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Counc3�1 of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the pro erty
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed G and
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best int rests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Gra d
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to a com-
plish this end. I
� ;�, �« � � �
Business : - �
� �'� residing at / �� ����
� ���� ; �/ �
�-c_ ,��/ residing at ��/0 �
E� ,
� l'/t�'G���� � � residing at ��� �"'
. � ��� �-"`'�
�0� 1 Q residing at � � 7
� residing at � � ��•
�r�� ' residing at / ^
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� �� ����,� residing at / 3l ��yj'`�
residing at /3 � � ,
, Co � -
' residing at
�„�J residing at ��� l�°�. ��6
�R� � �. ��L���.� residing at �� /I�, cX/w 74�J �i�'tU
iding at � �
J � s`�� .
residing at �S�
residing at �.�
_ V
� - . . • �
The undersigned, cuszomer of the Businessl named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City ,Coiuncil of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the I�roperty
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be rename�l Grand
Avenue, which actipn is believed to be in the best �.nterests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the �rand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in Cheir effort tol' accom-
plish this end. j
Business : p�11 �C� � l�► ��, �l"Il� (�� 1=� � �.- � r"`� � �,J
�v,� GG.�'/�'�� � residing at � �b /��� /f � ' S�.
/ ; �
�/��,r/ residing at/337
s � �
�� residing at-I � 6 '��� �
� � �residi,ng at �_ Gt�v►.�n..,�
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� `
� residing at j'dLG� �, �
% � �
,� � , re�siding at �� ������� �
I �
,C��v— esiding at �-� "�Co.�� <
D-2�-�..- • � re s id i ng at 1 � "' v� m
I ,I
' , residing at / (� I
residing at � �� S�
, �i�Z ctiv� residing at ? -
� 2 ` I
i . 1 �.�,�
° � residing at � �----��'�"�-�
� , c . c� re s id i n at / � �� I -�a_-z'`� �1� �Q,Z'�
� � � �
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� /
' '� 7� _ �"�' residing at 1.��.� � � L� �
(� �-' �
� �
+ .
; r �
i � �
Petition ',
The undersigned; customer of the Busines� named
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Cpuncil of
the City of St . Paul , to grant the petition of the� property
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renam�d Grand
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best �iinterests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with thelGrand
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort t� accom-
plish this end.
� �
►�'� Business : I C � J����) �-- �'l� �" l.�O �,�
�1 �3--:� t�-�`/�'�- residing at 7 �� '� '
� residing at
�y�, ����� ,� / residing at �( 'Y'V t� r���_�_. �.
/� residing at ,� � � ? l���,/�a�,�.ti.,_.z.
, ,
� residing at .�
I r
residing a � � vc�,
r.,- �
residing at � '
� �
IQ/c S C�� . residing at��(�' ��' l�il
. ,
' residing at .
� residing at ��� �I���'�b�
�_ residing at Z�� c m o r✓d�
residing at �� � 9 ��
. � ��� � �
.��/�'��°Z residing atf
� :� ' residing at /
} i
The undersigned, customer of the Business narr�ed
below, located on Grand Avenue, request the City Councijl of
the City of St . Paul, to grant the petition of the pro�erty
owners of Oakland Avenue that that street be renamed G�and
� � i
Avenue, which action is believed to be in the best int�rests
of our community; and to this end we �oin with the Grahd
Avenue Businessmen's Association in their effort to adcom-
plish this end.
S1t1 . �St H�(r�, t+�i�. ��:1�ii:�:i, tt�
�� / ^ � residing at ��q '
residing at� 1U � �1��� �-.���/
, � �
I l
residing at � b �
'� �� J residin� at //`f J� �����-t--�a�'
� � � � esidin at ���G%'�' � -�
r g
. r- ,
residing at�
� residing at �3 �O� � G�u
.,Q� residing at �l �/ � GP-�
' residing at ���
•��-��r'� residing at � � �-Ci S �t.-v�
� residing at � �
y� residing at � ' �
� , _;_J ,
��'��-t'� / � ����-�l,>° residing at D ��'% ��� .
residing at LD� S���
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