249628 __ , , ... � ,.,. . �. , �`a,, � �;;� ;° .�:., .� . . . - _. - �� F� ,.�,,,,.�.», ' , ' . ' ., _ .� ""' ;�??" . � , FII�iAL ORDE� � �OUNCIL FILE Na , .. . . , By � File No. � In the Matter of '�M�1l�1M�i� l�Mlr`i�+i��k +�a �1�M M�� �' � �. �k� �1�R 4MI�+r b �! �M�l� �1L i�►' � i� �lM�'!�/�k�1Mt�1 #� #M� �N�i-�I�► �- i�l io r�w�e asl+� i���t+,� , _ k : _ under:Freliminary Order ` � apProverl i�atiy �i�.�!'1� :.� Intermediary Order approve�l . . � '; A'p�lic hearing having been had upon the above impmvement upon due notice, and the Councii� ,,� ,: having heard all persons;:objec�ions and recommendations ree�,ative thereto, and havin,g fully considered the-same; therefore, be it RES4LVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind af im-� � prnve�aent to be macle by the �aid City is ; � . � s�r�11��1�'I�I�r�r �r#�r'!k arNt��t �/�r 1M�` ,MM�.�R.",f�hlr��r �r►., !a��e :; : _ - _ _ __ , _ . = _- � ; _ �. a�t i� i� � +WM►e �we1c� #��ri�ue�� i��i�r�iw�l�� �air � �i ; �r�����, w��'� �� s�t �l+�i�lt � r��t° �w�t �Nt� . K , ; � �. - _ : . :; t, . �LL' . . and the Council hereb�.orders said improvement ta be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Worka be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specificatians for said improvement, and submit satne to the Council for approval; that upbn said approval, the proper city.,,officials are hereby authorized and directed to pra ceed with the making of said imp�rovement in accordanc� �herewith. . COUI�iCILMEN: . ; .�UL 8 19�0 Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays , : BUTLER �V� � 19�0 ' CARLSON _ Approve LEV1 N E � MEREDITH Tn Favor ' SPRAFKA Msyor TEDESCO - McCARTY � Againat PuB�ISI�ED JUL 11 197D s-se,a� �C� a.i � Sy / �2 � � �� �`� 249�'2� Di,t. �. � r � B.S. I�rton St. - Win�lo� Ave. to Strylc�er Ave. 2[���s�,`� � cD OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COA�lMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ .�""� ��.. _. , �.: �. j ' �--: .:.:�- April 15th. 19 70 �:::� . , To the Commissioner of Finance of the Citq of St. Paul: The Cosmaissioaer of Public Works, having had nnder consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 248346 approved April lOth. 1970 relative to reconstrncting the sidewalk on both sidea of l�iortoa St. fro� Wiaslow Ave. to Stryker Ave. and by doing all otlser �rk which ig uecessary and incide�tal to camplete said im�rove'ent. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $3.80 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide aad $4.60 per lia. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and enade a part thereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works R 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition ���� ,,�� ���f��; `:�- � ����.� , rr�� QR 19�� ��� p�.. � . . � � A ��'�vE� .,� Commissioner of ublic rks ��. RE .� oF �� `°�„��� ��,��jC�' t�� Y►'' .r4., � +,, �; �1�;'=�'