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03-66��ti���� � O�IGI�fAL ��.\� 3003 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Council File # � 3 — L� Green Sheet # a.0 0'13 $' Couunittee Date 1 WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul is actively engaged in promoting economic development through business development and job creation; and 3 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Department of Plamling and Economic Development and the Saint Paul Port 4 Authoriiy are the agencies that cazry out economic policy directives; and 5 WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of Minnesota has developed an economic stimulus initiative that includes 6 tax free zones for business and residential development up to 5,000 acres for up to twelve years; and 7 WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Twin Cities Area is not currently identified as a t� free zone; now therefore be it 8 RESOLVED, that the Mayor's Administration, through the Department of Planning and Economic Development 9(PBD), and the Saint Paul Port Authority monitor JOBZ/related legislation and work with the broader Saint Paul 10 business community to identify ways in which the legislation can be effectively implemented to establish tax-free ll or other appropriate tax incentive zones in Saint Paul; and be it further 12 RESOLVED,thatPED,theCity'sOfficeofFinancialServicesandtheSPPAidentifymethodsbywhichthetax-free 13 or other appropriate taY incentive zones can be established to attract businesses that will be the best long term 14 sustainable sources of jobs, tax base and other growth, at the lowest public cost; and be it further 15 RESOLVED, that based on the proposed JOBZ/related legislation, PED and the SPPA identify a series of sites for 16 potential inclusion in the State's defined tax-free or other appropriate tas incentive zones, and other targeted 17 economic development measures that may be proposed; and be it further 18 RESOLVED, that PED and the SPPA report back to the City Council no later than 90 days from the date of this 19 resolution, but as soon as practical based on the anticipated passage of the applicable State legislation; and be it 20 finally 21 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, SPPA and appropriate other business community organizations actively 22 lobby the State legislature and the Governor for the inclusion of the proposed sites and other appropriate language 23 into the proposed State economic stimulus package. D 3 -�� ,., ,, , �. . ��i i L:i i i�i � i.._ Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �`��� Approved by � o : Date _ By: (e� Adopted by Council: Date �� _ ,�( 'r}a�� � 03 —(.� Council DATEINRWTm nuarv 29 �aswx NUMBER FOR ROUT�N . ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oFnu,vr mvs,ae No 200738 arccawn. ❑ rnr�noutrr ❑ anc�vuc ❑ RISI1O�LaFRY10ESOYt ❑ wiIWCIU.aERYIIGttC ❑ WTOR(ORAt9if41f� ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Requesting the Mayor's Administration, thYough the Department of PED and the Pozt Authority, identify two sites within the City for inclusion into the tax-free zones and report back to City COuncil at its Feb. 12, 2003, meeting and also requesting that the City.of Saint Paul m its Legislative Agenda and actively lobby the Saint Paul Delegation and the legislature for includsion of these two sites in the Governor's economic stimulus package as tax-free zones. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this Pe«��m ever worked under a cmtract for ihie tlePertmenn YES NO Has this persoNfirm e�er heen a ciry empbYee? VES NO Does this persoMrtn possess a sidll not namallypossessetl by arry curteM city employee? YES NO Is this pemoNfirm a targMetl ventloR YES NO .itixi'.:�' AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION SOURCE COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONt7 ACiNITY NUMBER sheet YES NO INFORMAiION (EXPWN) ✓� °==.� �` _ )ERRY BLAKEY Councilmember CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM Date: February 20, 2003 To: Council President Bostrom From: Councilmember Jerry Blake� Re: Ttem #34 on today's City Council Agenda, Tax Free Zones b� -C� In discussion with the Administration, specifically Martha Fuller, Director of Planning and Economic Development, we have fine-tuned the resolution directing the Administration and the Saint Paul Port Authority to create tax free zones in accordance with the Governor's proposed plan. Attached is the new language that I will substitute at today's meeting. attachment cc: Councilmembers Nancy Anderson CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 651/266-5610 .�. Pnnred on Recycled Paper council File # O 3 — (. OR������. RESOLUTION CITY C�.�INT�4UL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # a00 3�' Presented Referred To � Committee Date 1 WIIEREAS, The City of Saint Paul is actively engaged in promoting economic dev opment through business 2 development and job creation; and 3 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Department of Plauning and Economic D elopment and the Saint Paul Port 4 Authority aze the agencies that cany out economic policy directives; and 5 WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of Minnesota has developed conomic stimulus initiative that includes 6 tax free zones for business and residential development up to 5,000 cres for up to twelve years; and 7 WIlEREAS, the Metropolitan Twin Cities Area is not as a tas free zone; now therefore be it 8 RESOLVED, that the Mayor's Administration, through�eparhnent of Planning and Economic Development 9 and the Saint Paul Port Authority identify two sites within e City of Saint Paul for inclusion into the tax free zones; 10 and be it fiuther / �a 11 RESOLVED, that Mayor's Administration report ck to the City Council at its meeting on Febivaz•y �3; 2003 with 12 the identified sites; and be it fiuther 13 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul mo 'fy its Legislative Agenda and actively lobbythe Saint Paul Delegation 14 and the legislature for inclusion of those o sites into the Governars economic stimulus package as tax free zones. Requested by Department of Benanav Blak Bostrom Coleman Hanis Lan try Reiter Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: � Form Approved by Ciry Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �