249579 ORI�NAL TO CITY CL6RK ��,■��n . CITY OF ST. PAUL �°NC1L NO J �' �- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .� � c� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �� �_ COMMIS�ONe Robert . S rafka �TE Jul� 2� igJO In the eAatter of ct�nstructing a bitu�i�s overlsy on WH$ELOCK PARKMAY fro�a Rice Street to Edgerton Street (City Pro,ject No. P-0365A) ander Preli�inary Order, C. F. No. 246443, app�oved Nove�ber 26, 1g69, a�d Final Order, C. F. No. 247451, approved Feb rua ry 17, 1970, Resoived, That the plans a�d specifications for the abov�- waaed i�reve�aent, as swb�itted by the Co�amissioner of Publ ic Works, be and the saa�e are hereby approved and be it Furthe� Resolved, That the Pnrchasic�g Agent be a�d he is bereby directed to advertise for bids on this i�aprove�nent. 0 w c > o � � � a � � a U � � Q 4. .!U L 2 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya But�er ,J U L 2 1910 Caxlson Approve� 19— Levine _j� Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gAinst -�Fee�kesee---...... . Mr. President, McCarty �UBLISHED JUL 11 1970 � '� ou�iwTS ro rrttwre�e , CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ��M�N� RObel't F. Sprafk8 �A� July 2. 1�Q,J0 In the a�atter of constructing a bituMinous ove�lay on I�ELOCK MRKI�MY fran Rice Street to Edgm�ton Strat (City Pro,ject No. P-0365A) under Prel t�ninary Order, C. F. No. 246443, approved Nov�ber 26, 1969� and Final O�der, C. F. No. 247451� approvad Feb rua ry 17� 1970, R�soived� That tha plsns and apeciftutio�s for the above- �ned t�proveaent� as submitted by the Co�iasioner of Pabltc Morks, be and the sama are hereby approved and be tt Fu�ther Resolved, That the PurchasiAg Agent be a�d he ta hereby directed to advertise for btds on this t�nprovement. �, =� - 4....... :--- � � 1..1� :..` -�_ :� �, a_ �;�� �:. � ,��,.,� ;_; � , ; ' �:x :.., �� r�-' = � � a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Con�n� J U L 2 �19_ Y� xa� :�U,L 21970 _ Butler � Carlson Approv� 19_ �°�e Tn Favor Meredith �ayor Sprafka �Againat Mr. President, McCarty ��