249564 OR161NAL 7'J CITY CL6RK ������ . CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICETtSE COMNiITT�.�', COt1J CIL RES LU N—GENERAL FORM ! PRESENTED BY f vi f �Ttlly Z� 1.970 COMMISSIONE ATE.. 41f�Er�: The Nels Wold Chapter No. 5, N`�ilitary Order of the Purple Heart, II. S. A. has made applia: tion for permission to conduct ta.g� days on Thursday, �ugust 6, 1970 and Friday, Au�ust 7, 1970, betweer_ the l�ours of 6:00 a.�. and 6:00 p.m., therefore, be it RESOLVED: That perznission be and the same is hereby gra:nted to the Nels Ldold Chapter No. 5� biilitary Order of the Purple He�rt, U. S. �, to conduct such solicitations on the days, dates and between the hours requested. R E N E W A L Inf. Ap�. b� Council June 30, 1970 21910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� '��� 19— Yeas Naya Butler ��j�, ? ��7� Carlson Approv� 19— Levine _jn Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor .A gainst -►�Pllegee-s Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JUL 111970 �� � R � � ,� • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �� �/'('1 1`1�,� � �e a�ti�erzt a u��ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION p�,N Iv1EHEDITH Commisaioner POLICE AND FIAE ALABM RALPH G� �i�1� eDUty Commlasiower DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Licenee Inepeetor June 30, 1970 'rFonorable bZayor and City Council Saint Paul, �,:inne s ota Gentlemsnt The Nels l�iold Chapter No. 5, �Iilitary Order of the Purple Heart, U. S, A. m�kes application for permission to conduat a Tag Day on August 6, 1970 and August 7, 1970, be- tween the hours of 6s00 A.n�.. and 6s00 P.�. They have codnplied with Urdinanae No. 13338, amending Chapter No. 450 of the 3t, Pau1 Legislative Code and Ordinances wh3eh deals with the solicitation of funds. The application is made by Erwin Coates and Gilbert Coleman. y truly yours, L�'k.�.(�/ ��` C�r'c"-.s Licensa Inspector c�� �s�v t � / O • „. .. � � C�TY UF ST. PAUL Office of Lioense �nspector 202 Public Safety Building St. Fau1D Dti.nnes�ta 55101 Application for permission to solicit funds, or to conduct tag days, upc�'C the atreets of the City of St, Paul, �innesota, ; Date of Application. J� g�,�p 19 ._______ le Name of organization �� ����a��, ���1��,,��r st � ���. Q�.�. Address of or anization � ' � g �t#�sa�±att�#�3].;,..�.$�st,..�.-��� s� 36� �hal1� �1�. 2. Chief of ficer of or��niza�ion �_ -- �i.�.�oraws- -- _ ____ ___ 3. Secretary of urganization�a=� �����1 � ��.L= ��� � 4o Name of person or persons reeponsible for the distribution of colleeted funda, d�rl ?alirawki�llrr�.,ti��na 5. Purpoae or object for which soliQitation is �to be made ee�� Yoa�rMd �t�sari and bi� tadl�r� �Lo asai+r� ia a wltaan pre�raw tor 6. Use to be made of funda collected �_ � p�,��� g�� ���� ��_�_e„� 7e Solicitation �vill be made on ���� `� ��� dates, between the hours of an.d --l�i14-A,�.----- ��..:�-it.It.- 8s ,Looation where solicitation �ill t�ke placse 1��;�_�� r 9a List the amoun�s of any ��;es9 fees, ecmnnissions, costs or sxpenses p�id` or v�ieh are expected �o be p�id i11 G'oririsCt'lori �+l]�.�h SoliCit$t�.ol3e ,�lso Iist names of pers ona to v�ham payments have been �de or �ill be �de and the amounts of such �ym�ntsQ (A financial sta�e�nt i.ncldding this informatian may be attachecia (Over� � .� . r 10. Attach a copy of budget showing solicitationa for thia fi�cal or ealendar y�ea r. llo Have you read Chapter 450 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, which provides for the aecuring of permission to conduot the solicitation of funds, or tag days, upon the streets af the City of St. Paul and do you fully understand the regulationa also provided in said ordinance? t�� -.._..., 12. Application made in behalf of the above organiza�ion bys ' . �.. Name_���� Title or Of Pioe_ �_ �! � � . . � , � Nams_ ��, ��� Ti�le, or OfPice Ti�'+51► C��'l�p ���� �M.�i �� . � STATE s7F' MII�St)TA) �SS COUNTY OF RAMS�Y , o � a � and being duly s�vorn say that they are tha peti ionera in the above application; that they have resd the foregoing petition and lrnow contents Qnd ur oses thereof; that same is true of the ir o�vn lrnowledge. � �Z�%�!'� C . , � Subaeribed and sworn to bef ore me this � day of �n-. 19 7 � � Notary b c, ey County, M' e ota My cammia 'o expires /� -a.�, i 7J DOROTHY 'J: M1}NKELWITZ Notary Pubfic, Ramsey Cow1#l� Mln+i: My Commission Expires Oct.2�, �'�J� � ' � � �Q� l� Hon. Desn �itredith, Caur. o! 21ibl�c 9at'�ty, 101 8. 14�h. St., 8t. �e�►ul, I�inn. At�s Mr. Danial P. M�clau8hlin Dear Sirs The City Cou�reil tcxL�y laform�l3.Y approved the application of the NeU Wold Ct�apt�r No. S, ��i'�'Y �'�'der of the Purple Heart, U.3.A. for permiseion to cotsdu�ct s Tag Detiy on Auguat 6, 1970 s� Augu�t 7, 1970, bstw�en the howr� of 6:00 A. M. ar�d 6 s 00 P. M. W3.11 you please p�epare the custcxasry resalution4 V�ry tru1,Y Your�, City Clerk hp / ? � Jnx� 30� 1970 Hon. Desn Iisredith, Caur. o! Pu�blie 8st'�ty, 101 B. lOth. 5�., 8t. F9�u3., Kinn. Ati�a►t !4. I�el Y. It�cI�aughlin Dsar Sirt Th� City Cou�il tod�yy informal�l spproved the appllcation of the NeU Wold Chapter No. 5, Milltary Order of the Purple Heart, U.3.A, tor permiesion to cosld�t a Tng Day ot� Auguat 6, 1970 sr� Auguat ?, 1970, bstaeen the howrs of 6 s 00 A. M. arrd 6:00 P. M. W111 you please prepare the cu,atomary resalutian4 Yery truly yours� City Clerk hp