249562 Ori�inal to City Clerk . ORDINANCE 249��2 COUNCIL FILE NO. , o�, .�'�/ rRESENTED DY " ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum quali.fications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amend�ed. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. ?607, approved February 13, 1935, as axr�ended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striki.ng out the minimuxn qualifications in the specifications for Chief Ac countant Chief Examiner and Director of Personnel Superintendent of Municipal Garage; s and by substituting i.n lieu thereof, respectively, the following minimum quali.fications: Chief Accown.tant "College graduati.on with courses in accounting and twelve years� professional accounting experience, at least three years of which shall have been in a responsible supervisory capacity. (No sub- stitution for education. )" . Chief Examiner and Director of Personnel "College graduati.on and �velve yearse professional personnel experience, at least three ye ars of which shall have been i.n a responsible supervisory capacity. (No substitution for education.) " Superintendent of Municipal Garage "High school graduation and six yearst experience as an Auto Mechanic, at least three years of which shall have been in an admi.nistrative supervlsory capacity. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its pas sage, approval, and publicafiion. ,��L 17 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson In Favor Levine � Meredith Q Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Appro J U L 1 � 1970 Attes� � C' y Clerk „ Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By / PUBLISHED JUL 2 5 1970 n.�.a a r�.ae � � � . 4RDIN �iNCE 249�'�2 � COUNCIL FII.E NO PRESH�TED BY ORDiNANCE NO `��(o An ordiaa�co am�d3aa ordiaa�ce xo. 7607, ea�itled: �'Aa osdiaasee tiziag the dt�iss sni respoasi�►flit#es aad th� miaimmm qnslificstions far the va.rians eluses ot positioas in the Clsasifi�d Serrice of the Ci�,TM sppso�►ed Febrasz�r 13, 1935, si smead`ed. THE COZ7NCIL OF THE CTTY OF SA.IIdT PAUL DOES �RDAII�T: Sectio� 1. That Ordiisac� No. 760T, sppro�►ed Febsaar� 13. l g35, ss smesd�d, be and tlse sarne is h�reb�r ftuth�r smen�d�i b�r strildag � ont the �iaimm�n qnalificstioas ia the specifications tor Cl�ief Accorntant Chie,f Ezsmiaer aad I3ireeter ot Persc�ael Sup�rinteade�at of Mnnicips7. Gar�s; sad b�r snbstit�ttia� ia lieo thereof. respectfv�ely. the folLowi� misim�uaa q�islificstioas: Chief Acco�mtaat "Colle�e Qrsdnatioa with eo�trses ia secooating sad twelve yesre� pra�essioasl accouating experieace, zt leut ti�ree years of wMch shsll hs�ve beea ia a respsasible eupervisorp cspscity. (No enb- st�tnlion #or edacatio�. j'+ Cbief E�caminer sad Direetor of Personael "College grsdastion snd twr@lv�e Yesrs' professional personnal ezpezi�¢e, at l�sst lhree years of�vhieh s�►s11 hsv+e bees ia a respc�asib�le snpervisory csgscity. (No snba�t�tion for educstioa.)" Superinte�dest of Mnnicipsl Gsrage "High seliool grsdaatioa snd siz Years* es�arieaee u sa A�to Mech�aic, st lesst �hree� yesrs of wrhieb shs11 have be�n in sa sda�siistra�i�e s�svlsory cspacit�. �' Ssttfto� '�. This ordiasaae shsll take e�faet aad be in force thirty ds�s sfter its pas sa�e. spprovsl, aad pablicatioa. .�u� � � is�o Yess Couu�ilmen IV'ay� Passed by the �i1 Butler Carleon Favor Levine p� � � A�ain� T��O J U L 17 1970 Mr. President (McCarty) APPrnved: Att�t: City Cierk Mayor � ,;. Foran a��►roved Cor�u�t�on �ow�eel$y . �. I st � � 2nd ` Laid over to 3rd and app � r U —Adopted � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler � Butler Carlson �G��yL ��'') `\Carlson �r ` `�,� Levine �Levine Meredith � �eredith Sprafka � Sprafka V Tedesco i`�,.,� `Tedesco Mr. President McCarFy Mr. President McCarty O