249557 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 249L..����
WHEREAS, The City of Saint Pau1 and the United States Department
of Housing and Urban Deveiopmen� have entered into an agreement for
the development of a Human Resources Development Subsystem Project,
Contract H-1214, which contract contemplates subcontracts between
the City and Aries Corporation and the Universit,� of Minnesota; and
WHEREAS, The University of Minnesota has executed their
subcontract, subject to the apbroval of Housing and Urban Development,
and has forwarded the said subcontract for execution on behalf of
the City; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized
and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul,
subcontract between the City and the University of Minnesota, a
copy of said subcontract being attached hereto and incorporated
herein by reference.
a� PPpR�y 1
�� ����4j�t� .
S '
��L 1 1970
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
But�er ���- 11J70
Carlson prov 19�
Levine n Favor
Meredith ^
�� May r
Sprafka A
Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JUL 3 ��
.. ���9s
' '' . `��
Tli� CIZ'Y Oi� S1lTi�'I' P11UL
UNI\'�RSI i'1' OF ;�SIP;NESO'I'l�
TFfIS AG�:I:L�iEy�', er��ered into by and bet�a�en tile CITY OF SAI1�T PAUL, a
ntunici.pal cor�-�o7�a�:i.an o� �:l.e State of i�iinnesota, liexein^�tier refe:�red �a as "C�.ty",
and U;vi1'F:iZSIT�' OF "iIti�;tESOTAj hereinafter refcrr•ed to as "Cant.ractor".
1�'}iEREA5� Ci�y has sub;��i.tted a rronosal �o t31e United States De�artr�cn� of
Hous�i��; ar�d Uxb�::n Dc�re?c�;>>;tent (herein�i t.c,. r�f�rred �o as "EiUD°f) , in res?��r�se ta
Rec;u.est: �or I'r.a�,��sal� H�2�70� �,i�ich �r?�a��osal h�s b�en accenLed and contrac� en�er�d
in��.a by and bet.;een I{UD artd Ci�y� t}�is contrac� beins; Contract humber lim1214 (}:erein-
aftcr refcrred �:o as "1'rinie Can��ac�") ; and
l4'IiL�F.AS9 Tl�e �'rir�e Contaact c�ntEirnJ.ates �h�.� Ci�y shall.:-enter in�o sizh-
contxnc�s t�z�h rtcmbers or �:he� consor_L-iur:,, incli�di�l� Contractiar, and the Prime Contract
contai.i�s �ro��isic�iis f.ar costi�pluc�fi.�_�d-fee subcarttr�ets; aj�d .
l�,'�iCRF:ASp Tl�e »axtics hereto deszre to ei�ter intia a Subcontrac� und�r the
said Px�ime Contract for �l�e Y�erfoi°manc�� of cer�ain ��oxk for t}�c c�nsidera.�iur here� ,
inaf�er set forth,
N01�1, TIif:Rl:ro�r! In consideration of. �he fc�re�*oinQ and the mutual covFnan�s
hereinafter s�t for�h, t}ie ;�arties hcYe�to as;ree as follo�as:
Z. llErl�?ITIQII". - �
Fo.r the pti�noses of this S11�C017�T`1C'�� the following t-�rms shall have the
definition� set fortli herein unless ottlerwi.se clearly statec�. in tlie ��Ureement:
A) "G0�'F.I:?�.�iE�T" shall mcan the Uni�ed Sta�es of America.
B) "PP.(),7I',CT L�I�Dr?;" shall Mc•�n the man zden�ified b�� City �o assume the du�zes
set £orth in � :c 'ratae ontrac� �nd i.n this As;reement.
C) '�C0;1'C.2�C�'1t�G Or� I(:f:P." shall mran ttle persan identif-i.ed in 'c]Ze Prime Con-
tract as L}:e G�veriunc?n�'s(;c�ntractzr:�; Offic�r.
, ,,
Under the leadership of the Proiect Leader, Contractor �r�ill furnish aualified
professional comouter applications software nersonnel , in general accordance with
its contributions aroposed to City prior to a4iard of the Prime Contract and included
by City in its proposal to NUD, as modified durinq the negotiation of said ('rime
Contract. As nr000sed, Contractor nersonnel shall include its own internal proiect
management and v�orking leaders.
The role of Contractor in the �roject shall be to narticipate in educational
and training course design, and orientation connected with the project; evaluation
of successes and failures and costs/benefits of the �roject; interaction with
munici�al officials and policy makers to achieve accommodation of organizational
. and cor.ununit,y needs as system imnlementation occurs; svstems conceptualization,
and rationalization of information and decision processes.
Contractor shall direct all writings, invoices, and other cortununications to
the City's Project Leader or his duly authorized rearesentative.
Contractor shall begin its work upon receipt of an official written notice
to proceed issued b.y City, and shall continue in accordance with the Schedule of
Work to be established with the Project Leader for a period of 24 months, exclusive
of participation in the submission, edit and revision of the Final Reaort required
of the City as Prime Contractor to HUD. The term of this Subcontract shall extend
not more than an additional three (3) months for participation in the Final Report
preparation and revieai.
A) The TOTAL ESTIf1ATED COSTS far this subcontract aqgreqate the sum of
Seventy-Five Thousand Six Hundred Forty-Two Dollars ($75,642.00), in accordance
with Attachment F (Resubmitted) of City's ?roposal for Contractor's participation,
City and Contractor agree that payment of the Total Estimated Cost is made �
, s�ecifically subject to the anoroval of HUD and to the availability of funds received
or to be received by the City from NUD pursuant to the Prime Contract.
B) It is estimated that the cost to the Cit�/ for the performance of
this contract will not exceed the Estimated Cost set out above, and Contractor
agrees to use its best efforts to nerform the work specified in this contract
within such estimated cost to the City.
f ��
C) Contractor agrees ta perfoxr.� or have perf.orrred work on this cantracti
up to the roint �t c,rliich the total anount �aid and pa��able by City ptirsuant to
t}le terms of. this contiract approxinates but does not eaceed the total amount actually
allotted �IUD to City pursuant to the Prir�e Contract.
• If at any time Contractar has reasan to believe that tlle costs �•rhich it
expects to incur in t}le perfor�:�ance of this con�ract in the next succeeding sixty
(60) days, when �dd�d to ali casts nreviously inct�rred, will exceed seventy-five
percent (75�) of the ta'tal af tl:e a��oun� Lhen allo�ted to this contractr it shall
notify the Project Leader in i�rit-ir.g to that eff.ect. The notice sha11 state the
estimated amount of addi�c�nal funds renuired to continue nerformance for the period
set fortll in this con?xacti. Sixty days prior to the end of_ the period specified in
this contxactp Conrractor wili advise the Project I,eader. in a+ritinn, as to the estir�ated
amount of additional fundsP if any, tlla� i4i11 be required for the tiirlely rerformance
of the �aorl: under this c�ntract or fox such fur�her t�eriod as may be specified or
a�reed by t}ie �arties l�ereta. If, after such IiQ�1�1C�.�IOTig acldi�ianal fuf�ds are
not allot�ted by the end of t'�e period of time sc� out in this contrac� or an a�reed
date substituted t}terefor, tiie Pxoject Leader, upon �4mititen rec�uest by Confiractora
iaill terminate this con�ract �ursuant �o the provisi.ans of the Terr,iina�ion cl�use
on such datee If Cont�ac�or, in the exercise of its reasoi�able iud,f;r,ient, es�ima�es '
that the funds available �ti�ill allot.� it ta cor��tinue to discha�ge its obli�;ations
hereunder for a period c=xt�ndins; beyond sucli Cl3tes it shall st�ecify the later
date in i�s request, ar.d the Proiect Leader, in his discr��ion, may terminatc on
that later d�te.
Except as xec{uired by othex pravisians og this contxact ,specifically citing
and sta�ed ta be a�i exception froM this clause, Czty shall not �e oblis�atied to
reimUurse Contractor for costs incurred in excess of the amount from tinie tia time
allot��d by City to the Contxact, and tlte Cor,��°ac4:or sliall not �be obligated to coYl-
tinue performance under the contract or athcrti:�ise to incur costs in excess af the
total of �he amaunt tl�en allotted to this contr�ct by Ca.ty unless and un�il the
Project Leader izas notifzed Cc�nS:rac�ar in ���ritins� that the anount allotted has .
been increas�d and has sp�cified in suc}i notice anxncreased amount canstitutin,r, the
total a��ount then allotted bY Citv to this Con�ract. To the eatent the total o£ �he
amount allotted exceeds the estir,�ated cost set forth in tliis contractD such estimated
cost shall be corresx�ondingly incruased� No notice, communzcation or represent��a.on
in any other forr.� or from �ny person other than the Project Leader shall af.fect Y�he
amount allotted by City to thi� can�ract. In the absence of the specified noticet
City shall not 17e obli�;atec to rei;^btirse Cantirac�ar for any costs in excess of the
tatal zmount then allotted by Ci��� to this contract, whether those excess costs were
incurred during the course of this cantract or as a result of termina�ion. When s.nd
to the extent that the amount allotted by Cit�� �o this contract has been increased,
any costs incurred by Contiractor in excess of tlie total of the artaunt previously
allotted by City shall be allattiable to the sane extent and in the same percentage as
if such costs had b�en incurred after such increase in the amount allotted to this
contract; unless the Project Leader issues a tei-min�.tion ar other notice and directs
that the increase is solely for the �urpose of. covering ter.mination or other specified
� expenses.
Change orders i.ssued pursuant to the chan�es clause herein shall not be con-
sidered an authorization to Contractor to exceed the amaunt allot�ed by City in this
contract in the absence o£ a statement in the chan�*e order, or otller contract modifi-
cation, increasing �he amount allotted.
- ; r„
Nothing in this clause shall affect the right of the City to terminate this
contract, as provided in this contract.
Contractor shall submit monthlv invoices for Alloti�iable Costs incurred for
the current oeriod, with cumulative costs incurred to date, in such reasonable detail
as may be required to supoort City in its subsequent invoicing under the Prime
Contract. Indirect costs shall be invoiced at a provisional rate of eiqht per cent
(8�) direct labor for overhead in accordance <<rith the aforementioned Attachment F
of City's aroposal for Contractor's oarticioation. Subject to the Prime Contract
and a�proval of HUD, such indirect ex�ense rates are subject to final negotiation
upon comnletion of the Subcontract. All Contractor's invoices are sub�iect to
r�eview and approval by the City and HUD and shall be naid promptly as anproved.
A) The Contractor shall maintain books, records, documents, and other
evidence and accountinq procedures and practices, sufficient to reflect properlv
all direct and indirect costs of ti,�hatever nature claimed to have been incurred and
antici�ated to be incurred for the performance of this contract. The foregoing
constitute "records� for the purposes of this clause.
B) The Contractor's �lans, or such part thereof as mav be engaged in the
performance of this contract, and his records shall be sub,iect at all reasonable
times to insnection and audit bv the Contractin� Officer or his authorized re-
presentatives. In addition, for nuraoses of verifving that cost or nricing data
submitted, in conjunction with the negotiation of this contract or any contract
change or other modification involvinc� an amount in excess of �100,000, v�ere
accurate, complete, and current, the Contractina Officer, or his authorized re-
presentatives, shall until the exairation of 3 years from the date of final
payment under this contract, or of the time neriods for the particular records
specified in Part 1-20 of the Federal Procurement Rec�ulations (41 CFR Part 1-20),
whichever exaires earlier, have the right to examine those books, records, documents,
papers, and other sunporting data ��rhich will permit adequate evaluation of the cost
or pricing data submitted, along with the comnutations and nrojections used therein.
C) The Contractor shall preserve and make available his records (1 ) until the
exoiration of 3 years from the date of final payment under this contract, or of the
time periods for the particular records snecified in 41 CFR Part 1-20, whichever ex-
pires earlier, and (2) for such longer heriod, if any, as is required by applicable
.�S r
statt��e or by other clauses of this contract, or b�� (i) or (ii) below,
(i) If the contract is campl�Lely or partially �erminated, the records re-
latins; �a the work terr�i�lated shall be �reserved and made available for a period of
3 years from the date of any resulting £inal settlement.
(ii) Recards which relate ta (A) appeals under the "llisputes" clause of this
contract, (I3) liti,r;atian or the se�tle;�en� o£ claiMS arisir,? out of the perfo�mance
of L•his cor�tr�ct� ar (C) cus�s and ex�e����s of this contract as to ti��hich exception
has be�n taken b�� tl�e Con�:racting OfT`�3.cer. or any of his duly authoxized representatives,
shall be retained until such at�nealsY liti�a�ion, claims, or excentions have been
disnoseci of,
D) `fhe Contractor s}iall insert the �ollo�aing clause in each firm fixed-nrice
or fix�d-�aric� with escala�ian subcor��rac� ltereund�r tlhich �ohen entercd into exceeds
�100r000 �•.here the price is based an ade�uate pri.ee camnetition, esta.Ulished ca�al.og
or marl:et pxices of cammer.czal ite�s sold in substantial quan�ities to the general
public� or pric�s se� by Ia�•� or regulati.c�n.
a) This clause shall become ope��.tive onlv saith respect to any cl�an�e or .
other nadifica�ion af tlii� contract9 t.�hich involves a ��rice �djus�ment a.n excess of
$100t.000 unles� the price adjustr,lent is based on adec�uate price campe�itionf es�:ablish-
ed Cwc:alog ar maxk�t ��rzccs of cor.:;:�ez�czal. i�e;ns sold in s�tbstiantial quanti_ties 4:o the
gen�ral publieR or prices se� by la�a or regul.a�ion: Providedr That such chan�;e or
other modafica�ion ta this contract must resu�.t fYam a cha3it;e�tir other �nadificatiai� (I}
to the Gover.nriet�� Prime Cantrac�, or (2) authorizcd under the provisions �f the
Goverrnnent Pririe Cantract.
b) rar �rar�oses of v��ifying tliat any c�rtified cost or pricing data submi�:ted
in conjunctian icith a contract change o� other madification �4ere aceurate� comnlete,
and ctir.ren�, the Contracti��� Officer of the Gavernnlent Prime Contr�ct, or his autharized
representa��.ves$ shall� until the exni�ation of -3 years frar� the date of. final }�avment
under this corrtiract; or af the time ti�er. iads far the par�ictxlar recards s}�ec�fied in
Part 1�20 of the P�deral Pr.ocurement Rec;ulatians (41 CFR 1'art L•20) , �ahi.chever expi•r.es
earlier, have the ri�ht tn exar,iine those booksp recor.ds, documents, pal�ers, and other
, su�por�inp, d�ta whic}i invol��e txansactians rela'te�I to t}lis cari�ract or ��r}iicll ti4�i11
permit adec�uate e��aluation of the cost �fr nricing data submitted, alon�; with the com-
putations and projectios�s used the�ein.
c) The subcontx•ac�or a�rees to insert the substance of this clause includin�
this paragr��h (c) in all_subcontrac�s hereunder which �ahen entered into exceed ��00,000.
E) The Contractor a�rees that the City or the Comptroller General of the
United States or any of }iis duly authorized representatives, and authorized rej�resentativ
of NUD shaZl, un�iJ. expiration of. 3 years after final payment under this contract,
or of the time peri.ods for �he narticular recards specified in Part 1-20 of the
Federal I'roctire�nent Ite�;ulatioits (�11 CPR Part 1-20)s wllicliever expire� earlier, have
access �o and t}Ye ri�ht to examine any direct;Iy ��ertinen� books, documents, papers,
and records of thc� Contractor. imlolving transac�inns related �o this contract.
e .
Contractor a�;rees to t�rovide re�ular ing�ut materials for City's� nrogress
reportinp, �o F-IUD and �o pravide such othe� renorts of pro�*ress made, diff.7.culties
encountered and remedies proposed$ as tl;e City rtay require f.or coordina�ion of the
total �t!'ort.
Technical direction cf tlie tiotal Y�roject shaI.l be vested in the Project Leader
and Contractorts ri�rticipation shall be pursuant to slich direeti�n throunh the
Contr�ctor's Technical Project Leader. Con�ractor's Technical Prc�ject Leaci�r
shall ad�ii>e t.he I'roject Le�d�r imrsediatelv� in the event thar such direction may
be deemed to entail a cl�an�e in �he Scc�ne af Iti'ork, Te�� of Perf.arr�ance, or Al2o�;�able
Cas�s and Peeg and �he ma�t�r sl1all �e decici as a '° :ispute}'in tli� manner as pin�
vic��`d� in rh`i contracs�.
I1�. COI��lP.�1CT AU�9T_NISTI:�,TIO��.
The Projec� Lcader sha21 be resvansible for contract administration on behalf
� of tlie Czty. Contx�xctor shall desic;�atc its �ersonr�el x esoonsibl�c for con�xac� ad-
mxnistratian, in ti�.ri�in�� ta the Cxty� atid �he Cz�y shall be en�.itled to rely unon
such �•tritten autliorizatian urtil and wlless ch:nred in f.urther wri�inQS executed
by an officer au�l:arized �o bind �l�e Con�l�ac�,or.
x. r�o�rzc�s a .
.. ,
All notices� consen� ar�d appratval as rec�uired under this contractr sllall 'ue
sufficzent if �;iven by re�;istered mail grc�m ane narty �o the otiher, by persannel
above �ro��i.ded wxth the nece�5ary autharity to be resac�nsible for cor.�r�c:t ad�
In accord.ance �ci�h �he xequiremen�s of the Prime Cantrac�A this st�hcantract
is subject to the s,�ritten consent ar ratificatian of t)le Cantracting OfFicer. The
parties h�reby r.onf.irm their �riar af>reer.•ient tlaat the Contrac�.ar bears t}ie xisk of
.. non-consent ar non•-ra�ificatian o£ tl�i.s subcaritiac�. far any. cost incurred under said
Agreemcnt, in the e��e��t that such ra�ificatioi� or consen� is not �;ranted. Cxty -
hereby covenants and agrees to usc its t�est ef'forts to ob�ain such consent or ra�ifi-
A) T3ie performance of. worl: under the contrac� may be texminated Uy the City
in accordance with this clause in wholes or from time to time in part:
(I) }�Jhenever the Contr�ctar shall def.ault in rerf.orr,iance of this contract in �
accordance taith its tcrms (incluctin� in the �e�m "default" any such failure Uy the
Contractar to ma}:e progress in thc nrosecution of. �he �,iork hereunder as enda.n�ers
'such �Serforriance) , and s}lall fail to cure such defatzlt witllin a k�eriod of �en days
(or such lons�er period as the t'roject Leader may allnti,�) after receipt from the
Project Leader o£ a notice specifyzng thc def�ult; or
� , .
(2) h'henever for any reason the Project Leader shall determine that such termi-
nation is in the Uest interest �f the City. Any such terminati.on shall be effec�ed by
delivery ta the Contractor af a �atice of Ternir.ation snecifying tishether termination
is for the d�:fault of Lhe Contrac�ar or far the convenience of �he City, the extent
_ to �ahich nerf_ormance of ���or}: under the con5:ract is terr,�inatedt and �he date unon �,�hich
. such terni.�la�ion becomes effective. If, a£ter. no�ice af termination of �his co�stract
for defaul� under (1} ahovef i� is determincd for any reason that the Contractor taas
not in default l�ursuant t:o (1) , or that the Cantracscor°s failure ta tierforr.t ar to
make �ro�ress in nerf_oxmance is due to causes beyond the cantrol a.nd a�ithout the
f_ault or net;li�ence af �he ContracL-or nursuaT�� s:o the n�°ov�sions of the clause of
this con�ract relatirts� to excusahle del.ays, tlie Notice af Termination sliall Ue deemed
to have been i�sued under (2), abave, and the ri�;hts and oblig�.tions of the nar�ies
hereta �hall in such even� be governed accordin�ly.
B) After receipt of a Notice of Ter�r�ination a��d except as otherwise directed
by the Project Leader� the Contractor shall:
(1) Sto� k�orl: iander the contract on tihe date and to the extent specif.ied in
the Notice af Terr�inata.on;
(2) Pl.ace no further arders or subcontracts for rnaterials, services, or
facilities, e�.cept as �ray be necessar}� for campletcion of. such portion of the �ti�ork
under the contr.act as is not terrnina�ed;
(3) Tertninate all arders artd subcontracts to the exten� t1ia� they relate to
the performance of t��or}: terminated by �he Pro�ice of Termit�atio�; ,
(4) Assi�;n to the City, in the manner and to the extent directed by the
Praject Leadex� alI o� the riglits title, and interest o� �he Contrac�or under the
oxders or subcantracts so �CT1Il1113�GC)s in which case the City shall have the xiRh�,
in its discretion, to settle or pay any or a11. claims arisin�; out of. the terMina�ian
of such orders and subcontracts; '
(5) la'ith the a�nroval or ratificati.on of the Project Leader, to the extent
he may requirep i��hicl� aprroval or ratif:icatiett shall be final and cdnclusive f.or
all pur}�ases of this clause, settle all outstanding liabilities and all claim�
arising, out� of such termination of axcters and subcontracts, the cost of. which
� would be rei�7bursable in whale oi in parte iy1 accordance with tlie provisions of t}�is
(6) Transfer titic to the City (to the extent that ti�le has not already
been trans£crred) and deliver in the manner, a� the times, and to the eatent directed
by the Project Leader, (i) the fabricated ar unfabricated parts, �tioxk in process,
completed �,�ork, suppla.es, and other ma�erial �,roduced as a �art ofp or acquired in
respect of the per£arr�ance of, t}Ze t,�ork tcrminated Uy tl�e Notice of Termination; (ii)
the completed or partially campleted rlans, drawin�*s, inforr.iation, and ot}ler pro�erty
which, if the contrac� had been completed, tiaould be renuired to be furnished to the
City; and (iii) the ji�;s, dies, and £ixtures, and other s��ecial toals and toolin�
acquired or manufactured for the nerfoxmance of this contract for ttle cost of wllich
the Contractor has bcen or wi1l be reimbursed under tliis contract;
(7) Usc his best ef£orts tc� sell, in t}ie mannex, at ttie ti.mes, to tlie extent,
and at the pr.ice or prices directed or FP.U�}lOT1.Z�CI t)Y the 1'roject Leader, any property
, � �
of the types referred to in (G) abave: Provicied, however, That the Contractor (i)
shall no� be rec{uir�d to exterrd credit to ai7y �iurchaserp and (ii) may acqezire any
such property under the conditians prescribed by and a� a price or pri.ces apnro��ed
by the I'roject Leader: And nrovided fur�herr That `che proceeds of any such transfer
or dispos3tion shall be a p e��i reduc�ioti o� any pa�nnents to be made by the City
' to the Contxactor ui�ider this contracti or sha3.l Ot}1C2'�ti'ise be credited to the price
or cost of the work cavered by this contract ar p�id in such otlier manner as the
Projec� Leadex may direct; �
(8) Com�lete ��rf.arm�nce of such nar� of thc work as sha11 nat have heen
terminaticd by the Notice of Termin�tian; �nd •
(9) Tal.e such actian as r�ay be nece�saxy, or as the Project Leader inay direct,
for the protectian ancl �reserv��tiion of the �raperty related ta this contract ���hich
is in the passessian of thc Cor.�ractor and in which the City has or ma.y acquire an
The Contrac�or shall �r.aceed immediately �ai.th the performance of the ab�ve
obligations not�aiths�:ndin� any delay in determininn ar adjus�in�* the amoun� of
� the fee, or any ite;n of reimUuzsabl.e castg under thi� clause.
C) Aft�r receipt of a P�oYice of Termznationy the Contractar shall submit to
the Project Leader 11is termina�ion claim zn the form 111d wi�h the certification nres-
criUed Uy the Prc�jecti L�ader. Such clairi yh��.11 b� subrnit2ed �sra;:�ptl�r bu� in na evcnt
Iater th�Gn one ��ea.r fram the eff�ctive da.te of term9.n�'cion� unless one or r�are ex-
tensions in ��ri�in� ar� granted by the Proiect Leadei upon reque�t af t}�e Cofltractor
made in ��riting �4ithin such artemYear peri.oct or authaYi.zcd extiension �hereof. Hoti�ever,
if the Pra�ect Leader determi.ncs thati �lie factis jus�if.y stzch action, he may receive
and act upan aS�Y sucly termina�iot� claim at• a.ny ti.me �f�Er stzch� onepyear period or
any extension �hereof. Ur�on f�ilure of tlie Contractar to submit his ter�ninatian
claim t�ithin the tir.t� alla�oed� tihe Project Le�der mayp stzbjec� to any ret�ieti:� reqziired
by the cor<tracting a�;enc}�'s �;roccdu�e� itl effect as of the da�e of exeeution of this
cantract, determi�ie, an tlle basis aa inforr�a�ian_ availavle to him, the amatint, if any,
due to the Cantract�r by re�son a£ the termina�ion and sh�.11 thereupon pay to the
Contractar the �nount sa de��rmined.
D) Subject �:a the �rovisions af a?ar.a�;ra�h (C) n and subject to any xeview re�
� quired by° �.he eontr�ct�.ri�; a��cncy's p�occdtires in �ff'ec� as nf �11e date oS execut�oil
of this con�ractD �he Contract.af and the �'ro�ect Leader may anree upon th� ti��hole or
any part of the amoun� or amounts ta be paid (includin� an allo�ti�ance for �he fee) to
the Contractor by rcason o� the total or partial termi�la�ion of work pursuant to this
clauseo The c6ntract shall be amendEd accordinglyD ancl tlle Contr.actor shall be paid
the afiree:d amount.
E) In tlle event of t}�e failtire of the Contra.ctar and the Project Leader to
agree in whole or in r�Pty as provided i.n paragrat�h ([)) , as to �Che aanounts �Jith
res�ect to costs and fee, or as ta the amount of the f.ee, to be paid to the Contractor.
in connection �aith the termi_nation of F�rorl: ��c�rsuarrt �o thi.s clause, the Pr.oject Leader
shall, subject to any review x�equired by the contrac�inn agenc}�'s procedures in eff.ect
as of the date of exec.u�inn af �}iis contract, de�ermine, on th� basis of. inforrlation
availat�le to him, ti�e amount� if any, due to the Contractor by rcason of. the termination
attd shall �ay to the Contractar �he amouri� determined as follatias:
(I) If the settlement includes cost and fee --
i) There sha21 be included therein alI cost� and expenses reimbursable in
accordance t+�ith this contrac�t na� previous�y paxd to the Contractor for thc per-
formance af this contract ��rior to the ef_fec�ive date of the ;�'otice of' Termination,
. and such of these casts as mav continue far a reasonavle time thereafter �vi.th the
approval of or as directed by the Praject Leader: Pr.ovi.ded, llo��reverP That the Con-
tractar shall �,roceed as r.at:�idly as nracticable to iscT cont'irnx�' e suc�costs;
- ii) There �hall be included therein sa far as not included under (i) above,
the cost of settilins! and t�aying clair�s arisinc* out o£ �he tiermi»ation nf �vark under
subcontracts or ardex°s, as rrovided in 7gara�;rai�h (B) (S) above, ti4hicli are proper.ly
chargeable to the �erminated portion of th� contrac�;
iii) There sI1aII be included �herein rcasonable costs of settlemefz4:, ina
cludin� accauntin�� Iegal, clerical, and other ex}3er�ses reasonably necessary for
the �reparation of settic°�ent clair�s and ,upt�ortinr; data ti-:i�h respect �o th� ter�
mina�ed portion o� �h� con�r��ct and for the termznation and settlement of sub-
contracts thereun3er, tone�her �aith rcasatilable storaee, �ransportat;ian, and o�her
costs incurred in cannection ���ith the Protecti.an or disposition of texmina�ion
� inventory: Px�ov�dcd, hc�wever, That if the t�rmination is for default of the Con-
tractar t}iere shall. i;ot���iiiclud�d any amounts for the preparation o� �.11e Can�cractorts
settlement pra�7osaly and
_ iv) There shall be included therein a portion of t]�e fee p�yable under �he
contract deterriined as folla«s:
� _ ;
(a} In tlle event of the termination of tliis cont�act for tlle canvenience of the
City and not for the default of the C�ntrac�or, there sha2l be paid a percen�a�;e of
the fee equivalent to thc percentage of t)ze car.�ple�ion vf work cojttemplated l�y the
con�ractD less fec t�ayr�.ents previou�ly nade hereunder; or
(b) In the event of the termina�ion af this cantract for the default of the
Contractor, the total fee rayable shall he such�pra�ortionate part of the �Fee (or,
if this contract calls for articles of di£ferent types, of such part of tlle fr.ee as
is reasanably allocable to the ty��e of ,ar�icle under considerati.on} as the total
numUer of articles cielivered �o and a�cepted by the City bears to the total numher
� . of articles of a like l:ind called for by this cantract. -
If the amaunt determined under this subparagraph (1) is less than the total
payment theretofore made to the Contractor, the Contractor shall repay to the City
the excess amount. •
2) If tlle settic.�ent includes only the fee, the amount thereof will Ue
determined in accordance with subparagraph (1) (iv) above.
P) The Contractor shall have the rirht of appeal, wlder the clause of this
contract erititled "Disputes" from any deterr,iina�ion �nade by the Project Leacler under
paragraph (C) ox (F) above, except th�t�, i£ the Contractar has failed to submzt }:is
cluim tieithin the time provided in para;raph (C) above and has failccl to request ex-
tensi.on of such time,, he shall have no such right o£ ��peal . In any case where the
Praject I.eader has made a determination af tl�e amount due under parar;raph (C) or (e)
. � I � •• • • . • • •
. p�O w ' •
aUol�e, tl�c Ci.ty sl��il] p�y t:o L-l�c Contrac;or Lhe follo��i.ns;: (l-) zi' ,`cl�cre is no ��i�ht
of a��pcal hcreu::de�� or z£ no ci�:,cly apt�c,�). )�as bcc�l tal:ci�f `che a�sotint sc� c!ct:cr�:>>.i�eci
liy t]ie 1'rojec� LeactcA, or (.'.� a.� an �p;�enl 1�as becr� Ya}:e�1y Llle ar.��ount i:�nr�l.ly de°
tc�`r�inccl o» siicJl �tl;»eal . .
G) Z�� arri�'z,��? at t-he ��.:�otinti dt�e Ll��e Ca»tr«ci.o�� tinder tihi.s cla�.ise Yhere sl�all
Ue dedi��'cc�.ci��) �11 unl.iruid�t�.eJ <�ivan;e. o;� or):er n:�;,'�:,e}�t�s �:l�e��c�i:ofor.� �;��_de �o Lhe
Coi�t.xac�or, a�7,�J.xcr:l�lc Lo tl�^ �er�;in�tc:i i��rtio�l o� tl;is contr<ci:,. (2) a�7>� clai.in
1d)l�C�l ��1C �,1L)' T:1�1\' �:�.\'C �5;77.115� t�;G� �.011`�.:'�'CI'.O1' lTl C`J)111C'C�10;1 l�;li.�� 1:)11S CO)1�i'�2C�'y :11;:�
(3) thc �s;rced urice i:orr c�:� ;>�occe:3s c�r :>:le oS'y any ��<tcriaJ.sf. su}�;�la.es, or oL-her
t-�llll(;S �CCj;I)_)'CC� 1)}' t;]C' �.Glli:x`«C1:02 O)� sol.d i)`..12";113)1L �O 1;�1C �77'O\'1S).O;1S Oi ��115 C��U�.0
- ���d »�t oY)ticr��ri5e �cc���ered by or crcdzi.ec; to tJ.e Cit;'. . �
� };) In the cvc,�t of a p���r�:ial tc.���S.naLion, �1:e pnrtion of the i'ee <<l�i.ch �_s
rayab).e ���itli xe�pect Lo �he t;oi�l: un:le�` L]�:e co���i��ue� a»rLio» of the co»L�°<�c� sl�all.
Ue cn,u�_t.c�bl.;� ac;j,t;�cc� by �c;rec���n�. beL�,;c�cl� t',e Contar:ctai� a�;d thc 1'roicct Leader,
aild sucl: aci jt�s��:�e»i: sh�I1 l�e e��idc,ICCC; by an a:�°i��"epL to t)iis contract�
I) 'I'l�e Czt.y �.��y f�'o�•;� t.i_�:�e to �i�,c:, ur�ex sticl� fe:•�-�s an:i CO)1C�1S:].011s as �.t I
lilil�� l�rescz 3_L`C.f T'ii!�:C 1?2i``l.l:i� j.`•��\"l�C.'t14$ ii);'1 �7:1'�^.`�C111'.S (�I� �iCCOi:;1t; r f;�li1Si; COC�.> ].)�Clil'i'CC�
by �.)�c: Co�,Lxac�or J.71 C011llec�..io,� ��•:itli th� t:er::z�;�ated ��o�cio�1 of t:he coni:-act. ��;��ci:e�•e��
i.i� t-:l�e o�:�a��iei; c�fi.l�e i'S�oic:t: i.e:::3er the �c;,re�.�.te af such j�a�;:�e;�i.s s1��all l�e 1e;�1;i�: �
� '' �'� )l�;l'Ct1ilC�CI. �f L�1C; 1:0�.�.1 O{' S:1Ci1
S;�1G ?]:10t.)il �O ti�'�11C;? i11C �,O;ii7"I?C:C)i ttil�l l)L C.T?����. �
�}?,�'t�rllt:> �5 1)1 C=XCC�'S O� S:��ii; c';0:;:11; i 2:1:.j. 1.1' C�i,�CTi.l])1f_'i) i.0 1JC CiUC iliiC�C)' t'.�1�_S C).AU5C} .
Sl]C}i C>:CC�> Sil�i.l� �)C 1:�.V�1ll1C l;\' l-!:C �,Oi;t.�.3C��C�1 S-Q t_)1C �:1�,1' U1�0�1 C�C�i'.�1lC�j �O�ICI�.�1C:i
t�;i�li int:e,°est co;�;�u�ecl at Lh� 1��-,e of 6 pe:cent »e�� a��ini:��, f-or�;tlle ��e��_o;d frc�r:i the
date st�c:h excess ���)•"�e»� is x ecez��ed b�� Ll,e Co;;`���ac.�o,- �o �he d�ite on ��r!iich stich
cxcess zs �•e;».i.d to Zl;e CiLy._ 1'�a1�zc�e:l� h;>�,:c��e��, Tl�zi. no i�;tei;est sh�ll be cha�rcd
�aith res;}ec�; Lo �»y such excess� r:;��;:�cI11: .�f�L�1':.()u���h�.e t�o a re�luct.ion in �he Cc,n�ractor` s
cJ_azm bv rc�ison af re�etiTion or ot-her d�_s;;osiL�on oS' t:e-r.;��n�tion �.r.'�len�o>>y �mtzJ_
�..Le�l c�a��s ��f��.c� sch� c1�3.tc o� >uc)� retcn��_c�� or d�_sl�oszii.onf o�� stich la�er d��e as
deLer�11151ed Uy the l'�'a) ecL l.e�cler by x eason oi thc ci�'ctzn��ances. . �
. - �
J) The pro��i.,ions or illa s cla�ise rel^�inr; t.o Llte fee shall �e inap���iczble
�,� til».s co��t.ra.cL cir.es not ��ra'��icie i'or �}<�y,;�cf�L o� a Seep . ;
� . � 1
� �TSI. ])ISI'U"1'1?S� � - � � . . . �
l =xcc �t as othcrti;i.sc t�.•o��i_cic;i i�z t.li�.s cor.t:�actf any dis;�tit.c co»cerni»s; �
c1 (�11CS�11C7]1 Oi �,'.Cj:. �7T].S1T1j? 12]1CjC1' ��ll!"i COili..'<?C� 1�}13.C�1 1 i ];O� (ja.���JSCCl O� �)1' asrrec,:1C)lt;
shall l�e cteci.cled b)' fihe l'}•oie�� I.,^�dcrf ti�,l�a shall reduce llis decision to i��ritinS�
and ma�.l. or. oL)ic:��:zsc f�ti��ni.sh �� co���� tl�creoS Lo t)ic Coy�Lr:sctor. , 'J'hc dccision oS t1�c
I'zojcct I,cadcr sl��11 Uc fin;1 ��»;3 conc).t�si�1r. 17)I�.CSS �•;itlian :50 da>'s fxom tl�c date oi
, xecezl�t af such cc>,;y, the ConLi•;�ctor �;�,ails or o�;;er.�,ise fu�-nishes t.a �l:e 1'zaiecr L�ade:
t� �,ri.�tc» a>>pcal ,:ciclresscc; t.o i:l�c :�lzyor, 'J'l�c ciec�szon of t)�c i•3��)'or or 1�is clt�l}�
nut-)io�-i,.cd re�n�escntat:ivc fa� t.l�c cleter�:,i_>>atS.on of suc]i ���uer�l> sl�al.l be f.i�i�l ancl 1
conclusi.��r unkes:; cic�crmz.nc.:t hy a courY: of COi1�)C1"C)1� juri>(��.C�:lnll Y:o havc l�ccn
�]'.311011).C11L� U1' CF:1�1'1CI.OUSy 07' tz]'�))t:l'Cl1'1'� O:' �0 S;IOS;l\' CI'7'O11C'OttS :�; T1CCC,`•,`;a]'].1)' �O
xr,il>l.j� l�,�cl f',ii.tl�, o�• »oC �u�,»ort�ecl l,y ;�il�:t��»t.i.:l. e���.cience, ).n coy�ncct.aon tiea th �nY
aj�y�cr►1 ��rocc�cc3i�n;; u���lcr t:hi.s clt�usc, tl�c Co�;trr�r.tor sh;�ll l�c atforcic�cl an c�}>>>o��t.iinity
�.o l�c l�c��r�i ailci t�o offcr c��i.cic��cc in st>>�;�c�rt of �.t:; a��;}c•:il . I�C11(�111(; f�.��aJ. ci��cS.�,ion
os a clzs��urc 1�crc��n,ic�r, tlic� Co��t:r:ictor �:)�.:il l Y�roc`.:�cct cli.l i;;c»t:l �� ��it.?� t:lie J�c:rf�r�:tancr.
af thc cc;�itr,ict_ ;ancl �>> uccc��cf:;nc.c �;i.th thc 1'��oicct. l,cr�cicr. ' s c1ecS.szone
B) In the event that the Contractin� Officer of the Prime Contract� or any
department, agency or representat�ve of the Governmen� actilig on hzs behalf, or the
Comptroller General ar �he General Accoun�:in� Of¢ice, ciisallo�JS any cost under this
Subco»tract, and such a disallasaance arnse ou� af or is based on this Subcontractr
such a disallotrance shall be t�I.I1C�111� an the Contr�.c�or unless:
(aJ Cantractor disa�;rees with the determination.
(b) Contractar mai:es a timely request to City tia pursue �he Contr.actor°s
rights under �his SubcUZltrac�.
(c) The Con�ractor trmely furnishes to City f.ac�ual or le�;al grounds upon
which a camnc`ent reviec��in� autharity �cauJd have a reasonable basis for overruling
such a de�ermrnation.
Then City a�rees to treat the de�ermi���t�on as a "disv�u�e" uncler tlle clause
af the Pri.i7e Cantr�c� enti�l�da "DISFUTF.." ands at- the Con�rac�or's exn�nse, ta
dili�ently seel; zlie revers�.Z of such detierm3.nation to the extent requested by the
� City as�rees that it �:�ill perr7it the Contractor to participa�e with City in
all such procecdings.
Any resalution af such disnute(s) pursuant �o such clause shall he bindin�
u�on City and tlie Can2rac�:or to the extent th�ti such a resoltition is bii�din� u�on
� City.
� �
This clatise sha11 no� be interrsreted as rrahibitin� the negotiata.an af a
set�l�me��t by City with thc Cantrac�or c�n any dc�ermination made by th� Cantr�ctin�
Officer which s.� cont�al.led by this cl�nse.
For the �SUrposes of this Ar;r�emer�t, Cc�ntrae�or shall be deemed �co be an
independent eontrr,ctax° and not an e,�,rslc�vee of tlle City. Any and ali employees of
Cantractor or other persoru ��hile engas�ed in f:�1C perfarmallce of any �,for}: or services
required by the Contrac�or tinder this ARreementp shall nat be considerecl emp2oyees
. of the City; and any ar�d al.l claims that may or r�ighL arise.under the P,'orl:men's
Compensation r�ct of �4innesot�. on liehalf of said enn2oyees or other persons while
so engagedl hasnita2izatian i.nsurance coveranes, social security and pension pa�rn�ents
and benefitsy othEr employce vbligations and bene£itis, and any and all claims made
by any third party as a consequence of any act or onission on the part of Contractort
the emrloyee ar athcr rersons while so er.gaQed on antir of the cloi:k or servzces to be
rendered, shall in na �,�ay be t)le nbli�ation or responsi.bility of tlie City. The
Contractar shall �ay as they become due a21 just claims £ar i��or};, �ools, machinery,
skill, materials, insur�nce premiums, equi�ment and supplies furnished, rendered or
perf.orr,ied in the execution of this Agreement.
XV. I�'ON-1)I SCit I'•1 I hATION.
' Contractor sha11 be dcemed the contractor for the apnl.ication o£ alI pro»
visions hereto and latas against unlaw£ul discrimination on accaunt of raceD creed
or colo,: hereunder. The Con�ractor a�;rees, i.n accordance ��ith Chapter 238y La�as
of. the State of 1linnesota fox I941, that in the hirin�; of common or skilled labor
for the per�ormance of any ti��orl: under tl�is Arxecment, that he sha]I not, by reason
of race, creed or color� discrir^inate a�ainst any ��er5on who is a citizen of the
Unitecl Stat�s raho is qualified and available to perforM the <<�orl; to �,�hich such
employr.ienr relates; $111t no con�xactorr m�ter�ial supplier or vendor under this
Agreement sh�il in an�� r�anner discriminate a�ainstr or intimidate, or pre��ent the
. employrn�en� of any persanD ar on being hiredp preven� or canspi.re to pxevent an,y
persan from the �5erf_armance of ���ar}: under 4:his Ap,rcemcnt on acccunt of race� creed
or color; that th;s l�nreement may he cancelled o-r terminatied by the Ci,tiy and all
money due ar to beco�ne due ller�under shall Ue f.orf_eited far a second or a��y sub-
� sequent violatian af tl�e �erins or candi.tiions of this /��reement,
A) The Contr«ctar shall s;ive advance natific�ti.on to the Praject I,eader of
any �ro�osed subc�n��act hereunder which (z) is on a cost, cos�t-plus-a-fee, time
and materialg or labo��pliour t��sis, ar (ii) is on a fixed-�rice basis exceeding in
dollar amoun� cither 425p000 or fzve �ercent (So) of the total estimated cos� of_
this contract.
B) In �he case of a propased subcon4ract wh�ch (i) is on a cost,cas�-plus-
� a-fee, time and mat�rial, or labar-hour ba�i.s and t�hich would imrolve an estimated
amaunt in excess of �1(1ROOOs includin�; atj}� fee; or (ii) is propased to exceed $lOQy000;
or (iii) is one of a nur;iber af subcontrac�s tinder tllis can�r��ct witili a sin�le subcon-
tractox fvr. thP sar�e er rel.at�d su*spl.ies or servi.ces �,rhi.ch, zn the a��;rerate,.. are
. expected �o exc�ed $10�,OQ0; the advance r�cstifica�.inn iequired by (A) above shaZl
4 ,
i) A description af the su}��2ies or services ta be called for by the sub-
contract; �
ii) Identifica�ian of the �-�roposed subcot�tractox and an exrilanation of ��hy
and how the pro�osed subcontractor tiaas selectied, includina the degree of competitian
iii) The pro��osed subcontract price,..ta�ether ��rith the Contractar's cost or rrice
analysis thereo£; . �
� iv) The subcantractar's cUrrent, cor����l�ter and accurate cost or pricing data
and Certificate of. Current Cost or Pricin�; �ata �,lhen such data and cer�i£ica�e are
required, by othcr provisions of this cont�act, to be obtained fram the subcontractor;
and -____.._ _-
- v) - Identification of the t�fpe af subcontrac� propased to be used. � -- - -
C) 'The Contractar shall not, Htithaut thc prior written consent of �he
Project Leader place any subcontract �,�}iich (i) is on a cost ar cost-plus-a-fee
basis, or (ii) i� on a fixed-price basis exceedin�; in dollar amount eit}ler �25,000
or five percent (5") of tlle total estimated cost of this contract, or (iii) provi.des
for the f:abrication, pt�rchasef rental, install.ation, or other acquisition nf a11}� i�em
of industrial Facilities, or of. special roolin� h�ving� a value in excess of. $I,000,
or (iv) is on a time and material or labor-hour basis, �r (v) has experimental,
develorment�.I, or researc}� �;or}; as one of; its pttrnoses� 'f}ie Project Leader ir�ay, in
his discretian, ratify in i�ritin� any such subcontxact; such action shall constitute
the consent of: the Project Leader.
D) The Cantractor aprees tliat no subcontract placed under tliis con�ract
shall rrovide for �ayr,ient on a cost-plus-a-percenta�e-of�cast basis.
, E) The Project Le�der r�ayt in his discretion, specifically apnrove in s4mitin�
any af the �ravisions o£ a subcontract� Ho��re�rer, such apnr.oval or tcl�e consent of the
Praject Leader obt�ined as rec{uzred by this clause shall no� be con5trtzeci to con�
stitute a determination af the allo��abi.lity of any cost unuer this con�ract, unless
such arproval specificallys �ravides that it cons�itutes a deterr�ina2ion of th�
allo��ability of such co�t.
F) The Contrac�:ar shall g�.ve thc 1'xoiect Leader ir:unediate na�ice in �critin.p,
of any action or sua.ti filecip and pron�t notice of any clain made agaiflst the Con-
tractar by any subcontrac�or or vendo� ca}Yich, in the ori�7ion of the Contractorm
may result in litig�ti6n, related in anv �aay to this cantract �vith resrect �o �ahich
the Contrac�or r�ay be entxtled �o reimbursem�nt from the City.
G) I�'at�aithstandii�� (C) abaver the Con�r�c�or may �nter into subcantrac�s �aithin
(ii) ory if th� subcont�°ac� is £or special �ooli�lr� withi.n (iii� , of� (C) avove, wi�h�
� au� the �rriar ��:ri.�t�n coi�sen�: of the Proiect Leader if the Project Leader has, in
wxitin�, ap�-�rati�sd the Conscractor's t�urchasing syst�ms and the subcontiract is «i�hin
the lir�i�ations of sucll a�s�roval.
XVIT. S'TA?��D;SRDS OF 1`'OR1:. .
The Contractor. a�rees that the �erf�rmance of wor}: �nd�`services .�ursuant to
the r�quirements of thi.s cantract sh�.11 conform to hig�h professional standards.
Excent �.+ith respec� �o defaults of subcontractors, the Con�ractar shall not
be in default by rea.son o� any failure in ner.fo-rrr.iance of this contrac� in accardance
with its terr.is (incl.udirsg a.ny failure bt� �he Caritractor to maYe pro�ress in the
prosecution of the t+Qrk hereunder 5+}hicll endar.�ers stich performance} if such faiJure
arises out of causES beyond the contro�. and �t�itlzaut the fau2t or nes;ligence of the
Contractor. Such ca��ses r,fa,y include9 'but are not restricted to: acts of God or
� of the nublic enEm�•; acts oF the Citv in either i�s sovereirn or can�ractual cal�aeity;
fires; floods; epidemics; c�uarantilie r�strictions; strikes; fxeir�ht embar�;oes; and
unusually sev�re weather; hut in every case the failure to perform must be Ueyond
- -- -the -control and withou� �hc fault or ncgii�ence of the Contrac��r. - If the £ailure
to perform is caused by tlie failurc of a subcontractar to per.form or mal:e pro�±xess,
and if such failure arises out of causes beyond the control of both the Con�ractor --- -
and subcontractor, and ���ithaut the fault or ner;li�ence of either of tliem, �he Con-
tractor shall not be deemed to be in default, unless (A) the supplies or services to
be furnished by the subcontractor ���ere obtainable fra;n other sources, (b) the Project
Leader shall have ordered tlte Cantractor in �ori�in� to procure such supplies or
services fro�n such ot}ler saurces, a�:d (C) the Contractor sl�all liave failed to com�3ly
reasonably �ti�itli suc}i ord�r; lJpon requost of the Contractor, the Project Leader shall
ascertain the facts and c:xtcnt of such failure and, if. he shall determine that any
failure to perform �ti�as occasioned hy any one ar more of the said c�.uses, the delivery
schedule shall be revised accordin�;ly, suUjec� to the rights of. the Cat�� under the
clause hereof entitled "Terminatian for Ue£aul� or f.or Convenience af the Citye"
� -I4-
Thi.s eontract, to the extent that it is a� a chaxacter stiecified in the
Contract 19or}: f{aurs S�andards Act (40 U�S.C. 327-330), is subject to �he follo�-:ing
pravisians and to alI ather annlicable provisior.s and excepti.o�ls of suc}t Act and
the res9ulations of tl�e Secretary of Labor thereundero
A) Overta.me Reo,uirer,�ents.
ho Cantr:ctor ar �ubcontrac�oi coa�tractiill�* for any part of t,ie cantract 1,7ork
whicll r�ay reqiiire or im�olve the ennloy�r.c�lt of laborers ar mechanics shall require
or nerr.iit any Iaborer or mecha�tic in �ny worl:weel: in which he is cmployed on such
worl: �a wo�k in excess af eis*ht hours in an�r c�lerdar day ar in exccss of. fo�ty haurs
in such worl;F�aeel; on �•,oik suUi�ct �o the pro>>isions af �he Contr.act lti'o�k Hours Standards
Act un2ess such Iaborcr ar mechanic receives camnensation at a rate not less than one
and one-half tiimes his basic rate of p�.y fox all such hours warked in excess of ei�ht
hours in any calendar day or in exccss of f�rty liours in such workk�ee}:, wllichever
is �he �reater numb�r of overtime hours.
B) l�iolatzon; Liability for� Untsaid i�'anesf Liquidated Dama�*es.
In the event of any vialation of. the provisions of para�rapli (A), the Con-
tractor and any subcont�ac�or res�or.sible thexetar shall be liable to any affected
employee for liis unnaid tiea�es. In additi.an, such Contractor afld subcontrac�o�
shall be liavl.e to 2h� Uliitcd Statcs f�r liquidatcd d�ma�;e�. Such liquid�ted damages
slzall be car�,put�d wi�h respect to cach in.di��idual Iabore2 or rnechanic en�Io�fed in
vio�ation o� the provisians csf nara�ran}� (A) in the sum of $10��for ea.ch:calendar day
on ti��hich such e�:�loyee �,�as rec�uired or pe�°r�i�2.cd to be cmplaycd on such work in excess
of eight hours or in excess of the stundard taorka,feek o£ forty h�urs caithouti payment
of the overtime �aages required by �aragranll (/�) .
C) Withholdxns; �a� Unr�aid 1�;��es and Liqtiidated Dan�ay?es.
The Project Leader may �-aitli}iald from �he Contractiarr fxom anv moneys payable
on account of ���ork perf.orr�ed by the Cpntractor ox subcontractor, such sums as may
adminis�ratxvely be detexr;ined to be neces"sary ta satisf�� any liabilities af such
Contractor or subcontractar for unpaid� k�a�e8 and liquidated damages as �rovided in
. the pravisa.ans of. par�n�aph (B) . - -
U) Subcontracts.
� The Con�ractor shall ittsert parap.,xa�hs (A) throu�h (D) of this clause in all
subcontracts, and shall, require thezr inclusia�l in a21 subcontracts of any tier,
(The follatit�ing clause is applicabla unless this contract is exempt uttder the
rules, re�;ula�a.oiis, �nd relevant orders of the S�cretary of Labor (41 CFR, ch. 60) .)
lluring tho performance of this contract, the Contractar agrees as f-ollows:
A) The Contractnr will not discrimina�e a�;�3nst any employee or applicant
for emplo�nnen�C because o�' race, color, reli�ian, sex, or national oripitt. The
Cantxactor will take affirr�ative ac�ion to ensure t17at anplicants are emnloyedP and
that emnloyees are treated during emnloyc:�entj �-;ithout re�;;crd to their race, color,
reli�ion, sex, or national ori.Rin. Suct� action sli<�I1 i1lCludCn but no�; be Iimitcd to,
the fo2loti�in�: 1'r�plo ,� en�, upr;ra.dznn, dcm�tior�, or tr.ansfer; r.ecruitment or re-
cruitm�nt adver�isznu; layoff or terminr3tion; r.a.t�s of �Say or o�he-r farms of com�
, pensatiion; and selec�ion for traininr, 1TICIUCIl11�'; aj.�t}ren'cices}�i.,�. 'I'he Cantractar
aprees �o nost in consnicuaus 7�23cesF available ta emplatifces and apnlican2s for
emrloy,,lentF notices to be p�o��ided by �he Project I.ead�r se�ting forth t}le pro�
visians af thi� �qual Op�ox�.unity clausee
l3) The Col7trac�or. toill, in alI solicitations or advertis�me�its ror employees
placed by or on behalf af �:he Contrac�ax•, stat� �ha� al.� qualified a}��licants wi.11
recei�tc consideration for e;�rsloyment �sithau� regard ta race, calor, r�lis;ion, sex,
or national ori�;in.
C) The Co;srractor t•,ill send Lo e�ch Iabor union or representa�i�re df wox}:ers
with ��laicli he h�.s a collective bargaininr agreement or o�?ier contrac� or under�
standin�;R �. natice, to be provided by the I�roject I�ad�r, adt%ising ttie labor unian
or taorl:ers ° repr�scr�tative n� tlle Contractior's com�i�nients ur�:ier this rqtial Opt�or»
tunity clause, and sha11 posfi ca�ies of the notice in conspicuous places available
� to employees and ap�licants £or emplo��ner�t. � � �
D} Tl�e Cont�actar will camply �;ith all provisions of Executive O�der No. I12�G
of Septerriber 24� IRGS, and of tihe rules� re,ula�iansp and relevant c�rder� c�f xhe
Secretzry of Labor. .
E} The Gantractor �aill furni.sh aIl inforrnatic�n and xepo-r.ts required by
Executive Order Na� 11246 of S�pt�mber 24s 1965, and by tlie rul�s, res�ula�ion�D and
orders of the Secre�ary of Laba�, or puxcuant �hcretoP and �4iI2 permit access to }�i�
books, xecords, and accounts by the con�ractin�; a�;ency a.nd t}�e �ecretary of Labor
for puxpases of invest3�ation to ascer�ain compli.�nce with such rules, re�;ulatians,
and orders. .
F) Iri the event of the Cor�tractax�s non�camnliance wi�h the Ec�ual Oppaxtunity
clause of �his cantract or taith any of the said rules, re�ula�ions, ar axders, this
contract may Ue canceled, te��ninated, ar-susg�end�dA in whol.e or in party and ttie
Contractor may be dcclared in�ligiblc 'far fux�}t�r Go��ernment contrac�s in accorciance
• with praceduxt�s auillaz ized in L�;ecu�ive OrcIer ?�o. 1I2�.6 0� Septernber 24D 1SG5� and such
other sanctions may beimposed and remedies invoked as provided in Ex�cu�i��e Order
No. 1124G of Sentember 24r 1�C5, or by rule, re�;ulatio�, or ord�r af. t}ie Secretary of
Labor, or as otheri��ise provided by law.
G) The Contractor wi1Z include the pravisians of para�*raphs (A) throu�;h (Gl
in every subcontract or purchase order unless exemp�ed by rules, regulations, or
orders of tilie Secretaxy of Labar issued �ursuant '�o sectian 204 of Execu�ive Qrder
No. 112�3G of Sep�e^�ber 24, 1965, so tha� such provisions ��ill be binding upon each
subcontractor or vendor. 'I'l�e ConL-rac�or ti��ill take such action �oith respect to any
subcontract or purchase order. as the contracting a�ency may dircct as a means of en-
forcinP such provisions, ij�cludin� sanc�ions for noncampliancc: Provi_ded� how�ver�
That in the event the Contractor becomes involved ir�, or is threatene �aitt, lit �i ation
w'ith a stzbcontrac�ar or vendor as a result a£ such direction by the contractin�; a�;ency,
the Contractor may 1^equest the United States to enter into such litip,ation to prote.ct
tho interests of tho United States.
!�) i;'hcnevex t;he Contractar has knastitled�e �l�a� any actual or patential labor
dispute is d�l�.viny or �hreatens to d�lay the iirneZv p�x'forr.iance of tliis contract,
the Cantr�ctQr shall ir°�:,�ediately �iv� �lotice thereaf, i�icludin� al]. relevan� information
, with respect theretaa ta �he E'roject Leader.
B) The Contr�ctar a�rees r.c� i�sert t}ie substance af t}iis clause, inciczdiY�Q
tliis paxas;rapli (B}r in anof subcan��act l�ereurid��x as to ti:�hich a labor cii.spute ma}�
- delay the tirnely perfo;,��nc� of t.h:.j con�:ract j exce�t r.hat e�.ch suc11 s�bec�ntract shall
provide tha� in thc e��cnt i�s tir���;l�� �erfarmance is dclayed vr threater�ed by delay
by any actual oz' noterit?al l�b�r di��ute, �he subconti�ectc�r shall imncaY�.telv �lotifv
his next hi�;her tier �tit;ccsr.�ractor f or the t�rirye contrr4ctor, as th� case r�ay be, of�
all relcva»t informa�ian wi�h res��ct �o such dispute.
The �e�sonnel specified in an attacl�ent tv this con�ract are considerect ta
be essen�ial to the ��rork Ueing �erformed hereu:�der. I�rio� �o divertin� any o� the
speci£ied indi�riduals to other �<,o�rams the Can�.ractar shall notzfy �he Proiecti Leader.
� reasonably it� advance and sl�all sut3mit justifzcu.�a.on (includa.n� pro�3osed substi�utions)
in sufFzcien� detail to 7�ermit etitaZuatian or the in��sac� on the rsro�;ram. ho diversion
sha11 Ue made by the Contrac�c�r ��i�hois� �he sti�rx���n consen� of the Proiec't Le�fctcr:
ProvidedP TI��zC the Proiec� Leader m�v ratl.fy� ].11 wra.tins� sucli di��ersion and S1.IC}i
rat�ii`ica�iofl sh�.Il ccns�i,�ute .the c�nsent af' �li� P�caje�t 1,eader required by t)lis clauseo
The att�chme:�t �o this con�ract �i�a�� I�e ametidc;d fram �ime ro time duri7l� the couxae
af tlie con�rac� to cithc� add or dele�.e persanilel, as ��,propri�te. �
� XXITI. NO'1'ICE REG/�I:DI��G I,.4TE BI:I.I1'�R�'o
In �he event the Con�txac�or �ncaunter� di.fficult:y in meeting pe��faamance
requirements, ox antici�a�es diffs.culty in compl;�in�; with the can��act delivery
schedule or date, the Con�ractor shall immediatcly notify tlle Proiect Le�.d�r thereof
in writing� �i.vzn�; nertin�t��t detai.ls f in�ludinc� �the dae:e by ��}hich it expects to
complete perfox�nance or ma}:e, delivery�, �rovid�ds ha��ever, �hat this cla�e shull be
infarMatiay�al only in character and �hat x�cea.p� thcrea� sha1l no� ve construecl as
a u�aiver by �11c Czty o� any contra.cC dclivery �chedule �r date, or any riglits or
� remedies pro��ided by la�+f ox under �hzs cantrac�o �
� A) Definition. .
Por the �urpose o� this clause, "I�ublica�ion" includes (1) any document con-
tainin;; infoxriation intended far jniblic canswnption or (2) the act of, or any act
which may result in➢ disc2osing informa�iott to t}ie �ublic.
B) Gencral.
The resul�s o£ the research and develol�ment and s�udies conducted undPr tliis
ebntract are to be made av�ilable ta the public tltrou�rh dedication, assi�nntent to
the Government, or such other means as the. Secretary of Ilousing and tJr.l7an Develonment
shall determine, as requii:ed ui�der �itle ITT af the llousin�=, Act of 1�4�' as ar�ended
(I2 U. S. C. 1701e) .
C) �?e�orts Furnished the Government.
All intermedia�e and final rep�rts of the research and development and studies
, conducted hereunder s::µll indicatie an the caver or other ina.tial nas;e that the r�search
and devela�:nent and stiudzes £orr.�znc� the h�5is f.or the renort saere conducted pursuan�
to a con�rac� �tiTi�li th� T)epartment af Housi.n� and Urban DvFlo�sment. Sucll repor�s are
official Gav�rnment �rorserty ar,d �;��y not t�e published or renroduccd (in �oto, in
verbatim excerntb or in fox°t� �nT�r�ximarin� either e�£ �hese)as �.n �noffi.ciai pa�ser
or article. The Contract�r or 'i'ec}lnical Perso��ne2 (e«ch empinyee or consul�tant
wor}:ing ur.der �Iie admiy�istra�ive directior. o£ the Con�ractor or any sixbcrn�ractor
hereunder) �,.ay publish such renor�� in ti;�hol� or in par� in a non-Government �ubl.icatian
only in accordance �,�ith this �arafiraph (C) and narag,rapl� (E) (1) of this clause.
D) Publicatzon bv Gavexn�ent.
The Goverr�ncn� shall have fu11 ri�;ht �0 11ub�a.sh all in�ox•r.�iation, da�a, and
f.indin�;s develaned as a resuit of �he rescarch ar.d develap:nent and studies conduc�ed
her�under. Such nubli.cation F��ill F at �lie ontiion of_ the Cantrac�c�r (except in t}ie
� case of verba�im cxce�pts fro;� the Cvntractar's renort)F credit �he Contractc�r and its
princip�.2 personr.el ir.volved Uy for°eword or initial footnote to the publ.ication itt
form subs�an�ially as fallo���s:
T}ie (research) (develo���etit) (stud�:es) for;ninn the basic for. this renort
a:ere conducted �:}arou�;h contra.ct Sd�,th (h'<�me of. Cont;x actcr) by (Name or n�ines of
principa2 personnel) , Except £ar t�erba�im excerpts from the Cantrac�or'�' re�orts o�
from other identified sourc�st the Ucpartr,zent of }iousYn� and Urban Develo��ment acc�pts
responsibility fox tihe conclusicrn� her�in stated.
L) PuUlicaL-iort by Cont�^etor ar Tecllnical I'ersc�fYnel
(1) PuUlicati�n in �,�hale or in t��rt of Con�ractox's renarts furnished �.he
Gavernment. �
Unless such reports have heen placed in the rublic domain l�y Governmeitt
publication, the Contractor a� Tec}uticai Personnel (each emnloyee or consultant
. working under thc- administr«tzve direc�ion csf the Con�ractor. ar any subc�r�tractar
her.eunder) may �ublish a repoxt furnishe:d tlle Government, in toto or in verbatirrt
excerpt, but consistenct �tiitc}1 paragr�nh (C) of tliis clause may not secure co��yri,n,ht
tlierein, subject to t)je folloi�ing, candiY.ions, and the canditions in parafiraph (E) (4)
and paragra�h (r) : ,
i) Duriny, the first six months after submisszon of. the full final report, if
wr3.tten permission to publish is obtair�ed from the Government's Contractin�; Off.icers.
ii) /lfter six months following submission of the fuZl final xeport, and if
para�r213h (�) (3) is inapplicable, 3.£ a forewor.d or footnote in the non4Government
publication indicates tlie sotirce af the verbatir� material.
' (2) Pul�licatio�t� excen� verb:�tim excei•nts, concernins� or hased in �ahoIe or
in parL o�t T°estilts of re:>earc}t aa1 det�elot7r,lent anu stu ies llereunci�r.
-1II- .
The Con�ractox or Technical Personnel ma�� issue a pu�Iication concerning, or
bas�d in �ti�hole ar in part on the results ofp the r�search and development and studies
conducted under tliis contract anct may secure copyr�t�}i� therein t�c�t in so ptihlishin�;
is not authorized tl�erel�y �o inhibi� the unrestric�ed ri�ht of �he Secret��ry of Housing
and Urban Develori;.r�enti to d �close or publish in such manner as he nay dee�n to be in
the public int�res� t17e resul�s of such research and development and studies, subject
� ta tlie £ollatieing canditions and the rec�ui:e;nent in paragraph (I:) (4) :
. i) Durin�; the first six r�onths after subm3.ssion of the full final report, and
. is paragraph (C) (3) is inap��licable, if wrztten �,�aiver of t}ie �aitin� period is
obtained from the Contractii��=, Officer.
ii) After sik m�ntihs folloi�ing subr.tissian of the full final repoxty and if
para�raph (C) (3) is inapplicabl.ef subject ta Gavcrnment exeaci5e af an op�ion tha� the
p�b2i.cation contain a fare�,ord or initial f.00�no�e stibstantiall}� as fo11��5�s:
The (research) (develon�cant) (s�udies) forni37� (part of) the bas�.s for this
publication t5+ere conducted rt�rsuat�t to a cat�tract ti��ith the De�artm�nt of Housing and
Urban Develo*,r„sent. The substance of such (research) (develo��rient) (studies) is dedi�
cated ta the public� T3ie autlior and pul�lisher are salely responsible for �he accuracy
� of statem�n�.s or inter�r��ations containe3 herein.
(3) General Cci7di.tic,1� If fiUD Detc+�-m:ines T11�t Cantractox's Final Rct�ort Co��f.ains
Pa�eni,ahle Subi�ct '•11t.tc-.r Lr:ve.Loveci S� Con'c.r.act I'ez•��.°;��ncea
If �he Cantracting Office� cieterr,ines t?lat tlte Cur�tractor's .�ull final repor�
contains paten��hle subject r,iatter devcl.a;-�ed in the per�.err�ance��o£ �his �an�rac� and
so natifies the Canfractar in itiritin�? pxic5r �a six mot�tl�s fror� date of subr�ission af
such report, na nut�l.ication a£ �rerbatim �xcerpts 3�rom Contractor's reports or pub�
licatian concernin� or based in �,�ho1e or in par� on tl.e results af the rese�.rc}� and
develoi�;�ent and s�udies liereunder shall bc mad� <<ithou� tlle ti}i itfen consertt o� the
Contracting Officer.
(4) Conies Of-Con�ractnr llnd Technical Persannel Publicati.ans To Be Purni.shed
The Gov�r.nr.:cnt.
The Contractox or Tecllnical Persannel wili �urnisJi the Cantractinn Officer
, and the City each six (6) copirs af an,v i�ti�Llication ti4�li:ich are basEd in ti,�liole or in
part on the researcJz and devel.on;nent and studi�s cailducted under �liis cantract.
F) Administrativ�I>> Confidential In�orma�ion.
The Contractor shall not publish or at}lerwise disclose, except to the GovernMent
and City and exc�pt mat�ers of. �.�ublic recard, any� infornation or data obrained here-
under from private individuals, ornanizations, or rublic a�encies, in a publication
khereby the information or data f.urnished by any 151rticular nerson or establishment
can be identified, except <<�i�h the consen� of sucll }�erson or. estaUlishmetit (consis�ent
a�ith tlle inhibitions ai3nlicable to the Secretar}• of Housi.nn and lJrUan Development
under section 602(d) of the }iousin�; Act o£ 1956, 12 U.S.C. 1701d-3(d)} .
. -19-
G) Inclusion Of Proti�isions Tn Contractor's A�reements.
The Cott�ractor sltall include provisiorls anprot�riate to effectuate tlle }�urposes
of. this c�ausc in all contr.ac�:s of employfi►ent �ai�h nersons who rerform any part of
the research or de�telo��;�;etlt or stud�� under this contract and in any consultant's
a�reements or subcontrac�s im�olvin� res�arch ar develo��rnent or study hereunder.
A) The �atentable results of iesearch and develo�men� and stucties conduc�ed
under the cotltir�.c� and aZl ini'orraatianF desi.c;ilss st�ecificationse knot�r�tla�va datar
and findings developed irY tihe rer�ormance of this cont-ract shall be n�.de available
to tlie publzc throu�;li dcdica�ic,ny �ssinnmr.nt co tlie Ga�/er.nr,�ent, or �uch otller �r,eans
as the Secretary of kiousir.� anci U�r�an De��elor�nent shall deterrni.ne� The Contractor
agrees (1) to cooperatc in the pz•ei��ra�ion and nrosecutian af any donlestic or rarci�n
patent apnlica�ions t�rhi.ch tlle Govezn;,�ent r�a�y decide �o undertal:e covei°inr? the subjcct
matter above described¢ (2) to cxecu�e ail pat�ers requi�ite in the nrosecution af_ such
patent at��licatians, incl.uuin�; assignments t� L-he United States and dedications, and
(3) to secur. e tlie cooneration of Technical Persannel (e�ch emnloyee or consult;�n� workinfi
under the admi,nistrative direction af the Cont�actor ar a�iy subcontractor hereunder)
in the pre�,arat•ion and the execution o£ all st�ch pat�er.s as nay bc required in �he
� prosecu�ion of such haten� applications or i�� order �o vest title in the subject matter
involv�d in the United States� or to secure tlie right af �ree use to the public.
I31 Pric�r ta fznal �a�nnenf tinder �hzs ccsn�ractr �he Cantractor shall file a final
re�ort diGcic��ir�,n, to �he Car�tractinn Offa.c�r all inventions, improver.7ent�, and dis-
coveries rie�relop�ct in �lie p�;rfarm�.�lcc of tliis can�ractp aj,d shall cert-ify an tl�c 2ast
page of such repor� that ta the besY of his l:noti+�led�;e and belief such disclosur� has
b�en made therein or tha� �here are na st�c}� unre�arted inveljtions.
C} T}te Contrac�or shall include �sravisians ap�ro�ria�e �o effectuate tlze
purposes of t}lis clause 2n all con�racts of �r�nloymen� �,i�h persans s�ho n�rform any
rart of the research ox• develan,nent or studies under this contract and in any con-
sultant's a�;reementis or subcontracts zmTolvinr research or developmen� ar sttidies
hereunder. �
� ' (Aprlica.bl.e to (1) contracts, (2) subeoniracts, and (3) agr.eements �tiTith an;}Iicants
idho are themselves performinc� federally as5isted construction contracts, exceedin�
$I0,000 h°hich are not exempt from the nrovisions of �he Equal Onnortunity clause.)
By the suUmission of this hid, the biddel�, afferor, anplicant, or. subcontractor
certifies tha.t he does not maintain or rrovide for his emplovees any se�;re�ated
facilities at any of his establishments, and tha� }7e does not permit ]lis employees to
�erform thezr sexvices at any loration, under his control, �t�here segre�;ated facilities
are maint�ined. �fe cer�ifies furtlier that_h� ti�ill not maintain ar prov�.de for his
employees anv sebre�;ated facilitie� at any of }ia.s establishr�ents, and that he will
not permit ]iis e;�ployees to perfvrm their services at any l.ocation, under l�is control,
where se�;re�;ated facilities are m�.zntained. 'I'he bidder, offeror, applicant, or sub-
contractor ac;rees tllafi a breach of tliis certification is a �-iolation af the r:ataai
O�portunity clause in this contract. As used in ttzis certificatianp the term "segre-
� -20-
gated facilities" means any waitinc* roomsF wor}: areas, rest roams and wash rooms,
restaurants and otlier eatint; areas9 tir�e clac};s, locker rooms and ot}ier storas;e or
dressin� areasp par}:in� lots, drinl:in�; fountains, rc:creation or enter�ainment areas,
txansporta�i,on, and hQiisin;; facilir.ies nra��ided for emplo}�ees wllich are senre�ated
by explicit d�r�ctive or are in f.act se�;re�ated an ti11e basis of. race➢ color, reli�ion,
or nati.onal or.igin, becat�se o� h�bit A local cust�,i, or ot}.e�-w�.se. lie f.urther ar*rees
' that (except �,}here he has abtained identic�l cer�ifications fram pronosed subcontra.c-
tors for specific t:ime i��`Y'lbC.�S� he �,�ill ah�ain idcntical certifiications fro;� propased
subcontractors ririar to the a`,�ard of subcoiztracts eY.ceedinF �1Os000 whi.ch �re not
exe�npt from the ��rovisions af. the Enual Ot�nortunit}� c]auseF that he will retain such
certifications in his fa.les, and that lie will for�;�rci thE fol3.oti-.ing notice ta s�ch
proposed subcontractors (except �ahere the prc�p�s�d subcontractars have submitted
identical cer�ifica�ians fax specific ti�e }��riods) ;
A Certificat�an of Pdon�e�r�s;ated Faci.Ii�ies must be submitted priar to t3ie
award of a subcai��ract �xc�edatig $1Of000 which i�: nat e�:em,f from the pr.cf�risions
� of the �c�ual Or�orttFnity clause6 'I'he certffica�ion may be sczbmitted eztihcr for each
subcontxact or for all stibcantirac�s du�itzg a peri�d (i.e. , quarterly, semiannually,
ar annuall;�) .
hOTE; Tl�e penaltiy for mai;in� false statemen�s in affers is prescribed in
18 U.S.Co lOGl. �
. ,
XXVII. PRIC� RF_:DUC7'TO?1 FOR n�}�1:CTZl�e casr o�z I'P.ICI;�G DATA. �
A) If the Praject Leader dete-rmin�s th�.t vnv t�riceA includin� profit o�r fee,
negotiated in car.nGCtion �ti�i�li tliis can�rac� ar any cost rei*�bu�sable undc,. tlzis con�
trac� k�as incrca�ed t�y any si�*nificant sU^�s because 4:he Cor��ractor, or r�ny subcaritractor
pursuant to �}ie clause of this cantract entiticd "Subcontractor Cost or Pricin� lla�a" �
or "Subcontractor Cast ax I'ricin� Data-I'xice Adju�tr�ents," or any subcan�ract clause
therein requircd, furnislicd inco�r�lcte or inacciiraf:e cost or }�ricin� data or data not
current as cerLifiec, in his Coni:r�ctor°s Cer�ificat�� of Current Cos� or Pricin¢ Da�a,
then such price or cast shall be reducGd accordin�l,y and the cantract shall be modzfied
, in ��Triting to rcflect such r�ductinn. , _
B) Pailure �o a�?ree on a reduction shall be a dispute concernin�; a question
of fact _within �he meani.n� of the "llisput�s"clause of this contract.
(NOTE; Since the con�ract is subiect ta reduc�ion under th�.s clause b�� reason
of de£ective cnst or �ricins* data s�sbmitted in connectian �eith certain subcontracts,
it is ex�ected that the contractor may ��ish ta include a clause in each such sub-
contract requirin�; the 5ubcantractar to appronriately indc�mnify the contractor. It
is also ex�ected tha� any subcon�ractor �ubject to sucli indemnification ��ill �?enerally
rec�uire substantially similax indernnifi.ca�ion f.or clefectil�e cast or pra.cin�; data required
to Ue submitted by hi� lawer tier subcontractars.)
A) The Cor,tracter shall rec�uire subcontractors hereuiider to submi,t in Hrriting
cast or pricing data under tJle follo�aing cixcumstances:
, (1) Prior to a�;�ard of any cost-reimbuxsenent tyne� time and naterial, labor-
haur, incentive, or price redetierr�inable subc�n�ract, the price of �;�hich is expec�ed
to exceed $100�000; and
(2) Prior to fihe atirard of �.n�� ather. subcon�ractq the price of �ahi.ch is expected
to exceed $i00,OQ0 ax to the ��ricin,r, of any subcontr.act chan¢e ar other modificatian
for which thc price adjusti�•�ent is expected to exce�d �100r000, whcre the price or
pri�ce adjusf;�ent zs ��c�t b�sed on aciec�u�.�e t�r�.ce comt�eY.:i�io:�, established cata]_o?
or market }�rices of cor,^.:;iercial itc,�s sold iz� substanti��l quantities to the c=,�neral
nublic, ar prices set bv latiti ar res�ulatxane
�) The Contractor shall re�uzre subcon�ractors tio cer.tif��, in sub��.an�ia�ly
t?le same form as th�.t �zsed in the certif.i.ca�� by �he Prime Contractor to the Govern-
mentB that, to the besL of �heir lcno�ti�Iedc;e �nd be2ieff th� cost and pricin� data sub�
mi��ed, under (A) abave �r.e ar.cu�«t�9 cnrr.nle�e�x, and cu:rer�t as af ti�e date of �tle
� executionR �rhich date shall he a� close a� pc�ssible to the da�e of aQreemen� on the
negotiated }�rie� c,f the subcontraet e� subec�r�txact cha»j;e ar modi�ication.
C) Tl�e Contractor slt�l] insert tl�e subs�ance of tliis clause incltidin� this
paragrap}7 (C} in cach ��' his ccsst=�•eimburse�r.e�;t t>rp�F ta.rn� and maLcrialr Iabar-11our,
}�rice r�d�tci�;iitYaLle� or �nc�;��i�rc SIIbCQT1�T'<�ccs h�reur,de�Q and in an;✓ ai.hcr s�bcan�ract
hereunder ���ha.ch exceecis �100y000 t=riless the price the�°ecsf is based on ad�qu�.te l�rxce
com��etiti�nR �st�blish�d catalon c�r r.�arl:et f�rxces of cor.,,.lercial items sold in sub-
stantial q�2antiti�s to tl�e �;eneraS. �ublic, ar. �srices s�t by lat,� ar �e�ula�ion� In
each sucli excepted sube_o;�tract lirreuy�dex� �,�hiclz exce�ds �100,000, tlte Contrac�or. shall
insert the stibstance o� �che fcllot�rz.ng clauset
A) Paragr�;�hs (I3) and (C) af this clause sliall becor�e onerative onlv i,�ith
resp°ct to r�ny chan�;e ar o�her mc�clification r.i�de pursuant ta one or more pravisions
of this con�ract r•tliich involves a nrzc� adjust��cn� in excess of $IOO,�OQO. 'T}le rec�uire-
ments of tha.s clause shall be Iimited to such pr.zce adjustMents.
B) The Contrac�ar shall y°equir.e subcant-ractors hereunder to submit cost or
rricin�; da'�a uncier the follo���i�is; circums�ance5:
(1) Priar to a�aard of arty ccs�-reimbursement tyrpe, time and material, labor-
hour, incentive, ox price redcterminable subco�l�ract, tlie �rice of whic}i is exnected
to exceed �I00,000; and
(2) Prior to a��;ard o£ a��y ot}ier subcantract, the rri.ce of iti�hich is exnected to
exceed �100j0E)0, or to the pricirin �f an,v �ubcofztx�act channe or other inodi`i.cation for
ti��hi.ch t}ie nrice adjus�ment is ext7eci:ed to exceed $100,0U0r tahere tlle nrice or nrice
adjustment is ttot base:d on ade�{u�,tc nric� Cb;111�C1Cj.�7.011' es�ablished catalo�? or marY.et
�xices of: con;mercial i.tcros sold iri substantial qua�ltities to the �etleral public, or
�ricos set vy law ar. rer;ulationo
� -22-
C) The Contractor shall require subcantxactnrs to ccrtify, in substantially
the saa*�e form as t}iat used ir� tl�e Cer�ifzcaY.e b�� tlie Frime Contractor to the Govern-
ment, that, ta the best af thei.r l:no�t�ledae and belief., the cost and pricing da�a sub-
mitted under (B) aba•re are �.ccura�e, comt�lete, and current� as of the date of the
execution, ��hich date sliall he as clnse as possible ta the date of ap�r.eement on the
negotiat�d nrice of the co��tract modification.
D) The Con�ractor. �};all irlsert the substance a� tliis clause irtcludinp t}lis
�aragranh (D) in each �ubccntiract hereur�dez whzch exe�eds �IOO�OOOo
Contra��csr a�r�es �o accevt the General Prc�visions of the Prime Con�ract, as
�l1ey relate to subcanLr�ctarsr and �ucll r�l:�ed General Provisic�ns are llereby in-
corpor�ted l�y xefcrence Scith �he sane farce and ci feci. as if incornarated in f.ull
text. t��it-Jl res»ect to dif:erelices af vi.cw, i,f. any, which may arise ��ritJt IiUD can-
cerninfi Contractc�r's oblic;u�;ons and t��rformance$ Cit�y ��rees �o afford Contxa.c�ar
every riaht to i�s o�4n defer��eP includinn ri�?ht to art�eal from adverse decisions
at an}* l�t�cl <<�itliin �:he UniL°c:d S�ates Gavern,aent� and �o as��.st Contr�ctor in every
reasat�able i�ay in seel:in� resoltztion ar such diffxcul�ies, as tliey ma�� arise.
�Xa. APPLIC.�'�13LE LA1°�,S`
Insofar a.s �Chis subcon�ract is no� gav�rned by Fcderal I,aw and the re�iilatians
arid ec�r�cii�ions i�c�c�ui,°ed ti}�c�rc:i�v, or ineor�or�ted hcr�z_�1 by referenee, ti�is subcantract
shall be construcd and in�e�nreted solely in accordaylce <<�ith the laws a� �he State
of biinne5o�a. _. ,
XakI. E?�TII;I? AG1:EE'�iENT.
This carita.nn ca-�lprises the entire a�*r�ement betw�en the parties hereto, c1t1C�
supersedes any vex°bal or o�hcr undcrstandin�s whzch ma>> h�ve been dcer�ied to exist
in conflict here�aith, such prior understanuin� I�ein� hereUy declared null and vaid. �
Executed by the partz.es on the date }iereir7Uelai,1 ttirit�en.
COUhTTL'P.SIG;�I:D this da��
of rlarch, 1970. CIT�' OF SAI?�'1' PAUL
(:0.3 ''Ii:OLLLI: t�9A 0 t
Approved as ta form and
,Z'Tr�'C ,L '.�
ssi�tant (;orporatio�l Cour�sel
Dated this day of UNI�'I:RSITY OF t•fINI�LSOTA
Tiarch, 2970.
�y: ��
. I I S i�.e � !'Ll!�/�G
'S ��� �C �,�,_ .
sy: _
Approved� . T JpHNSC�N
Ol1tY'B.Ct U�f:LCe7'
tiousin�* � Urban Develo;;:��nt
� .. ,
4 �
{ 4 < <
` • '
John 5�1. Connelly Pro ject Le�der ?�
Franlc St�affenson Da�e B�se Coo�:dii�za�or 24
wiii���m I'lanaqan Evalua�or 4
Stephen ICahne Geocoding Consul�ant �5
(Hybr id Com,?ui�er C�n ter)
Al Hauer 1'rojcct Leader 25 "
-� Ror� I�ia:ir Geocading Con�ul�an� 3
Ed Haefner Le�3d Syst.cm �.nalys�.-
Perso:�a1 �d��ntiLier 6. 5
Bill Bigelow Lead Sys�crn Ana�yst�- 11
Budge�il�g DistriUu'cion
Phil C1art:. }3ucigeting D9_stribu�ion 7
(AriGS) �
James T�avi9�ze Lead Syst�m l�nal.�s�- 22
Joe ��;e:�ler Gec�c:o;_ia.:zc,r 20
(I�Xies )
Gor.dan DciV:LS � Pr'O�E3C`'L l���d.er 6
(ACt3_n�) � (U. of T��� ) ' `
Gordon Davis Evalua'co.� � �o g
(U� of J�1e )
Tom l�ndi:.g Evaluatar • `�
(Uo af J�i� }
Dick Johnson �valuator • 9
(U of 1�1� ) �
John B.randl - Evaluato_r.. • 9
(v a ot.-r•�e )
* University o� I�7innesata
. � -
M r
' Attachment F �
March 4, 1970 to March 31, 1972 .
Ob�ect of Expenditure Total .
Project Supervision - Gordon B. Davis * $ 2,400
Evaluation Conunittee
92 man-days at $150 honorarium per day 13,800
' Staff leader and investigator - Gordon Everest .
'� time * 14,000
Research staff - Ralph Anderson * 11,000
Other investigators (faculty and graduate students) . 17,839 i
Secretarial and clerical staff * � 6,000
Travel, duplicating, supplies and miscellaneous , 5,000
Subtotal $70,039
Overhead (8% of project cost) 5,603 - -
Total $75,642 _
* Includes fringe 6enefits .
o�.�,�,T�,��� � 249���
WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul and the United States Departmeat
of Housing and llrban Development have �ntered into an agreanent for
the development of a Human Resources Development Subsystem Pro�ect,
Contract H-1214, which contract contemplates subcontra�cts between
the City and Aries Corporation and the Univeraity of tAinnesota; and
WNEREAS, The Unlversity of MinneSdta has executed their
subcontract, sub3ect to the approval of Housinc� and Urban Develo pnent,
and has forwarded the said subcontract for execution on behalf of
the City; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the proper Cit.y officers a�re hereby autharized
and directed to execufie, on behalf of the City of Saint Pa�l,
subcontract between the City and the University of Minnesota, a
copy of saic! subcontract bein� attac�ed hereto and incorporated
herein by reference.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councs�L 1` �� 19.—.
Yeas Nays �� � 1'�O
Carlson . Apprnv� 19�
T� Favor
Sprafka � ��r
Mr. President, McCarty