249561 � o��to ct:r cie� . � �� � . • � � ORDINANCE 249��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �� � �`'� ORDINANCE NO. �� � . Ar1 ORDI`VFiNCE GR�INTIN� PERMISSION TO CO-ORDTNATED INVESTMENTS, I�C. TO MAI�iTAIN A REINFORCED CON,CRETE RETAINIiVG 41�rLL, IPJ- CLUDING A FENC�AS NEEDED, ON TNE EAST OPlE (1 j f00T OF AiV ALLEY DESCRIBED AS THE EAST T6,IENTY (20) FEET OF LOT SIXTEE(� (16) TN NILSSON'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS NINE (9) AIdD TEN (l0), BLOCK FOUR (4) OF ROGERS APtD HENDRICKS ACRE LOTS �VO. TWO (2) . TNE COU�CTL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That authority is hereby granted to Co-Ordinated Investments, Inc, to install and maintain a reinforced concrete retaininq wall, including a fence as needed, on the east one (1) foot of an alley described as the east twenty (20) foot of Lot sixteen (16) in Nilsson's Subdivision of Lots nine (9) and ten (10), Block four (4), Roqers and Hendricks Acre Lots No. tu��o (2) and identical to alley described in Council Resolution No. 245072, approved - July 30, 1969. Section 2. That the Conmissioner of Public Works hereby is authorized to permit Co-Ordinated Investments, Inc. to install and maintain a reinforced concrete retaining wall , including a fence, as needed, in said alley upon and subiect to the followinq provisions, terms and conditions: - (a) That said permittee shall pa,y the cost of administration, engineering and inspection incurred b,y the Deparfinent of Public Works, said costs to be accounted for under Department of Public 'uJorks Project ��umber G-1945. (b) That said permittee shall pay publication cost of this ordinance. (c) Said permittee expressl,y agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul , its - agents, officers and emplo,yees from an,y and ail damaqes, claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of whatsoever nature arising out of or b,y reason of this permission and authority and b,y reason of the continued presence and existence . or r�noval of said retaining wall and/or fence. , (d) Said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to maintain the retaininq �vall and/or fence in proper condition and to the satisfaction of the City of Saint Paul at its own expense. (e) That whenever the Council of the City of Saint Paul by its resolution, shall determine the discontinuance and removal of said retaining dvall and/or fence necessary in the public interest and accordingly order the discontinuance and removal Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith � Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty} Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By _ . � Ori�fn�l to City Clerk ' T - � - � - ORDINANCE 249` �� . _ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � ��� -2- of the sam� from said lacation, the retaining wall and/or fence shall be discontinued and removed f rom the subject public alley and the public alley shall be restored by the permittee at jts sole cost and ex�ense. (f} Said permittee shall furnish and deliver to the City of Saint Paui its surety bond in the amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) conditioned u�on the permittee complyina with all the terms and conditions of th�s permit/ordinance, which surety bond shall remain in effect and in force so long as the retaining u��all and/or fence remains �rithin the public alley described above. (g} That said per►�nittee shall , within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, file its written acceptance thereof with the Cit,y Clerk. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days fram and after its passage, approval and publication. FORM APpRpVED. n �ounsel ,. . r`,��;�f�tt0 �_�•:;�:• `� � J U L 17 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Butler � Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith � Against Sprafka Tedesco �` �� �I� Mr. President ,(McCarty) Approved• Atte � � C' y Clerk M �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ' ���������- JUL 2 5 1970 ���i�at . � ^ . . � � . - � � ` ORDINAI�TCE 249��1 � ,-� COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO�_� � AIV ORDI{�1ANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO . CO-ORDINATEO INVESTi�IENTS, INC, TO t�A1NTAIN A REINfORCED C�ICRETE R£TAI�ING WALL, IN- CLUQIN6 A fENCE AS I�EEDED, ON THE EAST ONE �1) FOt3'f OF AN ALLEY DESCRIBED AS THE EAST T�JENTY (20� FEET OF LOT SIXTEQ�1 (16 IN NILSSON'S SUBDIYISION OF IOTS NIPiE (9� AND TE{V (10�, BLQCK FOUR (4j OF ROGERS AND HENORICKS ACRE LOTS N0. T4�4 (2). TttE COl1�lCIL �F THE CITY OF SAINT PAtJL DOES ORDAIFi: Section 1. That authority is hereby granted to �o-4rdinated In�esfiaents. Inc. to install and maintain a reinforced concrete retaining wa11, tnciuding a f�nce as needed, on the enst ane (1) foot of an atley described ns the �st twenty (20) Poot af Lot sixteen (t6) in t�ilsson's Subdfvision of Lots nfne (9) and ten (1�), Block four (4�, Rogers and Headricks Acre Lots No, tMa (2�� and identical to alley described iq Councii Resolution No. 245Ut2, approved luly 30, 1969. � Section 2. That the C�nissioper of Public �torks hereby is authorized to per�it Co-Ordinat.ed Imrestments, Inc, to install and maintain a reinforced cot�rete retaining wa11, including a fence, as needed, in said alley upon and subject t� the following provisions, terms and conditions: (a) That said p�ittee shall pay the cost of ad�mtnistration, � engineering and inspection incurred by the Departa�ent of. Pnblic worka, said costs tc► be accounted for under Depart�nent of Pub1 ic i�orks Pro�ect Nu�aber G-i 945. � � , (b) That sald peirmf ttee shall pay publication cast of this ordinance, tc) S�id per�fttee expressl�r agrees anc! undertakes to fully inde�ify and hold harmless the Cfty of Saint Paal , its agen�s, affic.�rs and ea�ployees firoia apy and a11 danages. claims, de�andss �ctions or ca�sea of actions of whatsoever ru�tur� arising oMt of or by raason of this permfssioa and auttarfty and by reason of tt� contina�d �esence and existence or renovat ot said retaining wa11 and/or feflce. (d) Said penaittee exprassly agrees a�d u�dertakes to ani�t�in t�he r�tatnl�g rrall and/er fence tn proper cv�dltton - and to the satisfactfo�a of tht CitY of Saint Paul at its own eacpens+�. ,„ . (e) That whenwer the Co�ncil ot the City of Saint Pa�t by its resol�tion, sha11 d�termine thtie discontinuance and renoral of said retainf�g wa11 and/or fence necessary in the public interest and accordingly or�er the discontinuance and r�oval , Yeas Councilmen Nays Paaeed by the Counci� Butler � ��OII Tn Favor Levine : �@���1 A parr►inat Spraflca Teci� A�r. Pr�ident (�ticCarty) APProved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� , Form ap�raved Cor�or�on �c►�tsel By � ��� , � � � � ' � ORDINAN � E 249�'�� ,,�, COUNCIL Fl�E NO PRESWTEfl �Y ORDtNANCE NO��`��� � _2_ of the sa�ee from said lc�cation, the retaining r►all and/or fence sl�a11 be disoontimied and rea�vved it^oi� the sub�ect public alley► and the public alley shall be restored by the perinittee a�t its sole cost and exp�se. (f) Said {xr�ittee sha11 furnish a�nd delfver to the City of Saint Pas�l its surety bonci in the arnoaat of Five Thousn� Dollars (�5,000.00) conditioned upon the permittee canplying with all the terms a�d conditions of this permit/�rdinaACe, which surety bond shall remain in effect and in force so long as the retai�t�g r,a11 and/or fence remains wlthfn the public alley described abo�e. (g) That said permittee shall, within thirty {30) �ays diter the passaqe of thls ordinance. file 1ts wrftten acceptance �tl�ereof wi�h the City Clerk. Section 3. This ordina�ce shall take effect and be ir+ force �hirty (30) days from and afiter its pnssage, approvat and publication. � .�lL 17 1�70 Yeas Councilmen Nays Paased by the Cotwcil Butler __� . ��OII �n Favor Levine SPrafka � 4°�in�t' . T�O � J U L 17 197.0 Mr. Preeident (McCartY) Appmved: Attest: City Clerk Yayor �� a: �'orm s�pro�►ed Co�rpori�tion �ouneel By . Saint Paal, Minnesota July 27,1970 To the Honorable, the City Ccyuncil Sai� Paul, Minnesota Gentle�men eu�d Madam: We, th� undersigned, do herebq accept and agre� to abide by all the terms aazd conditions of Coancil File �o. 249561, being Ordinaace Ao. 11�535, adopted dtily ].7, 1970. CO-ORDIAATBD Il�VF�SZ�IITS� II�C. . � � .�j.,,�'• � � i � �� � ,ru�.,, zf'�, iq7o <:�� � - ��Co-Ordinated Investments, Inc. /„_.,`'�, �, c�o Phalen Pa.rl� S�a'�e Banlc /f '�t ��. �rosperity � A2aryland Aves. ,' 1 i St. Paul, r�l�nnesota ' �� ��� � Gentlemen: ATTE;NTIO��•�„�Tr P ul F. Hufnagel �. 1 C•7e encl��e a copy oF fl,ri ��ance� .o.. ],4���� �r�,ntin,� you permission to m��itat�in � reiriforcec7% oncre�e r t in3.n�,?v��r�,ll, includin�; a i"ence �s ne�c��c3 �n the �. 1 i of an alle , describe�� :�.s the E. ?0 i't. of Lot 169 Nilss�n's Su' c.ivisio�� of . t: '� r�n:l 10, 331oc1c 4, Rogers and Hencl-ricl�s P�cre Lats ?; atsca i�� the sum �f 422.95 to cover i;,he cost �i ����-.�,�,tic� i thi q�1 dinance. //�_� _� i We c�ll y �pec3.�1 �ttention'to Paragraphs P and g of Section 2, which re ire �he f3.1° g of a band in th� amount spsci.fi�d ancl the filing o an accepta�n oi the terms af this �rdinance. The aceep- tanc� rnu be filed ' this office� Room 3F36, C3ty Hall, within 30 days. T:��i so f , the ordinance bee�mes voic]. \�� Yery truly youxs, City Cle.rk ng I st � � . ` ' 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app � —Adopted ' / Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler �utler Carlson - `�Carlson Levine �4�`��; �evine Meredith � �Meredith ' Sprafka \Sprafka �; Tedesco ` , Tedesco Mr. Presiden+ McCarty Mr. President McCarty O