249553 OR161N�L TO CITY CL[RK 2�-i�r�;L' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �` �'t��� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �` COMMISSIONE �b8ft t'8� ATF APPROYAI OF PLANS In the �natter of ccnstructing concrete curb a�d gutter on both sides of BEACON AWE. from Shields Ave. to ttniv�rsity Ave., C-0502, uader Prelimir�ary Order 246961 , approved January 13, 1970, ar�d Final Order 249297, approved Jun� 16, 1970. RESOLVED, That the pl�ns and specific:ations for th� above nan�ad improvanent es submitted by the Coaamissioner of Public Works be snd the same are hereby approved, ar�d be it FURTHER RESOLYED, That tha Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to advertis� for bids on this improve�nent. �OR 7_�P��VE � ns I � Corporatio COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JUL 1 197019— Yeas Nays Butler �U L 1 1970 Carlson Approve� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka yor A gainat m ----- .,.�.��,., • Mr. President, McCarty PUBUSHED ,j(j� 31970 �� 249�`� DYrL1�1T[TO lRIMI�It PAUL couNC�� �. , , CITY OF ST. ti,� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM n�ra�er Il�srt �. Spr�fka COMMISSIONER �A'�'� �L � In th� aq�#t�r ol' eaonatn�ettn� �ontr�t� �at�Y +� �tt�r on bsth si�s o�f �tJ1C6M AYt. f� fhi�ids Avr. q Unlv�ttyr A�.. 6r0�l. w�d�r ►r�i ta�in�ry O�dN► l�i961, a��vwr �a�ary 1�. 19'!0. and F1n�i OrdK Y49'197. �p►ra�e�d .� 16. 1970. RE:OLYE9, Thit xh� piam� and s�ctfleatta�s fo� tM aborr� n�d t�qrovraa�t ss wbini�t�d by tM Cow�tsston�r of Publl� MroMcs b� an�i tIN saw s r� h�r�by ap�►rov�d. and b� i t FURTHER RESdLYED. Th�t th� Nur�htsin� A�nt b� �nd is he��by dt��t�d to adwrt i s� for bi ds en th i s laip�ava�nt. _ `" �.i - �- ' r--r� ::�;: =`��° t.._? " i �M �� .� �A'm p` � � �37�_. �� . � ' � � ;� ` -'' ,� �-, . �� 1 197� COUNCILMEN. Adopted by the Conn� 19— Yesa Nays Butler J U L � ��� Carlson APP�°� 19— �°�e Tn Favor Meredith �y� spr8fl{A � AedAl*IAt, � blr. President, McCarty ���