247399 .. � } A� . . . . . ... . � . � � . -. . .. . • .�. .��. ... � � � - . .
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By _
_ File No. 1745�;
In the Matter of coastructing a �ablic stors se�er in IARBxAS1�A �Y&111� fr�a Weide St. to
er�a� S traet; i� NSBEL�CIC p�iY. fro�,Payae evenue to Fores t S treat; in A�t�.�GTffx A11�tE
fra� 15� ft. iiest mf Payne Avnnue to Creenbrier Street; in $�RNOOD AVS� �ro� Searle
Street to 6reesbrier 8treet; ia G1$B1iB�IBx ST�BT froa� Cottaga Aves�� to �lebraska Av��aae;
is t�AISH �TREET �ro� Whaelock Pkwy., to Shes�ood Avenu�; ia AIGA�i� ,S1'�ST frc� Clsar Avenue
to iii�eelock P�CV�r.; i� iiEIDE STRBE? fr� t�ontana Avenne to Wheelock l�ktry.; i� F0�kE8? aTgEL�?
tre� 8hernood Avena� to Wl�a�lock Pkwy. ; ia th� alley of �leek l, LAII�'� l�AI,�H tLAC�: ia
the allep •i BI.00R 2, LAl1E�S PBA�N PLACE; ia tha alleq of BLOCL 1, xltKi'S 'A�Ce]3E PA�1C; fs �
the alla� of BL�GIC 1, I.��TB'3 PIIALEII 6A0YS AHD.; sxd is aa aaseseAt:throt�gh Phal�n lart
startis� at the i.aters�cticm og Ferest Streat a�d phe�3ock lkwy. aad r�uaing� ia �easterly ;
directian to Lak� lhale� �d thnre entlettit�g. All te be ki� as the JItitCA��-iI�BLACx
PA�iAY�Si�I �YSTSlI. (7�-S-139I) _ .
under P�eliminary Order 246800 approv� Beceaber 2�i, i969
�The Conrrcil of �he City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of �nanee
upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvemerit
� ia hereby ordered to be proceeded with.
7.. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is
' t�.csilsti�ct a �ablic stora seNer ia DIE�ItA3T,11 A1►a1qE !'raa iieidt St. to A�cade �tree�; i4
ii�EI.ACL l�WY. fros Ptyu-Avea�e to l�vrast Street; ig lk�LIIfGT6r �Y�I� froa 150 ft.
�1est of layae Avsnne t� �reesbrier Street; in SftBYii�OD A�l�WE f�a� Ssarle SCreet to
- Crees�riar Str�et; ia G'�E�E�IE$ STABET frega Cet�ssse dve�ue to Nebraska�Aven�r;--.i,a, i1A�S�Y
31ZEiZ £raa iil+ee�ock Pkvy. to Sher�ood Avenne, in 11�CADE 3�,'RE�Z fr� 'Clear Arsaue te
ilki�e�:sait P'k�ry.; i� WEIHE STABET fro� Kostana Aveage to Wheelock Picv,�.. ; fa 1�8�? :�T�E�T
- frv� SherWOOd Ave�ue to iih�al�ck Pk�y.; i� the alleq of Eloet 1; LA11E'� p�/►LEx !`LI�i�B; is '-
t�e ailey o! Bi.AC1C 2, LA1�1E'S 1�ALEN PLA�C$'> i,a the alley of �1ACt 1, RI�'.S IktCA�E ld1tK; i�►
the alley of EIACK 1, .I��f P�Ai��i,C�011E ADB.; snd iw an ease�s�t thr�ngh phalen lark
Startiag at the istarsectioa mf Forest�8trest and i�heeloclic Pkwy. snd �'xi�ffi ig �p easter.ly
iirection to �1ce Phalsa a�d there,o�tlettins. All to be,lc8�rs as �� AS�AHE-WSEET�IG� ` -
PA816�1AY STOItK S�TSl�, (7A-�-13 91) _,,
with no alternatives, and that the eatimated cost thereof is � 333,8�.ge
Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the—��� day of
�iarch, 1974 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.1VI., in the Council Chamber of the Court
House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commiasioner of Fi�ance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of -
hearing, the nature of the improvement_and the total co�st tHereof as estimated. ��
covxci�EN F E B 14 1970 .
ye� Carlson Adopted by the Counci
Dalgiish Naya FE810: 197
Meredittr Approv�
Peterson /
TedesCO -T�n Fxv�r `
Byr� ' '. Mayor
'V _
Aro�,inst PUBLiSHED FEB I 4 ���
8-66-8ffi � $-1