247398 ORI6INAL TC�CITY CLERK 2/����� . � - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R UTION—G E L FORM PRESEN7ED BY � COMMISSIONE obert etersun TF Februarq 10, 1970 WHBRSAS, Covptroller's Contract L-7192, Artor-Cc�at Co�pany, Inc., Contractor for Grading, Surfacing and CoAStr�ction of Curb and Gutter on WOaDBRIDGE STRBET fro� Nebraake Ave�ue north to ac�d including the c�l-de-sac, City Froject No. 69-G-1824, has been substantially coapleted, and WSHRHAS, Said Contractor requests that a pertion of the 15� retained ander the contract fro� estiaates for work dane, be paid ia adveace of the final co�pletion of the contract, and WFIBREAS, The Co�issioner and Chief Engineer of the Depart�aent of Pnblic florks approve the payment at this tire of $1,300.00 of the $1,848.51 retained; therefore be it , �/1` RI�.SOLV�D, That the proper City Off iciels be ae�d they are hereby authorized to pay an estimate in the epwunt of $1,300.00 frn� tbe retain�d percentage af $1,848.51 to sdid Contractor; a�nd be it FURTgBR RESOLVI3D, That this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's boad ccansent thereto in writing and file such coc�sent with the City Co■ptroller. �� i o i9�o COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays F�B i � 1970 Carlson Dalglish � prove� 19— Meredith _�n Favor Peteraon ' j Mayor Sprafk� V A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISHED FEB 141970 �� DUPLICATE YO PRINTER �d���� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSDONER Robert F. Peterson DATF FebruBry 10, 1970 GTHEREAS, Comptroller's Contract L-7192, Armar-C�at Company, I.nc., Contractor for Grading, 5urfacing and Construction of Curb and Gutter on WOODBRIDGE STREET from Nebraska Avenue north to and including the cul-de-sac, City Project No. 69-G-1824, has been substantially completed, and WHEREAS, Said Contractar requ�sts that a portion of the 15% retained under the contract from estimates for work done, be paid in advance of the final completion of the contract, and [�*HEREAS, The Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Works approve the payment at this tirae of $1,300.00 of the $1,848.51 retained; therefore be it RESCILVED, That the proper City Officiels be and they are hereby authorized to pay an estimate ia the amount o£ $1,3Q4.00 from the retained percentage of $1,848.5T ta said Contractor; and be it FURTHER RESOLVE:D, That this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond con�ent theretp in writing and file such consent with the City Comptroller. �:,� �: ..,.. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays " ; Carlson ,' l Dalglish Approved 19— i Meredith _�n Favor Peterson ' Sprafku �! Mayor �Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O