247375 Ori`inal to City Clerk � `yORDI. NANCE ;�� ��`75 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ' � � ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fi.xing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Glassified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to the minimum qualifications in the speci.fications for Deputy Chief of Police and for Sergeant, the following statement: t'(No substitution for experience.�,tr Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to the minimum qualifications in the specifications for Captain and for Lieutenant, the following statement: "�1Vo substitution for the first two years of experienee. �" ____ _ __ -- -- — _ _ __ _ _ __ - Sec�ion 3. This ordinance sha.11 ta:ke effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approva.l, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council FEe 2 5 1�70 Carlson Dalglish, ,, � Meredith In Favor Peterson � � Against Sprafka r Tedesco r. President (Byrne �E� 2 � 1910 Appr ed: A eat• . City er a �� _ orm approved Corporation Counsel By � PUBLISHED FEB 281970 � � � � � �eb. �.o, i�Ta --�._ i���. ,John r[aider Chi.eY` �;,war�:inex �?, nirertar �:r.' ��,�:s�n:r. Ci�r7.�. ;;Px��v:ic� f��rp�,u i`k;�3� .,ir; /' ` �. ,�.� `�9�iE` � � t.�" _ 1' �J�,_,i ' ���� � ii� rc� 'i,� w, ,,,�- Y�� e 1.� " �t�.J ' t.l#3C.1� �'�,Jk' ��!''ti� ''-�`��, � t-�,x+r a: ���''� � ��3.']r, �F; `��: !,3?"i�!i�t'_ FaY1C'�!j`�� , :Y'... �i ,. '�'..2� :s�E'.C1�:"1C..is7.Ci:11�' � ',dii',!1 Y°t��'�Z"@TIC� �:� °�inxt:�2u�:i c��:x:�iii":icati � �r� ���cx �..�,�;�.�� ,: io� irepu��� Cha��' o� r3lice and �'J'' r3�!::^i�€..*e;Tii :':?T7#:� i�J2' !: �"i��ki7 2z:']t:� �°.7 u':l�L?�:�.'Tl`r�ID{i o �i�`l;�,• '�f'a.S_(�=`'iTiC� ��a�.�..Z C.,`tZCe1P. ,� � ?a�; �:`:� ' `�'}A}z�'� iL:F�:ii?��, t�; r�'r:k�. �:Sj I. �. ���..� �� �fr�a-�*�• �7:'73�5.;,,' ',rOU2'S� /',,.-'_"`�> �\_� %; � � � � ::i.�wJ �:��].'}t. a �T� `��`0 P �.�``��.o.�n_,.��-°,�` I st -� ? � � `. ,_ 2nd_rzS I � 1 Laid over to 3rd and app ` � _.Adop+ed °� �� Yeas Nays ' as Nays Carlson Carlson Dalglish ��alglish Meredith " '' �eredith ������ Peterson �eterson Sprafka � . 3prafka � � Tedesco 'fedesco Mr. President Byrne \\Mr. President Byrne O