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� under Prel�minary Order �_� approv�l- � �l. tli.� ;
�� : Intermediary 4rder aPAroved
A public hearing having been kad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council
having heaxd all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, an.d having fully con.�idered
the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise na�ture, extent`and ldad of im- �
proveme�it to be made by the said City is
tr t�w�irt�a�es �hr �lt w dr wst si� rrf l�l�a it. f�w �t �t. �w
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and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. .
R,ESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepaxe plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Conncil for
approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflicials are hereby �uthorized and directed to pra
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordanee therewith. �
Adopted by the Counci]
Yeas Nays
,�<:rison FE� 10 1970
�alglish Approv �
Meredith ,7
Pe.erson Tn Favor
Sprafka Mayor
Tedesco J pUBLISHED FEB 14 �97�
BYr�i . � � roaA.711�t . � . . .
B-68-81[ � B.1
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W.S. Sylvan St. - Acker St. to Sycamore St.
Dec. 8th. 19 69
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paui :
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary
order of the Council known as Council File No. 222642 approved
Ma.rch 24th. 19 65 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on the west side
of Sylvan St. from Acker St. to Sycamore St. and by doing all other work which is
necessary and incidental to complete said improvement.
and having investigated the matte�s and thtngs referred to therein� hereby reports:
l . The estimated cost the�eof is $�.80 uer lin, ft. for standard sidewalk
5 ft. wide and $4.60 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide.
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and _,�
ma de a pa r t he reof. '
3. Initiated by the Commissione� of Public Works X -
4. Improverr�nt i s asked for. �� i t ion "W� '
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