247365 �4`�36� OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. •� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONEa DATF � Wl�REAS, Co�ptroller'a Contract L-7156, Area Ce�er�t Cc�pa�, eontractor, for the 1969 District �'o. 1 Annual Side�w�lk Coritraet�, has been substantiall,y co�pleted and WH�.REAS, Said Cozrtractor requests that a portion of the 5�, retained under the coirtract from estimates for work done, be paid ig advance of the final campletion of �he coa�raet, and WI�EtEAS, The Co�iasioner a,nd Chi�f Engineer of the Depe,rtmerit oP Public Work� approve the payraent at this time ot' $5,900.00 of the $8,12�.�+4 retained; therefore be it RFSt�I,V�, That the proper City Officials be and the� are hereby suthorized to pay an estimat� in th� amount of $S,gE�.UO of the $8,125.�+0 retained. pereentage to said eontractor; and be it FiTRTFI�t RES�LVED, That this resolu�ic>n shall have no foree or ef'Pect e�n].ess the sureties on the eorYtractora bond eonse�t thereto in writing as�d file such conseat with the City Cc3mptroller. r�-�79 �/ F�� � 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson F�B � ���a Dalglish ApprovecL 19—_ Meredith �n Favor Peterson ! Sprafka � Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED FEB 141970 0 rJUPLICATE TO PRINTER .;'" ��,r,.,{� 1�' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '�''';� ���'�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONER DATF WH�REAS, Cc�anptrollers Contra�t L-7156, Area C�ment Com�pe►� ca�traetor for thc 1969 District Na. 1 A.�nw�,l Sidewalk Contract, has been aubstantially c�pletecl and WHEREAS, Said Coutraetor reque�te that a portion oP �Che 5�, retained under the contract from estimat�e for work done, be psid in advanee of th� finssl eompletion oP the contraet, and WHr.�EAS, The Co�m�niaeioner a�ad Chief E�gineer of the Departmen� of Public Woxks approve the payment at this time of $�,940.00 of' the $8,125•�+0 reta3ned; therePore be it RFSOLVED, That the proper City 0^ficisls be and they are hereby atrthorized to pay en estimate in the amount oY $5,900.00 of the $8,125.40 retained percentag� to said contractor; and be it FtA2TH�Z RESOLVED, Tha� th3s reeolution shal]. ha,ve no Foxce or et'fect unless the eureti�e Qn the cor�trac�or� bond conser� thercto in writirag and file sueh consent with the City Cc�rptroller. M-479 ;� },; :i,,;:�.��6 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson �;� Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson � Mayor Sprafka C/ A gainst Tedesco Mr. Preaident, Byrne O