247363 �
RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves
the action of the Board of Appeals pertaining to the following
listed properties as shown by the official minutes of said
Board of Appeals dated January 14 , 1970, a copy of which,
marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a part
hereof by reference.
No. Address Appellant
51-69 40 W. Kellog.g Boulevard _ Booth Fisheries by
Henry H. Cowie Jr.
77-69 890-892 Rice St. Wesley Yarrington
78-69 148 W. George St. Alice R. Lindeke
, ,,��� p
�;��� � 1970
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19_
Yeaa Naye
Carlson `�� '{ ����
Dalgliah Approve� 19—_
Meredith �n Favor
Peteraon �
Sprafka Mayor
�.Preaident, Byrne puBUSHEG FEB 14197�
• EXHIBIT „A„ ] /1 4/7O
Meeting No. 23
• •�
C� ',
Wednesday,: January 14 , 1970
Bureau of Health Library, 555 Cedar St . , - 1 : 3� p.m,
Members present : Lawrence D. Cohen, Chairman
� Estyr Peake
Gale Rehnberg
Norma Sommerdorf
James Voigt
Members absent: Arthur Tieso
Others present : Sam Blue
Glenn Erickson
Dr. Paul Cox
Henry Streich
James 0' Leary
Thomas Anderson
Henry H. Cowie, Jr.
Donald Doerfler
Wesley Yarrington
Niles Quinn
William Norton
Harry Ray
Mr. Lindeke, Son of Alice Lindeke
The minutes of the meeting of December 10 , 1969 were approvecl
as mailed.
60-69 665 E. 4th St . Jake �, Martha Croymans , cont 'd.
The findings of the electrical reinspection of 605 E. 4tli St . ,
reQuested by the 13oard, were reported by Mr. Anderson, Iie re-
ported that the house had 30 amp . 110 volt service with no over-
55-69 420 Summit Ave. Thomond 0' 13ricri, continuccl
At the request of Mr. 0']3rien, Mr. Cohen rnoved that the appeal
for 420 Summit Ave, be continued until the next regular mcetin�;
of the 13oard to allow Mr. 0' Brien to consult with his arc}iitect .
Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Voigt . Nayes : rione .
Abstentions : none . Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) .
� 1/14/ZO
Meeting No. 23
51-69 40 W. Kello�� Boulevard Booth Fisheries b 1-Ienr fl.
Cowie Jr. , cont
Mr. Cowie, new attorney for the appeal for 40 W. Kellogg 13oulevard,
rec{uested that the appeal be extended for 90 days to allow tirne
for the ultimate sale and subsequent vacation of the Boot}i Colcl
Storage Co. at 40 W. Kellogg Boulevard. He stated that the nc:w
owner would comply with the requests of the Bureau o£ Public
Buildings .
Mr. Cohen moved that the appeal for Booth Cold Storage Go. , 4U W.
Kellogg Boulevard be extended for 90 days and that the l3oard Ue
advised, in writing, on or before the 90th day, as to the sale of:
said property or as to a plan to comply with Building Code rec{uire-
ments .
Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Voigt . Nayes : none
Abstentions : none. Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) .
62-69 750 Curfew Donald R. Doerfler, cont ' cl.
Mr. Doerfler continued the appeal of the Bureau of Health letter,
dated September 23 , 1969 , enumerating Housing Co�le deficiencies at
750 Curfew. He submitted a blueprint of a proposed fire escape
to be installed from the third floor of 75U Curfew. lle stated
that he was not able to get an official estimate of cost for the
installation of a fire escape .
Estyr Peake arrived.
Mr. Cohen moved that third floor occupancy of 750 Curfew be per-
mitted in variance of the St . Paul Housing Code until suc}i timc
as the property presently owned by Donald Doerfler, be solcl or
the ownership transferred at which time the third floor occupaiicy
be permanently vacated and such variance be nullified. Sucli
variance is to be granted only if the following conclitions are
conformed with in all respects :
1 . All electrical violations , listed in the afore-
mentioned letter of the Bureau of Health dated
September 23 , 1969 be corrected within 60 days .
2 . All other violations listed in the aforementioned
letter, dated September 23 , 1969 be correct ��cl heforc
May 15 , 1J70 .
3 . An approved fire escape meeting 13uilding Cocle
standards be installed to the third floor betorc
May 15 , 1970 .
4 . The third floor occupancy be limited to one
tenant only .
- � -
. ' l /] �/70
Meeting No . 23
� Non-compliance with any or all of the above conciitions sliall cause
denial of the appeal .
Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg , Sommerdorf. Nayes : Voigt . Abstentions :
Peake. Motion carried three (3) to one (1) with one (1) absteiition.
65-69 570 E. Larpenteur Ronald P. Stein, cont ' cl.
Mr . Anderson stated that Mr. Stein was not going to appear as ]ie
could not get a plumber to estimate the cost for him to hook ur�
to city water and sewer .
Mr. Cohen moved that the matter be continued until the next re�,ular
meeting of the Board and t}iat Mr. Streich gather information a;� to
the city' s legal jurisdiction in the matter of requiring }iooku�� to
city water and sewer located outside the city limits of St . Paul .
Ayes : Cohen, Peake , Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Voigt . Nayes : none .
Abstentions : none . Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
77-69 890 - 892 Rice Wesley Yarrington
Mr. Yarrington appealed a notice of the Bureau of Public Buildin�s
dated March 12 , 1968 concerning a Certificate of Occupancy for
89U Rice Street . Mr . William Norton, a prospective buyer of tlie
property, and Niles R. Quinn, realtor, were also present .
Mrs . Sommerdorf moved that a waiver of the 13uilding Code pro-
vision necessitating the addition of windows on the nort}i and south
sides of the second story level of the property at 8J0-892 Itice
St . be granted in order that such windows need not be installed.
Such waiver is to be granted on the condition that all otlier
violations listed in the aforementioned letter of the Bureau of
Health dated March 12 , 1968 be complied with, ,including enclosure
of the front stairs and provision of ventilation for the bathrooms .
Ayes : Cohen, Peake , Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Voigt . Nayes : none.
Abstentions : none . Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
Mrs . Sommerdorf left .
80-69 1737 Bush Avenue Nicholas A. Kraft
Mr . Anderson informed the Board that a phone call l.ron► Mrs . KraCt
revealed that no representative could be made available for the
appeal today. Mr. Anderson was asked to reschedule the appeal
at a time when a representative could be made available .
- 3 -
,� i/a �/�o
� .
Meeting No . 23
81-69 827 Mound St . Oliver L. Mort� mer, b I-Iarry N.
��arry Ray , on behalf of Oliver L. Mortimer, appealed a notice of
the Bureau of Pul�lic Buildings dated September 12 , i�69 concerning
a number of unit.� sharing baths at 827 Mound Street .
Mr. Cohen moved that Mr. Ray clieck on the possibility of n►aking
some of the apartments sleeping rooms . He also moved that the
matter be continued until the next regular meeting of the Board.
Ayes : Cohen, Peake , Rehnberg, Voigt . Nayes : none. Abstentions :
none . Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) .
78 -69 148 W. George St . Alice R. Lindeke
Mr. Lindeke , son of Alice Lindeke, appealed the matter of two
units sharing one bath at 148 W. George as noted in a letter of
the Bureau of Health dated October 16 , 1968 .
Mrs . Peake moved that the requirement of Chapter 54 . 11 requiri,ig
that each dwelling unit have its own bathroom be waived for
apartments 2 and 3 at 148 W. George on the condition tliat each
apartment Ue occupied by only one person.
Ayes : Cohen, Peake , Rehnberg, Voigt . Nayes : none . Abstentions :
none . Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) .
There being no further business , the meeting was adjourned at
4 :30 p.m.
�,,�•,�.o �UJ
Thomas W. Anderson
Recording Secretary
- 4 -
RESOLVED, That the Gouncil hereby �atifies and approves
th� aCtion of the Boaxd of Appeals pertaYning to the following
listed properties as shown by the official minut�s of said
Board of Appeals dated January 14, 1970, a copy of which,
marked EXI-IIBIT "A" is attached hereto and mad� a part
hereof by referenc�.
No. Address A� elp lant
51-69 40 W. Kellogg �oulevard Booth Fisheries by
' Henry H. Cowie Jr.
77-69 890-892 Rice St. Wesley Yarrington
78-69 148 W. George St. A1ice R. Lindeke
�� �; , '����
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
�as Nays
� ��
Carlson , : `: r ,a
Dalglish �.—, Approved 19—_
Meredith �n Favor
Sprafka G Mayor
A gainat
r. President, Byrne