247361 24`�3�1 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLHRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. ��x� 0°�ITT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . C UNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY a COMMISSIONE J � DATF February �� 197� RffiOLVED: That li.censes appli�d for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and thrr aam� are hereby granted. Mtch�l Boyle �03-22nd./►ve. NE �Ipls. C`ig.Qper.2M App.14611Re� 3uperamerica Stat�.ons, Inc. 1444 M�rshall Sale of Firearma" 1�71" Coca Col� Bottling Co, of Minn., Inc. 84 S. Wabasha Bev A1.&NAls '" � w „ " 23 �eh.#302�r.?.�ta n a John M. G�tzen 234 Otis Gas �ta. 4F " 20 " n M Gen.Nep•C�.r„ u e n " "' Cigarette " " " p M (�'ig�(}�Y•�� tt N p -r,., Idelson 011 Co., Inc. 16� W. Sycamore 1 Veh.��25(F�el) 21 • Superior '"�0�'" Oil Co. 34 S. Cleveland �as �ta. 8P 11pp•41 " ' "' Gro ce ry .�»1 " " " n n Cigarette " " n Fred 3'horne 1429 Marshall 1 Veh.�3�'�(Fuel) 87 "' Rose Tilley 11a� �elby Restaurant C-•lApp.107 " " " On Sale Malt " " " " " Off Sale �falt " " " " " ` Cigare»tte "' " "' Z3.nsmaster Baking Co. 97 Sh�rburne Faods MPTJW * 113 " " " 13 veh.�37�86" " " Noble H. Hudaon 85 E, G�ran3.� Fooc� MpDW „ l�y. * H � 1 V'eh.�4'�Y9 n n ■ Ttain City Fish Co. �pl Lafay�tte Foods l�''D�d � 183 a � ~ 1 Ve h.*487 � n a �.ex A. Saloun 501 Lafay�tte Foods MPDki " 185 ` M " z Veh.'1�91.2 r n a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK ���U�� • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. Lzc�NSE Co�tz�E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �c� COMMISSIONER DAT� Februnry �� .�.7rTQ tbntd. Pagc 2 Thomas J. Boland 68 N. C1eveland Food� MPI�T 9lpp•2221�n. n „ 1 Veh.i�`5�9 n a a The Pioneer �o., Inc. 1164 Selby Foods MP3JW " 219 " ■ N 2 V�h.�S�+'3� • � � Imperf.al V�nd�ng Service, Inc. 1725 ��d C�.g.Oper.?1K " 24d " " � � addsm&eh. " n a Sears Roebuck & Co. 425 �.ce N�w & Ustd I�Itrcycle Dlr. App„248�ten, '" '" TP Master • 2yi"' M � 8 �aeT'VI.GGDICTI � � a M "' Elec.App.Rep. n n n Irving E. F�ldznan 628 Fine Foods IKPDW " 271 " " ' 1 �eh.#563 " p " O.J. Rental Sa1es, Inc. 2190 A�ar�hall Rental Hosp. & SR Eguip�, • • 1 Veh.#617 �pp.3�6 " Mf.lton 1. Johnson 616 Rice Fooda MPTJW " 383 " Paul E. Mi.lnar 2�1 N. Cleveland Beauty Stx�p " 38� " Harry Hughes 157� 5elby Barber ' 387 ' San�.tary �'arm Dair�es, Inc. 415 Grove Milk Fast Plt. 409 " '" "' 3'7veh.#671«�707'"' a � Ker�r�eth �I. Fosa 853 Payne 2nd.Iid.Dlr.Gen�• 417 " cap�tol C�ty Df.st. �o,� Inc. 245 E. Fillmore Bev.Al..&NAl. "' 43� r "� 9Ve�'1��3�'1 � n a Berdes Meat Purveyors, Ine. 5�l laafayette Rd. Foods MPI�6J " 44� n " '� 3 Ye h.�?'�7-�9 rt n r COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ���(��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ��� ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEa DATF February 5* I9�IO Contd. Page 3 Jack M. Bomier 170 h'. Pascal �'oods �IFI)W �pp•�+,�9Ren. " " 4 �eh.#758�61 ° n n Clinton J. Racine 1671 Selby Food� MPDGer " 463 • n ■ 1 veh.#75� n n a Rocoo S., Anna & IAUis Carbone 335 E. �ni..vers�.ty Grocer�r ,l-Z " 492 " � '" �ff Sale M�lt n n n " " C�garette " n n F�,leon �il Co. �6 N. Snelli.ng Gas Sta. 4P " 531 " Roy J. Deutach 234 N. Sr�ellt.ng Gas s�a. 6P n 532" " Gen.Rep.Gar. " p " " '� C�ga�tte � u n Aarold �il� Asplin 15�9 Lauz�l Elec.A pp,Rcp." 6��(! • Richard Klawitter �178 Dayton Tree 2ri�er & 1��$32 1. �.dd.veh.�833�P'P•?58Ren. Timothy J. Howard 996 Selb�► Barber " 759' Charles L. & I�gina E1liott 248 S. Cleneland Confect�.onery �'B• 7�'p"' u " Foods MPD�(( .�pp.77�* " ' Iveh.�896 " n p Robert J. Blair 11�? Selby Ga,s �ta. 4p " �79 • � p M N fl Gen.Rep.Gar, �ce Anto Parts & 3alvage, Ine. 7g4 Rice �I.V.SalvageDlr." 809" Harold Lang 37q t7ni.versity Restaurant C-1 828" � " Off Sale Malt �pp„�+ „ " � Ciga2'e$t� � n a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O �z�r���)� OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ��� ��I� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONER DATF �'ebz�uary 5� �.97� Contd. Page 4 Arthur W. 1Ki11er 28q �omo Restaurant C«►].dlpp,831�en, " '" Off Sale 1►4a1t " " � " "' Ciggrette " " " John J. Brick 1836 St. Clair Barber " 832" Amer�.c�n Bakerrli..es, Zne. 97 E. I2th Foods MlPI)W a g3gr n � 33 Veh.#903�35a n a " "� Pi'.Gas FWnp n n n Tin Cups, Inc, 1220 Rice Restaurant C-2� 1066* n � w a n �'AVei"Ti " �' Off S$Z� Malt " " " a � �y vigA2'Ctiti� tl N q St. Paul .derie #33 � 113 Universtty Confectionery G«2 1090" a �, �avern a n a M '� Cigaz'ettt* M a n " " Bowltng �l " 1091 • G k T� Inc. '�'38 Un�versity Restau�►�ant C»1" 1120'" " " Off Sale 1�alt " " " M " �igax'ette • " " Thomas L.& Guy Ric4 96 N. Dale Resta.urant C-1" 1143" " " Off Sale Malt " „ " » � Qigr� n a n ' „ '" Cig.Oper.2M n s n 5teinerts I,3�quor�, Inc. 137 �i. Ma.ry].and �rig.Gant."D• '" 1180'" M " Off Sale Malt n w e N "� Ci,ga,T'ttte n n a Paul d. Trivisk#. q56 Js�ekson Regtaurant C�•la 1229a �� "' Off Sale I�alt �� e n � " Cig�.Tiet� M a a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK ���_{�� • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� � �� LI�NSE Cb�tITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY February 5, 19�0 COMMISSIONER DATF Go�td, Page � Roger Wolfe 847 H�dson Rd. Gas Sta. �+P �pp�.1.241Rer� • • Ge�i.Rep.�'*aZ'• " n n q N C�,garette " " " Saper�rica Stations, Inc. 296 E. 7th �as St�,8P p 1299" M N Orig.Cont.'"D"' "' • " p " xardware " " n „ i� Li.q•Fuel 171r• a n n M " Sale of F�rearms" " '" ■ � riige'���+trC M p 11 c�eorge senultz lzoo Rice Gas sta.6P " 13�op * M Gert.Rep.Gar. a n a a � Cigarette p '� " p �, Ci.g.�p�r. � a n Alex G. & Gary R. Tankenoff 55 E. 10th Pkg.Lot 150c " 13�4a NCO Club-National Guar�d I�n.dLtrport St. Laterence St. Cigarette " 1427'" SuperamericA Stations, Inc. 1440 Marshall �igarette . ° 1��" Le�ter G. Sheehar� 832 Coa�o .lpt.6 l�tr.�eh.�r. " 14�b• Rodger Kr�clvnan 2646 Farr�ngton l�tr.Veh.Dr. " 1�F52' FEB 5 1�7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays F�� � ��1� �� Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor P-e�ersatr—� ' Sprafka U Mayor Tedeaco A gainst �������� :�`x�: P��+�v FEB 7 i970 Mr• Vi,�e Preeidrat (Petersoa) �