03-645Council File # 03 4 +� Green Sheet # u a 3 PAOL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has been reviewing the needs of tfie radio communicalion system that provides emergency 2 services to police, fire, and emergency medical agencies in its jurisdiction; attd 3 4 5 10 11 12 13 14 WHEREAS, the Me�opolitan Radio Boazd, as a result of legislative changes, has the authority and resources to provide finaucial assistance to local uniu of government in the metropolitan azea that plan to parlicipate in the regional 800 NIfIz digital trunked communication system; and WHEREAS, Special legislative authority has been given to Minnesota counries to issue bonds for the piupose of designing, consmicting, and installing the infrashucture, facilities, and equipment necessary to participate in the regional system; and WI�REAS, Federal funds have been appropriated and made available through the Deparnnent of Public Safety to supplement local and state funds for the puipose of participating in the regional system, for wluch metropolitan azea local governments aze eligible; and WI�REAS, The Saim Paul City Council has been informed of Federal funds available for a joint Ramsey County/Saint Paul Emergency Communications Center; and WHEREAS, The City Council of Saint Paul has detemrined that its participation in the regional system would improve its interoperability among its various agencies and with other jurisdictions for purposes of mutual aid and emergency medical services, thus improving public safety, as well as the entire region's ability to respond to weapons of mass destruction incidenu; 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Saint Paul intends to proceed with planning for development of an 16 upgraded radio communicarion system with the intenrion of participating in the regional system and that the Metropolitan Radio Board 17 be norified of Saint Paul's intention and request any state or federal financial incentives that may be offered to local jurisdictions and that 18 Saint Paul and Rainsey County continue to explore the feasibiliry of and work towazd a consolidated Ramsey County and Saint Paul 19 Emergency Communicarion Center. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav � $lakey � Bostrom ` Coleman � Harris ✓ Laniry � Reiter � � Adopted by Council: 1Z Date ��,/ � �00� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: i Approvedby BY� 1 Requested by Depazhnent oL � Form Approved by City Attorney � �reen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green 63�� Sheet Gr Department/o�ce/cou Date Initiated: Mo - Mayor'sOffice 26 JUN Green Sheet N� 3001963 � Contact Person & Phone: Deoartmen Sent To Person Initiai/Date Dennis Flaherty � 0 a or•s Offi 266-8579 pujgn 1 avor'sOffice De ar[mentDireMOr Must Be on Council Agenda by (D Number Z - Attoroe For ROUting 3 avoPS Office �IavoNAssistant Order 4 uocil 5 i Clerk C'ri Clerk ToWI # of Signature Pages (Clip All Lowtions for 5 Action Requested: Sign Council Resolurion regazding development of an upgaded Radio Communication System between Saint Paul and Raznsey County. Neea�a�9att�cA�cveG]crR$ectBk Persona! Service Contracts Must Answer Yhe Following Quest — � LAS16ffiOe�'am/fi'mBYBrworkeOUdBI'eCmh'actfu'16ffidBpErhoaM17 ,CBILomittee Yes MU _ 15Yi8B151CeCOmoi6�o 2NasiI�PB1'sa0/hmera'I�BaetltY�4Mee'P YBS tlo � s�estlespersm/rrmoos�sasuootm+relra�hram — m7'entP![Ye�luYeeY — YBS 16 � Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to gre Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why) Ativantages If Approved: Disadvantages If ApDroved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of Cost/Revenue Budget Transaction: Funding Source: Activitv Number: Financial Information: