D001192c��-'c�y c�n� Copies- Fin. 8� Mgmt Services Public Works Acxourding Engineer Coraractor C� No.: D Date: CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CFIANGE AGREEMENT NO. t�`� ! � � Z '�1 ' I' t ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additans which proved to be necessary to the Impravemerrt descrbed as SEWER known as adivity no. 29215 , C'dy Project No. 95-5-8100 & 95-P-8084 Danner, Inc. S� iiiTACF�i • Corqractor, is composed of the folbwirg: ORDERED, Th� the City of SaiM Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance wfth the spec'rfications in the sum of $ 454,261.20 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named on the contract known as Adivity No. 29215 , and which ampunt is to be tinarx:ed from: Assessments 5RF Water Surcharge Ciawback MSA Ci3 Mn/Uot State Grants Sewer Revenue Bonds Water Utility � 19-.� 9 �� ��� Division Manager � 9 5 ,�.- � /� , � Dire or, D artmeM ot Pubiic Works �nn i eA1—y 3��� I�UJ E f'� L� ��wo�c�on � �. GREEN SHEET No. 38478 CONfACTPENSON8PH0lE J N 7E NIiWJM Daniel n. H�ak u�b-6osa �1? �b G�Q, x� ,�a, ` """�"Tn�cr� ° O G,v� �rronEr rnraFnc wisreEaHCaw+a�o�warnm► aourun a�coernnecraa pp �+aMCir.sEavr,Es °f �' ps ►uroa�on�snu pp i,,,,i,.e� i ALlOFSIGNA7UREPAGE3 8 Ips�uwcnnowsFOnaaw�n�q � rswam _ Os n�umiQ+r�ouxr .3 �/Q7 Heno�xEOt�s1ED Ap�ovat � Conuact Change Agrcement #1 for exua work performed at the direction of the Enginaer. BATES-MCLEAI3 STORM SEWER & PAVIl�TG; City Project I�Ios. 95-S-8i00 & 95-P-8084 Contractor: Danner, Inc. �ewmNS�w.�v«�pu n�sEnv�coe�sa�swrsru�x�ns�w�wwwcsau�o►� q.�aaxacawssion_crosEavcECawssnr+ �. µ�suispe�m�maw.raiceaunar.cmaaaram�saevennw�r+ ae cawmg ves No A srAFF 2 +muisp«sorJ6mwwbeanadqa'poyee? — — I�ES pD _ OL47NCTCOtNC1. _ S. Doea 4is paraorYtpm poeawt a akH not nom�dh' Poswaeed bi' anY wrent ay' em7byee9 SUFNDaiSWHK7ICOUNC0.0&ECi1VE4 YES NO E1�Itln N yrs alWUti an rprW Y1M1 anY �HaN1 b ynol a11Mt NfMTNG PROBLBI. 6SUE.OPPOfiTUNRY (�. WIUT. WFEN. WHERE. INIh: The Contraetor was directed to perform extia wca�k not included in the oqiginal contract. The four largest items are: $116,797 - Dewatering at dropshaft construction. Plaus did not andcipate ground water. $147,926 - Install granite curb on Maria. Conuact bid did not include granite curb optioa $ 35,916 - Install erosion canuol blocks on the Bates Avenue boulevazd due to extreme slopes. $ 99,726 - Additional mck excavation pay�nt Plans did nar reflect true extent of rock excavarion. See attac�ed chanae a�eement for smaller items. �ov�r,rncES � iwanovEO: The projeci can be built w acceptable construction standards. T7ae Conuactor will be compensated for extra work ormed at the direction of the Engineer. t?���d��D �������'�� °�^�",�^� � ^�„Ea �€AR 1 � 1987 rrona �4�'£�it`� ���€cF '�- ` �. ��� � RECEIVED ��`��` �' � �����'� J MAR 2 81997 `:��"�! CLERK ois�ovurr,r�s �c t�or �avAOVEO: The project could n� have been completed to acceptabie construction standards. ALAMOIRROF�; + (bST/AEYENUEBUDGETEDfqHCLEONq � NO ��� Aecncemant_� CRF�Water Snrcharg�_ ���R (=95-2T628-078429215 FMANCULL MffORMATqN: (IXPWtQ Clawback, MSA, CIB, Mn/Dot, State Grants Sewer Revenue Bonds, Water Utility �� A � U� ���� � BATES-MCLEAN SEWER SEPARATION & PAVII�iG City Pro ect Nos. 95-S-8100 & 95-P-8084 Attac ent to Change Order PTo. 1 � 1. Dewatering of Dropshaft _ 1 Lump Sum @ $116,797.23 - $116,797.23 2. Instail Granite Curb on Maria 2,779 Lineal Feet @ $50.00/Lin. Ft = $138,950.00 3. Speciai Cuts Necessary for the Granite Curb 132 Each @ $68.00 = $S 4. Additional Cost for the Computer 1 Lump Sum @ $I,570.00 = $1,570.00 $� 1 Sum @$1 893 14ence Court = $1,893.14 6. Install Erosion Control Blceks witL Wild Flower Seed on Bates Boulevard - T'oo Steep ior Sod 6,087.5 Square Feet @ $5.90/Sq. Ft. _ $35,916.25 a 9. Sanitar Sewer Work on Pacific Street 1 Lump�um @ $19,872.00 = . 10. Construct Type I Curb on Hudson BoWevard _ 872 I.ineal Feet @ $11.28/Lin. Ft. 11. Construct 4" Mono Curb and �Valk 1,690 Square Feet @ $3.961Sq. Ft. _ 12. Repair Service at 644 Short Street 1 Lump Sum @ $109.0(? _ 13. Water Department Hole at 893 Hudson Road 1 Lump Sum @ $150.00 = 14. Rock Excavation for Storm Sewer 3,022 G�bic Yazds @ $33.00/Cu. Yd. _ 15. RLump Sum @$'76p.pp alk for Sewer Repair-832 Mounds _ 16. Move Handraiis on Boulevard Steps from Right Side to Left Side - Due to Property Owner Complaints �. Reinstall Seed & Fiber Blankets on Bates Boulevard Had been vandalized 1 Lump Sum @ $500.00 8. Pulverized Black Dirt for Erosion Control Blocks on Bates Boulevard 50 �bic Yards @ $15.00/Cu. Yd. a E, �� �� $750.00 $19 $9,836.16 $6,692.40 $109.00 $150.00 $99,726.00 $760.00 a 1 Lump Sum @ $300.00 = $300.00 17. Pour Concrete Curb for Beacon Tower 1 Lump Suw @ $500.00 = $500.00 18. Reconstruct Isiand at Clermont & Bates 1 Lump Sum@ $1,700.00 = $1,7Q�.00 19. Reconstruct Curb at S.W. Corner of Ciermont & Bates 1 Lump Sum @ $1,240.00 = $1,240.00 20. Repair Salt Kill Sod Areas 1 Lutnp Sum@ $8,023.02 = 0$g• 23•02 Total of Change Order No. 1 = $454,261.20