247335 t ���3�35 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLtRK CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N�,. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y � COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, the City Council has passed Ordinance No. 14314 creating a Department of Model City Area Development-»Summit� University Area, and providing for staffing of such department; and WHEREAS, this ordinance provides for the establishment of classes of positions in the Unclassified Exempt Service, by resolution: a.nd WHEREAS, this ordinance provides that the salaries for '.such classes of positions be established by resolution; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the class of position of Deputy Director»» Model Cities is hereby established in Grade 47 in the Professional occupational group; and that the salary rate applicable to this class of positi.on for the Department of Model City Area Development�-Summit-. University Area shall be the same as the salary rate applicable to the positions in Grade 47 in the Professional occupational group in Section 6 of the Civil Service Rules. � . a ,• l U Z O . ,� . :ti � �-��j �� F E 8 4 �92�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �E� �� ���� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �_j� Favor Peteraon � Sprafka Mayor J A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBL{SHED FEB 7 �970 �� .. _ � r _ � SYNOPSIS OF' MNPC IiINUTES F1��I3HUAKX 2, 1970--CFNTH!,L H2GH RISF. ��'� ' 7:30 p.m. � .� � s i��eting w�.s openeci by Cheirran Yilate. Prayer by Father Cart,y. On moti�n of Yice Che.irman FZarris, t�econded by i'�;r. Yopr;ler, minutes of January 26 wer� adopted by unanimous vote. b:r. Mann movecl tl�at t}►e par�.�raph in the minutes of tne I,x�e�itivP :;ommittc�� of Janu�v 3i res�:rdin� BAti 1�s:;ocirtes be ;?tricken trom the minutes. :�econcl�cj b.y 1�ra. Benner and paesPCi by unanimous vote. I�r. Mann moved, aecondeci b,y R�r. Bradl�,y, acceptance of the r�port. tiotion passed by unanimoua vote. Yr. Harris moved, seconded b,y l�r. hlenn, that �ir. �'red ';arroll be oi.ficially welcomeci eboard to eerve �.�a a liaison wit}: 1,:;e Indian co:amur.ity and vrhen Me get e legal opinion about wha� can bc� �tone we will work with that then. kiotion puesefl. The Cha�rma,n �taLed that it is hoped a way c�n b� foun�l to make it posait�le for 1rr. Carroll to be a per�ae,nent �nember af tl�? Council, recr;��iizing th3t �iodel CitiPe i� a people'a progrr�.L1 and t}!er.e iP �,t ��resent no Indian representativc. On motion by �!r. A�en, seconded by A9r. l:I�,nn, ti�e rePort of t'r:e Jirector was adopted. L!otion pa�se;i by unanimous vote. �r. Harris moved, seconded by bt�. $�,rr, t,hat the report of the Per.sonr.el Com�ittee be accepted. hotion 1�Qy8P� b3/ uneaiimous vote. �T. L8{�08� P9Y'ZlaRie21L87'lALl� Mi1.P.� tFifit tv �iC�@�i 8 TPl)OY't bv VOtE: i.S 210t t0 necesearily concur �� th whQt is in the re;�ort. 1dr. :,ann moved,aeconded b,y Mr. Fiarri;�� adoption of th� following� rPS011iti;>ns. Motion passed by unaninous vote: W'HEREAS. the City Coun;il hae p�ssed UrdinRnce P:o. I�+,31Q cr.eating r► Hepartment of W:odel Ci+.y A*et�. Developnent--Summit-Unive-rsit,7 area. and providing for atafl'ing of auch department; and Wt?EHFA3, t},i� ordinance provi�ies for the establishment of CIAS9P.f1 0�' positiona in the IJnclas4ifie;3 'r:xer:z?�t Service, b,J resolutions and a'H�:Tt�AS, this ordir��nce provide� th��,t t}�e sal�riNs 1'or sucii �las:;es of po3itions be established by resolution; now, therefore, bP it HESULVED, thQt the class of position of Deputy Director--Model Cities is h�rebf eatablished �n Grade 47 in tYie �'rofPSaio.��:.1 oc,,u�v.tional �r,roup; and that the. s�lf�ry rate apF�liaa,ble to this class of nosition for the Department of �1ode1 City Ar.eA Development--Su�nmit-Univerqity Area ehall be the aame as the sala.rv rat�; aPplicRble to the positions in Crade 47 in the Pro£essional occupr�tionr�l i_rroup in Section 5 of the Civ;l Service RulPs. 71'`i1:R�AS, tt�e City Council hae passed Ordir_ance Pto. 2431q cr_�atin� a Department of h:odel City Area Development--Su..�mit-University Area, and providin�; for ataffing of auch dep�,rtMent; �nd WliF:REAS, thi� ordinan�e Z�rovide9 for the establiehment of classes of poaitione in tYT.e Unclas�ified Exempt Service, by resolution; ar.d WTIEHEAS, this ordir.ance provides that the ealaries for such clasaes of positione be established by resolut9on; now, therefore, be it k�'SULYF:D, t�iat t!-�e clt�ss of poaition of T�,sk Force Aide--L:�del Citiea ia hereby estAblished nt the r�.te of ",?.','> per hour. � rt t SYNUP�IS Ur^ �?NPC ,.,I��L��'r:S '�'4;1.3rt;7AC�Y i, 1y70 p;i�?e ?_ , The �'in�snce re�ort �a.s hiven by i�:r. Ac�er , inclufi_n=� ?�is f��si:�n< tion ��� �`r.e�s�irer. Edr�. �3awlin�s rio�e�, sec��niled by Llr. �3arr, acceptance of ttie `('reayurer's re;�ort. Rev. Carty moved, eecc,n�l�d by 1�r. Ns�rriH, t!►�t becaase ttiiere i� � lot of input on the w'�ole finance pr�ctr�,ra, the �'inr�nce committee report be re`erred back to Con�ittee and tl�e Executive Cor�mittee to work ,avt. The Chair�nan ruled that the .notion prev�.ils over tl:e motion on the floor. The mo£ion by kev. Ca,xty �as declared pessed b3* floor vote. 16r. . Shea was rec�ueste�3 to give le�al info�•,�a.tion to I�e��. Carty concerning atruCLill'P find by-laws. Report of Yh;raical Core committee �iven by :�ir. Sayles. .:irs. F.��s :teill s,r,oke of need of bus tranaportfitior. �t Central }figh Itise. The nF�ed for �_nter-r.e��hbor!�ood bussin� xas stresAed. :vxotion w�,s made an? sec�r,ded an_1 p�.:�,ej with o�e na� vote to ac�ept t�ie report of the Phy�ical Core. Reoor.t of Economic Co^�mittee qiven b,y L�1•s. !y"cNellis. Gn �notion of turs. �dc�att eeconded by ?�r. BrFi�ley, the report wt�.r� rlccente3 by unanic�n>>s v�te. Re�ort of H ealth Task r'oree qiven by t��rs. h�r,1'+att. She r.ec�uc�ste<i t'.i�.t z� �ub:lic hearinp on l�edneAday r�t ���1 Selby be x•ecordeci �,nd tra.nscribec� bv t�e st�ff. Acceptance oi the }Ie�.lth Task F'orce rc�r�t>rt w�,s moved, s�conde� and passed. �trs. Brown presented re�o:t o i the S7elf�re Ta:�k N'orce. �r. p;;ar.n moved that the report be accepted. �:otion seconded a,nd passed. 1[rs. 13enner presented minutes of the E�iuc�tion Task 'r'orce �nd a r�port of attendance at the Fduc�.tion Con£er.ence� in �)hica�o. Idr. Carroll �.n�� i�lr. ThoT;�son saoke Ks part of the report. �Cr.. Harris move3 to accept tt�e r.�„ort of the �duc�tion Task r'ores, specificall;� endoi•�in� the reports of I�ir. Thornpson and L:r. Carroll. L(otion eeconded by Mr.. Dradley and passed by unanimou9 votP. Nrs. A��ar.►s s��.ted there i� r►o r.e:,ort ii�om the Crime �JC�1Y�U1{�11CC.. ✓(Phe ExA�;utive Co�nmittee will meet '"edne:icj�.,y Ht 8 p.r�. in the ?dode:� Citier• office. Ar�nounce;nente. keeting adjourned at 10:2�. �f 2-3-70 CITY �LERK , . � 3`� � �� 7 w�p� s�r. �qr�� ��� �r.�. u�t� e�� a �a�t��� +�fr� � -.�M�i� ���r�#R��. �t�rii� �i►�� �t' �rr�w��w� +ni ��, �� � �rs+I�rrr +r�r�►� �t �f at�h+I�r '1�1�u� �t�rNet. 'M�' �r�il[�Ii�q � '���1�. �+w�+�� ��r��M s��r��w► �w�Nt eY� �t�M!l��r � �r�l�t 1�r�r s�s����i�r�r. 11��. M � i�i�►�.'w'��, 1�Mt�► � �i''����!'� �Ml�r�e�• �+C�►a #� i��r�r f�� � �t�r 1M ��M��t ��Mir�rt �i�t� �arbt� � �11r�#�+I�r �C�i �ri�� +�t lrtii�i �r�a�r� �M�x��t rirs�t 1�r 1�r� �rro� �►� +�s� s�r����5 M�iwr ot���ter���� ' R��►�s�► � � � Adopted by the Council - �.�� � �gl� Approved - � �, 1910