03-642COUNCIL FILE #: O3"��Z, GREEN SHEET #: 205554 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: II 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Paz s�anc �ecrearion has been norified that the Martin Luther King and Jimmy Lee 2 Recreation Centers qualify for Weed and Seed grant funds to be admuustered by the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation; and 3 4 WHEREAS, both recrearion centers have been offered $5,000 allocarions; and 5 6 WHEREAS, it is the desue of Pazks and Recreation to set up a fmancing and spending plan for said Weed and Seed funds; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there aze 9 available for appropriarion, funds of $10,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2003 budget; and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addirions be made to the 2003 budget: 12 13 CURRENT AMENDED 14 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 15 325 - Pazks Enterprise Fund 16 23102 - Recreation Program Support 17 3600 - Other Grants-in-Aid 0 1Q000 1Q000 18 0 10,000 10,000 19 SPENDING PLAN: 20 325 - Pazks Enterprise Fund 21 23102 - Recreation Program Support 22 0299 - Misc. Services 37,000 10,000 47,000 23 37,000 10,000 47,000 24 25 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Parks and Recreation is authorized to enter into the attached agreements; 26 both which include an indemnification clause, with the Amherst H. Wilder Foundarion to provide Safe Haven Activiries at the 27 Martin Luther King and 7unmy Lee Recreation Centers. A copy of said agreements are to be kept on file and on record in 28 the Office of Financial Services. G:IFMIQTWW31Resolutions, AOs, G�een SheefslResolutionslResolution Template.xls Page: 1 of 2 03-19.�8Z COUNCIL FILE #: GREEN SHEET #: RESOLUTION CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA 205554 Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date: � y y'O�' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary _ Date: � / ° J ° Division of Parks and Recrearion 2 �'�u� By: �,7 : ��L Approval Rec9�en ed by Financial Services D'uector: By: Form Approved by City for G:IFMIQTJW3�Resolutions, AOs, Green SheetslResolutionslResolufion Template.xls Page: 2 of 2 a3- �Z � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet PR - rarks ana Recreatiol, Contact Person 8 Phone: LINDA FLYNN 266-6443 qqenda by Green Sheet NO: 205554 0&APR-03 �► Assign Number For Routing Order 0 2 "tv Attom 3 insncial Serv��s 4 a or' �� 5 ouncil 6 erk 7 ioancial Se �ces InitiaVDate Total # of Signature Pages _ (Clip All Loptions for Signature) " ' "' ' "` � " Action Requested: Approval of resol to enter into agee w/Amherst H Wilder Fdn for Martin Luther King Rec Ctr & Jimmy I.ee Rec Ctr to receive $5,000 each from "Weed & Seed" grant Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission � CIB Committee Civil Service Commission � ST.A�F' Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/flrm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Grant is for after school programs -$10,000 total. � � AdvanWpes If Approved: DisadvanWges If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Apqroved: . ! �, 7ota� Amount ot �� 0 OD a Cast/Revenue Budgeted: �{ b Transaction: � Funding Source: w, �.D Activiry Number: 3�S �� �Q� Fi nancial IMormation: (6cplain) � DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCAUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET ��� NO. 2 05554 Z Parks & Recreation 03/20/03 CANrACTPERSONANDPHONE INITIAVDATE INRINL/DATE . Linda Flynn 66443 � H � DEPARTMENTDIRECTO / 5 cmcouNCa UMBERF9 2 cmarrorsrvEV cmc�wc MUSTBEONCAUNGLAGENDABY(DAiF ROER� 3 FINANCIALSERVICESDIR._ 6 FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG MarCh 26, 2003 4 ennroRroRnssisrnrrn 7 a�are�«� TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES �(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� , ACTIOq REQU��: Approve Council Resolution for Saint Paul Parks and Recreation to enter into an agreement with Amherst H. Wilder Foundation for Martin Luther King Recreation Center and Jimmy Lee Recreation Center to receive $5000.00 each from a"Weed and Seed" grant for after school programs. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) ar Re�ect (R) PERSONAL SERNCE CONTF2ACT5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUFSTIONS: . _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CNILSERVICECAMMISSION �. HasNispersoNfirmeverxroticetluntleracontracttorNisdeparOnenl? CIBCAMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF 2. Has this peaon/firtn ever Eeen a city employee? DISTRICTCOUNCIL YES NO � — — 3. Doesihisperson/frmpossessaskillnotnomalrypossessetlbyanycurrenldtyemployee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO � �plain all yes arewers on separate sheet antl attach M 9�^ sh¢et „ INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (VJho, Whaq When, Where, Why). Amherst H. Wilder Foundation is providing the money from the Weed and Seed grant for use at Martin Luther King Recreation Center and Jimmy Lee Recreation Center for after school programs. a .�j � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Martin Luther King Recreation Center and Jimmy Lee Recreation Center will receive money otherwise not available for �, after school programs. � � 01SADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: NO(le [ �■ ° � � � � ! k � l �% � � APR 0 � 2qQ3 �I�Y �4�"t�����' � DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: ' Martin Luther King Recreation Center and Jimmy Lee Recreation Center will not receive money for after school programs. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION��O.00O.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETE�(GIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURGE P3/325 ACTMTYNUMBER 23102-33431 FINANpAL INFORMP.TION: (EXPL4IN) 03-1��12- Jimmy I.ee Recreation Ceuter PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT Summit University Weed and Seed Contract Tltis Contract is entered into ttus first day of January 2003, by and between Amherst H Wilder FoundaTion, hereafter referred to as "Wildei" and the City of Saint Paul, MN, a municipal corporation, hereafter referred to as ("Provide�"). Whereas, Wilder has entered into an a�eement with the State of Minnesota ("Ageemenf'), dated 7anuary 1", 2003 to cazry out responsibilities associated with the Summit University Weed and Sced Progran� Whereas, Provider desires to Contract with WIlder to undertake obligations under the Ageement to provide: Safe Haven progxamnting, per the attached workplan, Attachment A and Budget, Attachment B. Now, therefore, in consideration of ihe mutual promises, covenants, and conditions set forth herein, the parties agee as follows: 1. Term. The term of tltis Contract shall be for the period begnning on January 1, 2003 and ending November 30`", 2003. 2. Services. During the Term of this Contract, the Provider agees to provide a work plan and budget to meet ihe compietion of the foIlowing services: Safe Haven Activities as set forth in Attachment A 3. Pavment. In exchange for providing services, Wilder will pay Provider a total maximum cost of $5,000.00. An invoice must be submitted fo: payment to Wilder and to the Weed and Seed Coordinator no later than the second Monday of every month and mus[ adhere to approved work plan and budget. Payments will be made to Provider within three weeks of approval of Monthly Program RepoR from the Weed and Seed Seeding Committee. The Steering committee will review the report at its montlily meeting. Payment may be withheld for non-compliance with reporting. The Provider agees tt�at Wilder shall have no obligalion to pay Provider from any funds other than those received by Wilder pursuant to the Agreement 4. Monthlv Pro�am Reports. Provider shall complete a Montl�ly Progam Report addressing services. The report shall be submitted to Wilder and to the Weed and Seed Coordinator no later tlian the second Monday of every month. The Steering committee will review the report ai it's montiily meeting for approval of payment 5. Meefing Attendance. Provider agrees to provide a representa6ve to attend monthly Seeding Committee meetings. 6. Documentation Provider agees to maintain books, records, documents aad other evidence of activities associated with performance of this Contrad. These books, records, documents and other evidence st�all be subject at all reasonable times to in�ction and review by Wilder personnel. 7. Comnliance with Laws. Provider agrees to comply with all federal, state, county and local laws, regulations, ordinances, rules and certifications as pertaiiwig to setvices provided under this Contract Any failure to comply with these requirements shall consti[ute cause for cancel]ation of this Contract by Wilder. 8. Indenendent Provider StaNS. It is agreed that nothing contained in this Contract is intended or should be construed as creating the relationship of co-parmers, joint ventures, or an association with Wilder and Provider. Provider is an independent contract and neither it, its employees, agents nor representafives shall be considered employees, agents or representafives of Wilder. Except as othenvise provided herein, Provider shall maintain in all respects its present control over the means and personnel by which the Contract is performed. 9. Hold Harmless and Indemnificarion. Provider agrees to defend, hold harailess and indemnify Wilder, iu directors, officers, empioyees and agents from any and all liabilifies, losses, damages they may suffer as a result of any claims, demands, judgmenu or costs, including anomeys' fees, arising out of or related to Provider's performance of this Conhact 10. Background Checks. Provider agrees to comply with the State of Minnesota Weed and Seed background Check Yolicy, Attactunent B. Documentation of completed backgound checks mus[ be made available upon request. Funds from tltis contract may be utilized to pay for backgound checks on any Safe Havens personnei. 11. ConfidenUaliri. a) The parties acknowledge that certain confidential informalion may be transmitted or disclosed by the parties to each other in connecflon with their perforcnance under this Contract For purposes of this Contract, "confidential infomiation" includes financial informaflon, parient records and accounu, trade SiJWS — JIMMY LEE Contract 2003 03 -��z secreu, and all other information designated by the Weed and Seed progcam, Wilder or the Provider (and communicated to other parties) as confidential. Generic lmowledge or information puhlicly known tkiat is generally employed by the tmde shall not be deemed part of tLe confidential informafloa b) The parties sLall not, at any time, directly or indirectly, use, copy, reveal, report, memoriali��e, publisL, duplicate or otherwise disclose to any third party in any way wLatsoever any confidential information without written consent of the other party, wluch conseni st�all be exercised in the sole discretion of such party. The parties st�all receive, maintain and sue ihe confidential infom�ation in ihe strictest of confidence and use bes[ efforts to keep the confidential information shictly confiden$al and to preserve disclosure thereof. 12. Insurance. Provider shall self insure or purchase and maintain such i�c�,rance as will protect Wilder from cl aimc, which may arise out o� or result from the Provider's operations under this Contract 13. Assignment The rights, interests and obligations of the Provider under the provisions of the Contract shall not be assignable without the prior written consent of WIlder. 14. Amendments or Changes to AQreement. Wilder or the Provider may reques[ ctianges that would increase, decrease, or othenvise modify the Scope of Secvices. Such changes and method of compensation must be authorized in writing in advance by Wilder and the Provider. Budget adjustments do not require a contract amendment unless ctianging the entire amount of the contract or unless they substantially alter the scope of secvices to be provided. 15. No waiver. Failure of either paity to enforce any term or provision shall not be construed as a waiver of such term or provision or the right to enforce such term or provision. 16. Entire Contract This Contract constimtes the entire understanding and agreements between Wilder and the Provider and supersedes all cral agreements and negotiations relating to this subject matter. 17. Cancella[ioa Provider or Wi.der may teacw�ate this Contract upon riventy- (20) days written noUce to the other party. Ttus Contract st�all tenninate immediately and without notice in the event the Agreement is canceled. 18. Supplant. The Grantee assures lktat Federal funds made available under tlris formula grant will not be used ro supplant state or local funds bn: will be used to increase the amounu of such funds that would in tha absence of Federal funds, be made available for activities. IN WITNESS Wf�ROF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement, the day and the year first written above. City of St Paul Tom Kingston, Execulive D'uector Date Amherst H. WIIder Foundation 919 Lafond Avenue St Paul MN 55104 Address Mayor Director of Financial Services Date Date Director of Pazks and Recreation Date Approved as to form: Assistant City Attomey Date SLTWS — JIMMY LEE Contract 2003 2 03 -l�Ni Attachment A Timmy LeQ Recreation Center Safe Haven Workplan Contact Person: Phone: ' .u.�� . .�•� Lorrie Brown 298-5760 1063 Iglehart Avenue, St. Paul, IvL�T 55104 Jimmy Lea Arfs and Tutoring Program The arts and tutoring program will begin January 2, 2003 and nm until December 31, 2003 the initial focus on art. The focus of the arts program is to provide opportunifies to expand the individual creativity of youth through many different mediums of art and divert youth from becoming involved in the wrong groups or committing crimes. Staff and volunteers will be on hand to assist all youth in various subjects. All activities wiil take p2aoe at the Jimmy Lee Recreation Center. The hours of operntion are Monday through Friday beginaing at 2 p.m. through 8 p.m. Youth participating in the Jimmy Lee sports will be tatgeted to participate in the tutoring program as well as other youth who use the building. , ProjecY 3us�cation There are often not enough activities for youtfi to be invoived in and they soon start hanging out with the wrong crowd. At 7immy Lee, we work to provide sports, academic and artistic programs for youth to be involved in. The arts and cra$s program will be used in an avenue for youth to release this frustration. Youth wiil explore art by using many different types of inedium while expressing their individual creativiTy. Fieldtrips will be used as incentives to paracipating in the tutoring and art programs. Jimmy Lee is lrnown for their sports program we want to connect the youth who come in for sports pro,gr�mming into academic and art progcams. Youth who receive scholarships from us that allow tliem to play sports will be required to be actively involved with the academic and art pmgruus. Outcomes: To provide a variety of programming for youth to become involved in and to interact with adults who will redirect iheir energy into positiva ouflets. Specific Activifies to Fuifill Goals: Provide tutoring by utilizing staff, college students, volunteers, educational computer so$ware, and books. DeveIop individual creativity through expression of art. Build teamwork and social sldils of youth through various field trips and activities. Partner Contributions: Providing space, staff and volunteers. Anricipated number of participants: 100 youth m w _ d � � � � w Q � � ' � A V/ � � � � � � � � N �� = � L m � 9 � •� � �� 1..� � � ' V+ 0 � o � � m � � - � _- �, o � . _.a: : � = mr o `� p"=- 2 �._ :- m._ _.,.. a- � d m. : - m � -�.;: ` � . � LL - � O'� =: � p� II _, m�_',`_� C �+ "_al--- 'N N _. « O . 3 O � .'� � v � . _ . (� � � � ma. _:. aw,_.: . � F°- _;z u _' �. .. --> @ '-. . - a_R, � - .Wr" ¢ _�.`�N::� '6 ; � X � m F_ � _� CLL. -, .0 m . ~ c o O �,. Ci r x ".� : N O O ,::�o. C� d3 � C: - - ��fi N �6 M : O - a n . 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N m.-"; t`, � = U �>•y Q ^';' o, . � -.. � � : : y'- ��-�. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -�+ � o� �' n c�'� rn M � N � O o "y � fA v) V) EH fA V3 V3 d' �;.-._ m C ff? f9 41 0 t6 �� � � N C� y O o�U "y = ^; , tE � tp (6 = U O 3 � � F Q � � y y � � Q> U '� a � N w T G� j � � .Q'� N f6 C y @ C � � � y '1� rn m .g e ,n � a V m T � 0 � � � y U ¢ E o ,-. m �, > � Y m c '.-.a._ o � �a � - V � N ` " � d O v � � Ol U L � C 'j O y V N� "6 O N � N K3 = Q� C C y � U ii Q� y� U U � m 7 (�V � � U � d� N.� 'd N _ C E X m � _ � y � 'a � �p p C � U _ �� � N '� 9 � � � 4. ��� C fn Y N � O � � W Q � � N �J � � IQ � 3 N y � o' C � V C� U � 0 C L G y .. � d fp N N � N N :°. ¢ �� -°-' E � o . a � � � � � o m c°� �3 � o -o E � -� � L L x, C 6 p O � r N O' C U C W J W m LL lt Q � W � ln �3 -1��12 <+f � M � v `o c� m � m a m w � � e � � � a � � m � � . � a 2 � m N � C __ � � N Q � X W c � y F' � O " 2 N � ' > ' a a d d � a � c m m � o a� h o � U H N j O O F W 9 � � m O � m a � O C L O C '�6 m t N h � U w �� � � � N Q O W o � L � � IJ � +� m C O= J b3-�4Z 0 m C v 0 v d � m a 03-�NZ Attachment C STATE OF MINNESOTA Weed and Seed Site Background Check Policy As a Weed and Seed Site, we agree to meet the following poticy and mandatory guidelines regarding background checks of atl ofi our organization's paidlunpaid staff and contractors: 1. Application Fortn Each applicant for paid and unpaid employmenf will complete and sign comprehensive job application that contains the following: Name, including maiden names Current address and city, county/states lived in during the last 10 yrs. Citizenship, or visa, which allows applicant to work in US Criminal arrests/ convictions for misdemeanors/felonies Driving record, any moving violations? Education Employment record (volunteer wor�nternships, etc.) Account for unemployment over lasf 10 yrs., since leaving school Personal and professional references, including the 2 rnost recent former employers. The appiicatian shali also contain a statement, which the applicant signs that verifies that the applicant understands that falsifying information on the application is gsounds for immed+ate dismissat and/or other action. 2. Release Forms Each applicant for paid and unpaid employment will complete and sign a multi- purpose (criminal history, driving, employment, military records) release as well as a sex offender registry release form. (While aspects of both releases may not be used, many inappropriate applicants are deterred from applying when there is a possibility that the agency could receive information from these sources.) See sample forms attacfied. 3. Personal Interview Each applicant for paid and unpaid employment will be given a comprehensive personal interview intended to probe for more in-depth information that may not be available through other screening methods. 4. Reference Check At least two employment and one personal reference listed by an applicant wil} be contacted by the agency. 5. Contractors Agencies contracting to provide Weed and Seed funded services/activities shall certify to the Weed and ho Seed sife that they comply with this policy and all mandatory guidelines. 03-1��1. Attachment C Supplemental checks shaii aiso be conducted as detailed below: Checks of the state criminal database and the sex offender registry will be conducted on ail paid or unpaid employees who might have any of the following contacts with children, youth or vulnerable adults: One-on-one contact Day-long confact Overnight trips Contact accompanied by little or no supervision by other staff Volunteers/staffi who will transport children/vuinerable aduits shall have a valid drive�s license. Educafion/licensing verification will be completed for all paid/unpaid positions, which specifically require a certain educationai background or license. Mandatory Guidelines Disqualify all potential volunteerslpaid staffi who have committed any crime against a child or vulnerable adult regardless of the age of the conviction. Disqualify ail registered sex ofFenders. Disqualify al4 potential volunteers/paid staff who have committed a violent crime of any level in the last 10 yrs. Results of screening will be held in confidence by the agency and wili not by shared outside the agency wi#hout an independent release from the applicant. Additional Suggestions Any costs associated with background checks artd screening can be passed along to the appiicant. Designate a person(s) in the agency to handie the background checic review process. Develop standard interview and reference check questions. Utilize a team interview process or have multiple staff inferview each applicant personally. Provide designated staff with training on interviewing techniques and reference checking methods. Limit access to the results of background screening to necessary staff only. o3-t�4.Z Attachment C Sample Predatory Offender Registry Release Authorization to Reiease lnfiormation To (Insert Agency Name/address/logo) Current Sociai Security Number Agency Contact Person Authorization expiration date 1 authorize the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to release any information about me that is contained in the Minnesota Predatory Offender Registry, including, but no limited to, any information regarding registration for offenses committed as a juvenile. Date Signature of Prospective Employee Date Witness to Signature o3-t��iZ Martin Luther King Recreafion Center PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT Summit University Weed and Seed Contract Tfris Contract is entered into ttris first day of January 2003, by and between Amhecst H �VIlder FoundaTioa, hereafter referred to as "Wilde�' and the City of Saint Paul, MN, a municipal coiporation, hereafter referred to az ("Provide�'). Whereas, Wilder l�as entered into an agreement with the State of Minnesota ("Ageement'), dated January 1", 2003 to carry out responsffiilities associated with the Sunwvt University Weed and Seed Prograza Whereas, Provider desires to Conuact with Wilder to undertake obligations under the Ageement to proc�de: Safe Haven progcactw�ing, per the attached workplan, Attachment A and Budgei, Attaclunent B. Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Term. "I'he term of this Contract shall be for the period beginning on January 1, 2003 and ending November 30 2003. 2. Services. During the Term of Uils Contract, the Provider agrees to provide a work plan and budget to meet the completion of the following services: Safe Haven Activities as set forth in Atiachment A 3. Payment. In exchange for providing services, Wilder will pay Provider a total ma�imum cost of $5,000.00. An invoice must be submitted for payment to Wilder and to the Weed and Seed Coorciinator no ]ater than the second Monday of every month and must adhere to approved work plan and budget. Payments will be made to Provider within three weeks of approval of Monttily Progiam Report from the Weed and Seed Seeding Commiuee. The Steering committee will review the report at its montlily meeting. Payment may be withheld for noncompliance with reporting. The Provider agrees that Wilder shall have no obligation to pay Provider from any funds other than those received by Wilder piusuaz�t to the Agreement 4. Monthlv Proeram Reports. Provider sliall compiete a Monthly Program Report addressing services. The report shall be submitted to Wilder and to the Weed and Seed Coord'uiator no later than ihe second Monday of every month The Steering crommittee will review the report ai iYs montlily meeting for approval of payment 5. Meetine Attendance. Provider agees to provide a representaUVe to attend montiily Seeding Comuuttee meetings. 6. Documentafion Provider agrees to maimain books, records, documents and other evidence of acfl��ues associated with performance of this Contract. These books, records, documents and other evidence shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspecUon and review by Wilder personnel. 7. Compliance with Laws. Provider agees to comply with all federal, state, county and local laws, regulations, ordinances, rules and certifications as pertanung to services provided under this Conirac[ Any failure to comply with these requirements shall constihrte cause for cancellation of this Contract by Wilder. 8. Indeuendent Provider Status Ii is agreed that nothing contained in this Coniract is intended or should be construed as creating the relationship of co-partners, joint ventures, or an association with Wilder and Provider. Provider is an independent coniract and neither it, its employees, agents nor representarives shall be considered employees, agents or representatives of Wilder. Except as othenvise provided herein, Provider stiall ataintain in all respects its present conirol over the means and personnel by which the ConVact is performed. 9. Hold Harmless and Tndemnification. Provider agrees to defend, hold harn�less and indenuiify Wilder, its directors, officers, employees and agents from any and all liabIlities, losses, dazc�ages they may suffer as a result of any claims, demands, jud�nents or costs, including attomeys' fees, arising out of or related to Provider's performance of this Contract 10. Backeround Checks. Provider agcees to comply with the State of Minnesota Weed and Seed background Check Policy, Attachment B. Documentation of completed background checks must be made available upon request. Funds from iltis contract may be utilized to pay for backgound checks on any Safe Havens personnel. 11. Confidentialirv. a) The parties acknowledge ttiat certain confidential information may be transmitted or dixlosed by the paities to each other in connection with their perforroance under this Contrac[ For purposes of this Contract, "confidenfial infomiation" includes financial inforntaflon, paflent records and accounts, trade SiJWS -MI,K 2003 o3-��z secreu, and all other information designated by the Weed and Seed prograiq Wilder or the Provider (and communicated to other parties) as confidential. Generic Imowledge or information publicly known thai is generally employed by the trade shall not be deemed part of the confidential informarion. b) The parties st�all not, at any time, directly or indirectly, use, copy, reveal, report, memorialize, publish, duplicaTe or otherwise disclose to any third party in any way whatscever any confidential informarion without written consent of the other pariy, wlrich consent shall be exercised in the sole discrerion of such party. The parties shall receive, maintain and sue the confidential information in the strictest of confidence and use best efforts to keep the confidenfiai infonnation strictly confideatial and to prese:ve disclosure thereof. 12. Insurance. Provider sliall self insure or purchase and maintain such ina,rance as will protect WIlder from cl aimc, wluch may arise out of, or result from the Provider's operations under tivs Contract. 13. Assi�unent The rights, interests and obiigations of the Provider under the provisions of the Contract shall not be assignable without the prior written consent of Wilder. 14. Amendments or Chan�es to A�eement Wilder or the Provider may request ct�anges tliat would increase, decrease, or othenvise modify the Scope of Services. Such clianges and method of compensafion must be authorized in writing in advance by Wilder and the Provider. Budget adjustments do not require a contract amendment unless changing the entire amount of the contract or unless they substantially alter the scope of services to be provided. 15. No waiver. Failure of either party to enforce any term or provision shall not be consVued as a waiver of such term or provision or the right to enforce such term or provision. 16. Enfire Contract This Contiact constitutes the entire undecstanding and agreemenu between Wilder and the Provider and supersedes all o�al ageements and negotiations relating to this subject matter. 17. Cancellation. Provider or Wilder may terminate this Contract upon tcventy- (20) days written notice to the other party. This Contract sttall temiinate immediately and without nofice in the event the Ageement is canceled. 18. Sunulant. T'he Grantee assurES that Federal funds made available under this formula gant will not be used to supplant state or local funds but will be used to increase ihe amounts of such funds Uiat would in the absence of Federal funds, be made available for activities. IN WI'I'NESS WHEROF, the par:ies hereto have executed this agreement, the day and the year first written above. City of St. Paul Tom Kingston, Execu6ve Director Date Atnhers[ H. Wilder Foundation 919 Iafond Avenue, S[ Paul. MI� 55104 Address Mayor Date Director of Financial Secvices Date Director of Pazks and Recreation Date Approved as to form: Assistant City Attomey Date SUWS - MLK 2003 2 o3-t��ti � U � V � �'i � -/-� 3 a � a.� O U. � V �.�+ y � z rl Q '�,�. ~ CC N R .�Q O � � d G U � � aa d a d ' d �;,� � A a �x ' i+ �es p � a� � H � C". � �=. x, � � 9 d d ' � d Q� d C ^ O � l� c H Y .$'n Q) L � � � � J 0 N �l Q N !n � h H w � '3 � '$ x. 0 � G � m � N � � � � � � v O ., fl. � L N � � U 4 � x. -a w -o a> � •� vi � � T O � � o F 'y m a� F� O a. �, � � Q� Q � � S � � � 0 � � / � 1 � V -� � 0 P� C � 0 O O � ss V m � `� � � y iy � w � � Y Qj .� � a � N � � �L � w ¢ 3 � ❑ H orn r�,w !. , � � N � � � a� H � � � I� � I � ° s.' � U 7 � U � N i �„ O �H y ¢ Li a °q - C � � 3 .� � � p R O � � � � � O i' � � � r�-1 � w � � � V N O c� �-+ N � � � �4 =�� c7 rn' o�n > � a � U � �3. � � 0 � �Y IS'1 � U � m � 3 im a�i � H Y Q � m � � U e�d u y Q N � U � n F 0 0 o �n " r. 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W� J W � tL !L Q � ILI � Cn P U h � O @ m m � ' U O O CJ 0 c� � a 03-t�yZ a d � c . � 0 2 N m N � C N � 7 N �' > � N � O N r � 0 _ y d .� U Q a d N � C N � N O U m O H � 7 N .� � Q � d N C J V 0 9 0 'O m Y J � M 0 0 � � � d m v � � y 7 W 'm c m E � 0 � � M � T W � C � 0 h a c N N C N � � U O � U M O m � > R' v `o P d m N a �3 Attachment C STATE OF MINNESOTA Weed and Sesd Site Background Check Policy As a Weed and Seed Site, we agres to meet the foliowing policy and mandatory guidelines regarding background checks of all of our organization's paid/unpaid statf and confractors: 1. Application Form Each applicant for paid and unpaid employment will complete and sign comprehensive job application that contains the following: Name, including maiden names Current address and city, county/states lived in during the last 10 yrs. Citizenship, or visa, which allows applicant to work in US Criminal arrests/ convictions for misdemeanors/felonies Driving record, any moving violations? Education Employment record (volunteer wor�nternships, etc.} Account for unemployment over last 10 yrs., since leaving school Personal and professional references, including the 2 most recent former employers. The appfication shall also contain a statement, which the applicant signs that verifies that the appiicant understands that faisifying information on the appiication is grounds for immediate dismissal and/or other action. 2. Release Forms Each applicant for paid and unpaid employment will complete and sign a muiti- purpose (criminal history, driving, employment, military records) release as weil as a sex offender registry release form. (While aspects of both releases may not be used, many inappropriate appiicants are deterred from applying when there is a possibilifij that the agency could receive information from these sources.) See sampie forms attached. 3. Personal Interview Each appiicant for paid and unpaid ernployment will be given a comprehensive personal interview intended to probe for more in-depth information that may not be available through other screening methods. 4. Reference Check At least two employment and one personal refierence listed by an applicant wii! be contacted by the agency. 5. Contractors Agencies contracfing to provide Weed and Seed funded services/activities shall certify to the Weed and ho Seed site that they comply with this policy and ail mandatory guidelines. b3 Attachment C Suppiemental checks shall also be conducted as detailed below: Checks of the state criminal database and the sex ofFender registry wiil be conducted on all _ paid or unpaid empioyees who might have any of the following contacts with chiidren, youth or vulnerable adults: One-on-one contact Day-long contact Overnight trips Contact accompanied by liitle or no supervision by other staff Volunteerslstaff who will transport children/vulnerable adults shall have a valid driver's (icense. Education/licensing verification will be completed for all paid/unpaid positions, which specifically require a certain educational background or ficense. Mandatory Guidetines Disqualify all potential volunteers/paid staff who have committed any crime against a chiid or vulnerabie adult regardless of the age of the conviction. Qisqualify all registered sex offenders. Disqualify all potential volunteers/paid staff who have committed a violent crime of any level in the Jast 10 yrs. Results of screening will be held in confidence by the agency and will not by shared outside the agency without an independent release from the appiicant. Additionai Suggestions Any costs associated with background checks and screening can be passed along to the applicant. • Designate a person(s) in the agency to handle the background check review process. Develop standard interview and reference check questions. Utiiize a team interview process or have muitiple staff interview each appiicant personaliy. Provide designated statfi with training on interviewing techniques and reference checking methods. Limit access to the results of background screening to necessary staff only. 03- ��Z At#achment C Sample Predatory Offender Regis#ry Release Authorization to Release information To (Insert Agency Name/address/logo) Name Current Address Social Security Number Agency Contact Person Authorization expiration date I authorize the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to release any information about me that is contained in the Minnesota Predatory Offender Registry, including, but no limited to, any information regarding registration for offenses committed as a juvenile. Date Signature of Prospective Employee Date Witness to Signature o3-�KZ Aitachment C Sample Multi-Purpose Release Authorization To Release Information To (Insert Agency Name/address/logo) Current Address Social Security Number Agency Contact Authorization expiration 1, the undersigned, authorized and consent to any person, firm, organization or corporation to provide a copy (including photocopy or facsimile copy) of this Authorization to Release Information by the above-stated agency to release and disclose to such agency any and all information or records requested regarding me, including but not necessarily limited to my employment records, volunteer experience, military records, criminal information records, if any, and educational background. I have authorized this information to be released, either in writing or by telephone, in connection with my application for employment or to be a volunteer at the agency. Any person, firm, organization or corporation providing information or records in accordance with this aufhorization is released from any and aii claims or liabili#y for compliance. Such information will be held in confidence in accordance with agency guidelines. This aufhorization expires on the date stated above. (Signature of Prospective EmpioyeeNolunteer) Date �tness to Signature 4