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Tbeaadere�aedhe�eby proposeethemsl�tngoithefolloatngpubliatmprovement b�the City oi 8sint Psul,vis.:
� reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Maria Ave. from Wilshire Place to McLean
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i Ave. and by doiag all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said
i iauprovement;,.���
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' Dated thie..3.ra:....»»day o[.»......... February 0
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� M�
, _.... ..... .� ......?.�a�-
, Connoilmsn.
ws�, A..�ttr� p��i��e�of r,�ron��imp�ment,�.:
reconstruct the eidevalk oa both sides of Maria Ave. from Wilshire Place to McLean �
..»......_..... ............. ......................................___......................»........................... ................. »..».».. �
Ave. and b doia all other w�ork which is necessar aad incideataT to complete said
.............................�............�............................._____ ................... . ....�'...................._................_................................
improvement. � _
h�►�been preeented to the Couno�l of the City of 8aint Paul...»...........................__......_............. ... ,.....
t�e�e�ore� be it
RI�80LVED, Thst the Commieeioner of Publia Worke be and ie hereby o;dered and direoted:
1. To investigste the aeoeeetty ior, or deairsbility of,,the ma�dng of esfd impsovement.
� 2. To inveetigsts the ne►ture,extent and estimated coet of asid impmvement, and the totsl�et thereof.
8. Ta lurnieh a plsa, pro8le or elcetch oi eaid improvemen�
/ 4. To stste whether or no8 esid improv�ement ie aeked for oa$he petition of t6ree or more owner�.
b. To repori apon ail ot t�he foregoin�mstters to t,be Commieidoner of Finanve.
Adopted by the Couna'1..._........ ......................F.�$..3�......1.�1Q.._.
Y� ��� :: ����
Councilman .�'--.�-��--
Del g l ish APPtoved.......... .........».._...._........................
Tedesce • �---•
Mr. Preaident $y�rre Msyor.
,�, �.� PUBLIS� � FEB 7 �9�0
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