247300 Oriainsl to City Clerk • � ORDINANCE �: �4`7��p COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO � An ordin�.nc� amending �cdinance l�o. 13679, �.s ameneled, providin� f or the adoption and amend- ment of a capital improvemen� budget for th� City of S�,int Paul ursuant to Laws of Minnesota for 1g67, Ch�pter �60, and Laws of Minnesota for 196g, Chapter 1103. THE COIJNCIL .�F T�iE CITY OF SAIN� PAUL DOEa �RDAIN: Seetion l. Th�t Ordinance No. 13679, as amcnded, is hereby further amended to read a.s follow�s �eE�ion �. "S�.id annu�.l capital ir�prov�m�n� budget f'or th� Cit9 of Saint Paul shall be ad.opted by reaolution of th� Council. The Council may b�r resolution adopt �.n am�r�ded capital impr�ovement budget. " Section 3. 'rThe annraa.l capital improvement budg�t �hall include propos�d appropriations f'or all pro��ets having an e�timated useful 13.f�: in exce�s of three year� other than thc acquisi- tion of offic�__or mechanica.3. equipment, or minor remod�ling or rep�irs of �xis�ing structures, and including al1 pro�ects which it i� proposed to f und by uae of the proce�ds of gen�ral obli- gation or rev�nue bond.� authoriz�d by Laws of �iinne�ot�. for 1967, Regul�.r Session Ch�,pter �+60, and Law� of Minn�sota f'or 1g69, Chapter 1103. " uection 2. This ordinance sha,ll t�,ke effec� and be in force thirty (30) da�� from �..nd after its passage, approval, � ar�d public�.tion. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council FEB 18 1910 Carlson Dalgliah In Favor � � Meredith � � A gainst Peterson,� Tedesco Mr. resident y F�B 1 S 1970 Approved: _ tte�. Ci Clerk �[.�.Q/ Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counael By PUBLISHED FEB 21197� Ist. _�;-7� _ • 2nd �' Laid over to 3rd and app�—Adopted � �� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carison �Carlson Dalglish 2,L�~�4�U ! Delglish Meredith �Tvleredith Peterson � �Peterson Sprafka ��Sprafka � Tedesco Tedesco � Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O