247298 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2��;�9� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OF IC OF THE CITY LERK COUN IL RE OL 10 -G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF EAS, Upon �he pet3.t3on of �he Housin� and Redevelopment Au�hori�y of the City of Saint Paul, the City Council vaca��d certa3.n stree�� by its Council Re�olution G.F. 2�2283, approved February 21, 196g, which vaca�ion resolution retained a temporary ea��men� to proteet exis�ing water mains within portions of Ohio S�r�et and West Fairfield Avenue. Said ea�em�nt to be retained until such tir�� as a replac�ment main or a new ��relve inch �nain �.s built and in �ervice, and, WHEREAS, the �ater Dep�,r�men� inf'orms the City that the r�placement main has been built and i� in service �,nd reeommend� that the Ci�y Council pronounce its intent �ha� �he said temporary ea�em�nt no lon�er be retained. Now, therefore, be it RESOL�TED, By the Council of the Ci�y of Saint Paul that the temporary easement reta3ned by the City pursuant to Couneil Re�o- lut3.on C.F. 2�2283, approved February 21, 196g, as referred to above, is hereby pronounced as no longer n�eded and declar�s the City Counc3.l intent to relinqu3sh all r3.ghts �hat might have been retained for the ��.id temporary water main easemer�t in the por�ions of Ohio Street and West Fai�field Avenu� as eontained in Condition No. 3 of said C.F. 2��283. ��� APp _Rp� �` � �-h _ � �.. �E B 3 1��'@ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��'� 3 197� � Dalglish pproved 19— Meredith �ln Favor Peterson � �. J Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISNED FEB 7 �970 O