247266 � � ;���1���� OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. ` FFICE OF T E CITY CLERK U I -GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE ' ' pArF January 28, 1970 WHEREAS, Council F�le No. 233399, adopted. and. ap�proved May 9, 1967, granted. a Special Use Permit to Skelly Oil Co, to construct a gasoline filling station on property located on the east sid.e of White Bear Avenue between Interstate 94 and. Burns Avenue, more particularly d.escribed in said C. F. No. 233399, in accordance with plans dated. March 7, 1967; and. WHEREAS, the Council has from time to time granted. extensions of time to Skelly Oil Co, under said permit ; and. WHEREAS, Skelly Oil Co, cannot initiate construction of said structure by the expiration date of the last such extension, C. F. No. 246148, ad.opted. October 31, 1969; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the life of this permit be extend.ed for an add.itional s i.x months. ,�alv 3 0 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �AN � � �g�� Dalglish Approved 19�_ Meredith J_In Favor Peterson ' Mayor � � � A gainst PUBLISHED FEB 7 ��O Mr. President, Byrne O � � ; :- � ITY 4F � SAI �1T P�4U � ��� ��; � � � ., v � ���, � � , . � �r,� , �� . �� � �� � „ .�, c�p�ta� � t����,���+� � �� �. � �� � '� '.' .�. � �` �=-�---,}- � 1 �:����' . .�- _, e , „� �..e v , . _ � F ��� - �� , ,4 m .,. , . ,� _ ,:. � � � � . x t �r� ,� .�. . �� ,�Y -� , � �; '� : . ...� _���� � `"` � A„� �.= d ,.;` �,�'.°�' _�,.��. .��. �,�; ��� '� BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Ci+y Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 January 29, 1970 Honorable Thomas R. Byrne and Members of the City Council Re: Skelly Oil Co. Property S. E. Corner White Bear Gentlemen: Avenue and. I-94 I am ad.dressing this letter to the Mayor and City Council in accordance with a letter of request from the Skelly Oil Company asking that their Special Use Permit for the above named oil station be extend,ed for an ad.d.itional period. of six months. The Council has previously granted several requests from the Skelly Oil Company for continuation of this special use permit inasmuch as the highway d.evelopment in that particular area has prevented. them from beginning construction. In accord.ance with Paragraph 60. 05-f of the Legislative Code, the Council may at their discretion e�end. the special use permit for a filling station for period.s not to exceed. six months. It is the recommendation of the Bureau of Public Buildings that this permit be extend,ed in view of the highway construction circumstances. � e tr y ur bert L. Ames City Architect RLA/mfs cc: Mr. W. J. Wells, Skelly Oil Co. , 1717 University Ave. , 55104 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER �j[�g+�a���� . CIT1( OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO. ���� s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMM SS�IONEQ �Lcf°r �. T£C�eSCO DATF January 2$, 1970 WHEREA�, �Co�u.ncil .�il� No. 233399, adopted anci approved 1�ay g, 19�7, granted a apecial �:fse :�•errr�.it ta �keily C)il �c. to canstruet a gasoline filling s�a��ion dn �raperty loc�.tes� an the east sid� of �Vhite Bear Avenue betvveen Interst�.te �4 and Z�urns .E9.venue� mare �aarticularly described in said C. F. P1a. 2333g9, in �ccoxd�.nce with plans dated R�arch ?, 1967; anc� W�iEREA a, the �ounciZ has f'rom tirne fia tixne grantEd extensians of time to �kelly C7i1 Ca, under said perrni.t ; a�d i�-IE�E�,..r� �kelly Oil Gcs. �annat initi�:te const�uction of s�ic7 stru�ture by th� expira�iorc� date of the Tast such extensien, C. F. No. " , 24b1��, adopted C3cto�er 3t, 1969; novv, therefoie, �e it RE�C.�Y.,�I�Li, that the lif� of this �ermi.t be extended f�r an additicnal s ix monti�s. �b"`g°k .. 4 �;;'J��w1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �,' � Dalglish �-�-- Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson ��� �� Mayor T�� A gainst Mr. President, Byrne S5