247265 . _ ��,���� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCI UTION— N RAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F s P@te!'$OA COMMISSIONE ATF iiHBR$AS, Additfons �rhic� ■ight prove to be necessary in tbe Imprave�ent described as Widening and Resnrfacing uf �D6CU�B ROAD fros M�nster Aven�e tc► Ha�pshire Avernie, Comptroller's Contract L-7�75, Citq Froject l�o. 68-F-339, Ashbaeh Constr�ction Coapanq, Contractor, heve been provided for in the Specificatioas, and WHERE�S, It has been fonnd necessary to make the fcllowiAg Additions: ADDITIO�iS As per attached Contract Change l�greeaent No. 1 $4,447.91 L���� TOTE►L AdLT ADDITIO�T = $4,447.91 � ( t and WEiEREAS, The total addition is $�,447.91, and the Co�aisBioner af Fablic Works has s�reed vith the Contractor t�hat the a�nnt of $k,4�i7.91 is the correct saw tc� be added tc� said co�tract, the�efore be it R�S�LVBD, Tt�et the City u€ St. Pat�l through its Citq Cogncil approves the foregoiag additions ■ade in acccrdance with the Specifications in t�e sua of $4,447.91, said a�ant to be added to tl�e l��p stu� coc►sideration nssed in the co�tract, known as Co�ptroller's Contract L-7075, and �hich a�c�nat is to be fiAaaced by 1968 IKaaicipal Stste Aid $uspeASe Fund. J AN 3 a 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �A� � � ���Q Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith `��y� Favor Peterson � � , 1 Mayor �pra€kt3- ll A gainst �?e�e�b� Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED FEB 71970 O _. , CITY OF SAINT PAL'L - DEPARTN.ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ���� � • �J CONTRACT CHP,NGE AGRE��IENT N0. 1 . ' PROJECT N0. 68-P-339 CONTRACT N0. L-70?,� CONTRACTOR Asbbach Const. Co. PitOJECT DFSCRIPTION WideninA & Resurfacintx EDGCUMB� ROAD from Munster Ave. to Hr�pshire Ave. ' In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and pricea for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable coata of those items for additions to,or deductiona from,the contract. . ADDITIONS 1 K-L-M Ca�ting Set and 1 A-B CastiAg Set used oa reconstruct�d aanlw l�a $104.00 Plua 20z = 20.80 $ 124.80 Con�truct 380 lin. f t. of subaurfaca drein nortb of Howell St. as racommandad by the D�aiga Division tletter dated 6/24/69) , � 380 lin. ft. @ $7.00 = 2.660.00 Conatract Sida Inlats and Side Inlat Holes . • S eacb � @ 15.00 = $ 75.00 5 each @ 50.00 = 250.00 325.00 Remove conczete velk and conatruct new concrete walk 30 sq. yd. A 0.50 = � 15.00 266 sq. �t. t� 0.80 � 212.80 227.80 Class IV granular backfill to replace unsuitebl� �atori4l �xc�vatod from catcb basia tr�nchea 98 ton @ 3.50 • 343.00 R�sat curb forms to correcCed grada betvaen Munster Ave. and Field Avs. Foreman 4� hour� @ 4.85 = 21.83 Labor 22� bdura @ 4.50 � 101.25 123.08 ' P lus 40z a ' ' 49.23 � 172.31 Replacing unsuitabla meterial with crushed Dolomit� �in subgrada ad�acant to �ub�urface drain �yatem on �ast side� Sta. 30 to Ste. 32. 119 tona � 5.00 = 595.00 TOT�I. ADDITIONS $4,447.91 Tbia �ddieional amonnt to b� linanced from 1968 Municipal Stato Aid Suaponae Fand. , / � . / ,/. � . �", � `. 4.. ,' =�i, -:% /:�-�-.� �9�1 Ashbacb Conetruction Co. 19 (C�n�'t�N ia� Enginee ' Contractor , ���- �-!������,� , G�l� �„�:'�,:� _ r 9� aY � -' 9� En inee-% �, > ,� �- J /, � �'['��'✓`��� —�� 1 727 r � .�I /i�� 19 �' �,�.. ,�.� 9 - �_____� Corcmissioner �e�� �� Co ptroll�' ��.� �` 6�-���-7���L.��-•z_'`` Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) ��uadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Construction Engineer j _. . � � . CITY OF SAINT PAi;L - DEPARTI✓•ENT OF P'UBLIC WORKS ���+� ,,�a 0 �U� . CONTRACT CHANGE AGRF.��NT N . 1 PRG��Ci h0. 68-P-339 CONTRACT N0. L•7075 CONTRACTOR Ashbech Const. Co. PROJECT DFSCRIPTION WideninA & ttesurfacin� EDGCUMBE ROAD from 1?unst�r Ave. to Hampahire Ave. � In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices - -- __for items 1'isted in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of thoae items for additions to,or deductiona from,the contract. ADDITIONS 1 K-L-M Ca�ting Set �nd 1 A-B Casting Set used on reconetructtd manbolea . $104.00 Plua 20� = 20..80 $ 124.80 Construct 380 lin. f t. of subeurface drain north of xowell St. sa racoa�nended by the D�aign Divi�ion (latter dated 6/24/b9), , 380 lin. ft. @ $7.00 = 2�660.00 Coactsvct Sid� In14ts and Side Inlot Holes 5 eacb @ 15.00 = $ 75.00 , 5 each @ 50.00 � 250.00 • 325.00 Remove concrato walk and conatruct new concrete walk 30 sq. yd. A 0.50 = 15.00 266 sq. �t. � (� 0.80 = 212,.80 227.80 Clasc IV granular backfill to repleca un�uitnble matarial �xcavated ' from catch basin tranche� 98 ton @ 3.50 � 343.00 R��at curb form� W corr�ected grada betwsen Munetsr Ave. and Field Av.. Foreman 4'g bours @ 4.85 = 21.83 Labor 22� houra @ 4.50 a 101.25 ' � 123.08 P lus 40x = ' 49.23 � 172.31 Replacing unauitable msterial with cruehed Dolomit� in subgrade ad�acent to subaurface drain cyctem on easC side, Sta. 30 to Sta. 32. 119 ton� @ 5.00 � 595.00 TOTAL ADDTTIUNS $4,447.91 This additional amount to b� financed from 1968 Municipal .StBie Aid Suapane. Fund. r'/�= ) ;/�.i; ��� ..--�i` >,, }� `l 19` Ashbacb Constructlon Co. lg /..- - • Con�tru tio En inee � � � Contractor l � . � � � �'���1�� �� :��� � -r �/ . -� �„r,,��� ,. 19�. By � 1 t,� ,t�,_,� 4�i9� �-Y�� . �e. �n inee ,���� � -' , � ' /—�� 1972� � - � �/ i� 19 �� Co�missioner �e� , Co ptroll ��`�'� �,��.���.�-�.�. Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Co�ptroller To Construction Ehgineer ���t���� DUPLfCATE TO PRINTER C��( OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL AIO• d�''d FILE �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 8O DAT COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, Additions s�hicte might prove to be necessary in the Improvea�ent described as Widening and Resurfacing of EDGCUMBE ROAD from Munster Avenue to Han►pshire nstruction�Co panyrtC ntrector,Lhav�SbeentProv�dedtfor•in8the339, Ashbach Co Specifications. and WHER�t�S, It has beea found necessary to make the foZlowin� Additions: AUD IT IONS As per attached Contract Change Agreement No. 1 $ 4,447.91 TOTAL NET ADDITI4N = $�+,�+�+7•91 and �IAEREAS, The toCal addin��getor$thet7the�aenounthofC$��+47i91eis�theucorrect Caorks has agreed with the Co sum to be added to said contract, therefore b� it RESOLVED, That th� City of St. P�ul thraugh its City Council apgroves the foregoing additions made in accordance wiCh the Specifications in the sum of $4,447.91, said amount to be added to tC� Lu�p075umandnwhich8temountaisdtanbeh� contract, known as Comptroller's Contra • financed by 1968 Nfunicipal State Aid Suspense Fund. :+ �.� �� �� ���9� .�' �'!':"�'' Adopted by the Council 19— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � c: ,�, Carlson � �� � , �____ ApprovecL�� �� 19_ Dalgliah Meredith �sn Favor Peterson °� Mayor CC� SP�u _Against �� Mr. President, Byrne O