D001191� Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (Original) - Finance DepPs Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDE BUDGET REVISION No_ �(� i ( � I Date: ` - ( ' � � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director Technology and Mangement Services to amend the 1996 budget of the General fund, the Director of the Technology and Management Services Department is authorized to amend said budget in the foilowing manner. DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: LEDGER, FUND, ACTIVITY, OBJECT, PROJECT TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES GL 001-01121-0111 Full Time Permanent � 001-01121-0218 Attorney Fees CURRENT BUDGET 240,293 52,400 299,639 592,332 Director APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET (14,900) 225,393 14,900 67,300 299,639 0 592,332 u t��ilal DEPAFiTMENT7JFFlCFICOUNqL DATE INITIATED O Dept, of Technology & Support Serv. 3/5/97 GREEN SHE �- 32743 ° fA}7TqCf PEASON & PNONE � � DEPARfMEM DIHE O C!N COUNdL INITIAL/DATE Holly Hansen �_"-'� ����'N O CRYATfOFNEY � CITY CLEfiK MllMBER FOR MUST BE ON CpUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) J_ �/� pWn� � BUDCaET DIXECTO O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. i L - OADER O MpvOR (OR ASSIStANT) O TOTAL # OE SIGNATURE PAtiES - (CUP ALl LQCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ., ACTpN RC-0UES7ED: Approve a iransfer of $14,900 from GL 001-01121-0111 in the 1996 budget to GL 001-01121-0218 to enable the completion of projects begun in 1996. flECOMMENDA710NS: Apprwe (A) or Rejac[ (fi) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNiI SEqViCE CAMMISSION �- Has this pelSONfiRn EVer wofkBd untl8f a COnhaCt for thIS deP2rhn0nt? - YES NO _ CIB COMMmEE — p, Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? — �� — YES NO _ oiS7A�Ci cOUR7 _ 3. Does this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed � by any curteM ciry employee. SUPPORTS Wri1GN COUNCIL OBJECTiVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separote sheet antl attaeh to green sheet � INI'f1ATiNG PPOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPh1RTUNiTY (Who, What, When, Whera, Why): The Office of Cable Communications (OCC) realizecl a savings of $14,900 in 1996 saiaries because it delayed hiring a , permane� employee for a vacant Videa Production Teclmicianposition. The OCC would like to use these funds to defray , anticipated extraordinary costs that it expects to incur due to a perfoimuice review of the Institutional Network and the results of that review, which indicate that further use of legal and engineering consultants will be necessary. � ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: °" , _ The OCC will have adequate funding to address the legal and technical issues that are arising out of the I-Net performance review and will not have to use funds that were intended for other franchise renewal projects. DISAOVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None RECEIVED APR 1 1997 CtTY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: There may be less funding available far other cable renewal projects. AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 14 9OO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIqCLE ONE) ES NO FUNDIidG SOUHCE GL OOI ACTIVITY NlSM6ER 01121 FINANCIAL INFOflMATION: (EXPLAIN) j �� �o�aig� From: Hoily Hansen To: Admin.MAYBUD.kline • Dnte: 3/7/9712:07pm Subject� 1996/1997 Budget Administrntive Order request Ron - Here's a rough brenkdown of renewnl costs I'm projecting for 1997 and why the addtional $14,900 could help. If the $14,900 ends up not being incorporated into the 1997 cnble budget, I might need to go to Council for additionnl spending authority (pnrticufnrly if the transfer fram US West to ???? gets messy). Technicnl audits of I-Net nnd Subscriber Net -$20 -$35K Needs Assessment - Inet $15K Community Needs Assessment - $15K Community Survey - $12K Frnnchise Compliunce Review $15- 20 K Legal consulting, ordinance prep. etc. $50 - 80 K Gross Revenue Audit - $12 - $15 K Totals : $147 - $178 K plus: • Trnnsfer from US West to ?? $30 - 40K Grand Totnl: $177 - $218K Please cnll/write with questions. Thanks for your consideration. / � �� � � ���� � ' GZ�.s.�C�l � - Holly � .l � y� � u�� w�r �� fi�M 1�w� � �� 96 �► �, J � ���,u � �" �� ���11�. �+v►�K J��il� . � ,' �Ylr� ,/![ !�/ �Il�i�► �IA► ��y jr ��,1l0. ��1� �;� l . � ./� ���1/J111 +�A w �/,�► �' �, t� ��� � / �l�IJ �N M9 IN1?�h� �I �1 � a► lr�i Mw, � ,/�ib ' '� � JIr ,/N ��h�oliM . , �'�'ro�,�,� � / wwt� ��`�;�`