247249 � ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK ��. j���h��� A� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� f r��: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCI LUTION— N RAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE � � DATF ;Id'� I' ��.M1�' In the matter of constructing a public storm sewer in ALBANY AVENUE from Sneiling Avenue to Arona Street; ARONA STREET from Albany Avenue to Midway Parkway; ALMOND AVENUE from Arona Street to 300 feet east of Albert St'reet; PASCAL STREET from Albany Avenue to Almond Avenue; MIDWAY PARKWAY from Asbury Sfreet to Paszal Street; ASBURY STREET from Midway Parkway to 450 feet north; all to be known as the ALBANY-ARONA RELtEF SYSTEM, (S-1239). RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as submitted by the Commissioner of Pubiic Works, under Preliminary Order No. 2�3952, approved May 16, 1�9, and Final Order No. 245439, approved September 2, 196g, are hereby approved and be it further RESOLVE�, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. JAN 2 9 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays ��� 2 � 1970 CarLson �- Dalglish Approver� 19—_ Meredith �n Favor ����� � e�tersofl S� U Mayor A gainst q��� �e�esee- n��._�..�.�:��,;;: ]�(s,y�ss Presidesst (Yetersoa)� RUBtISHED JAN 31197a 0 :���r �•�'�c�� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CI I I OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robe r t F. Pe ts rson DAT COMMISSIONE in the matter of constructing a public storrn sewer in ALBANY AVENUE f rom Sne) 1 i ny Avenu� �o Aror+a 5tr•eet; �lF'�GtJA STREET f rom Albany Avenu� to Midway Parkwsy; A�MOlVD AVENUE from Arona Street to 300 feet east of Albert Street; PASCAL STREET from Albany Avenue to Almond Ave�ue; MIDWAY PARKWAY fram Asbury Street to P�scal Street; ASBURY STREET from Mtdway Parkway to 450 feet north; all to be known as the ALBANY-ARONA RELiEF SYSTEM, (5-1239� . RESOLVEO, TMat the plans and specifications for ths above named ;mprov�ment, as submitted by the Commissior�er of Publie Works, under Preliminary Order No. 243952� approved May 16, 1969, and Fina1 Order No. 2�+5�+:3`3, approved September 2, 1969, are hereby approved and be it further RESOLVED, That the PurcMastng Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this imprcavem�nt. �� L � r� s� V /� � �- fi � . �qp (e�'. ;;'� a a:4 r?; ..,,l�y'�i�k �`^ � .- ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas NaYs Carlson ; Approved 19-- Dalglish ��_ , Meredith ` _In Favor Fe�erse� �� Mayor Spra�k� f Against co �esiden't;"'Byr�'e '.''°� " �'' ._, ��r,� irbr.. ', .. , d�, .. �. ,.. �. 0