03-634Council File # ��3�
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Green Sheet #
Committee Date
WIIEREAS, Nancy Anderson began her career with the City of Saint Paul on June 14, 1965 as a Clerk-Typist I
withthe Board ofEducafion, Independent School District #625, and was promotedto a Clerk-Typist II onNovember
26, 1968; and
4 WIIEREAS, Nancy Anderson transferred from the Board of Education to the Saint Paul City Council Offices on
5 September 20, 1971. Nancy was promoted four times and ultimately became the CounciPs Office Manager in
6 August, 1988; and
7 WHEREAS,NancyAndersonhasfu1fi11edherresponsibilitiesfortheCityCouncilwiththeutmostprofessionalism
8 and competence. Not only has Nancy served a total of 47 Saint Paul City councilmembers since 1971, but has also
9 served under the direction of three Council Research directors and its fiscal policy director, warking closely with
10 its team of policy analysts and managing its support staff, and has most graciously and professionally managed and
11 responded to a plethora of requests for clerical support services to seven City Council offices; and
12 WHEREAS, Nancy Anderson has served as a point person for the Mayor's Office and all City departments in the
13 day-to-day business of preparing council agendas and packets and handling administrative matters; and
14 WHEREAS, in addition, Nancy Anderson has served the City Council in putting together countless receptions on
15 the council's behalf, earning her credentials as "Hostess Extraordinaire," not to mention the illustrious title of
16 "Stress Queen"; and
17 WHEREAS, all those who have depended on Nancy Anderson could rely not only on her friendly demeanor, but
18 also on receiving the highest quality service and results; now therefore be it
19 RESOLVED, that Nancy Anderson is officially retiring from City service on Friday, June 27, 2003, even though
20 we've begged her not to; and be it fixrther
21 RESOLVED, that Nancy and Ray Anderson have produced and groomed an heir appazent, Jason Auderson, as
22 a premier Saint Paul Civil Servant, currently acting as an Assistant to Mayor Randy Kelly; and be it further
23 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council and its staff extend our heartfelt gratitude to Nancy Anderson for
24 her outstanding perforxnance and service; and be it further
1 03-(03�
2 RESOLVED, that we extend our congratulations and best wishes to Nancy Anderson as she retires and begins the
3 next exciting chapter of her life; and be it finally
4 RESOLVED, that Friday, June 27, 2003, is hereby known as NANCY ANDERSON DAY in the City of Saint Paul.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date �// yriP Z S�<
Adoprion e ed by Council Secret
By: 7 /,•
Appr�v d y Mayor: Date [� ` �'
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Form Approved by�City Attorney
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
Depart�nuo�uw�na�: oam mxi�a:
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Counpl Pres Boshnm � 0 onel
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Must 8e on Couneil A9entla bY (Date): Number 2 ' Atro
25JUN-03 Fw
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Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Loeatia�s for Signature)
Action Requested:
Recognizing Nancy Anderson on her retirement following 38 years of service to the City of Saint Paul and as the current Assistant
Secretary to the City Council.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service CoMrects Must A�wer the Followi�g Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this personlfirtn ever woflced under a coMract for this depar6nent?
CIB CommM1tee Yes No
Civil Service Commfssion 2. Has fhis persoNfirm ever been a city �nployee?
Yes No
3. Does this pe�soNfirm possess a skill nM nortnally possessed by arry
curreM eity employee? '
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separale sheet and altach to green sheet
Initiaqng Problem, Issues, Opportun'ity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
AdvarNages M Approved:
DisadvaMages N Approved:
DisadvaMag� N NM Approved:
Total Amount of CosNRevenue Budgeted:
Furtding Source: Activily Number:
Pina�cial fMormation: '