247236 co��u� xo..!���
' T6euadereignedhereby propoeesthemakiagof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City ot Baint PsW�vis.:
+ reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Berkel��Aee�. from Kenaeth St. to Cleve-
': land Ave. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete
said improvement.
; ........»...........__..............................».................................. ............................._............ ................---........._....
Dsted thie.......29th»......day o4.......-•--•..............January....».....»...........»........ lg ..��
.�..._.Robert F. Feterson
....................... .____.......................... Counoilme►n.
WHEREA$� A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement,vis.:
reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Berkele Ave. from Renneth St. to Cleve-
...........................................................................................____..--------......_.....Y................--••---...... •---....---•--•-•--..................._..
�land Ave. and b doin all other work which is necessar and incidental to com lete
said improvement.
6aving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul........................................................................_......,.....
tt�efore, be it
R,E80LVED, That the Commiesioner of Publiu Worke be and is hereby ordered aad direated:
1. To inv�tigate the neceesity for� or deairability of,,the making of eaid improvemeat.
2. To investigete the nature� extent and estimated coet of eaid imp�vement, and the totsl coet thereof.
� • 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. .
�, 4. To stste whether or not esid improvement ie aeked for oa�,he petition of three or more ownere.
b. To report npon alt of the foregoing mattere to the Gmmieeioner of Finanoe.
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Adopted by the Counal........................ � � �
Councilman Carlson JAN 2 � 19��
� Da 1 g 1 i s h Apptoved.....»...»........................................................
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PUBLiSHED .lAN 31 1970
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