247227 Z�`�2�`7 co,��u�xo..... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' Theundereigaedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City oi 8sint Psul,v�s.: + Conre�i ng and taki ng aa easeme�t i n .tbe 1 and �ecessa ry for tha s 1 opes, cuts aad f i 11 s, i ncl ud 1 ng .........................................................•---....--- ' r i gbt of re�va 1 of i atera 1 support f rc�a sub�oct 1 a�d or rema i r�d�� thereof,occas i oned by excavat i�� � tHereof or constrnction of slopes..ir�tMe,g.radin,g,,,ar�d �urfacing,.�rit�bitcuninous aiater#61..�h¢. ai ley i a BUC. 3, R I CE ST. V I LLAS f conaa .i daho .Ave�..to._La rpenteur Av (6-1911��..��.......�..�..._����� �. Dsted this......?��!....day of.........JaAUa�X................... . .. 1 .I �� .�:�:��'-:..�::�� .............��� ..�.. ..._........___ ���. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHER,EA$, A written propoesl for the mal�ing of the following improvement� vis.: Co��eam i ng and tak i n�.an.eas�aent i n ths 1 and necessa ry fo�..the s 1 opesx�cuts_snd f i 11 s z,,,i nc 1 ud i ng right of re�oval of lat�ral..suPpQ�;�..�r�„���,����...1.���..Q�..xe��.n�dex..xt�ar.maf,a�sa�.i.Q�1..�Y_�vatiom thermof or const��ction of_slopes .tn_tha_�rading__and .surfacing..with,_bitu�ir�ous nist�rQal th� alle r i� BLK. 3,..RICE.ST..,YILtAS_.fre�na Idaho.Av_e. to,.Lar,pent�a�_Ave....�6-1�i1�...............�.............�._..__�..� hsving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of$aint Paul......._.............................................................. _.... �6�+efore, be it R.E$OLVED, That the Commissioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveatigate the neoeesity for� or deairability of,,the making of eaid imprnvement. 2. To inveetigste the nature� extent and estimated coet of said improvement� and the totsl coat thereof. � ,r 3. To furniah a plan, profile or eketch of said 'unprovement. • � �d� 4. To etste whether or no8 ssid improvement ie aeked gor on 4,he petition of thcee or more ownere. b. To report npon sll of the foregoing mstters to the �mmieeioaer of F�nanoe. Adopted by the Council.._..................._......�,�ti...�.�.....f.�.��........._.. Ysss JAN 24 1970 Councilman Carlson. De1 g 1 i s h Approved........................».......---•-----.................----•--- X�9(kX�(1I9tX S�rafiet-- Meredith '� � ge�te�on � ...... ................�...._ . ......_�».�................ t�� " . �' C -Bjrttre , Ma}ror. �000 7� Vles Yreeid�,ut ti�`�;�,,.�v?3j — � ��`�S'M� � puet�sHEn �IAN 31 197Q