247225 Orialnal to City Clerk , „ � ORDINANCE � �- '' COUNCIL FILE NO �N���� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amendi.ng Ordi.nance No. 7607, entitled: "An o rdinance fixing the dutie s and re sponsibilitie s and the minimum qualifications for the various classes af po sitions in the Clas sified Se rvice of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SALNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. ?607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum qualifications in the speci.fications for Life Guard and for Li.fe Guard (Indoor Pool�, and by substituting i.n lieu thereof the following: t'High school graduation. Must possess an up..to-date senior li.fe saving certificate issued by the Red Cross or the Y� M� C� A� t� Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days_after_its;p.as.s�g,e, ap�royal, and puhlication. �� FEB 13 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � � �"'ie°e:i ��� � �. � In Favor Peterson � Sprafka Againat Teaesco F E B 13 1910 _ r. President (B ) Appro d: — A st• . C' Cler y �D� ' Form approved Corporation Counsel By . �, �, PUBLISHED ��B 211970 Dnplicate to Pdnter ORDINANCE � << ,�.a� � �� COUNCIL FILE NO. �� d�� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO '/ Q 4 An ordinance arnending Ordiriance Id'o. ?607, entitled: ".An ordirxance fixin� the duti�s aand �re�pon�ibilitf e� and the mi�imuxxr� qualificationa for the varxous claeses of po sitions in th� Clas sified �e rvic� of t�e City, " approved February 13, 1q3�, ae ameaded. T�IE C4[TNC�L ��' 2'I-iE �ITY C��"" �A.IN'� PAUL 17(JES ORDA��t: Section 1. That C�rd3.nance No. 7607, approved I`ebruary I3, 1935, ae axnend�d� be ax�d the �ame ie h�reby fuxther amended by atrikin� out th� minimu�n gualificatio�s ir� the epecif3.catione for L�ife Guard and for Life Guard (In.door ]Poo1j, anrl by substituti.ng in lieu thereof the fallo�cring: "�fgh ach�ol g�raduatio�. Muet po�s�s$ an �z�-to-date eenior lyfe saving certificat� is��u�d by the Red �ros� o� the • Y. .Ivl. C. A, " Secti�n 2. Thia �rdinance sha11 talce �ff�et and b� i� force �hirty days af�Cer its pae$age, approval, and publication. .��-;�� ��.� :� � n._.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council .�e�e�--- �� —°' In Favor Peterson C� Sprafka Against Tedesco � ,�: z � ;;�� Mr. President (Byrne) ` ` A���___�J. Ja�t. 29, 1970 Mr. John F�ider, Directar� of Per�onnel, City Civil $ervice Bureau. Dear 33r: The City Cqwncil t g�ve gt Readit�g to the following ordinancss; C. F. 2�+722 ng l�o. 32$0 by striking out o ec. in Grad� 32, und.er "Cleri Graup" th� title "Payrall Superv r �Sehoolffi)" and by inrs�rtirsg said t e fn Grsde 3� under said Group. k722 - ng Ord. 7607 By subatituting �w speciYicstio�s for "P�yroll Supervi�ar (Sahao�,s)." C. F. 2� .- Ame�d.ing Ord. ]�o. 7647 bY inserting n�r me�ter�.sl in apecific�tians for "Li�e Gua�xd" a,n�d Par"Life Gttard (Iadoor Pool}." Third Readixag on the�e ardir�nees w311 be February 6th. VerY trul.y yours, City Cle�k hp 1 . I sf `.� - � 2nd "�' \j"'.... Laid over to 3rd and app �� _Adopted �/ !� 1 Yeas Nays Yees Nays Carlson tiCarlson Dalglish —�Bat�t'is�' Meredith �`id�Ztf�"��� �- Peterson ���, 'Peterson ,� Sprafka �Sprafka ..,*� `� Tedesco '�Tedesco Mr. President Byrne �r. President Byrne O