247224 Ori�inai to City Clerk . ' - � � � ORDINANCE d � � ������ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY , � ORDINANCE NO- 1 ���� An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: I'An o rdinance fi.xing the dutie s and re sponsibilitie s and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, t' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by strikin g out the specifications for Payroll Supervisor (Schools}, and by substituti.ng in lieu thereof the following: ..1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk A yor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Oripinal tQ,City Clerk � ' � �� � ORDINANCE 2�`���� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� . Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -3.. F E B 13 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� CarlA�e� � � � In Favor Peterson �j Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) FEB 13 1970 App ved: Attea • � Ci Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By . • PUBLISHED FEB 21 1970 i�nplicate to Printer ORDINANCE ;���r��r��.� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. / �a� Section 2. Thie ordi.nance sha11 talce ef#ect and b� in force on the first day of th� fir�t Payroll period f�llawing thi.rty etay� after its paeeage, approval, and publication. _�,_ r � �. ���_�J �; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson "�- � In Favor �are�i Peterson � Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: — Attest: �� City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Duplicate to Pdnter ORDINANCE ����d����:��� COUNCIL FILE NO.— PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO�� 1'�n ordinance am�nding Ordinance ho. 760?, enti,tled: ".�,.� ordir�ance :fixing the duties anri resp�nsibilit�e� and the �ninixnum qu.alifications for the varioua clasaes �af positioa� in the C���ee�ified Service uf the City, " approved February� 13, 1935, ae amcrided. TH� COUILiCIL OF ZH�; GI`I'�° C�;��" �A�ATT F'AUL D�ES L�RDAIN; 5ectioa 1. That Ordinance l�o. ?607, approved F�bruary 1�, 1935, as axnended, be and the �arr�� i� her�by further arnended by �triYci�. g out the epeciiications for Fayrerl� �ip�rvisor (5chools), ar�d by gubstifiutin� �in lieu thereof the followin�: -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka A gainat Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By �. V • ����`�� ., '[�i1.._�. c�_� c .;a s�5 a ?'1^L'iROLT. SiJF'�L'RV`tS�R (�SGHOOLSI I�l/�D C' / 3.)tz�i.n5 ;�.�,.=, :i'e��,on5i�.,ilitirs_ �t3r:.c'�.�� ;,�t��„•�•��-ist:�:z., �*o �>�� r�^sf,oi�.7ibl:� 14�r work of t�ze payroll � , f _ i��.�i�:=ei;. i.n c�z�� %,.c�ai�c� 03' �',�t�c:atiol�; <�.n:3 tc, �er�orm related �,;-.,,_•';: ._� a5�i�;�Zeci. r �, r..i> ,. ^J:i �'!U:"�C i7C ' �..!="_;;t'ti, _ :;��.,�=�_•1�-ise �±�.r; ;,f:rfo;-a�.i t��.� vac�xt� in*��1�red in pregaring and r ,, .,.-..'.i.ii7L; t73}''I'Gj�.S ,.oi• tz.act3111!y T3c:i. 5U111?�`i.. �!�G .� -":� i'V7.SC, �i-L<' Ps��l�C7.T!'7 Li?7 G£ :Ilc"lj1'�(>l�S �C3 i;1V'.1 SL'1'V10E �_.-. `;�fJ�'r'°.._ > '?': _a;�er<<isz t�:�. t;.�-.,:;'c>�,�in; a��id z>av�oll� for �ersonnel t�nder ,;. , . .;�c::.z<�-nic �����o:•'�.�;�i';;r Fro�a•a�-�a� an:� otner special programs� r�'c; .;. :t.,_„���=�A{�IE� f.c,:• �zl.l io:rrr.is ����:i rrpe.•ts of Yr�nsaCtions �;,:;.i.,^E-:. :Y�t��t a��ornj�.ny �ayralls. , . �c ��i:;t,.•i���i�i:�� ti.i�e �nd cr�s�.5 a�;�ai.u.st �ne prop�r uiz s� ?�r: c:�����:-�u��: t^a�h;�x�;6 sev��ranc�: ��y� �:c c:�,-_-.�:�_,�i:,, ���nu�i teachea• sala�R,r i���,;rcrn�nts� '�?�c :�;:��c� e�:P,-�:c�C�nc:nt�1 ner�onnel r.c�o�-uso - � � � ' =' ;';:�.��:��r;.;r� tl:.e war'sc af assistanfs in tlne payrall division. C;- :z..�.;:i: iri ��re�a<i.•in.� budgets< ;�C: f";'.=?'<:r' r%9*�OX''�j :21"1��. I'E'sC;037:)I'i1t',72C�c�.ti0Y1S. I.`�r.Ii>1Yt`.1<?"'[1 t�?`11.i�iti:lzt�'.10I1;; ,;-,.� 5��.�;��C:� �_'Y2L;;3;t1iCi71 .a.11C1 1"t'tl y^�TS' �'�.nI1Ca� experience� 2.� ,. ��;,i r ,r�,,z-� o£ �:.��.�ch. inu..ti iiav� been as a C:lerk I�.I in pay'roll �.:�::'. ',:;�-;��.::�-�e��;n; wor�l-, or t11re� ,.r�ar�j ex�erience as a Yayroll ;�,_:��� z� r;�;n� .�.. �2-, � � . . . y ��`�Z`�� .'it:e cf c;.�.,;s. �� '1 'v {'Y �T' C ��I/ r 1"�..c R.�L.i.� �:.�:r'T��I�VI��OIi (SCHOJLS} _ _:.Ci<�.� ..?��-; �•:_ :?T15i�')illrl�'b � '7r,.�_ �• sii;;;• ��risionx .o �a<� r,5ponsii>le �or wo�•lc of the p�.yroll r;;-,i:,�.cn i�;� ?n� �iu�:rci a` F'c1uc;�tio�il anG to pez•forrxi rel�ted �.��r'., -,,b �_����.�;n c d.: -...� •- ,���'�U' ��,� t�.�;��1� �',r�,;'or:�,?��ci� , s��r,��:::•vi�e �i�.c� �crfo�°n�� t:lze �vort� in�rolved in pre�arin� and :�t_..ii��,�.;� ��,1}=ro�.1s f.or tcaching �aerso;�n�.I, u ;��r1e ,-vise tL.� n:ai•:it1� �in oi �ay,-olls foz• civtl se.rzricc c :�����1c��,-*..��k.. �'�� <,u�,�.�_•vis�_ t;�+� �in,e'.c�er�in� arld �ayral.ls for personnel under '::��o�.c�::�i�r O�l�ox�tiznicyr Pro�;r�.ix�� anr� other s��ecial nrogramsa I�� �,�� �:-:s�,or��z;��le tor =1.1 i'orn�s �zn:a r��por.ts of 4ran�actions c.�?�i�',: ;x.�.z;.r ac��v_x;ryant- }��iy��olls� 5"c. :-; ;t,..,.�.z'.�� �i.���e a��d c�si:s a�;ainr>i: rl-ie proper funds. (�r� . .,� ,=,�.t�� _^�ct�.e r,� sf:verancc p�y� �'r �� ar:-��;i,.�> :�niit:�.zi� fi��ci,,�x� salary i.n.crerrents, ''c: :...:e;�> r���;l���:_*n-.�it,�I personnel re�orcls< ��o u �,��r�xi�c� fi;".e wQrk ��z �ssistant:: in t'ne p<<yroll division, 4�� 1si;si, in �;,•c:�+a�•i.n` "�ttcl�etsa �:c: ��.�i�_':�r� �?�ro;•�s an� 1'(�CQST3TI7�'I]CjfZtlOT1S, _.`:'t�:�.zrn;-�r�n �=��t!ali.fe�a'�;.c�;1s, ii��:� �. .:,.�>ol �;:racittai:iori ancl ten y^ar. s' cl�:ri�al e}:perience, at i� <�..5i �: s,r;l��s ��f �..�ciic:h rrnz:;t hav� been ,a,s a C.'1�rk �IZ in payroll �: zc? �ir..:;.��:�_>c:�-�i;i; �vo?-'� or three r�arsy exrerienc� as a Payroll . '_il'.� � , 1;., � Y. ��2d This ordinance changes the class specification for the title Payroll Supervisor {Schoolsj by adding more examples of work performed. ! t • r1 rx. Ist c� ��— 2nd Laid over to � � �j 3rd and app � � —Adopted t-' ' ' J Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson \Carlson Dalglish "-'_�----.- Meredith ; � f'��i�-� � ` e�ifif'i'----- ��� ����. Peterson Peterson Sprafka � ` prafka Tedesco �edesco � ,'� Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O