247214 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK � , ��� I`���� , � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, T�at c�po� the pertinent appeal of 3t. Anthony P�.rk Lutheran Chureh, under �he Zoning Code, �o relax building �round coverage standards and setbaak requir�m�nt� on prop�rty lo�ated on the southeas� �orner of Como Avelue and I,t�ther Place, �nore particularly described as Lo�s 7-9, R�arran�ement in S�rickler Pla��; also Lot� 7-10 and part of Lots 11 and 12 in Stri�kler Place, that the provisione of said Zor�ing Cod� h�reb�r are deterr�in�d and varied ir� their application, as and to the extent necessary �herefor, to aceo�odate a pro osed additior� to the church, aub�ect to the condition tY�a.t (1� That setback requirements as they would nor�ally apply to a F�,rking lo� �,pplieation �i0`f be ahanged by the granting of this appeal mat�er of the St. Anthony Park Lutheran Chu�eh, �hoc�ld an application for a parking; lot by afor��entioned �hurah be made in �he future; (2) Tha� any application b�r the St. An�hony Park Lutheran Churc� for a parking lot pe�i� on t�ie sub�ec� property would req�ire an �.pplieation for a Special �'�e Perm�.� to the City eou�eil, regardless of the nu�ber of parking stall� bein� applied for; and further sub�ect to the condition tY�at said appellant-permitt�e, and 3t� suc�esso�a �nd assigns shall make due �omplian�e with all appli�able provision� of muni�ipal ordinanese�, �tate statutes a�d rules a�d regulations of pub].i� authorities 1�aving eognizan�e. - - _ � � -.—i ,--�- � �tar�a��wttsw�, : '' � -� !Na�1i►t, :public' ���d �• �m �� y ����a , � ;��, � �1 . � U �� ��� �� ���� �� � ��� � 1 Co e, ' e, tor-reL � � = coaezaQe �a 1ia k rtquire t�r on Lqts 7, S &hd 9 et�t Lt �frfo�ler x' t�; e�lo I.ota . 9, !a, and Part o��Ll'11 and 12 9i1 ei` a• - I�lace, cn the el�sterly sic�e Lut3idr Q �e �tv�een Como Ave. Gran� �. Dat�d�Dlso�mbrr �i:3YM. i` � t � �\ ry ������r o, , ���. �.> _ � JAN 2 $ 197Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� � �, 1��Q Carlson Dalglish � Approve� 19— Meredith _1n Favor vQ+-��. Sprafka J Mayor A gainst �at�� „�� Tedesco �i� t: ���I �utl.i{. Mt� Via1 Prerideat (Yeterson) PUBL•ISHED JAN 31 1970 O . ' � . - � ��'��,��C� • BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1U10 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 January 7, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the appeal of St. Anthony Park Lutheran Church to relax three provisions of the Zoning Code as they apply to property located on the southeast corner of Como Avenue and Luther Place. This property is further described as: Lots 7-9, Rearrangement in Strickler Place; also Lots 7-10 and part of Lots 11 and 12 in Stickler Place. This matter was considered at the December 4, 1969, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff explained that the Zoning Code contains several requirements for churches in "A" Residence including a maximum ground coverage by buildings of thirty percent and a minimum setback of twenty- five feet from residential property. This appeal requests a relaxation of these requirements as well as the setback required from Luther Place. It was explained that a proposed addition to the church would increase ground coverage to nearly thirty-seven percent and would be only four feet from adjoining residential property. The new construction would also extend the church building to as close as six inches of the Luther Place , : property line. The staff noted that the proposed construction would eliminate a residential struchure and a rectory, both in good condition. One neighborhood resident appeared but after viewing the plans indicated he had no objection to the appeal. Subsequently, it was the finding of the Board of Zoning that the requested relaxations are reasonable and, therefore, recommends approval of the appeal by a 5-0 vote. Very truly yours, _,., /,; / ` , •.. 1 '�. %: 1 J %� / :'��..L. �_c. .(7--j�. 7 ��/� � t_. � j— - PETER J. MATETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:ga f CLS Z.F. ��6902 � � . � 8� . 4 • �ST: �4�IITHONY PAR K LUTH ERAN CH U RCH October 20, 19b9 City Council c/o Citg Clerk � City of St. Yaul 15 West Ke�.l.ogg Boulevard St, raul, Mi.nnesota 55i02 � �o 0 � � Re: St. Anthony rark Lutheran Church Addition �� � o St. rau1, Minnesota �� � - � � Gentlemen: � �o a As owners of the above �aroject, it is requested that anproval be granted � on the �O.LLOW1Yi� 'tika0 items based on chapter 6l�,03; paragra�,h J of the R' N 7oning Cade; �, � 1) Our proposed front entrance canopy is to extend TnTithin 6" of the � prop�rty line along Lut��r rlace as documented by the enelosed site b z�lan sheet dated 7-11-by and the survey prepared by Charles 0,. Georgi R Company, Civil �ngineers and Land Surveyors, revised 9-19-by. `0 � 2) According to the City of St. Yaul Code, section $, garagraph e, either � of the following two conditions apply to this project: �j R � a. The area of the total building complex is not to exceed 30� of �' the total area of the site. Our buil.ding �resently is 1lt,040 � square £eet in addition to 10,980 square feet of existing con- �� struction, totaling 25,020 square feet or 37;� of the site and � is in excess of the requirement of the code. � � 0 b. The setback al.ong the�property line adjoining the resiciential � district is to be a minimum of 2y fee� aecording to the code. � The location for the pro�osed additian was determined to connect � to the cixculation �ath of the existing building. The setback o dimensions along this property line vary from 1t�, approximately � to 43' , approximately, a3ong a distance of 125 �'eet. t'lease 5ee '" the site plan for clarification. It is intended that this ar- rangement meet the intent of the code. -...---�' �'�°�.J'�� Sincerely, ---�"" N� �,�� ..,.......-�" �0�� ��.c�z.u.a-t-� �t1. L��.�'Gtit-�y-u-� Chairman, Foard of Trustees rnclosurss -�F�20.00 Fee and DraT�ings V�A:crd - 1))Af:l) 01' ;;ONII�� RFP�RT AND ACTION Decrmber 4. 1')6�) "1 it '1�;� /l,��� � Actinn, under Le�islative Code Chapter 6� thru 64 - � � �assecl Au�ust 22� 1�322 3s amendQd to April 6� l�E',� f,yp2 — --I _ • ''• ,1�:�'.'('f''; t;,�'tl; , St. Anthc�ny Yark 1.utheran Church � ".'."._�T;':':A';I');J . 0 Amendmsnt 0 Ap�eal ❑ ?ermit � �ther � ,,; , • �%'•:�%:�L , Relax coverage and setback reqtiiremerits • • :, i���,�i�Jt: : Southea�t corn��r c�t Como Avenue and l.uther PlacE� • ,1:� .:1;. �)};>CRIP'I'I�:I : I,otti 7, ;i, .�ncl '), Re�rr��ii�;em��nt in Strirkler Plact�; al5c� I.uts 1-10 an�l ��ai�ts uf I.uts ll an�l I'� i� StirklE�r Plac��. . !'.:[;51::J'I' %�1+IPJ'�: Comme�rcial and "A" kesidence . ' ;:::;.J,i;l; T� 7onin�± Code Chapter: 64 Section: .03 F'ar�rraph: 0 � . .>TnI'f' ItJV�STIGATInN F, R�PORT: Ddtei 11/26/69 i3y: CLS A. H?tiTORY: None for this site. R. PR(IPOSED USE: Construct an addition to an existin�; churrh. ('. ARI•:A �Nl) I�I:ON'i'ACh:: 'fli�� si te hati nn arc�a �f 68.081) syuarr tc�rt wi tli a l rcinta};� c7f �)(l.lb Iert :ilun}; C��uiu Av��nu�� nncl 46_l C�•��t alon}�, Lufhe�r Ylac�, U. Pltl'.tiI�;N'I ti'fANI)AKI1: 1'hr %onin�; Coclr re��uirc�s cE�rtain �ises in� lu�lin� churcl�es Lo n��t ��ccupv nu,rr t_lian 3O percent of tl�c land and to not extencl nearer than 25 Lc�et tu ad juinin}; retii�ic�ntially-zoneci pro��erty. The Code also requires a setback of 31 feeC from Luthtr Place. F.. VAKIAP;�;H. RLQUESTED: The appellant requests that the requirernents of tF�e Zonin�=, Cc�ci� be rel�;r���i to permit: 1) a buildin� coverat;e o1 �36.H`% represen� in�; a variance oC l+�5y�, �q . ft . � ��� ?' . `�" ; ?) .3 sE,tback of 4 fect from re5icirntial �ruperty re�Prc�sentin}; a vari��nre� uC ' I t �ret or 84;' ; and '3) a setback from 1,ucher Place of � 1T1CI1(�s at thc� �•l�:,est E�nint re��rescntin}; almost a complete waiver of the setback requLremc�nt . F, ARF?A 'I.ONINC: Como Av��nuf� frontay;es sourheastc�rly of Luther Plac� are zoned Ccmmic�rcial . A� r��.tir; ('rmu� rlvrnn�� tc� tlri� we5t iti "R" k��s��lc�ncf� z�nin�; ancl th�� remainin}�, snrrc�un,lin;, are�� I s ;•un�'�I ��A�� Il���:i�I��nrr. G. Sl'1'i: COND1'I't(INS: The �ite 1s nearly lev�l and at lhe Kradc� ul Como Av��uue exce��� tl►e northerly corner which rises 1U-15 feet to meet the gra�e ol Luther Place as it slopes uP to the northwest. '1'he site is occupied by the existing c}iurch building, a residential structure and a rectory all in good condition. H. ARE� CONDITfONS: Commercial uses exist to the soutY► along Corno Avenue, L�ither Seruinary is 'o the north and the area to the east is occupied hy weli-kept family resiclences . _—___ C;OUTI.'.`1� L!3?:'�__ ;)3 t 2 Cj 9. 3�ARD ACTION; To Recommend �Approval �Lenial 1/7//0 '�oveci by; Maietta Yeas ;Jays i)ate of �L� ir in:� x f�m es Seconded by; Gauger x Cohen 1/_H/70 Uanna (Alt) Council ActiGr: � x ��adler � x Gau.p,er � Secretary' s remarks: x "laietta ?)3te !ic?'artlin (Alt) i Mansur (Al.t) --�.,__ __i MINUTES OF THE PUBLYC SBARING BEFORE THE BQAxD �I� ZOTTING on Thuraday, December �, 1969, at 2:00 PoM, PRESENT: Messrsa Ames, Gohen, Gadler, Gauger, snd Ma�etta of the Board and Messrse Brown and Sorenson snd P�irso Frsntzen of the staff. ST, ANTHONY PARK LU'i'HEBAN CHIJRCH: An appea3. to relax the cover.age end setback require�enL•s on property located an the southeast ccrner of Como Avenue and Luther Place. Mr. Sorenson suma4arized the staff report statiag that the appellant requeata that the reqairementa of the Zoning Code be relaxed to permit: 1} a building coverage of 36.5� r.epresenting a variance of 1,192 square feet ar S%; 2� a serbacl� of 4 feet from residential property representing a variance of 21 feet or 84�; and 3) s setback �ran tuther Place of 6 inches st the closest po�int repreaenting almost a complete waiver of the setback requirement. The Zoning Code requires certain uses includiag churches �o nct occupy more than 30 percent of the lend and to nat extend near�r than 25 £eet to �djoining residentially- zoned propexey. The Code also requires a seCback fram I.uther Flace. The site is nearly level and at the grade of �Ca�o Avenne except the northerly corner which Yises ld-IS feet �o meet the grade uf Lur.her Plare as it slopes up to the northweEt. �he afte is occnpied by Che ex�.stin� che�rch building, a residentiar struc�ure and � rectory alI in good conclft�.on. Mr> G. L. Nr�san, 2221 Doswell Avenue, �aid he lootced over the plan and naw has no objection �o the appeala Mro Ma�.etta moved for approv�l of the app+eal, which wa$ seco�ded by Mr, Gauger, and carried ttt111t1k.mQL35�.y. Submitted by: Color�el Lo Sorenson Robert �.o Ames, Chairn►an _�.2., � � � Cit� Clgrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 becember 26, 1969 File X819, Page � You are hereby notified that a public hearing wi11 be held in the Council Chambers of the City Rall and Court Iioase fn the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on Januarq 8, 1970, on the application of St. AnChony Park Lutheran Church to relax the coverage and setback requirements on Lots 7, 8 and 9, Rearrangement in Strickler Place; Also Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and parts of Lots 11 and 12 in Stickler Place. The property is located on the easterly side of Luther Place between C�o Avenue and Grantham Street. For further information contact the Planniag Board, xoan 1010 Coanterce Building or telephone 223-4151. .JAI�S J. DALGLISH Co�nissioner of Finaace O . v�t e+�� �". . � � _"—--._.. .._ _. .i � J ' t 'H. . ' ��k�'r i. . � ., i t � � '�_ `/ %. -"-__ . . !�- !... .. �_ %�� � � � J f I G ` � � � I U � "~----- �. \\` O�/J � '- �� - . ��� � � I � � � ! ' �--� ''o � ;;�� ..:�� o , � : , i ! � . � _ _ . ,. _ }-.- , , /� � f � ( � � 'r/�i ./ �.J — � ! I --� - {� _ a ' ( _ �� . � � � Q J� j , ' �_ . r� L' � � t.r' �,. �J o v � . . , � , _ _ ' `' ____`�o -- --=� �� o �-% \ �� LUTHER TNEOLOGICAL ��' � , O � ` ❑ �� 0 ♦ . � L� � ' ���(1 SEM/NARY i � 4,,, r' — --• , / : � `^ -� � . � � ✓A�LE NTi N� � _ v _ ._ ______ G_ — � � � � z � O � � � � � �� �' � p _ i o _ __--o - G � .� Q � � �, � , � • Y � ^ / "p'• � ' � O f ` � G - c " - ; I r � t� ' °� .� , � Q ', J "�;; : � �. � � � ����, 0� � � � '� �� , �;,�� �� � � , � ` � �, � � p � � �� � ►` /�` `` �1 . 1 , � � � ., � ' � � � � �.. �� � � � _. AOS w� O ',►' ,, O .� � � � l .,�`',(..�' ''.' `� � , � � �.♦ ��� � � � � `►, �� � ' �,C�' Q �' ' , � '�" v . , A •�. �, � o c �, �% . � ; .♦ ►' ' �'3 �- � � -� � ' � �. O ►,� .� , � , � �� � 11 �� \'� � �i� � l `` � ` � \� ,1 �, 1 . . . U `-� �• '�,� ��'� �1 7'�' :j � �, �J / o �, �� ,� , „ ; , , r � �, �I V � \�� �, �� V � �'• ` ',,r� y ` _ � ,`; 1. . . � � � , � � � � o � � �� ��:r � ,i ,� - � ; � . ` �ART��' � � � .� � y � Q -: ,� `� ,/`',_' � � \ , V '� , -• - � , ` , + �,,� - _ �ti/ ; � �-., r � o, �. 1 , O t./ `` , �n �.. �• �.� '. . , p,� ,� / ; /� � . � o :, ,. , , _, , ' �✓ ''� _ l_ / � . . �� _-- �----- � � -= ,_ APPLiCANT St. Anthony Park Lutheran Church LEGEND PURPOSE Relax coverage and setback requirements LAl�D USE O ONE-FA�JIILY PRESENT ZONING �ommercial and "A" Residence �- TWO-FA�L�II_Y �Y THREE- FAMILY PETITION SIGNERS , - FOUR-FAMlLY � MULTI- FAMILY FILE No. 6902 • •�COMMERCIAL nioRTH n � INDUSTRIAL v VACANT St. Paul Planning Board, Date� 11/26/69 � Property under consid�rotion