247207 tiR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK �/La f`��F� , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL r� ' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCI UT ON—GE FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson �� � F COMMISStONE WI�tTsAS, Additions whieh ffiight prove to be necessary in the I�rovement described as Electrical Construetion for Service Station Garage at 891 No. Dale St., Comptroller's Contraet I,-71Q4, Weber &lectric Cc., eontractor have been provided f'or 3n the specificatioas and WF�REAS, It has been found neeessary to �ake the Pollowing ad.dit ions: Setting a nerr pole in connection with the overhead. wires for three phase p�xer for stea,eaing machine�. Materials (900' of 8 wire) $44.00 Labor (l� hrs. @ �9.80) 1�2.10 $186.14 In�tell two �eather proof switches for reel lights in stea�a� area. l�aterial �11.80 Labor ( 3 hrs. @ $9.84) 29.�0 �1.20 T(�,L A�DITIOAi 22 .3 aad WIIERI�S, The total addition is �227.3� s.nd the Co�issioner of Pablic Works has agreed with the Cor�tractor that the amoexnt of $227.30 is the correct sum to be added te said contra,ct, therefore be it, RffiOI,VED, That the City of St. Patal. through its City Co�ancil approves the foregoiag additions ffiade in accordanee with the speciFieations in this sum of $227.34, said amount to be added to the lmrtp suffi consideration �amed in the contract, known as Co�p�roller's Co�rtract L-714�, and which a�nt is to be t'inanced fro� Fund 1220-605. �/. JAN 2 $ 1910 �� Ado ted b the Counci� 19— COUNCILMEN P Y Yeas Nays �A� 2 $ 1�,0 Carlson Dalglish � Approvec� 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor �. e�se�' Sprafka ` �����, Mayor �Against Tedesco _ � r' �� �,�"'`;.�' �:;� ,:�: bts. Vic� Prer'sdant (Peterson) PUBI,ISHED JAN 31 1970 O GJPLICATE TO PRIN7'ER .>��� f l°'`��� / CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. : � d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONER DATF 4THERFAS, Additions which might prove to be neceasary in the 7mprovement described as Electrical Construction for Service a�A,'�3.flT1 Ga.2'Sg@ a� $gl No. Aale St., Cannptrol].er's Contract L-7104, Weber Electric Co., Contraetor have been provided for 9.n the spec�.fications anc'i WFIERFAS, It has been faund neceesary to make the following additions: Setting a new pole in con.nec�ion with the ove?^h�ad wires for thr�e phase pvwer for steaming m.achines. Materials (900' of$ wire) $4�.00 Labor (l�r hrs. @ $9.80} 142.10 $186.10 Install �wo we�ther prooP switches fox reel li�3ats in steam area. Material $11.SQ Labor ( 3 hrs. @ $9.80) 29.�+0 �+1.20 TOTAL ADDTTION 227.30 and WIi�REAS, The total add3tion is $227.30 and the Commissioner of Public Work� h�,s agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $227.30 is the correct sum to be added to said contract, there�ore be it, RES�I,VID, That the City of St. PQUl through it� C:tty Gac�uncil approves the foregoing additions made in accordance w3th the speci£ications 3n this sum of $227.30, said amount to be a,dded to the lump swn cons3deration named in the cantract, known as Comptxoller's Contract L-?10�+, and �hich araoun� is to be financed Pram Fund 7220-605. ��� � � ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays �_ Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19,._ Meredith � Tn Favor D••-�vir Sprafka �! Mayor A gainst Tedesco Ntr�'Pi�§u�n�"'?��`3�i���`$'. <;S c. "•l i.;� .z'rrsi�.dant �i'�ters�r,} �