247206 " OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � j��v� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NQ,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN UTION�EN L FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. P�ter3on � COMMISSIONE � DATF WAEREAS, Comptrollers Contract L-7157, Michaels Concrete Co. eoatractor for the 1969 District No, 2 �nn�aal Sidewalk Contract, has been stibs�antislly ca�pleted, and WIi�EtFAS, Said Contraetor requests that a portion of' the 500,�„ retained under the contraet from estima,�e� for work done, be paid i� adv�.nce of the Pinal coagpletion o� the cor�traet, and WI�ftEAS, The Ccn�m�i��ioner and Chief Engineer of' the Depart�ent of Public Works appro�e the pa�ent at this time of �5,500.00 4f the $7,953•29 retained; therefore be it RffiOL�ED, Tha.t the proper City OfPicials be and they are hereby authorized to pay a,n estimate ia the a�o�rt of$5,54�.40 oP the $7,953•29 retained percentage to said colstractor; and be it �THER RE.S�VED, That this resolt�tion shall have no force or e�fect vn7.ess the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto itt writing and filc� s�ch conaeat with the City Ccymptroller. M-480 '/ , �lAN �� ���9 K:�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � � ���� Carlson �`�� Dalglish � Approved 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor �etersa� Sprafka , 1 Mayor Tedesco U Against ,����� ��5 '... .����: . �F.��@��� � ,, ,etetsp�) PUBLISHED JAN 31197a 0 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER .N���r���� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F'. Feterso�. COMMISSIONER �ATE WIiE�tEAS, Camptrvllers Contract L-7157, Michaels Concre�e Co. contractor for the 1969 Distri.ct No. 2 Annual Sidewalk Contract, hae been substantially completed, and WHEt2�AS, Said Contractar requests tha� a gortion of the 5� re�€�ined urider the con�ract from estimate� for work don,e, be paid in advance oP the final co�mp].etion of the �antract, and WHEftEAS, T'he Commissioner and Ch3.e�' Engineer of the �e�artment af Public 'vJorks appra�re the pa�rment at �his time of $5,540.00 r��' the �7,953.29 retained; therefare be it RFSOLYED, Tha°� the pro�,er City Off'icials be and they are hereby auth�r�.zed to pay a.n eNta:mat� �.n the amount of $5,500.00 of the $?,953•2� retained p�rcentage to said. contractor; and be it Ft7RTFi�t RF�Cff,VF�U, `.�hat this resolution shall have no force or effect unless �the suxet3es on the aor�tractors bond consent thereto in writing an8 file such consent with the City Comptroller. M-4$0 �s�� ;,� . ,;?:��� ��.. :.� . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays Carlson #1 ,,j .� ' ` �. Dalglish j' Approved 19—_ Meredith �=~ rn Favor _�et�rsaa Sprafka G` Mayor Tedesco A gainst ���';.��:����..�� -`;s:': Tr;�,. .'f�.� !'zu�:T;?r�n: ;t'4...er:,� , �