03-63Council File # p 3 _ � �
Green Sheet # 204196_
Referred To
Committee Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached
2 MemorandumsofAgreementbetweentheCityofSaintPaulandAFSCMELoca12508(Clerical),AFSCME
Local 1842 (Technical), Professional Employees Association, Inc., and Saint Paul Supervisors Organization
4 to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created as a result of the
Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Proj ect.
Adopted by Council:
Date �.�. \°.1 �op^i
O ice of Laboi Relarions
LABOR RELATIONS 7anuary 16, 2003 �
JOHN SHOCKLEY 266-6482���3 ,�slcn i narnRrnsEn*r Dut. � a crrr cotnacn,
ncrioN xEQUESrEn: Approval of the attached Memorandums of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and
AFSCME I.ocal 2508 (Clerical), AFSCME Local 1842 (Technical), Professional Employees Association, Inc., and
Saint Paul Supervisors Organization to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of
employment created as a result of the Informarion Services Reorganizarion and Job Fanuly Modeling Project.
PLANNING COMMISSION _CML SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this person/fian ever worked under a contraM for this department?
STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever bern a ciry employee?
SUPPORTS WHICH COLiNCIL OBJECTNE? 3. Does this person/fi�rn possess a ski11 not nom�ally possessed by any cutteni city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers ov separate shcet aod attac6 to green sheet
The attached ageements were necessary in order to extend the current administrative processes until July 1, 2003.
A new process is currently being developed for the positions in the Division of Information Services.
Current processes can continue.
JAN 16 2003
None "9 P�.`�Sn.�A,�=' �' =�� �'
Reallocations and step increases wouid revert back to those defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation
and the Civil Service Rules.
O — G3
2002 Memorandum of Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling
Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 2508, District Council 14, of the
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local
2508) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regiottai Water
Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Pamily
classifications designated as repiesented by AFSCME Loca12508.
It is further agreed that such ea�tension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
and/or pilot project by July 1, 2003.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
Human Resources
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Local Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
�� �
Business Representative
Local Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
G:VShared�HRCOMMON�SHOCKI.EY�IS ReorganizationVS.AFSCME2508.Eat.MOAfor.2002wpdwpd
Memorandum of Agreement
In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot
pro ects, the City of Saint Paul (City} and Local Union 2508, District Council 14, of the American
Fe�eration of State, County and Municipal Empioyees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local 2508) hereby state
that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot pro�ect described in the attached document entit(ed
City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorgamzahon and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that
the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of em�loyment shall ap ly to those
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water UtiLty, or Public He�th whose
posiuons have been al3ocated to the IS Job Family leveis designated therein as represented by AFSCME
Loca12508. Also, AFSCME Loca12508 and the Ciry aiso agree to the use of the following Civii
Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of ttus pilot pro�ect:
1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow �or the non-competitive promotion of
incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher
level IS Job Family position for six months or more.
2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.3 (Filiing Vacancies From Promotion Eligible Lists) shail not apply
to the filling of IS 3ob Family posinon vacancies. Only the top three promotion eligibles plus
ties will be certified to the appointmg authority. The top three eligibies from the appointmg
division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference
in certification.
3. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment ofthe affected
incumbents to the IS Job FamilY Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that
were designated to replace the �ob classifications to which their positions had been previously
4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an
examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year as a certified employee in
a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually
served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only
for exams used to deternune eligibles for vacanc�es in the IS lob Family System outlined in the
attached pilotproject document.
5. C:vit Se^�ic� Rale 22 (Lay Off) shall aIlow employees to maintain ciass seniority in their newiy
assi�ned IS Job Family level even though their former class, now inciuded in the new IS Job
Family level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class
seniority listing of IS incumbents reallocated to higher ]evels in the IS 7ob Family System on the
same date to be deternvned by the total length of continuous service in all classified City
6. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B(Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used for
appeals of IS 7ob Pamily promotion examinations. Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the
attached pilot project document will be used.
7. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation goveming advancement in
salary, shall not apply to IS employees in positions allocated to the IS Job Fanvly levels defined
in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained wrthin the �ilot
project document shall be followed. The applicable step mereases therein may be granted in the
time frames set forth. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five year step increases as defined in
the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such IS employees
subject to the time frame limitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule.
Furthermore, it is agreed that the event of a layoff, affected IS and/or Water Utility employees in
classifications currently represented by AFSCME Loca12508, who as a result of init�al unplementation
of this pilot pro'ect are promoted to positions m IS Job Family levels represented by Local Union 1842,
District Counci� 14, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO
(AFSCME Local 1842), the Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) or the Saznt Paul
Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the IS Job Family levei represerned by
AFSCME Loca12508, that coaesponds with their previouslY held ciassification, and exercise applicable
contractual seniority rights. It is also understood that th�s supulation also applies to any employees
represented by AF5CME Local 2508, who have appealed their itvnal position allocauons under the
pilot project and who, as a result of such appeals, aze promoted to pos�uons represented by AFSCME
Local 1842, PEA or SPSO. -
Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall not be used outside this pilot project to
set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. _
�c ��,..
man Resources Director
�NS�� /Y�1.�!L�
Local Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
.�Gt;�`� � k�`�
Labor Re�'ations Direct r
Busi ss Re ese ativ
Loc nio 508
AFS , stric Council 14
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2002 Memorandum of Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling
Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 1842, District Council 14, of the
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local
1842) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those
empioyees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water
Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS 7ob Family
classifications designated as represented by AFSCME Local 1842.
It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
and/or pilot project by July 1, 2003.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
� � � C�ss� ����
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1 /
Human Resources Director President
Local Union 1842
AFSCME, District Council 14
�L� �
Business Representative
Local Union 1842
AFSCME, District Council 14
G:lShazed�I-IRCOMMONISHOCf:LEYVS Reorganization�IS.AFSCME1842.EM.MOAfm.2002.wpd
Memorandum of Agreement
In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, goveming the implementation of Human Resources pilot
pro ects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 1842, District Council 14, of the American
Fe�eration of State, County and Mumcipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local 1842) hereby state
that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot �ro�ect described in the attached document entided
City of Saint Paui Information Services ReorgazuzaUOn and Job Family Modeling Pro ect and agree that
the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment sh� ap ly to those
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS}, The Water Utility, or Public H�h whose
positions have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therem as represented by AFSCME
Local 1842. Also, AFSCME Locai 1842, and the City also agree to the use of the following Civil
Service Rules, as modified, in the,�dministration of tlus pilot pro�ect:
1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shall ailow for the non-competitive promotion of
incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher
level IS Job Family position for six months or more.
2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.3 (Filling Vacancies From Promotion Eligible Lists) shall not apply
to the filling of IS Job Family posrtion vacancies. Only the top three promotion eligibles plus
ties will be certified to the appotnting authority. The top three eligibles from the appomtmg
division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference
in certification.
3. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment of the affected
incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that
were designated to replace the �ob ciassifications to which their positions had been previously
4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow empioyees to enter an
examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year as a certified employee in
a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shail also have actually
served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only
for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS Job Family System outlined in the
attached pilot project document.
5. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of'� shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly
assigned IS 7ob Family jevel even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job
Famsly level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civii Service Rule 22 shall allow the ciass
seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family System on the
same date to be determined by the total length of continuous service in ali ciassified City
6, Civil Service Rule 26.III.B(Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used for
appeals of IS 7ob Family promotion examinations. Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the
attached pilot project document will be used.
7. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation goveming advancement in
satary, shall not apply to employees in gositions allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels defined in
the attached pilot pro�ect document. Instead, the salary schedules contained wittun the pilot
proiect document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the
time frames set forth. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five year step increases as defined in
the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to appiy for such employees subject to
the time frame lirrutations set forth in the appticable pilot project salary schedule.
63 -t��
subject to the time frame limitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule.
Furthermore, it is agreed that„in the event of a iayoff, affected IS and/or Water Utility empioyees in
ciassifications cuaently represented by AFSCME Locai 2508, who as a result of init�ai implementation
of this pilot pro ect are promoted to positions m IS Job Family levels represented by Local Union 1842,
District Counc� 14, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Empioyees, AFL-CIO
(AFSCME Local 1842), the Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) or the Samt Paul
Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the IS Job Fam�Iy level represented by
AFSCME Loca12508, that corresponds with their previouslx held classification, and exercise applicable
contractual seniority rights. It is atso understood that this supulation also applies to any empioyees
represented by AFSCME Local 2508, who have appealed their uutial position allocaUOns under the
pIlot project and who, as a result of such appeals, are promoted to pos�uons represented by AFSCME
Local 1842, PEA or SPSO.
Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall not be used outside this pilot project to
set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. _
�c ��.
man Resources Director
Nw/l i]/fPsfiN�iti
Local Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
� ���� � � (�
Labor Rel'ations Direct r
Busi ss Re ese ativ
Loc nio 508
AFS stric Counci114
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2002 Memorandum of Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling
Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA)
hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of
the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS),
and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS 7ob Family classifications
designated as represented by PEA.
It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
and/or pilot project by July 1, 2003.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
� y �
Professional Employees Association, Inc.
`�ti "W . �Ee
Business Representative
Professional Employees Association, Inc.
G:VSharedViRCOMMONVSI-IOCKLEY�IS Reorganiza[ion�IS.PEAEx1.MOAfor.2002.wpd
Human Resources Director
Memorandvm of Agreement
In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation of Human
Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paui (City) and The Professional Employees
Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot
pro,}ect described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services
Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained
therein that affeci terms and sonditions of employment shall apply to those employees of the
Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Pub3ic Health whose positions
have been ailocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by PEA.
Furthermore, PEA and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as
modified, in the administration of this pilot project:
Civil Service Rule S.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion
of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and res�onsibilities of
a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more.
2. Civil Service Rule S.A.S (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment of the
affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project
document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions
had been previously allocated.
3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shail aliow employees to enter an
examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year in a classified
position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shal] also have actually served
at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only
for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS Job Family System
outlined in the attached pilot project document.
4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of� shall atlow empioyees to maintain class seniority in
their newly assigned IS Job Family levei even though their former class, now inciuded
in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service
Rule 22 shaii ailow the ciass seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to lugher levels
in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be deternvned by the total length of
continuous service in all classified City positions.
5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Esaminations) shall not be used
for appeals of IS Job Family promotion examinations Instead the appeals procedure
outlined in the attached pilot project document shal] be used.
03- `�
1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued
Page 2
6. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation governing
advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS
Job Family levels defined in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary
schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The
appiicable step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten,
and fifteen year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation
shall continue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set
forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in
any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties.
�� . 1��1
Human Resources Director
Professional Employees Association, Inc.
Labor elations Director
'������� �'C.L(�[4
Business Representative
Professional Employees Association, Inc.
2002 Memorandum Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling
Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO)
hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for employees of the
Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and
Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS 7ob Family classifications designated
as represented by SPSO.
It is further agreed that such eartension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
and/ or pilot project by 7uly 1, 2003.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
z - ,z��z16z
Human Resources Director
�� ' .��,
� r a+{6�
Saint Paul5upervisors' Orgazvzation
G:VShared\HRCOMMOIV�SHOCKLEYIIS Reorgaru�ationVSPSO.ISM.MOAfor1002.wpd
03 -�3
Memorandum of Agreement
In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, goveming the implementation of Human
Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors'
Organization (SPSO) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot
pro}ect described in the attached document entided City of Saint Paul Information Services
Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipuiations coatained
therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those empioyees of the
Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions
have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by SPSO.
Furthermore, SPSO and the City also agee to use the following Civil Service Rules, as
modified, in the admin"istration of this pilot project:
1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reatlocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion
of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and respons�bilities of
a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more.
2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment of the
affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project
document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions
had been previously aliocated.
3. Civil Service Rule 14 {Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an
examination on a promotion basis aRer serving not less than one year in a ciassified
position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served
at least 1040 hours in such ciassified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, oniy
for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS Job Family System
outlined in the attached pilot project document.
4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of� shap allow employees to maintain class seniority in
their newly assigned IS 3ob Family level even though their former class, now included
in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formally abolished. AIso, Civil Service
Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levets
in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be detemuned by the total length of
continuous service in all classified City positions.
5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used
for appeals of IS 7ob Family promotion examinations Instead, the appeais procedure
outlined in the attached pilot project document shall be used.
Q3 �G3
1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued
Page 2
6. Section F.1.(b) o£the Salary Plan and Rates of Compeasation governing
advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS
7ob Family levels in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the satary schedules
contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The applicable step
increases therein may be granted in the tim� frames set forth. Five, ten, and fifteen year
step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall cominue to
apply for such employees subject to the time &ame limitations set forth by the
applicable pilot project salary schedule.
FinalSy, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in
any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties.
� ' � ��\ ,.
Human Resources Directos
���.; ����--.i
Laboi elations Directar
Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization
Business Representative
Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization
2002 Memorandum of Agreement
In order to conrinue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Infonnation Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling
Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 2508, District Councii 14, of the
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local
2508) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water
Services (SPRWS), and Public Heahh whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Famil�
classifications designated as represented by AFSCME Loca12508.
It is further agreed that such e�ctension shatl eapire upon establishment of a new agreement
and/or pilot project by July l, 2003.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
1 a
�� � �
r � ,�
Human Resources Director
AFSCME, District Council 14
/�—� �
Business Representative
Local Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
G:�SharedlHRCOMMON�SHOCKLEYVS ReorganvauonuS.AFSCME2508.Ea2MOAfor2002wpd.wpd
Local Union 2508
Memorandum of Agreement
In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A6, goveming the implementation ofHuman Resources pilot
pro ects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 2508, District Council 14, of the American
Fe�eration of State, County and Murucipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Loca12508) hereby state
that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot pro�ect described in the attached document enutled
City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorgazvzanon and 7ob Family Modeling Pro ect and agree that
the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of em�loyment shal� apply to those
empioyees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose
posinons have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therem as represented by Ak'SCME
Local 2508. Also, AFSCME Loca12508 and the Crty also agree to the use of the following Civil
Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of ttus pilot pro�ect:
1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of
incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher
level IS 7ob Family position for six months or more.
2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.3 (Filling Vacancies From Promotion Eligible Lists) shall not apply
to the filling of IS 7ob Farruly position vacancies. Only the top three promotion eligibles plus
ties will be certified to the appoinung authority. The top three eligibles from the appomtmg
division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference
in certification.
3. Civii Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shail allow for the appointment of the affected
incumbenis to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached piloc pro}ect document that
were designated to replace the �ob ciassifications to which their positions had been previously
4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an
examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one yeaz as a certified employee in
a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually
served at least 1040 hours in such cfassified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only
for exams used to deternune eligibles for vacancies in the IS Job Family System outlined in the
attached pilotproject document.
5. Civil Ser.•ice Rule 22 (Lay OtTj shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly
assigned IS Job Family �evel even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job
Family level has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class
senionty listmg of IS incumbents realSocated to higher levels in the IS Job Famity System on the
same date to be deYermiaed by the total length of continuous service in all classified Crty
6. Civil 5ervice Rule 26.III.B(Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used for
appeals of IS Job Family promot�on examinations. Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the
attached pilot project document will be used.
7. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation goveming advancement in
salary, shall not apply to IS employees in positions allocated to the IS Job Family levels defined
in the attached pilot pro�ect document. Instead, the salary schedules contained wrthin the �ilot
project document shail be followed. The applicable step mcreases therein may be granted m the
time frames set forth. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five year step increases as defined in
the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensat�on shali continue to appiy for such IS empioyees
o� -� �
subject to the time frame limitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule.
�, Furthermore, it is agreed that„in the event of a layoff, affected IS and/or Water Utility employees in
classifications cuaently represented by AFSCME Loca12508, who as a result of ininal implementation
of this pilot pro ect aze promoted to positions in IS Job Family levels represented by Local Union 1842,
District Counci� 14, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFI,-CIO
(AFSCME Local 1842), the Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) or the Saznt Paul
Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the IS 7ob Family levei represented by
AFSCME Loca12508, that conesponds with their previousl� held classification, and exercise applicable
contractual seniority rights. It is also understood that ttus stipulation also applies to any employees
� represented by AF5CME Local 2508, who have appealed theu initial position allocauons under the
pilot project and who, as a result of such appeals, ue promoted to posiuons represented by AFSCME
Local 1842, PEA or SPSO. -
Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall not be used outside this pilot project to
set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parcies. _
�c ��,..
man Resources Director
Preside t � ��
Locai Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
Labo� ���� � (�.�, -
tions Direct r
Busi� �ss Re ese ativ
Loca nio 508
AFS , stric Counci114
� c`-;
�, zc,�
—� ---•,,,;
� ^'•- -
� Q. .
a �r
-- c'� c_
� Nr
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03 -l.tS
2002 Memorandum of Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a resuit of the Informarion Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling
Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 1842, District Council 14, of the
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local
1842) hereby agree to eartend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water
Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family
classifications designated as represented by AFSCME Local 1842.
It is further agreed that such ea�tension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
andlor pilot project by July l, 2003.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
1�� a^n Nf i �
% � n
Human Resources Director
; � s.L -
Local Union 1842
AFSCME, District Council 14
�� �
Business Representative
Local Union 1842
AFSCME, District Council 14
G:1Shazed�FiRCOMMOI�SHOCKLEY4S Reorgan'vadonUS.AFSCME1842.Eat.MOAfor.2002.wpd
-�� �.,
o� -�s
Memorandum of Agreement
In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, goveming the implementation of F3uman Resources pilot
pro ects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 1842, District Council 14, of the American
Fe�eration of State, County and Mumcipal Employees, AFI.-CIO (AFSCME Local 1842) hereby state
that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot pro�ect described in the attached document entitled
City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganvation and Job Family Modeling Pro ect and agree that
the stipulations contained therein that a$'ect terms and conditions of employment sh� ap ly to those
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utilrty, or Publ�c H�h whose
posrt�ons have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therem as represented by AFSCME
Local 1842. Also, AFSCME Locai 1842, and the City aiso agree to the use of the following Civil
Service Rules, as modified, in the 3dministration of ttus pilot pro�ect:
1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of
incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher
level IS Job Family position for s'vs months or more.
2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.3 (Fiiling Vacancies From Promotion Eligi6le Lists) shall not apply
to the filling of IS Job Family posinon vacancies. Only the top three promotion eligibles plus
ties will be certified to the appomting authority. The top three eligibles from the appomhng
division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference
in certification.
3. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment of the affected
incumbents to the IS Job FamllY Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that
were designated to replace the �ob classifications ta which their positions had been previously
4. Civii Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an
examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year as a certified employee in
a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actualiy
served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only
for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the
attached pilot project document.
5. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of� shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly
assigned IS Job Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job
Family level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shail allow the ciass
seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family System on the
same date to be determined by the tota( length of continuous service in ail ciassified City
6. Civii Service Rule 26.IlI.B(Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations} shall not be used for
appeals of IS Job Family promotion examinations. Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the
attached pilot project document will be used.
7. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in
salary, shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS 7ob Fanuly levels defined in
the attached pilot pro�ect document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot
proiect document shall be followed. The applicable step mcreases therein may be granted in the
time frames set forth. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five year step increases as defined m
the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such employees subject to
the time frame limitations set forth in the applicable pilot pro�ect salary schedule.
I r` � " �'S - (.'�
subject to the time frame limitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule.
Furthermore, it is agreed that„ in the event of a layoff, affected IS and/or Water Utility employees in
classifications currently represented by AFSCME Local 2508, who as a result of init�al implementation
of this pilot pro'ect are promoted to positions in IS Job Family levels represented by Local Union 1842,
District Counci� 14, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFI,-CIO
(AFSCME Local 1842), the Professionat Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) or the Saznt Paul
Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the IS Job Family level represented by
AFSCME Local 2508, that coaesponds with their previously heid classification, and exercise applicable
contractual seniority rights. It is also understood that this stipulation also applies to any employees
represented by AF5CME Loca12508, who have appealed their initial position allocauons under the
pilot project and who, as a result of such appeals, aze promoted to pos�UOns represented by AFSCME
Local 1842, PEA or SPSO.
Finaily, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall not be used outside this pilot project to
set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. _
�c ��,..
man Resources Director
���A� ��
Local Union 2508
AFSCME, DistricY Council 14
���� � (��
Labor Re�tions Direct r
Busi ss Re ese ativ
Loca nio 508
AFS , stric Council 14
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2002 Memorandum of Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling
Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA)
hereby agree to ea�tend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of
the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regionai Water Services (SPRWS),
and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS 7ob Family classifications
designated as represented by PEA.
It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
and/or pilot project by 7uly 1, 2003.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
�l� �� ' ' � � /2 GZ
Human Resources Director
�.� 2 ,� �219z
Professional Employees Association, Inc.
Business Representative
Professional Empioyees Association, Inc.
G:lShazed�HRCOMMON�SHOCKI,EY�IS Reorgani�stionUS.PEAEatMOAfor.2002.wpd
�� �Y�
Memorandum of Agreement
In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A6, governing the implementation of Human
Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees
Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot
project described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paui Information Services
Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained
therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those employees of the
Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions
have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by PEA.
Furthermore, PEA and the City also agree to use the foliowing Civil Service Rules, as
modified, in the administration of this pilot project:
1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion
of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and res�onsibilities of
a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more.
Z. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment of the
affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project
document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions
had been previously allocated.
3. Civi1 Service Rule 14 (Promotion ltequirements) shall allow employees to enter an
examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one year in a classified
position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served
at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only
for exams used to detemune eligibles for vacancies in the IS Job Family System
outlined in the attached pilot project document.
4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of� shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in
their newly assigned IS 7ob Family level even though their former ciass, now inctuded
in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service
Rule 22 shali allow the ciass seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels
in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be deternuned by the total length of
continuous service in all classified City positions.
5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used
for appeals of IS Job Family promotion examinations Instead the appeals procedure
outlined in the attached pilot project document shalt be used.
'# O� _ �'
1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued
Page 2
6. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation goveming
advancement in salary, shall not appiy to employees in positions allocated to the IS
Job Family levels defined in the attached pilot project documenY. Instead, the salary
scheduIes contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The
applicable step increases therein may be granted in the rime frames set forth. Five, ten,
and fifteen year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation
shall continue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set
forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in
any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties.
� . l��}1
Human Resources Director
Professional Employees Association, Inc.
. ��-
Labor elations Director
.,,��.�� ��.
Business Representative
Professional Empioyees Association, Inc.
2002 Memorandum Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Information Services Reorganizarion and 7ob Family Modeling
Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO)
hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for employees of the
Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and
Public Health whose positions ha�e been allocated to IS 7ob Family classifications designated
as represented by SPSO.
It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
and/ or pilot project by 7uly l, 2003.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
;' �� �;��r���v�ti6�
Human Resources Director
I 1
����� ��
����}�u� ,
Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization
G:�Shered�FIRCOMMONVSHOCKLEY�IS Reorgani�ationVSPSO.ISM.MOAfor.2002.wpd
o � -��
o� _��
Memorandum of Agreement
In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A6, goveming the implementation of Human
Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors'
Organization (SPSO) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot
project described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services
Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project and agee that the stipulations contained
therein that affect terms and conditions of empioyment shall apply to those employees of the
Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions
have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by SPSO.
Furthermore, SPSO and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as
modified, in the admin"�stration of this pilot project:
1. Civil Service Rule 8.AZ (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion
of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of
a higher teve] IS Job Family position for six months or more.
2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles} shail allow for the appointment of the
affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project
document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions
had been previously allocated.
3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requiremeats) shall allow employees to enter an
examination on a promoaon basis after serving not less than one year in a classified
position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served
at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only
for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS Iob Family System
outlined in the attached pilot project document.
4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of� shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in
their newly assigned IS 7ob Family level even though their former class, now included
in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formally abolished. Aiso, Civil Service
Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels
in the IS 7ob Family System on the same date to be deternvned by the total length of
continuous service in ail classified City posirions.
5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Ezaminations) shall not be used
for appeais of IS Job Family promotion examinations Instead, the appeals procedure
outlined in the attached pilot project document shail be used.
1998 Memozandum of Agreement continued
Page 2
o� -t 3
6. Section F.1.(b) oft6e Salary Pian and Rates of Compeasation governing
advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS
Job Family levels in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the saiary schedu]es
contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The applicable step
increases therein may be granted in the tim� frames set forth. Five, ten, and fifteen year
step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to
apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitarions set forth by the
applicable pilot project salary schedule.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in
any way, a binding precedent oa either of the parties.
� '. ��j ,.
Human Resources Director
��� ;� ��(�---��
Labor elations Director
Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization
Business Representative
Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization