247198 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK . ����1.�� . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. `� ` OFF E OF THE CITY CLERK COUN I RESO TI -G NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �;iilliam �. Uarleon January 27, 1970 COMMISSIONE DATF �',�RFAS, Orclinance i�lo. 325U au-chorizes ancl pro�ides i or pa,,rn�ent for overti.;::e work, and 1"+flll��i<;AS, the Con�issioner of Yublic Safet�y has authorized overtii*ie zarork in his departirent (General .'idr.2inistration, Building i�aintenai�ce j durin�; the period from Januar�* 24, 1970 to February 6, 1970, therefore, be it R�;S'vl.Vk;D, �the proper Cit;,% oif icers are hereb=� authnrized to �y ��he em:�lo�reos vrho performed such overti��r,e work in accordaiice with the provisior_s of �rdinances I��o. 6446 and I�do. 3250. �AN 2 7 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays .�arls�n �i�l� �� ���'� Dalglish Approvec� 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor � C�,���.�. �_ �� Sprafka � Mayor Against ���� Tedesco i�='����� . .:s°: PUBi:iSHED JAN 31 1970 lvlr. V"ic� Pre�id�t (Petareon) � ` � � � OR(GINAL TO LrITY CLERK ��/�' /'S,�jq ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO• MLl a _0 � OFF�CE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI �RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY T�7]���M r;o �AI'�.S011` �� " / / COMMISSIONE ' '�" j - pArF Januar�r ?7, 1570 �'�F��AS, Ordinanco i�o. 325U au�horizos and provides for pa�,*�:�ont for overti:cs tivork, and '4�'13Ei2r:AS, the Cors�issioner of I'ublic Safoty has authorized OV'QI�tirrle i^rork �n his dopa�rtr�ent (General �ldrninistration, i3uildin� i�ir,tenanca) durir�� the poriod �rom J�r_us.r�T 24, 1S70 to Fobruary 6, 1970, •therefore, be it � R;ESGI�'t�D, the proper Cit� officors aro hereb�,� au��nDrized to pay �he er�plo�roos t�rho perforraed such ovoi•ti:«e xtorlti in accorYaun.ce b�ri�h the provisio;�s oi' Grdi.r�nces Iioa G�"r�'x6 and I�lo. 3250. ���� 2 7 1914 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .i�as].�nn ; �` �� � �, ��,� : . �„_.. , ,��; 4,;n i: Dalglish Approvecl 19—_ r- __ Meredith /- ' In Favor G.-" �_ � ;� ! r.,, / � P�t�teT o� , /�,�'��r ,� .�-�:-• _z, Sprafka � �/ Mayor A gainst '��n� Tedeaco I��:��',�es�rlen�;�3yrn��`�:` PIIBLISHCD Ja� 3 ], 1970 • i�ar. �ue 1're�e�s�nt (�etc�reon) ���n