247189 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK . � . � 24r� ■ �� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY � � �N - COMMISSIONE r DAT� RESOLVED, That A4iru�esota Plasti��, Inc. be and hereby is granted a, permi� to in�tall and op�rate a 53-car employee parking 1ot on property located on the northr�est corner of Sylvan Street and vacated West Haw�horne Avenue, rnore par- ticularly described a� followss �loek 2, Parker and Baileys �ut I�ots; �. all in aeeorclanae with plans dat�d Reeeived S�pte�ber �6, 1969;._, �ub�eet to the �ondition that said appli�ant-permittee, and its suceessors and assigns, shall make due complianee with a11 applicable prov3.a3.ons of munieipal o�di��ances, s�ate etatutes and rules and regulation� of p�zblie a�thorities havin� �ogr�izanae. `\ �ti � � a cg �5 � •� �o a `o�� a a. Q N , � �JAN � �� ���o �',� ��`�.._ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� � � ��.�o G�r�sorr" Dalglish � Approved 19— Mer� � Tn Favor -�/� � /1�,�� � Spra�k2 eJ 4 Mayor �Against ��N'����� Tedesco �� �'����"�:`�F PUSGISHED .lAN 3� �970 ,�y,;jrs Yre�i�ant (�ecersun) �O { BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL �`�J , �� 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 January 14, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the application of Minnesota Plastics, Inc. for a permit to install a 53-car employee parking lot. The property is located on the northwest corner of Sylvan Street and vacated West Hawthorne Avenue and is further described as: Block 2, Parker and Bailey's Outlots. The Board of Zoning considered this application at its regular meeting on November 6, 1969. The staff reported that the plan submitted meets the design standards and that the Traffic Engineer had reviewed the plan and had no objection to the proposal. The Board heard the objections to the proposal by the property owners in the vicinity. A petition was presented in support of the objections presented by those in attendance. The objections raised were the threat to health, welfare, and safety on the adjoining residential streets and the increase in traffic congestion on these local streets. Because of the strenuous objections raised and the absence of the applicant, the Board laid the matter over until December 4, 1969, to give Minnesota Plastics, Inc. an opportunity to be heard and to allow time for a further review of the proposal by the Traffic and Accident Section of the Department of Public Safety. On December 4, 1969, the staff presented the report of the Traffic and Accident Section which stated that the proposed location of the parking lot, adjacent to the work areas, was the best location and that the safest exit was via Sylvan Street to West Maryland Avenue which has traffic signals. The applicant, represented by Mr. James Jarvinen, stated that truck traffic in this area would be reduced when a new warehouse is completed. He also felt that employee parking should be as close to the building as possible. The opposing property owners again voiced their objections to the parking lot, expressing concern for the safety of children attending school, the increase in traffic congestion, and increased use of residential streets. After a period of discussion it was moved to again lay over the matter to enable the applicant and opposing neighbors to meet and present a plan agreeable to both parties. At the December 18, 1969, meeting the applicant reported to the Board that a meeting was held with the neighbors and a solution to the problem was reached that was agreeable to both parties. A new site plan was presented at this time. The staff reviewed the plan and suggested the plan be reviewed by the Traffic Engineer. Subsequently, the Board recommended approval of the application, subject to the approval of the Traffic Engineer, by a 5-0 vote. The Traffic Engineer has subsequently reviewed the revised plan and has recommended changes for the driveways to Sylvan Street. The applicant and one of the area residents has been notified of the requested changes . Ve�ry /t�uly yours, �;� r ` �� ��E'�,..f lC'rz,f����'�-l� -•_, G/.G�i! -�> PETER J. MAIETT� � Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf CLS Z.F. �k 6 8 78 � �� ,��,�� � ��,, �, � ao 1 : � City of Saint Paul, l�innesota �b , APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERII�IT C/�q� , (Please print or type) :�� ' . - . TO THE F�DNORABLE II�AYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 96 the City Clerk � � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to install and operate a new �cross one out) a FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : , No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (s�o�t) (employees) (�I�ooqaala0� (pil�tSppR�n!) (pmhil�) Capacity of parking Lot g3 �r� �(,��T�onr� , � To be used in connection with: ������� ��� � �ISCEI.I�AI�TEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Refreshmerit Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry CLean3ng Pick-up 3tation, Ice Ve�ttdor, etc.) Capacity of parkin� are�: . *Location : E. Side a�f Sylvsa b�lweea Hawthornp and N. P. Tracks Legal Description : � g� �A l�tinn��o#s Piastic+� 040-52 Appiicant's Name : ]�,�iaa►e�ota Plastics, Iac. Home or Office Address: 45 l�[�.rylaad Aveaue. Eaat Phone Number : 488•T241 FOR,/8 APPLICANT, � 6 Signature) (date) Aadress ; 45 E, l�arylsad Avoau� Phone No.: 488-TZ41 When completed: file three copies of this application form a�3d three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, Room 386, Citq Hall and Court House, Safnt Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXA�PLE: 1. S.E. corner of I�ain St. and First St. 2. 3outb side of Main S�. between First and Second St. �, � - . � ���� �� �� �� �� � • , , . . November 6, 1969 D�ARD OF ZONIN� REPORT AND. ACTION December 4, 1969 rlat Ma _ Dece�ber 18, 1969 P �32 ,,, Actins; under Le�?islative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 aissecl Au�;ust �2� 1922 as amonded to aprii 6� 1968 6g7g 9 : . ��'';�?_�t._�,t1T'S NA'1E ; Minne�ots Plsetica� Inc. 5923-4 3035 �. �.�..^:SSIFICA'fION : [� A�nd�tnt � Appeal �Permit �Other `'� 3• ���`��"���� : Inst�ll a 53-car employee p�rking lot 4 . L'X:ATION s North��at corner of Sylvan Street and W. Havthorne Avenue 5, GC�AL A�SCRIPTION : Block 2, Parker end �iley'a Outlata 6. P::�SI:IJT ZONINGs Lisht Induetry 7 • PU2SU�1'tT 1� Zoning Cods Chapt�r� 60 S�ction� .23(4) Parat�raph: �. STA['F INVESTIGI►TION C REPORTs Dat�t 10/29/69 Bys ATB A. HISTORY: This is the third expanoion of �n exiating parking lot. The last plans were approved oa 7/1/66. B. AREA ZONING: The edjacent •rea ia zoned induatrial, light and heavy, vith "B" Residence to the south �na tie�t. C. D�:SIGN STANDARD6: The •dditioa�l p�rkiq; art� �set� the de�ign otand�rda with bituminous aurfscing� �dequete •i�lt •p�c�, and drainase to the exiating stortn eewera. D, FROAITAGE AND A�.A: ?M nev ��ea 1wa a fr�nt�e of Y30 feet along Sylv�n Street � vith a depth of approximstely 250 feet retulting in an are� of 32,500 square feet. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: ThQ Traffic Engineer hae reviewed the proposed facility and recomnends approval with suggested changes in design of ingress and egress driveways . F. SITE CONDITIONS: Greund alopes from the induetrial buildings to the street. There are no unusual soil canditiona and the degree of alope is negligible. G. A1tEA CONDITIONS: Industriat properties to the north and east are the applicant 'e for this parking lot perwit; to the aouth a 17-unit apartment building; to the west are •ingle-fasily reoidencea. Council l,etter' 1 9. ��ARD ACTSON; To Recommond 1nlAprroval �Denial Dated 1/14/70 "loved by: Danna Ye�s Nays Date of ;{earin�; � X Ames 5econded by; Gauger Cohen 1/15/70 ! X Danna (Alt) Council Actfon � Gadler x GauAer Secretary' s remarkss x Maietta nate � Subject to the Traffic X htcPartlin (Alt) Engineer's report. Mansur (Alt) LEC,RL NOTICES ON '!'HE BACK OF TIIIS SHEET � �.-... �- . � /Y� 'i.. �� r�'R"'� ✓ ����!-!-� -. - � �e• 't �� .�-a _� � 1 " ' i 1 . � . � � � ` � 1 . "/� ; f � �, '", " . —�. , ,� J � � � _ � i ,� ,c, , r `�;, :��'/ ,rs,`"� � ; J' � ) , � r)�� '� �a,f, f Y � , i ' ��`^�~ J �' ';*, * . '1 .�."_'_ i 1 - ���� `"' ~ '.+'t,, /�-'. ' "�'` ) { ,� \ � � .. � � � �j * r` ' � � . . . `, , r "� � .�� �` "` ! � � ' '\ �I., ` \ ___ _—.—_ . ` J 5 � �:.` `�\� �\ '''� - _.o-�. ' � ; , - -�----.–T . J-- -- � , �AJ 1 �O � �lx \ V . '�� � \ � ! a � .L � �, �\� ;` ; I 1 � � : � �� ','� , 1 � I ,� ._�l:: Y � IY c��TNa QV� . � 1 , � �, � ; � i � , . � � �`'�c ,� , � � , ' ,� � �� ` a.\�r :� �v ; �.� I- 0 � —; ; � � �_ � � �, „ __ �. �' �x , ��� , � � ; , �. , I � I � . --- ,., \:: k ,;: r �.. �-� - �-=_��' �a! � r-+-�+� � ,����� ` ___.T.._.T .._T_�- � '� ' \ � �. ;G � , . ; , -�__ � � .�' �J G O O J � � � + � \'. �,�:" , ,� � � � � - --- -- -� , � . � � � � 1 � ``r�`� �RRN4E f ! � � m � i � � � Q 1 : ✓ � V' �� ' '�' � ' 1 � I y� ' �' � � � ��' • ' � � � . . 1 i__..+ '� ♦ , ,�' ,.�" � 1 � i'.:' , , i ,���._��_�,� J �---.._. -- r: -r - - ;�-a , . -r--- ��-_ -� � �— -�—r--,��-- �- --r-� _ �`�-�' �. -�r � � ' �.ir- ' NpJS��~�i O� J, c� , ;� C ! V ' `' � � � `�� Z � � � ���� ' � � , � awTac�NE �V �. ' ; :�:��!*�.-=-; -�:� r: =� �.— — — — � � , i O �,O � � .O O �L -r--��r-�-�-�-•--T--.--�.---.i.�.-*_, T-rT� ' ' i ' � � ,, , ��� �, � ; ' ' ' � ; � ' � i I i � � i ; ' � ' i ' , � � ; ' `.l ` `-_ = i \:%!� „���._._.�' - I, I �i� � ;_.,�4. ^ i i i I � , �f ' � ! ' I � :I �� I ' i � � �. �, � . ,. � � . i ��.�' +-�+ �� � I � / � ��)�� � � • � . � � � ' � � I', � I � � �i � ��_��_�___� .--- ` j •i..w: � t 1._. � � r i ' ' ' _ _ , + R 1 :. � E � � _�_� � ; � ; � � _ ._; :-� -r—'----T--?---r---- � , - � ' � 1 '���i' ! ; � �•• i b r r � � �-1 -�--r--r--1 ; , � ,,r ' � ; � I ' � • ; 1 i � � � '' � I � I ' � � � ,� `: ,�IG �.:� �; � �:�' i '_� � 'i'� ,� ' ; pi � ': ; � C�! '0 Q; � ' � j ' �;. `�' �' '� `� � ..; � io, � Q �o; G G ,. � � - -- ' I � i • � � � � ___.. � , ; � �� a � Y � A,.� p . Y ,, � ; . _ . . __ _ __ _ ._ - - y V � ' .� J L . ' `� . � 1 � �. • i � - . . _. , . ; � , �. - :... ; , ;,,� � � ', '��,�,'�;'.� n�c�_U;O I t'�i ' ' � j!� , ;[l:,'"l,'1��'� 1 r�� _ --- APPLICANT Minnesota P�asti�s, Inc.� L.EGEND PURPOSE Install a 53-car employee LAND USE parking lot O ONE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONING Light Industry -�- TWO-FAMILY PETITION SIGNERS � THREE-FAh�iLY FOUR- FAMILY , � MULTI-FAMILY FILE No. 6s�s NQRTH � • nCOMMERCIAL � n IN�USTRIAL u VACANT St. Paul Planning Boord, Date: 10�29�69 � property under considerotion , . . MII3UT�S OF' THE P"JBLIC RSARI1�tG BEFORK T� BQAR� OF' Zf�IdI�3� on Thursday, I�ovember 6, 1969, �� 2:00 P,M� PRESENT: Mesars. Ames, Coh�m, Danna, Gadle�r, and Maietta of the Board and Messrs. Browa sad Sorensom m�d NS�s. F�az��zpn of Che stmff. MINN$SOTA PLAS`TIC,Sz INC,: An applicaticen for � p�r�i.t to install a 53�car empl.oyee parking l.ot ou property Ioc.ati�d c� thc� north,�sst co,rn�r r�f Sylva� Stree+� and WesC Hawtaorne Avenue. 2�ix. �oreason s�rized the str�£f repoxt statin� ttzat p7.a�ss a�c�� r�quired design standerds an� tihe Tra�fic Engiaeer has reviecu�d �La� p�opoeed lot and r+�com�ends approval. T�ie grnund qlop�*s� from �h� indastx�sl bufldings tcs �he stxeet; but th�re are a�o unusa�l soil conditim�s and �h� cl�grc�e of slop� is negligib2.e. Industri+al gsroper�tf�s t� �:he nor�th ond east are the �pplican►:°s. To the aoa9:h 3.s a 17-ui�it �paztment building; �n th� wes� ar� si�a�;1�-£amily residences. The applicant was not pre�ent. Mr. Wa1Cer Aayde, 2��? Sy3.vau Stree�, sta�ed hi� opposition for ssfety �nd congeatioa� reasons. He sx�ic� about 3Q trucl;a de].zver c�i�,y �o the plant and feels the park�.ng lot �rou�lsl b� fine #.f �lsn�ed for ��;l�c�.B ��:reet, where �Ese employee cers �are parking n�a for wor�C. Bisc����a�. of t�he Bo�xd �x�d ob jectors followed, with the nei�hbors gxeaenting a p�tition fro�n additianaA opposing neighbors to the prapo�a�.o '.�he neighbors questio�a�� tt�e possioi:�fty of 1ocr�tfng the addit�onra� p�tr�sang a� th� n,r���t-eeast po��:ian o� �h� p;�op�rty. Mr. Cohen moved far a layover o� the uiatt�� until D�c�mber �S, 1969, �o give Min:a�sota Plastice aa opportun�t� to pre�en�: �heir �roros;�al, anci for �apt�ia Anderson of the �raf£ic and Accident SeC�fon tr� fnxrthe� rQV�.�w tl�� ��te plaan. Mr. �leiette seconded the �otion, which cr�rried �na�nir����.y. SubmiCted b5y: Colonel �.o So�ensan R��ext .*�,�, �Amea, Chsinnman -7- 1�IFNUTES ON TH8 PUBL�G HEARII�G BEFORE xHE BflARD 0� ZOtdING on Thursd�y, December 4, 1969, ae 2:OQ PoA10 PRESENT: riess�sa Ames� Cohen, Gadlers Gau�er, r�nd Maietta of the Board and � Messrso Brown and Sorenson and Mxs� Frantz�n of th� staffe N!INNESQ'Y:A �'LASTTGS, IP1C�.: A� applicaE:ion for � per.mit Co irstall a 53-car employee parkrng I.ot aR property lacnted on th� northe�sti corner oi SyZvan Street and West Hawthorne Avenu�. Mro Sorensoa stated ttaa� this natee� w�s laid over frcrm the November 6, 1969, meeting to enable the a�pli�ant to zneet with t�he neighbo�s and work aut their problems, �ince the applicasnt c�ras not present a�t Che meeting. The residenta felt a better design could b� �vorked out. The T�efffc snd �ccidenti Sectiaa of the Pol.ice Denartim�i�t m.ade a field insp�c�ion �nd � letter dated December 3e 1969, ind�.�ates thst tize safese exit wa�ld be �Ji� SyZvan Stre�t to Mary2�nd Avez�ue, with tcxaffic �i�al.,;o sf Che psrtcing is too mu�h to the norch, the employees o£ A:innesot� Plas�ics w�uld probably uye the reafdential streeta for on-str�et prarki.n� ra�her t�±au use �he psovided pszkin� lat which would be too grea� � disr_ance Yo w�Its,, I:ro Soren.an �tated �h�{.: Che '�'raff�c Er�gii,eer also feels tha� the �Arking lot, �s praposec�, is the 1-,esr: 1QCat•ion for �dc3xtion�Z parking, Mro Jr�mes J�xvi.nen., rep.:�senting �he �pplicax�t� s�atec� tter+t the compgny fa now caLled A1�SG�0 Ch�ica�.se Appr�ximstely 400 etaployees work there; he feels the lot shoald be as close to the building as poss�ble. Diost uf tne truck traffic on S3�lvan �treet �r�ii1 �e el�.tci�.st�d bec�use tliey are be�i.�.ding anothets warehouse esst of Abell Street. Mro W�lter Hayde, 1247 SyYt�ar� Stre�rc, p�e�en�ed a petitioca fram �5 peopl� apposing this parkin� lot; �h�� hsve �ncsugh truck:� �n the exe� wfthout sendin� more trucks onto their street. Mr�o Wa3.t�r Hayde not�d ttin� i£ this paikL�.g 3.ot is inat�ll�d„ �n ag��stnle�t buflding will. be disturb�d. 5he �s conce�ed taiCta Ch� number of cars o�. the �hree blocks-- appgoxiuiately �350 per dr�y. Safe�y of the citi�.dxen is also � factor. Mr�, Sheldos� Hoff�-��, 62 �Ie3e Hawtt�orne, ssid sh� will n_ot let her children go to achooi when they �re supposed �o l�a�ause �f the number c�f cara from the f�ctary, Mrs, Hayde said tl-eey +��?1 uot be a�Ie to get aut o£ t�eir driveway �.n �r.e mornings, becau�e of the slc�w �ra�fic s��n�3. an Sylvan St�.eet, Mr� Gadler moved £nr at3 ad��¢i_ona�. layov�x to eYi.�t�ta� the ag��i�cant ,�nd i:'r►e opposicag n�ighbors to ge� tcsgetE��r a:aci �;csxk out an a�z�!�able ��.sn. 't-ir. Gauger. s�can.ded the mor.i�n, eahich ��rri�d by n �s-i ��ot^, i,rith �:�„ 3:�d31Pt�t1 c�b��ctir.g. �'t-�� c�exti aRee�ing 3.s sctieduled fux' U�c�:aber. 2P, 1.9b�'. Submitt�ed by: :.oior►eI Z., Sore�sot� �tober� �Lo AmES, Ci�sirman ..g_ i•SINI���:S �� T�I1F 1'jJBLIG HEEiRING BLr'���c� '��iE �Ut�.�.�� ?;��' ��?N fNG czt: Th.u?`s��c,�;�, 1�er_l.mbtl �8, 193<<, �ti �:i;�J l'�2-�:. 1�'.15:>:�i<i ,,..JSi':.. �=1!`.:!?S, 1,'<af:T:3� �ii]I1�E1Z'y Z�C�bI::�L'LI?._ Zt7U �`fl�:Lt-''l:L.t't, �7� tf:�° 73�ard c"i[1C� ..��__�........_ il?�'u5'.��, �Y:V�Tfl iuild ciC�T£.':1SVT1 31itj �'f.l"S. �Yc�l�ti'LEil O� l:1lP. u:.':d��. .��1Ei�' � S3�i':. _L,1�`;'yj{ �' _...����'..._ �',�'i �ti�jj_i.l':c7t5.c��E1 ?.J� .: r��,_':"l�:l � i:u 1Ff.=t£e�.3. F.� '��C�7C E:l;r���:'F' �,'�l"Y:e:",b�_�.Cl.'� 'w+� °t.'.��=tY,..�'_",:j% l_oca2e�*i �L2 iii��?. 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T�:. 8i1:{ �C'V�'e'_t"tSJi'. t77: ��1�' :i��:L�" �U;:��iii?t3 [l„�>i _.it? ?'!C"'vd S:t(:E iJiF:?i EjllL'111g _..ir'. TtGi:'.1:11'it�. ,`t�° :r'}:.�lr±� u".'r'�u'E�::t:�.-'t3 i:�?.:� !:�t� �).�_2lat �_'rF? 'i:�'. ,:_f°i�rt:'l� ��';7 .`,d'tL? �.��.°a:i:fi'� t'�i�j;?.il-;:F:�•. t•i't. ,. J)�'iSCl:i 1:1•�VtCr �5:�._ c� 3"ilY'C�•,c'?.. tJ� �tzt: (?C.`T'Eti1'C , SV.��,jtiCi.� ._f; �i1�� c'�I3T�..+'i:Ct'�ao�. ��X: tli£' )_ <.._i�l: f:�[�`'� ..:G':"I;. !.'.. o �+cai�.r;':_'r .,�:C,G�?�,k?G° _.1€'. F�"!il::<S:: . r.. �_+�I:] r::�:�rT'ltr.'i� qiF7.E3Ik?iTlSS(AS'Lve _a.._�:f'i.F'::�<� , . t.✓: f:"_i:'�. i_.� ���C+}�£.' .�j�=_, T�.!.."::-E. ,. ,,.� i I'.a?,°".. �L��1.3:.i":V.BP. •�._ City Clerk � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 January 2, i970 File X$06, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the Cf:ty of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on January 15, 1970, on the application of Minnesota Plastics, Inc. for a permit to in- stall a 53-car ewployee parking lot on Block 2, Parker and Bailey's Outlots. The property is located on the north side of vacated East Hawthorne Avenue between Sylvan and Abell Sts. For further information contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151. JAMES J. DALGLISH Coumnissioner of Finance O City ot Saint Paul, �innesota � APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT i� ' (Please print or type) TO THE IiI�NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY OOUN+CIL /�/� 9� tbe City Clerk �`, l.' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota / Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING 5TATION ',�.+ No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (-�s) (employees) (�� ( ) Capacity of parking lot 53 cars E�AvoiT►on�p �- To be used in connection with: Manafacturing Plant � MISCELI,ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Veador, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location ; E. Side of Sylvan between Hawthorne and N. P. Tracks Legal Descriptioa : $�t � ��g Minnesota Plastics 040-52 Applicant's Name . Minnesota Plastics, Inc. Home or Office Address: 45 Maryland Avenue, East Phone Number , 4ti�3-7241 FOR✓BY I� APPLICANT, /��� Signature) (dat ) Address . 45 E. Maryland Avenue Phone No.: 488-7241 When completed: file three copies of this applicatioa form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, Citq Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. • , � '� � — � s J '� ���"�'.' � � '� � i ' t� ,'�� I F- I � � �� � � —..._. ,,,,�_ np� � �� � �G C7 ---_..�---_ _ _� �. �-J � �� Y S`C RE�T ---- _-------r � ��' �'� a . � � � ��, �- u� '�' " w —__�._� � .-.�----�r----�- � � Z ,�Y�``��_��/' , {„L. ,� � . , i � � . � � . � '�; `-- -' `-- �' `� � ° � �-.� m � r L� � � � � � � � v' �� - � wm.� _" � 1 . � � � �� �� �G� � . � �' � � . � r���' J�� �. /• � 1 � ',� "�-' � � . � N ____ _ t�-�-� � �.�\ � . _ � � � i - �� � f� � � � — \ ..r, ��,. � � ��, _ , o , � �� ,.�� ;� ...._ ; �� . 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